International Outreaches

Where we’ve been (in red)
Where we’ve been (in red)

Since 1987, Harvest Ministry has shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ all across the globe: winning souls, loving orphans, equipping nationals, serving churches,... [Read more]

More about International Outreaches...


H.M.F.I. News: Serving Churches
H.M.F.I. News: Serving Churches

An important outreach of Harvest Ministry is SERVING CHURCHES (primarily remote village churches), through a mission called “H.M.F.I. –... [Read more]

More about National Evangelism Team Support...

Loving Orphans

More about our Orphan Ministry
ORPHAN NEWS: God’s Provision for WATER!!!
ORPHAN NEWS: God’s Provision for WATER!!!

An Urgent Need for Water . . . We are thrilled to share an exciting report of God’s provision! Recently, Harvest Ministry had an urgent need... [Read more]

Orphan News: Guma’s Secondary School is Growing!
Orphan News: Guma’s Secondary School is Growing!

Good News from Guma . . . At Guma Na Yesu (Keep With Jesus) Children’s Center, in Uganda, East Africa, the new Kingdom Vocational Secondary School... [Read more]

Loving ORPHANS: “Daos” (one little boy)
Loving ORPHANS: “Daos” (one little boy)

Over the next few months, we want to introduce you to some of the awesome kids who are being cared for through the orphan outreaches of Harvest Ministry.... [Read more]

NEW Secondary School Opens at GUMA NA YESU
NEW Secondary School Opens at GUMA NA YESU

Exciting things are happening at Harvest Ministry’s Guma Na Yesu in Uganda, East Africa. This week, a new Secondary School is launching for the... [Read more]

More articles about Loving Orphans...

Mission-Minded FAMILIES

More about Mission-Minded FAMILIES ...
Mission-Minded Passports
Mission-Minded Passports

Are you considering international travel, or taking a family mission trip? If you want to be a part of God’s Great Commission (Matthew 26:19... [Read more]

Raising REAL MEN for God
Raising REAL MEN for God

Today’s world desperately needs REAL MEN; and as mission-minded parents, we need to do our part to raise our boys to make a difference for God’s... [Read more]

Where in the World . . . is Peru & Bolivia?
Where in the World . . . is Peru & Bolivia?

What a fun way to learn about the world! Right now, our oldest son is traveling all over the world on a global adventure. As a mission-minded homeschooling... [Read more]

George Müller: Trusting God for Daily Bread
George Müller: Trusting God for Daily Bread

During the 1800s, missionary George Müller cared for thousands of orphan children in Bristol, England. He also traveled over 200,000 miles (by ship)... [Read more]

More articles about Missions & Your Family...

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