[English / Japanese]
Emacs/W3 used to be known as the most popular WEB browser on Emacs, but it worked so slowly that we wanted a simple and speedy alternative.
w3m is a pager with WWW capability, developed by Akinori ITO. Although it is a pager, it can be used as a text-mode WWW browser. Then we developed a simple Emacs interface to w3m.
(March 25th, 2005)
(May 9th, 2001)
(November 6th, 2001)
(November 12th, 2001)
(December 6th, 2001)
(December 21st, 2001)
(January 8th, 2002)
(March 2nd, 2002)
(March 12th, 2002)
(June 3rd, 2002)
(June 20th, 2002)
(July 7th, 2002)
(July 17th, 2002)
(September 3rd, 2002)
(October 25th, 2002)
(June 18th, 2003)
(July 5th, 2003)
(July 18th, 2003)
(April 29th, 2004)
(July 7th, 2004)
(July 14th, 2004)
(August 17th, 2004)
Anyone wanting to checkout the latest version of emacs-w3m is welcome to use the anonymous CVS server to grab the most current developing code.
% cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.namazu.org:/storage/cvsroot login CVS password: # No password is set. Just hit Enter/Return key. % cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.namazu.org:/storage/cvsroot co emacs-w3m
Source code access with ViewCVS is also available.
Emacs-w3m requires the latest version of w3m (version 0.3.1 and later). Since this program is much sensitive to the version of w3m, you should confirm it if you already have w3m installed. And we recommend you visit the official w3m web page to check whether a newer version of w3m has been released:
If you use w3mmee, it has to have been built with the configure option `-lang=many'. Note that you need to have the libmoe package installed in advance. You can verify whether w3mmee that has already been installed is an adequate one by performing:
w3mmee -version
Are items like `moe-VERSION' and `lang=many' present there?
In order to use the shimbun library which is included in the emacs-w3m distribution, FLIM package have to be installed. For more detail about the shimbun library, see Shimbun Library section in Info.
No additional packages are required. If you're using a prerelease version of Emacs 22 (such as versions 21.3.50 or 22.0), make sure it is newer than March 2004.
No additional package is required.
package is installed, you can see monochrome bitmap images inline
on an Emacs frame.
The APEL package is required. Use the latest one available
Note: You must not use the APEL XEmacs package (which is contained in SUMO) of the versions older than 1.32. If you have already installed such a version, you should upgrade it or replace it with APEL which is linked above.
If you are using XEmacs 21.x, you should install the
program. There is a known bug in all XEmacs 21.x series that it
won't let it display optimized animated gifs correctly or may make
it crash when some kind of an interlaced gif image is displayed.
Emacs-w3m uses the gifsicle program to convert gif data in order to
make it possible to be handled by XEmacs 21.x.
APEL package, the new custom package, and the
module are required. For more
detail, see carefully the next
section about Emacs 19.34.
If you wish to use BITMAP-MULE package to show monochrome images inline on the web pages, we strongly recommend you apply the patch and rebuild Mule. The patch is included in the emacs-w3m distribution. If you don't accept our recommendation, Mule might be stuck. And you wouldn't get out of the difficulty except killing Mule.
APEL package, the new custom package, and the
module are required.
Emacs-w3m requires the new custom package. If you use Emacs 19.34 or Mule 2.3, you have to install it before installing emacs-w3m. When you use Mule 2.3 especially, see also the README.en file which is included in the APEL distribution.
Emacs-w3m also requires the regexp-opt.el(c)
which might not be provided in the old Emacsen such as Emacs 19.34
and Mule 2.3. If you are using such versions of Emacs, you have to
install the regexp-opt.el(c) module before installing emacs-w3m as
% cp attic/regexp-opt.el /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp % cd /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp % emacs -q -no-site-file -batch -f batch-byte-compile regexp-opt.el(You will likely need to say `mule' instead of `emacs' for the path name and the executable name if you are using Mule.)
Before installing emacs-w3m, you have to check whether your environment meets the requirements.
At the first, run the configure
% ./configure
If you've installed APEL, FLIM or something in non-standard
directories other than the default load-path
, you
must specify them using the --with-addpath option as
% ./configure --with-addpath=/opt/share/apel:/opt/share/flim
Next, execute the following commands to install emacs-w3m to an appropriate directory.
% make # make install
If you are using Emacs 21.1 and newer or XEmacs, you had better install icon image files. To do this:
# make install-icons
You can also install emacs-w3m as an XEmacs package using make install-package instead of make install.
% make # make install-package
In this case, you don't have to execute make install-icons.
If you cannot execute the configure
script on your
system, or if no make
command is available, execute
the following command:
# emacs -batch -q -no-site-file -l w3mhack.el NONE -f w3mhack-nonunix-install
If APEL, FLIM (or any other library) aren't installed in the ordinary places, the installer will leave them out. In such a case, it is necessary to tell those places to the installer as shown below:
# emacs -batch -q -no-site-file -l w3mhack.el //c/share/apel://c/share/flim -f w3mhack-nonunix-install
Put this line into your ~/.emacs
(require 'w3m-load)
Just type M-x w3m, and you can use emacs-w3m.
In order to handle text/html part with emacs-w3m under SEMI MUAs such as
Wanderlust, you have to put the following line in your
(require 'mime-w3m)
For more detail, see Info manual.
We have the mailing list, emacs-w3m@namazu.org
to discuss about emacs-w3m.
Because almost all of its members are Japanese, Japanese is mainly used
for discussion but we also welcome mails written in English. This list
is opened to the public, and its archive is accessible via WEB. You can also subscribe to the gmane.emacs.w3m
newsgroup which is gateway'd to this list bidirectionally.
If you want to subscribe to this list, check the disclaimer and send a mail containing
subscribe Your Name
(not your email address) in the body to
To unsubscribe to it, send a mail containing just
# bye
in the body to emacs-w3m-ctl@namazu.org
Thanks to many of the other people for the great contributions.
In order to contact us, please send a mail to
. This
mailing list is gateway'd to the
newsgroup bidirectionally and accepts even messages posted from