How to choose a perfect Linux guide

Linux has been around for more than a few years now, but it is still far away from really sticking it to Microsoft and their operating system, Windows which is still the most common operating system found on computers worldwide. However, no one can deny that Linux is gaining in popularity with each day and that more and more people are seeing the many advantages that it has over its much more popular competitor. More precisely, people are discovering the freedom that they were never given with Windows, the very obvious financial aspect of the whole free operating system thing as well as the ability to modify your operating system to your needs, all on your own. Of course, all of this means that Linux is much more complicated to work with and that you will probably need a Linux guide just to get you started. In this article, we will let you know how to choose wisely and get the best help you can get.

First of all, you will need to determine how much help you actually need. For instance, if you are a complete newbie to the world of Linux, you might need a Linux guide that will start from the very beginnings, explaining to you the basic terms and the basic ideas behind this operating system. However, if you already know a thing or two about it and if you have had some experience with Linux previously, you might look for a Linux guide that is meant for more advanced users.

Depending on your previous knowledge of Linux, you will also be looking for a Linux guide that uses terminology that you will be comfortable with. There is nothing worse than getting a guide on anything that starts off with a sentence in which the only words you recognize are verbs and particles. It is best that you check it out beforehand before you actually buy it.
Of course, you will want to learn more about the Linux guide before you actually get it and one of the best ways to do this is to check out communities dedicated to this operating system.

This is where people get together and discuss their operating system as well as different Linux guides for beginners. You will get very insightful facts there and these insights might actually help you make your choice.
Furthermore, you might even be able to find Linux guides that you will not have to pay for. Namely, the entire idea of Linux is for it to be free and available to everyone. It is because of this that you will be able to find guides written by people who wanted to share their knowledge of this operating system for free. These can come in form of blogs, instructional videos and other forms of Linux guides that will help you get a hang of this operating system that will allow you to finally get rid of annoying Windows.