Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

tomwsmf wrote:

1. Does this firmware overwrite the old one on the internal mem?
2. Is this a complete rewrite of the os or is it mostly based on the official os build. I ask as I have written up some scripts and cgi/web interface to control the cumby remotely and want to see how much work I will need to do..if any.
3. Is the FM radio still supported on the infocast 3.5

1. Not out of the box, but you can...there is a txt file included that shows how to go native.
2. The stuff already written should work just fine
3. Yep, it is supported

Zurk, I am working on a nice web based interface to control the devices on, I think when its a bit more worked on it would make a great inclusion to your great work. Just cgi files so it is tiny. thanks for the great work on putting this all together.


Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

Will this firmware also work with the original Chumby? If not, does anyone know if one is available somewhere else?

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

it does NOT work on the original chumby. i dont have pne so i am unable to test. someone with an originsl would need to modify it to work.

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

OK. I could give it a go when I have time, but I'm not sure about the best approach. I found the offline HOWTO v1.1 in the firmware download, is this a good starting point?

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

make a copy of your /psp directory from your ONLINE chumby classic. then replace the files one by one on the offline firmware /psp directory and boot up.
so you would do :
replace file1
boot up with offline firmware and see if that fixes a problem
no ? revert to the offline firmware file.
repeat until all problems go away.
basically its tedious but doable i think.

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

barek wrote:

OK. I could give it a go when I have time, but I'm not sure about the best approach. I found the offline HOWTO v1.1 in the firmware download, is this a good starting point?

I have my chumby classic working ok in an on-line fashion without reliance on (* is redirected to localhost) - you could try using that as a starting point - it has worked ok for me during the last chumby server outages. More info here:

We can start a separate thread for chumby classic efforts if you like. I'm happy to help.

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

servalan wrote:

I have my chumby classic working ok in an on-line fashion without reliance on (* is redirected to localhost) - you could try using that as a starting point - it has worked ok for me during the last chumby server outages. More info here:

We can start a separate thread for chumby classic efforts if you like. I'm happy to help.

Thanks a lot! Are the files linked in those posts the most recent versions? I'll give them a try.

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

barek wrote:

Thanks a lot! Are the files linked in those posts the most recent versions? I'll give them a try.

As of March this year. I'm not sure if the CP has been updated since then. The zip contains controlpanel: 2.8.84 - let's take this to another thread. You start one & I'll follow. wink

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

Just so I am clear, the OS would be running off a USB.
So, we would need to leave the USB to run it, and if we want to switch back, we would just need to take the USB out?

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

switch off before removal/insertion of the usb stick though.

Last edited by zurk (2012-04-23 10:25:17)

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

zurk wrote:

switch off before removal/insertion of the usb stick though.

- Thanks.

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

Can someone explain to me what the Template files are in the widgets xml's, and are the Template files needed in Zurk's offline software? I noticed some apps don't have template files at all, so I know they're fine. Of course, the ones with 'http' download fine with wget. But now I've seen some apps that have template files listed in my profiles, but there's really no address, ie-

template href="/xml/configs/31FFE808-37F9-11DD-9269-001B24F07D28"/

I've tried various pasting in the beginnings of the other template files addresses, to make it like a URL. But that doesn't work, I just get a short XML statement with "access denied." So I'm wondering if I need them at all, or if those particular apps will run without them. Thanks.

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

they will run fine without them.
but if you really want them download octopus from the forum link and run it. you should find the template file sitting in the stage3 or stage4 directory.

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

Hey Zurk, seems like my Chumby One is skipping the USB drive and immediately booting and downloading the server control panel. I can't seem to make it stick to the USB- have tried every possible combination of power off/reboot and reinserting drive. (The drive is formatted as FAT32, all unzipped to root)

Any ideas?

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

only thing i can suggest is update to the latest firmware (1.0.7) from the chumby webpages and try with a different usb stick. are you sure the debugchumby is correct on the root and the directory structure is intact on the stick ?
can you see the usb stick when you go to the file manager on the online firmware ? can you play the music off it ?

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

zurk wrote:

only thing i can suggest is update to the latest firmware (1.0.7) from the chumby webpages and try with a different usb stick. are you sure the debugchumby is correct on the root and the directory structure is intact on the stick ?
can you see the usb stick when you go to the file manager on the online firmware ? can you play the music off it ?

One quick thought, do you have to force a chmod a+x on debugchumby ?

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

on fat32 ? nope.
unless he is doing something silly like formatting NTFS it should work fine.

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

This is great, thank you for making this available.

So, I went ahead with testing it out on the USB stick to iron out any issues.  It's working beautifully.  So I'm trying to use the instructions in goingnative.txt to make it permanent.  I'm having a bit of difficulty with:
"cp -ir all the files keeping the directory structure intact one directory at a time (careful!)." 

For one, nuts, I don't have enough space.  I've removed most of the provided widgets, the music files, and the photo files, but I still don't have enough space on my chumby.  I must have put something large on it at some time, but I can't find it (still looking).

In the meantime, can you help me verify what *exactly* I need to move to the chumby itself? 
These are the files in the .zip:
offline-howto v1.1.txt
~ ~ ~

So, I presume I need to move, at least, the directories to /, right?  So I "cp -ir /mnt/usb/proxy /", for example.

Am I merging psp/ with the existing /psp or am I replacing it?  (same for www/ and /www).

Do I need the java/ directory?  Doesn't chumby already have java interpretation? 

I think I can get away with skipping TalkingChumby/ and music/ since I am planning on only using a widget I downloaded and Pandora--and the alarm clocks.  Right?  Is there anything else I can eliminate since I won't need the various provided widgets?

Is there anything large that's already on the chumby that I can safely delete, since all I want is the non-chumby-server version with one specific widget/alarms/Pandora?  (I've been backing up everything as I go along, of course.)

I have nano already; does this setup rely on it being in /nano on the chumby?

I'm assuming I don't need any of the .txt files on the chumby itself.

Do I need to put that controlpanel.swf somewhere?  Where?  I presume not just in /, right?  The file doesn't specify.

Thank you zurk!

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

im assuming youre using v10
java is required to provide weather info to a few widgets. chumby does not have native java
nano is not required.
music is not required
the text files are not required.
the pictures are required (at least one and the XML file) if you are using the photoframe2 widget
proxy is not required.
Talkingchumby contains the speech synth system -- you can omit if you are not going to use talking clocks or the built in speech synthesizer. you will have to remove the widget and the line in debugchumby which says hi and the speech synth cgi scripts in www/cgi-bin.
you will merge /psp and same for www
in v10 you will also need to fiddle with the /psp/ file and replace any /mnt/usb with a writeable  location probably psp somewhere
controlpanel goes in /
also copy debugchumby and debugchumbyearly to userhook2 and 1 respectively.

i recommend you do free up space before attempting this. you have 2GB on the builtin SD card and only 200 megs of space is required for the offline firmware. you shouldnt be running the chumby full anyway.

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

Thanks for getting back to me! 

Hmm, I have a version 9.  Should I start all over with version 10 if version 9 is working?

Okay, so looking it over, if I don't want to use the weather, photoframe, voice, etc widgets, all I really need to make this permanent are the following:

Merge these with existing directories:

Copy this to /:

Copy and rename these:
debugchumby  (/psp/rfs1/userhook2)
debugchumbyearly (/psp/rfs1/userhook1) (BY THE WAY the goingnative.txt I have does not mention this file)

I should delete something from www/cgi-bin.  Is that speak and

And ...I'm sorry, what do I need to do with /psp/   Actually, I looked at it and I'm not sure what I'd need it for.  Can I just disable whatever would try to use it?  (I'm quite boring, I'm sure, but all I want is this:

Is the rest correct?


Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

if all you need is one widget, v9 is fine.
yes you can delete off speak/
you can delete off if you dont want weather widgets (omniclock will work fine without it).
yep. rest is correct. ive fixed the goingnative.txt in the v11 which is due out soon anyway.


Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

When the Chumby servers go dark, will most of the default music sources (Pandora, IHRadio, sleep sounds, etc) go down too?

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

yes. most except pandora can be fixed. pandora cant.

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

Well, nuts.  I followed the steps I outlined above, and moved the files off the usb stick, and rebooted...and got "Downloading control panel."  Drat.  I'll wait and try again with version 11 once you've got it.  I appreciate all the help so far, and hey, it does work well with the usb stick.

Hey, is there any way to mount and read the chumby's own filesystem while running this software off a usb stick?  Sometimes I'd like to be able to check files that are on it (see exactly what I had in my .profile, for example).

Re: Zurk's Chumby One Offline Firmware (chumby1/infocast3.5/classic only!)

hmm..well youre very close. if you dont want to wait you can also force it manually.
edit the file :
and replace /mnt/usb/controlpanel.swf (there are two occurrences) with the full path to wherever you dumped your control panel.
e.g. /controlpanel.swf or /psp/controlpanel.swf
v11 should make things a bit easier with the chumby8 system being merged with the chumby1. it should then be able to download the cp directly.