Can HGH supplements really help you lose weight fast?
01 July 2012HGH supplements have made quite a stir recently. They have caused such a commotion in some circles that some people have started calling them “fountain of youth” supplements. But do HGH supplements work as well as people say that they do? And what is it that they do exactly. There is a lot to take into consideration. And before you can know how HGH can help you achieve the goals you want to achieve, you first have to know what HGH is exactly.
HGH stands for human growth hormone, and that is what it is – a hormone that is very vital in the human growth process. Naturally, HGH is most important when you are a child and you are growing into your adult body. That is when the body is producing the most HGH. HGH in naturally produced by the pituitary gland. However, once you reach a certain age, and that age is usually around 30, your body stops making HGH in larger amounts. That is because the body has recognized that you no longer need the HGH to grow, and the amount that is being produced naturally decreases for that reason.
It is no coincidence that you start feeling the effects of aging more rapidly and obviously once your body decreases the amount of HGH that it is making. Therefore, the theory behind HGH supplements is that if your body continues to get the same amount of HGH that it was getting when you were young, your body will behave as it did when you were younger. Another thing that is not a coincidence is the fact that you start gaining weight a lot easier when you hit about the age of 30. Your metabolism really starts to fail you at this age usually. You usually notice at this age that you have a much easier time gaining weight and a much harder time losing it. Your metabolism is not as fast as it was when you were younger and you have to work much harder to take off the pounds than you used to. This is all normal and natural. And this also has a lot to do with the fact that the amount of HGH being produced has decreased significantly. This has a great effect on your metabolism, and it slows down your metabolic rate as well.
That is one of the main reasons why you have a problem losing weigh the older you get. HGH supplements can help with that. HGH supplements will increase the speed of your metabolism, and it will also help you with your workouts and whatever else you are doing to lose weight. HGH supplements will give you more energy and strength, and they will get your body feeling younger as well.
For losing weight, most people recommend HGH releasers over synthetic HGH supplements. It is not only a safer route, because you are getting natural HGH being produced by the pituitary gland, but it is also a much cheaper option as well.