Kanada Laboratory home page
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-th visitor since 2-nd of November 2005 (original counter was
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the counter on 23-rd of October 2005 by the accident), counter reset date.
Kanada laboratory is a part of
Graduate School of Engineering,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems,
Computing and Communication Systems Course,
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan,
located in
Computer Centre, The University of Tokyo.
Information is available on the following topics.
Laboratory Information
Currently publicized PI record (latest record of more than 1 trillion digits.)
Japanese article which contains the information of latest pi record was already publicized in the book (ISBN4-535-60231-X) of the Journal of Mathematical Culture with index.
Following two links are for getting statistical results for the pi digits sequence analysis up to more than 1 trillion (hexa)decimal digits.
Our PI Archives via FTP (Addition of the Mac OS/X super_pi program : 3-rd of September, 2003. Addition of the super_pi programs for the BSDI BSD/OS, X68 Linux OS, Itanium Linux OS and SGI IRIX OS : 7-th of September, 2003. Addition of the super_pi programs for the Compaq Alpha OS, Sun Sparc Solaris OS and HP-UX OS : 27-th of September, 2003. Addition of the super_pi program for the FreeBSD OS, Power3 AIX OS and Alpha Linux OS : 28-th of September, 2003. Distribution of the dedicated super_pi programs for the IBM Power4 based OS, Athlon Linux based OS, Opteron Linux based OS and other major scalar processors are planned to be started in the future.)
Members only
Any questions regarding Kanada laboratory should go to
zk12 (at) www.super-computing.org.
Last update: 2010/8/10