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Some of you may now be thinking that they are going to read a testimonial written by a 12-year old. Do not worry, I am a full grown man and I want to let as much people as possible know that ADHD is not only a condition that affects children and adolescents. In fact, some scientists say that about 12% of adults are living without ADHD, many of which do not even know that they are suffering from this condition. I am one of the lucky ones who know what the problem is and who are getting it fixed. However, it wasn’t always like this.
It is an understatement of the century to say that I wasn’t good at school I did pretty much every grade twice. However, living in a small town and being from a blue collar family, no one even dreamed that there was something wrong with me. I was simply considered not too bright, destined to do manual job for the rest of my life. In fact, when I finally managed to finish high school, after years of bad grades and troubles on every corner, I even tried enrolling to the local community college.
And the weirdest things was that I managed. However, it went even worse than high school. I simply couldn’t sit still for more than 10 minutes, which is pretty much the prerequisite for doing anything in college.
I guess I had enough sense to give it up after no more than three months. I got a job as a night watchman at the local depot and it was a job I could actually do. No one was around and I could do anything I want, as long as I was there. I would bring a basketball with me, a BB gun for chasing off stray cats. I would keep myself busy, as there was no way I could sit still and do nothing.
In addition to this, I was never quite able to have a long relationship with the ladies. I guess no girl wants to be ignored most of the time, with her boyfriend looking around and paying as little attention as humanly possible. My life was as erratic as a life can get. I would constantly miss on any appointments I had, I would have troubles organizing my life in any respect.
However, I guess it was my time to catch a break. I met this guy; a friend of my sister’s who was a psychiatrist. He was a cool enough guy and I got to talking with him. I told him my life story, mostly because we had already knocked back half a bottle of bourbon and then he told me that it was quite possible I am suffering from ADHD, in fact, that I have been suffering from the condition my whole life. He told me to go visit this specialist and I did. I managed to make that appointment.
The specialist ran a dozen tests in order to rule out other conditions that might result in the same symptoms as ADHD and when those results came back negative and when I told him about my childhood, there was no doubt anymore. I had ADHD. Have had it the whole time. He started me off on Ritalin and it was the beginning of my new life.
In less than a week, I discovered that I could concentrate much better. I started paying attention and after a while I could sit still for hours, which had been something unheard of for me. However, the Ritalin treatment, no matter how beneficial and how crucial, was just the beginning. I had to learn stuff that resulted from my condition. I had to learn to organize my life much better. It took years, all the whole with the help of Ritalin, without which I simply do not know how I would have made it.
Today, I am leading a normal, healthy life. I have a girlfriend of three years now, we are thinking about getting married. I got a much better job and I am even thinking of trying enrolling into college once more. It is difficult, but Ritalin helps greatly.