TCDC’s main design hasn’t been updated since 2004-5 (maybe 2006) when I moved from b2evolution to WordPress. I was a little (okay, a LOT) overdue. Everyone who knows me knows that I’m a minimalist – less clutter, slimmer look, etc….hence, the current design. It’s dark on purpose. Your eyes get ‘screamed at’ by pages with tons of light colors (white, yellow, light blue and green especially). I made this darker on purpose so your eyes could rest a bit while reading. I been meaning to have a Facebook link, twitter, and some more stuff. Now I do. I’m carefully [ Read More ]
Been doing some video in between writing.
Scripture was written in different genres. Most people miss this fact when they approach it, which is why some of them have such a hard time trying to understand what scripture is teaching or attempting to communicate at different places. That is to say, there are some parts that are written as instructional literature (Leviticus, Colossians) where step-by-step directions were given, or direct commands to do one thing and not another. Some were written as narrative (1 & 2 Samuel, Acts, the Gospels) where a story was being told to the reader and events were being related. There is also prophetic [ Read More ]
So this scan of an excommunication letter has been making its’ way around the internet for the past few days (literally – gone viral in 24-48 hours). What’s interesting is the responses I’ve read to it. Having been close to most of my pastors in my life, this letter isn’t a big shock to me – but apparently, even to some professing Christian folks, this letter is (supposedly) rude, shocking and unexpected. I’ve commented a few times: the only people whining and complaining about the letter are people whose churches don’t practice church discipline and/or they haven’t read their bibles. [ Read More ]
A few weeks back while prepping to teach alongside Mike (Expositor) at Fourth Friday Fundamentals, this passage rocked me a bit (in a good way): 18 ”If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 20Remember the word that I said to you: ’A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they [ Read More ]
Quick thoughts on Kim Kardashian, gay marriage and…..marriage.
I blogged a few days back on my personal blog about the current lack of time I’m dealing with and how it’s made me a bit disappointed in the amount of work I’ve NOT been able to put in on LDM and TCDC. On Saturday (the day before my birthday), Tim Challies blogged about his consistent blogging streak – 8 years exactly without a day missed. Looking at the blogsphere and how it’s developed over the years, TCDC has been left in the dust quite a bit – I don’t consistently put up new material here like I used to. [ Read More ]
Over the years, the same questions on reformed theology keep coming up – including, but not limited to questions on the warning passages (which I’ve covered already in posts 121 and 135), a few historical questions (i.e. did John Calvin burn Servetus at the stake and use green wood to make it last longer, Jonathan Edwards was a slave owner so he couldn’t have been a Christian, etc….) and various theological questions regarding the doctrines of grace. Well, after years of referring folks to Monergism, GOL, Ligionier, The Sovereignty of Grace, etc…. I’m finally writing up my own series. Eventually, [ Read More ]
As usual, during the summer, my writing tends to pick up….not so much this year. Lots of personal moves and things going on, so I’m not writing as much. But I do have plans for TCDC. I have a few more videos in the pipeline (most of them already recorded – just need to edit them). Other than that, time for me to ditch this 2004 design and upgrade the look of the site. THAT has been a long time overdue. Stay tuned…. -KG
Part 1. Part 2 is linked at the end of this video.