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What is XEmacs?

XEmacs is a highly customizable open source text editor and application development system. It is protected under the GNU Public License and related to other versions of Emacs, in particular GNU Emacs. Its emphasis is on modern graphical user interface support and an open software development model, similar to Linux. XEmacs has an active development community numbering in the hundreds, and runs on Windows 95 and NT, Linux and nearly every other version of Unix in existence. Support for XEmacs has been supplied by Sun Microsystems, University of Illinois, Lucid, ETL/Electrotechnical Laboratory, Amdahl Corporation, BeOpen, and others, as well as the unpaid time of a great number of individual developers.

Web and FTP hosting graciously provided by Sourceforge and tux.org as well as many world-wide FTP site and Web site mirrors.

Website Mirrors

As a common saying goes: Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.

XEmacs Website Mirrors exist on following continents. Pick the continent where your internet service provider resides, which is not always the continent you may sit on. This is most likely to matter when you work for an international company with no local internet connection.

America . Asia . Australia . Europe

Current XEmacs Core Releases

Problem reports and requests for enhancement may be filed at the new XEmacs issue tracking system.

XEmacs 21.4 has been promoted to stable, and the XEmacs 21.1 series has been retired. For those with classic taste, these historical releases are still available. We will continue to support, at a lower level, 21.1 users. See the announcement of 21.4.12 for details.

Stable branch:
Beta branch:

Current XEmacs Package Releases

See the Quickstart Package Guide for information about the XEmacs package system. It is a feature differentiating XEmacs from GNU Emacs by allowing us to deploy bug fixes and enhancements of our lisp packages on a separate, usually faster, schedule than core XEmacs releases.

Official Release:

XEmacs Community News

We've moved the XEmacs source code (and the source code of the packages and the website) to Bitbucket. See this page for details.

XEmacs joins the 21st century with a new issue tracker. The User Guide is available online.


Thank you, Siam Web Hosting, for mirroring the XEmacs website. http://xemacs.siamwebhosting.com/ is located in Chicago IL.


Thank you, http://centurionhosting.net/, for joining the happy flock of XEmacs website mirrors with theirs, serving the Czech Republic!


FKtPp and his friend have set up an XEmacs FTP Site mirror at ftp://ftp.cn.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/. XEmacs users in China now have a "local" mirror to download from! Thank you, FKtPp!


digimirror of the Netherlands have created mirrors of the XEmacs Website at http://xemacs.digimirror.nl/ and the XEmacs FTP Site (HTTP access only!) at http://xemacsftp.digimirror.nl/. Thanks a lot!


Max Bear adds a website mirror, http://xemacs.site2nd.org/, in Texas, USA, and might followup with a ftp site mirror as well. Thank you!

is.xemacs.org is taking some time off, but will return before long.

We now have a functional primary FTP mirror in the US again (http://ftp.us.xemacs.org/pub/mirrors/xemacs/). We're grateful to www.ibiblio.org, a collaboration of the Center for the Public Domain and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, for filling the gap.

We have a functional primary FTP mirror in the UK again (http://ftp.uk.xemacs.org/sites/ftp.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/). Thanks to the University of Kent UKMIRROR service (http://www.mirrorservice.org/).

FTP mirrors ftp.pl.xemacs.org and sunsite.sut.ac.jp have not been functional for a while and have now been removed.


pctools.cl starts mirroring the XEmacs Website for our Chilean users at http://www.cl.xemacs.org/. ¡gracias!


Germany has another website mirror, http://xemacs.linux-mirror.org/ since November 2006. Thank you, VSS GmbH.


Users in Greece will be glad to hear the University of Crete is now providing an XEmacs website mirror and ftp site mirror. The next beta release of XEmacs with also know how to download packages from this mirror site. Thank you, University of Crete, for joining our growing list of XEmacs mirror sites!


Thanks to Internet Services Unit Saudia Arabia gets an XEmacs website mirror and ftp site mirror.


The Belarusian mirrors are bringing http://www.by.xemacs.org/ into existence. Thanks for bringing XEmacs closer to our friends in Belarus.


We recently got notified about a German XEmacs website mirror, which as been in operation since November 2006. Thank you, Michael Weber, for operating http://xemacs.online-mirror.de/!


Ukraine gets its own XEmacs web-site mirror (http://www.ua.xemacs.org/), thanks to the "Ukrainian mirrors" project.


Today OSMirror of the Netherlands announces its mirroring support of the XEmacs ftp site (http://ftp.nl.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/) and web site (http://www.nl.xemacs.org/) and we thank them for that.


On December 19 2005 Mirrorgeek.com starts mirroring of the XEmacs website, which makes it our first website mirror in North America. Thank you, Mirrorgeek!


The XEmacs Development Team is pleased to announce a native Windows installation kit for XEmacs-21.4.19, "Constant Variable", the most recent of the stable XEmacs releases.

Please consult InnoSetup-Download for your nearest download location.

The original announcement is also available.


A new XEmacs website and ftp mirror is provided by HKMirror (http://www.hkmirror.org/), strengthening our accessibility in Asia. The XEmacs project thanks HKMirror.org for their support!


We have a new Carbon (ie, native GUI) port of XEmacs to Mac OS X! Thanks and kudos to Andrew Choi, whose work on the Mac OS X port of GNU Emacs is well-known and highly praised. The port is still experimental and available only as a 3rd-party patch as of today, but a binary package is planned, and discussion is underway as to how to best support Andrew's work and prepare it for merge to mainline.

The patch and installation instructions are available at Andrew's XEmacs page. Bug reports for Andrew should go to the newsgroup comp.emacs.xemacs for now, but discussion of the port is also occurring on the xemacs-beta mailing list.


Please join me welcoming back newly refreshed http://www.de.xemacs.org/ and newly added http://www.xemacs.neoscientists.org/, both of Germany. Thank you, http://xemacs.maussner.net/ and http://www.neoscientists.org/!


XMundo Network Solutions sets up mirroring of the XEmacs FTP area and website, which makes it our first website mirror and second FTP mirror in South America. Thank you, XMundo!


Thanks, Myrkraverk, for providing the official XEmacs mirror in Iceland, both for the http://ftp.is.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/ (FTP area) and http://www.is.xemacs.org/ (website) services!


Unnoticed by global media, IRC channel #xemacs, hosted by freenode.net, has been officially registered on 28 April, 2004. Please use it to discuss development issues requiring developer interaction. One of the most popular IRC clients in the Emacs community is ERC (already an XEmacs package).


Thanks to Dr. Volker Zell the package XEmacs is now available with the Cygwin distribution. See http://www.cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-announce/2004-01/msg00014.html for his announcement.


The XEmacs Project notes with sadness the untimely passing of J. Pitts Jarvis, III, of Palo Alto, CA. Jarvis was responsible for the ports of XEmacs 19.14 to MacOS 8, and of XEmacs 21.5.9 to Mac OS X (the "Carbon" branch). We will miss his presence as we integrate his work.

His family has posted an obituary and a photograph.


Due to a shortage of resources ftp.sk.xemacs.org had to discontinue their services. Anybody wanting to fill the gap, please read How to become a mirror of the XEmacs FTP site.


XEmacs gets a new primary mirror in Taiwan (website, FTP site, and http site). Thank you, National Sun Yat-Sen University!


XEmacs gets secondary mirrors in Ireland (website and FTP site) and Spain (website). XEmacs thanks HEAnet and es.sytes.net!


XEmacs gets an official FTP mirror ftp://ftp.pt.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/ and website mirror http://www.pt.xemacs.org/ in Portugal. Thank you, Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR)!


XEmacs 21.4 has been promoted to stable, and the XEmacs 21.1 series has been retired. Support for 21.1 users continues, at a lower level. See the announcement of 21.4.12 for details.


Our thanks go out to CICT (Centre Interuniversitaire de Calcul de Toulouse) today for becoming our French XEmacs website mirror (http://www.fr.xemacs.org/) and secondary XEmacs FTP mirror of France (ftp://mirror.cict.fr/xemacs/).


KREONET (Korea Research Environment Open NETwork) has been the Korean XEmacs FTP mirror for some time and has now established a Korean XEmacs website mirror, http://www.kr.xemacs.org/. Thanks for mirroring us, KREONET!


The Spanish XEmacs website mirror at http://www.es.xemacs.org/ joins the crowd. Our thanks go out to http://xemacs.alminares.net/ for mirroring us.


Peter Brown, our new website sidekick, sets up a Namazu search engine for the XEmacs website. Indexes get updated on each and every commit to the website. Mailing lists remain searchable separately via their own interface.


Thanks to maussner.net XEmacs has a website mirror in Germany at http://www.de.xemacs.org/ as of today.


The XEmacs CVS repository at SunSITE.dk is browsable via newly installed ViewCVS 0.9.2 in its own domain at http://cvs.xemacs.org/


Although GTK is still classed as experimental because the core team has insufficient time to devote to it, Les Schaffer is coordinating efforts to improve the support. Visit his GTK XEmacs bugs page (it disappeared between June and October 2004) for more information. Thanks, Les!


All XEmacs CVS modules, among other projects, can now be browsed via cvsweb (upgraded to ViewCVS access on 2002-01-16) at the Anonymous CVS Repository at SunSITE.dk. See also Service Issue 8. Details about CVS repository access are still in flux, but documentation in Develop/cvsaccess.html and Develop/packages.html will be kept in sync with reality.


The xemacsweb CVS repository is moved from http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/xemacs/xemacsweb/ at SourceForge (which is no longer updated) to repository at SunSITE.dk to make automatic website updates work again. See also Service Issue 6.


Europe gets its own directly updating XEmacs website in Denmark, www.dk.xemacs.org.

This new service is brought to us by SunSITE.dk. It updates automatically within minutes from CVS commits to the website sources.

This complements the services provided by www.xemacs.org and www.us.xemacs.org, which both live in the USA.


XEmacs 21.4.0 "Solid Vapor" is released. See the Announcement for details.


Infodock, the industrial-strength IDE built on XEmacs, has now opened a SourceForge project. The current release of Infodock, 4.00.08, is based on XEmacs 21.1.


The final release date for XEmacs 21.4 has been fixed for April 15th; see the Release page for details.


The code base currently called ``XEmacs 21.2'' is now scheduled for release on March 1, 2001. Prelease testing and development discussion are taking place on xemacs-beta, the open list for developers and beta testers. Come join the fun!


www.xemacs.org gets a new face, a sister: xemacs.sourceforge.net (which serves as virtual host http://www.us.xemacs.org/), and a new maintenance system, due to the hard work of Adrian Aichner. It's all documented here.


It's about time for a dashing piece of news: William M. Perry's work (funded by BeOpen.com through sourceXchange), Gtk-XEmacs is available via tarballs or directly from the XEmacs repository. (N.B. This feature has been incorporated in the XEmacs mainline since the 21.4.0 release.)


Steve Youngs, our XEmacs Packager from Downunder, reports: Andy Piper can't have all the limelight. My daughter, Kaitlyn (a future XEmacs hacker) was born July 1, 2000.


Congratulations to XEmacs hacker Andy Piper and his family on the birth of William Piper on 5 May 2000!


Users of the MacOS are reported to be rejoicing wildly now that a port of XEmacs 19.14 is available for their platform of choice.

XEmacs has been nominated in the Slashdot 2000 Beanie Awards, in the Best Open Source Editor Category. We urge all XEmacs users to vote (http://slashdot.org/vote.pl) for their favorite editor.


The first public release of coffee.el allows RFC2324-compliant coffee devices (Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol, or HTCPCP) to be controlled from within XEmacs. Coffee-drinking XEmacs users everywhere rejoice as their favorite beverage is unified with their favorite editor.


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