In order to understand how important a medication Viagra is when you look at the history of pharmacology, it is important to understand how things looked before it came out. Namely, before the year 1998 when Viagra finally got its approval and appeared on the market, there was not a single erectile dysfunction treatment that was proven to work. Penis pumps were around for several decades prior to Viagra, but they could hardly be put in the same category.
In any case, the only products that men with erectile dysfunction could rely on were different natural remedies and supplements that relied mostly on the history of use and testimonials from users to prove their efficacy. None of them had ever been clinically studied which is perhaps the best thing for them as they would never be able to prove their effectiveness. In fact, you might even say that the real scientific exploration and studying of erectile dysfunction as a condition seriously started only when the Pfizer Company started developing Viagra.
Until Viagra came out, erectile dysfunction was one of those conditions that men hid from everyone. No one was ready to admit that they have troubles achieving erections even though it would be silly to think that it is a new problem that appeared only in the last few decades. It has been around since forever and the problem has always been that it was one of those “embarrassing” conditions that were very rarely discussed openly.
And this could just be the most important effect that Viagra has had on pharmacology and on medical science in general. It brought attention to the fact that erectile dysfunction is nothing more or less than another medical condition that has its causes, its symptoms and, with the introduction of Viagra, a way to deal with it, at least temporarily.
All of a sudden, men were ready to admit that they have problems with their erections and that they might have erectile dysfunction. This has lead to an increased number of men visiting their doctor in order to be diagnosed because they heard that there is a medication that might help them achieve erections and lead active sex lives. It was something of liberation for those men, helping them face their fears and see the reality for what it is. Just take a look at the widespread opinion on erectile dysfunction these days. Not a single eyebrow is going to be raised and no one will be judged I they say they have erectile dysfunction. Only 20 years ago, men were hiding this fact as hard as they could.
And we haven’t even started mentioning the effects that Viagra has on the men who take it. It allows them to get erections that will be sufficient for a sex act and that will stay hard as long as they need them. It is everything that men with ED asked for and all that in a single blue pill.