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LNA will hold our annual meeting on Monday, June 25th.  This is a great chance to hear about what LNA has accomplished in the past year and what’s ahead for Lyndale next year. In keeping with Lyndale tradition the meeting will involve food and fun!  From 5:30 to 7:00 pm we will have a community potluck BBQ, with LNA providing food for the grill. 


The Lyndale Neighborhood Association (LNA) is an award-winning, nationally recognized community-based organization in South Minneapolis on the cutting edge of community development. LNA is currently seeking two energetic people to be Graffiti Busters for Lyndale.

This is a part time seasonal position without benefits. LNA Graffiti Busters will play an integral role in helping to eliminate graffiti in Lyndale. Graffiti Busters will be responsible for identifying, cataloguing, reporting, and cleaning up graffiti in Lyndale.

31st St at Nicollet Ave should be open with one lane each direction this afternoon.

From Lake St to 32nd St, the first 3 layers of asphalt have been placed along with curb, gutter, and driveways. The final layer will be placed after the sidewalk has been installed. Thomas and Sons is now working on raising the manholes. Sidewalk work should begin next week. Additional information will be shared when it’s available.

The locations for the future street lights and the boulevard trees have been marked on the curb or sidewalk.


The Lyndale Neighborhood News recently received a Gold Level Award from Neighborhoods, USA.  Neighborhoods, USA (NUSA), a national non-profit organization committed to building and strengthening neighborhood organizations, is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2012 Neighborhood Newsletter awards. 

This year’s Fish Fest will take place on Saturday, June 16th from 5:00 to 8:30 pm. As always, the festivities will take place on 33rd Street between Garfi eld & Harriet Avenues – right in front of the Garfield Aquarium building.

Latest News

by LNA

LNA will hold our annual meeting on Monday, June 25th.  This is a great chance to hear about what LNA has accomplished in the past year and what’s ahead for Lyndale next year. In keeping with Lyndale tradition the meeting will involve food and fun!  From 5:30 to 7:00 pm we will have a community potluck BBQ, with LNA providing food for the grill. 

by LNA

Do you have a project idea that would improve your blocks’ livability?  LNA has a block-club micro grant program designed to help your block get things done togetehr.  This program will provide micro grants and support to Lyndale block clubs to help them design, initiate, and complete projects that improve their blocks.  Micro grants are available for up to $250 per project.

Block Club Micro Grant criteria are:

·    Projects should support LNA’s vision of creating a safe, vibrant, sustainable community.

Catherine Jordan and Steve Lick were both tending their lovely backyard garden during my conversation with them. In retrospect, their garden is a metaphor for their community life and participation. They are both committed to nurturing and improving the larger society as well as their home and neighborhood in Lyndale.

by LNA

The Lyndale Neighborhood Association (LNA) is an award-winning, nationally recognized community-based organization in South Minneapolis on the cutting edge of community development. LNA is currently seeking two energetic people to be Graffiti Busters for Lyndale.

This is a part time seasonal position without benefits. LNA Graffiti Busters will play an integral role in helping to eliminate graffiti in Lyndale. Graffiti Busters will be responsible for identifying, cataloguing, reporting, and cleaning up graffiti in Lyndale.


Recent Photo Galleries

Fish Fest 2011

Lyndale Community Center Grant ReOpening

Passport to Lyndale - 2012 Open House

Lyndale Pictures

Curiosities of Lyndale

A mock for the Curiosities of Lyndale Project

First Layer of Pavement

The first new layer of pavement in over 50 years on the new Nicollet Avenue

2012 Fish Fest Info

Join us for the best day of the year in Lyndale

Lyndale's Environement Committee

Cleaning up the Blaisdell Rain Garden as Part of St. Olaf's Day of Service

Twin City Tattoo

Erik, Jessica, and Mike

2011 Fish Fest

A scene from the 2011 Fish Fest

Pat's Tap Patio

Pat's Tap Patio

Passport to Lyndale

Passport to Lyndale

Passport to Lyndale

Passport to Lyndale

Join us on March 22nd for the Lyndale Open House

Lyndale Community Center

Lyndale Community Center (3537 Nicollet Avenue)

2011 Lyndale Open House

Community Voices - Ed Janezich

Police Commendation

Myrtle recieves a commendation from the 5th Precinct

Horn Towers Puppet Show

Puppet Show at Horn Towers


Salsaabrosa regularly appears at LNA's La Posada

Litter Outta Lyndale

Picking up the trash

Litter Outta Lyndale

Martha get's her bag ready

Upcoming Events

Monday, June 25
5:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Join us at the Lyndale Annual Meeting on Monday, June 25th. Starting at 5:30 we will have a community potluck BBQ, with LNA providing food for the grill. At 7:00 pm we’ll have a short annual meeting that will get you all caught up on the past year and let you know what’s ahead.

At the meeting we will be awarding this year’s Community Service Awards, have a short presentation about what LNA has accomplished during the past year, and elect five people to the LNA Board. Also don’t forget to bring your favorite dessert for the Annual Dessert contest, the best dessert gets bragging rights for the whole year.

Sunday, July 8
1:30 pm to 3:30 pm

Rachel Kroog is bringing her KidPower to Lyndale. Watch your Kids boogie and Jive!

Thursday, July 12
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

This year’s gardens will include some which have never been seen before, plus others which have changed or matured significantly since being on previous tours. They offer ideas for our climate –not the zone 9 gardens on TV! All are examples of “reality landscaping” for our environmental concerns, problem solving, or flashy looks.

Wednesday, July 18
3:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Get free legal help on almost any topic at the Lyndale Neighborhood clinic. Attorneys are available once per month to answers questions at this walk-in clinic. Assistance is provided on a first-come, first-served basis and you can have a free consultation for up to 20 minutes.

Volunteer Special

Fish Fest Festivians

We still have lots of opportunities to help out at this great event!  Join your fellow Lyndalians and help serve tacos, keep an eye on the desserts and cornbread, serve lemonade, set up, tear down, and assist with activities.  Contact Aryca at 612-824-9402 ext. 26 to sign up for a shift.  Don't miss out on the fun!

2012 Lyndale Sponsors
Please take a moment to thank the following neighborhood businesses for sponsoring the Lyndale Neighborhood Association during 2012.

Community Builder
Amigo Service Center
3544 Lyndale Ave
Bryant Lake Bowl
810 W Lake St

Comprehensive Rehab Centers of MN
133 W Lake St
Highland Plaza
3009 Nicollet Avenue
Zion Lutheran Church
128 West 33rd St.

Neighborhood Partner
Butter Bakery Cafe
3544 Grand Avenue
Lake Wine and Spirits
404 W. Lake Street
Champion's Sports Bar & Grill
105 W Lake St.
Top Shelf/John Meegan
3040 Lyndale Ave. S
El Paraiso
3501 Nicollet Avenue

Good Neighbor
State Farm Insurance
3430 Nicollet Avenue
Schatzlein Saddle Shop
413 W Lake St
Redeemer Health and Rehab Center
625 W 31st

Become a Sponsor Today


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