Some of the questions commonly asked

There are probably tons of questions you would like to ask us, well unfortunately we have room for only some, but don’t worry, we have tried to answer the most important and most popular questions that will help you familiarize yourself and fully understand our amazing product.

Q: Is Capsiplex vegetarian friendly?
A: Yes, all ingredients are herbal.

Q:  Does Capsiplex contain ingredients that are commonly used in other weight loss products?
A:  No, we are sad to inform you that many rival sliming products contain amphetamines and Guarana, which cause many unwanted side effects, like agitation, insomnia and feeling of unease. Capsiplex is absolutely against any artificial products and we are proud it is 100% natural.

Q: How often is Capsiplex taken?
A: Take one capsule a day, preferably in the morning. If you want an additional effect, you can take another capsule 30 – 60 minutes prior to physical activity. Drink with a glass of normal water.

Q:  How much will I loose with Capsiplex?
A: Well the speed at you will lose weight greatly depends on your starting weight. Let’s assume you want to lose 15 pounds, you can expect to lose up to 4 pounds in the first week. Weight loss during second and third week is at about a pound to two pounds a week.

Q: How much capsules are in the one month pack?
A: The month pack contains 30 capsules, you take one each day.

Q: How much exactly is 278 calories when compared to daily stuff?
A: Hour and a half of average walking, 25 minutes of running, one average hamburger, a slice of pizza, two chocolate cookies. Those 278 calories a day can lead to 20 pounds of excess weight per year. Keep in mind one pound of body fat is around 3500 calories, which means you gain a new pound every 13 days, with “only” those 278 calories a day.

Q: Can I take Capsiplex if I am pregnant?
A: We would advise consulting with your doctor before taking any supplementation even Capsiplex, Capsiplex itself has no harmful ingredients or side effects, but depending on your specific situation your doctor can best advise you.

Q: Can I take Capsiplex while I’m breast feeding?
A: It is not advised, there is no known side effect of Capsiplex on breast feeding, but we would advise you to take it after you stop breast feeding, as even regular dieting can have negative effect on breast feeding.

Q: Can I take Capsiplex if I have heart problems or high blood pressure?
A: We would advise you to consult your doctor before taking any supplementation.

Q: Is Capsiplex safe for children?
A: We would advise to consult a doctor before giving Capsiplex to anyone who is younger than 16 years.

Q: Should I switch to a limited calorie diet?
A: There is no need to limit yourself to any food you love, as long as you keep it in moderation, also the less food you take the sliming will of course be faster.

How Jake got rid of his weight

Millions of people around the world have already tried this fantastic product that works in so many different ways. We got so many positive feedbacks on our forums and our websites it is very hard to pick some out to show, but we chose one at random. Jake 27 [...] Continue Reading…

What the Clinical Studies have shown us

It’s terrifying how many weight loss products are there on the market these days. But the problem is very few of them can provide any evidence at all that they are efficient. Capsiplex is based on independent research, our own research and research done mainly in capsicum extract. When [...] Continue Reading…

What else does Capsiplex contain?

We have said enough about the various benefits related to losing weight and we have neglected some other just as important qualities. So now we will list some of them:

There are no unidentified side effects – we know exactly how and why it works the way it works
The main [...] Continue Reading…

Why Capsiplex and not some other way

Most of the people actually have the same problem, how, to lose weight fast, in a healthy and affordable way. We decided to lose some pounds, not much maybe six to ten, doesn’t sound too complicated. But at the very beginning we face many difficulties like too many obligations, [...] Continue Reading…

New technology, fast and healthy

The way to this “miracle” solution was not simple at all. Before this research was started, the scientists set a goal that seemed unattainable and the problem seemed unsolvable. It was known and very thoroughly documented that capsicum works exactly the way we want it to, but it caused [...] Continue Reading…

For those who want to know more

Capsiplex has had its “birth by fire” in Hollywood. Many of very famous stars and celebrities have been using the Capsiplex for some time now, and they have been thrilled, and now you can have their secret too. Some of the stars to use the Capsiplex pills are Angelina [...] Continue Reading…

What Capsiplex actually is – a short intro

Have you ever noticed how much harder it is to get to your perfect weight than before? Well that is quite normal, because nobody’s metabolism works the way it did when we were fifteen or sixteen. Remember when we thought we could literally eat anything and not gain any [...] Continue Reading…