The EmacsWiki is dedicated to documenting and discussing EmacsAndXEmacs and EmacsLisp. See the MissionStatement for more.
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Learning About Emacs:
Downloading and Installing Emacs:
- Ports – binaries for MS Windows, Mac, GNU/Linux and the free BSDs
- W32 – obtaining and using Emacs for MS Windows
- Building – building Emacs from source code.
General Use:
- Accessibility – how Emacs can make a computer more accessible; health issues
- Bookmarking – setting persistent locations and returning to them
- BufferSwitching – switching among different buffers
- Commands – invoking and defining Emacs commands,
- Completion – completing text in the minibuffer or other buffers
- Customize – customizing Emacs generally and with the “easy customizing” feature, Customize
- Editing – miscellaneous information about text editing
- Alignment – align text, columns, comments or other programming-language constructs
- Comments – manipulating and using code comments
- Filling – paragraph filling, justification, and line wrapping text
- Indentation – indenting text, including source code
- Parentheses – showing parenthesis matches and mismatches
- Region – selecting a region of text and acting on it (copy, cut, paste, …)
- Spelling – spell-checking
- Templates – using canned text (file headers, templates, forms)
- Undo – undoing, redoing and finding changes
- Files – files and directories: local, remote, backup
- Directories – Dired and operating on files and directories (folders)
- HideStuff – hiding parts of a buffer
- Outline – hiding structural parts of text: outlining and folding
- Modes – references, tips, documentation, and extensions for all modes
- Hypermedia – creating and using hypertext: Emacs Info, HTML, wikis
- Sql – SQL and databases
- Tables – working with tabular data
- Tex – TeX and LaTeX stuff
- ESS – Emacs Speaks Statistics
- Menus – Emacs menus, (menu bar and popup)
- Printing – printing files, buffers, the region …
- Programming – using Emacs for programming
- Regexp – defining and using regular expressions
- SearchAndReplace - searching and replacing text, including regexp search
- Writing – using Emacs and other tools to write text
External Programs and Remote Services:
Programming Emacs in Lisp and C Source Code:
Emacs Bugs, Wish List:
- EmacsBugs – how to report bugs and where to find a list of already reported bugs
- WishList – “Emacs isn’t perfect already?”
Emacs Community:
- EmacsImplementations – a list of Emacsen and their impersonators
- History – history of Emacs
- Homepage – home pages of Emacs friends, including you
- Humor – when some Emacs users are not customizing Emacs, they make funnies