Levitra vs. natural penis pills
Whenever one starts checking out offers for Levitra online, one finds out that there are dozens of different natural pills that are being advertised as perfect natural analogues for Levitra and other ED drugs. In this article, we will be looking at these natural products completely objectively and try and explain why you should not fall for their advertisements. Everything that you will read in this article is backed by scientific and objective data and is not meant to be advertisement for anything.
The most important thing that you need to remember about these natural penis pills is that there is not a shred of scientific evidence that any of those products produces any of the effects that are advertised. Some manufacturers even claim that they have conducted clinical studies on their products, but if you look a little closer, you will find out that these trials were commissioned by them and that the results simply cannot be taken at face value.
In essence, what these natural pills are actually are pills filled with certain extracts of plants and other natural sources that have reputation of being beneficial for certain parts of the male sexual performance. When it comes to providing relief from erectile dysfunction, their favorite ingredients are aggressively advertised as boosting the blood flow into the male organ by promoting release of nitric oxide. And even if this was true, the fact is that nitric oxide is just the first in the series of chemicals that are necessary for an erection and that erectile dysfunction is almost never caused by lack of nitric oxide.
We simply have to mention the fact that the main point of their advertisements is how Levitra and other ED drugs are dangerous for you while their products are perfectly safe as they are 100% natural. First of all, it needs to be said that Levitra comes with an extensive warning about the possible interactions, possible dangers for some people and the list of side effects, no matter how unlikely they are to occur. On the other hand, you have products that are supposed to be safe just because they are natural. There is only one thing we will mention here – ephedrine. It is also perfectly natural and we all know how that ended.
What is even more troubling is that these natural products are not regulated by the Food and Drugs Administration for some reason that probably has a lot to do with lobbying. What this means is that there is not a single government agency that examines and tests these products before they are introduced to the market. On the other hand, Levitra had to undergo an approval process that lasted years and that involved 3 phases before the medication could be sold.
In essence, there is absolutely nothing that would even suggest that you might be better off with these natural supplements than with Levitra, a drug whose efficiency has been proven and whose safety is scrutinized over and over again.