Welcome to Jenison
Whether you are with us for the first time or have been with us for years, we are thrilled to have your child attend what we believe is one of the best school districts in the state of Michigan. Although we have earned many accolades over the past many years, we are not a district that rests on its laurels. All of us are working diligently to make sure our district continues to provide the best educational programming possible.
Our building principals, teachers, and paraprofessionals are prepared to meet the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical needs of each and every student who attends Jenison Public Schools. We are committed to build meaningful relationships with every child so that we will be able to instill the knowledge that he or she needs to be successful in life.
We also need your support and participation. I realize it is a busy and expansive world and your time is at a premium. However, I can’t emphasize enough how important it is for you to “build a bridge” with your child’s school. We want to be partners with you in providing the best educational experience we can for your child. We value and appreciate your input and support. With today’s technology, we are only a telephone call or e-mail away, so please stay connected. There is no question in my mind that with all of us working together, your child will receive an outstanding education at Jenison Public Schools!
With warmest regards,
Tom TenBrink
School Calendar
September 6
First day of school - Full day
November 1
Professional Development Day-No School for Students
November 23, 24 & 25
Thanksgiving Recess - No School
December 19 - December 30
Holiday Recess - No school
January 2
Professional Development Day - No School for Students
January 19
Records Day - No School for Jr. & Sr. High Students
January 20
Records Day - No School for Elementary, Jr. & Sr. High Students
February 16, 17, & 20
Mid-Winter Recess - No School
March 30 - April 6
Spring Break - No School
May 28
Memorial Day - No School
June 7
Records Day - No School for Jr. & Sr. High Students
June 8
Records Day - No School for Elementary, Jr. & Sr. High Students
Kindergarten Programs
Jenison Public Schools offers both Prekindergarten and Kindergarten programs for children who will be five years old on or before December 1, 2012. A creative, nurturing staff delivering a developmentally appropriate, yet challenging, curriculum makes the Prekindergarten and Kindergarten experience a powerful start to your child’s education.
Prekindergarten is a full-day, every day program meeting at our Early Childhood Center.
Our exemplary Kindergarten program is a full-day, every day program meeting at each of our 5 elementary schools.
In addition, we will be offering one section of half-day (morning only) Prekindergarten and Kindergarten provided we have a minimum of 20 students enrolled.
Prekindergarten and Kindergarten classes are available to children who reside in Jenison as well as the surrounding area. Through the Schools of Choice program, Jenison Public Schools accepts students residing in Ottawa, Kent, Allegan, and Muskegon counties without the necessity of a release from the district of residence.
Kindergarten Screening
All students entering Prekindergarten and Kindergarten are screened prior to placement. To schedule a screening appointment, contact Lorri at 457-8839 or via email Lgierman@JPSonline.org.
Spanish Immersion Kindergarten
Jenison Public Schools also offers a Spanish Immersion Kindergarten program. In this program, English speaking students will learn the district’s rigorous core academic program through instruction in Spanish. Spanish is the means of content instruction, not just a subject of instruction. Many research studies have shown the effectiveness of language immersion programs in language and cognitive development.
- Spanish Immersion brochure PDF
- Spanish Immersion Application Guidelines PDF
- Spanish Immersion Application Form PDF