Судзумия Харухи/Ранобэ/10 Том/Глава 4(α) Билингва
Материал из Sos-dan
α-7 | α-7 |
月曜日という平日の第一日目に節目も何もあったものではなく、怠惰《たいだ》な休日を過ごしていた日曜の弛緩《しかん》した状態が身体《からだ》に残っているためか、学校から自宅へと至る道がやけに長く、歩行時間もまた永《なが》いように感じる。 ハルヒたちと歩いていた下校の途中までは、まだ気が紛《まぎ》れてよかったが、別れて一人になると途端にうら寂しいような気持ちになるのは、どうやらSOS団の面々と一緒にいるのが俺にとってオーソドックスモードになってしまっているからのようだ。とりたてて気を付けていたわけではないものの、すっかり朱に交わってしまった現在の自分を何と表現すべきだろう。藪《やぶ》をつついていたつもりが自分が棒だったとでも言うべきか。 |
Today was Monday, first day of the school week, and although nothing out of the ordinary had happened to speak of, due perhaps to the fact that my body was still stuck in a semi-relaxed state after spending a lazy Sunday the day before, the walk home from school seemed to be dragging on even longer than usual. The first stretch of the journey wasn't too bad, since Haruhi and the others had at least been there to distract me, but now that they had gone their separate ways and I found myself walking this long road alone, I found myself afflicted by sudden feelings of loneliness. It would seem that being surrounded by the members of the SOS Brigade has somehow managed to become my default state. It's not as though I was particularly avoiding this happening, but I'm not quite sure what to think of the fact that I have allowed myself to become so thoroughly tainted by this whole sordid affair. It's as though I was testing some dangerous waters with one foot and promptly found myself up to my neck in it. |
「まぁ」 | "Ah, well…" |
俺は足を止め、意味もなく振り返ってみた。春の登下校路がいつもより明るく見える。それは放課後にやってきた入団希望者の一年生たちがやけに|初々《ういうい》しく目に映《は》えでいたからかもしれないし、単に日照的な気象条件のせいであったからかもしれない。 | For no particular reason, I stopped walking and turned around. Somehow the Spring light seemed to be shining down upon the path more brightly than usual. It could be because the eyes of the first-year prospective new Brigade members who had dropped by after school had been glittering with such charming innocence, but then again it could have just been the effects of a sunlight-related weather phenomenon. |
「どうだっていいことさ」 | "It's not like it matters to me." |
このひとりごとも全く無意味だ。たまに思うのだが、独り言ってのは誰かに聞かせてなんぼのもんじゃないかね。誰にも伝わらなかった言葉は発声練習以上のものではないだろうからな。そして俺には独り言をつぶやくクセなどないつもりだ。だから、今のセリフは自分に言い聞かせているものなのである。実際、ハルヒが朱色なんだとしたら俺はとっくの昔に赤く染まっちまっているわけで、今さら別の色のペンキを頭からかぶろうとは、たとえそんなことが可能だったとしてもゴルジ体の直径ほども思わんね。 | This comment was utterly pointless as well. I sometimes find myself wondering, is there actually any point in talking to yourself if there's nobody else there to hear you? Speech that doesn't convey any information can hardly amount to anything beyond a simple vocal exercise. And for the record, I don't think I have any particular habit of talking to myself. So I can only presume that my words just now were an feeble attempt at self-persuasion. The fact of the matter is, whatever Haruhi may have tainted me with, it happened a long time ago, and even if it were possible for me to wash it out at this late stage, I don't have a single Golgi apparatus' worth of intention of doing so. |
てなことを考えつつ、俺は帰巣本能のおもむくまま自宅へ戻る作業を再開し、佐々木やら九曜《くよう》やらという新年度に割り込んできたSOS団的イレギュラー因子たちのことも頭の隅に追いやって、自宅にて夜を迎え一日を終えることになるのは俺のごくナチュラルなタイムテーブルであり、当たり前だが普通にその通りになった。 | As these thoughts went through my head, my homing instincts kicked in, and I once more found myself trudging down the long path home, forcing thoughts of Sasaki, Kuyou and all the other new SOS-Brigade-related irregular factors that had shown up with the new school year firmly away into a deep crevice of my mind, until eventually I reached the end of the day in my own bedroom. All of this had by now become part of my everyday timetable, and unsurprisingly enough, today was no different. |
そんなわけで――――――。 | In other words… |
特筆すべき事は、今日のところはもうない。 | Nothing much happened today that was worth writing about. |
そのはずだった。 | In theory. |