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filesystem upgrade - manual intervention required


As of filesystem-2012.6-2 the folders /var/run and /var/lock will be replaced by symlinks to /run and /run/lock, respectively.

On most systems this is already the case, as initscripts create the symlinks on boot. However, these symlinks are not owned by any package, which is what we are fixing with this upgrade.

If the symlinks are already in place on your system (which should be the case for most people), then you can simply perform

pacman -Syu --ignore filesystem && pacman -S filesystem --force

Otherwise, if /var/run or /var/lock are directories (e.g. if you are using systemd and never booted with initscripts) you need to delete the directories before performing the update. As these directories are used at runtime, it is recommended to shutdown any background tasks before performing

pacman -Syu --ignore filesystem && rm -rf /var/run /var/lock && \
    pacman -S filesystem

Followed by a reboot before using the system again.

Note: In general, it is strongly advised to avoid the --force switch as it is not safe. However, in this particular case it is safe, and suggested to avoid having to manually delete the /var/run or /var/lock symlinks.

Lastly, on upgrading filesystem users of kernels prior to linux-3.4 will get a warning about permissions on /sys. This is nothing to worry about, as of linux-3.4 the permissions will be 555, and this upgrade reflects this in the filesystem package.

Having pacman verify packages


For the past six months, pacman's package verification features were turned off by default while we were figuring out the details of our public-key infrastructure.

They have finally been enabled in pacman-4.0.3-2; when you upgrade, you will be prompted to run:

pacman-key --init
pacman-key --populate archlinux

This sets up a local keyring for pacman, and populates it with the data needed to authenticate official packages. This includes five master keys used to authenticate Arch Linux packagers (developers and trusted users), so you do not need to know who joins or leaves the team: you only have to ...

systemd-tools replaces udev


systemd and udev have been merged upstream. We will still ship them in separate packages. However, in order to keep things simple, udev will now be part of a package called systemd-tools. This package contains several other standalone tools which can be used without systemd. The astute reader will note that this also means the entirety of systemd is available in the core repository.

Please replace udev with systemd-tools when prompted. If you upgrade the linux package at the same time, you may see an error during initramfs creation that the udev hook is not found. After the upgrade completes ...

netcfg 2.8.2 release


netcfg 2.8.2 has been moved to [core]. It has been six months since netcfg had an update, so it accumulated quite some changes. Here is a shortlist.

  • Configuration has moved out of rc.conf. Please move your configuration to /etc/conf.d/netcfg.
  • Connection types ending in -old, -dbus and -iproute are discontinued. Remove the suffix if you still have it: you didn't need it.
  • Systemd is now supported for single profile, multiple profile, automatic wired and automatic wireless connections.
  • For your basic wifi needs, you can now use the bundled wifi-menu tool. It is a dialog ...

PHP updated to version 5.4


PHP has been updated to its latest major release 5.4. The upstream changelog can be found at php.net/ChangeLog-5.php, a detailed migration guide is at php.net/migration54. In addition to this the following packaging changes have been made:

  • The Suhosin patch and extension have been removed. Learn more about the reasoning behind this decision at pierre-schmitz.com/php-5-4-1-in-suhosin-out/ If you had used the suhosin extension before remove the php-suhosin package as it is no longer compatible with PHP 5.4.
  • Note that the extension API has been changed. If you are using any third party extensions ...

Older News

Arch Linux turns 10
Minimum kernel requirement 2.6.32
libpng/libtiff rebuilds move from [testing]
Arch Linux @ FOSDEM 2012
kmod replaces module-init-tools
pacman 4 moves to [core]
Users of unofficial kernels must enable devtmpfs support
filesystem upgrade - manual intervention required
wiki and bbs downtime
initscripts update - manual intervention required

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