Sildenafil HowTo

How does Sildenafil work and how to take it

Sildenafil citrate – mention this drug name to a random man on the street and he’ll have no idea what you are talking about, but trust me, it’s marketed name is well known all over the world. Sildenafil is one of the generic Viagra marks that help men treat their erectile dysfunction issues, and it’s got a pretty good track record for this kind of medical product.

It’s been estimated that there are about 150 million men from all over the world that are having problems with their sex life. Lack of libido and sexual desire, impotence, premature ejaculation – all of these things can ruin a man’s fun, but the scientific progress over the last few decades has made it much easier for us to handle problems like that, and Sildenafil is one of the solutions found by scientists.

Sildenafil comes in the form of a pill with three different dosages – 20mg, 50mg and 100mg tablets that you take about one hour before having sex. It’s recommended that you take it on an empty stomach, not directly after lunch for it to be able to achieve maximal effect.

How does Sildenafil actually work? To know that, you need to know about how erection works. Penile erection happens when the penis is engorged with blood. That’s right, there are no bones in boner, it’s all about blood pressure and muscles keeping it erect. Some drugs handle the erectile dysfunction issues by regulating the blood flow, but Sildenafil takes a different approach – making sure that the erection you achieve stays around for much longer. It does that by regulating PDE5 enzyme (phosphodiesterase-5 enzyme), an enzyme that works as a muscle relaxant that body produces naturally at the same time the erection happens, it’s an enzyme that helps the penile muscles relax. By inhibiting this enzyme you make sure that you increase your staying power by a fair part, but this kind of magic bullet pill does have it’s negative sides. First of all, it will not help you achieve an erection, it’s there to make sure your erection stays active. Second, it’s got it’s side effects – one man in ten reported headaches and dizzy spells, while far fewer men reported stomach problems, diarrhea and nausea. Also, this drug should definitely not be combined with other drugs, especially if you are on medication that is related to heart issues.

It is quite possible to purchase Sidenafil online, after all, it’s just another brand of Viagra, and it’s low cost is making it pretty popular, but just like purchase in a drug store, online purchase at an authorized company means you have to provide your prescription – this brand of generic viagra has to be recommended by a doctor before you can put it to use.

Sildenafil: The man’s pill

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Sildenafil vs. natural ED products

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Why you should use Sildenafil

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Sildenafil: how can it help you?

There was a time when erectile dysfunction and impotence were a real problem with no apparent cure. But gladly these days are over. Since 1998, there is a new drug on the market that can help with that problem, called Sildenafil.  Under the brand name Viagra, Sildenafil helps with [...] Continue Reading…