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Home Remedies for Getting Over Ultram Withdrawal

f you use Ultram as recommended by your doctor, you aren’t likely to have severe withdrawal symptoms.  However, some patients which chronic pain must take Ultram in larger dosages for long periods of time.  This can lead to withdrawal symptoms when treatment is stopped or dosage reduced.  Here are some simple home remedies for Ultram withdrawal symptoms.


OTC Natural Detox Remedies

If you head to your local health food store or herbalist, they will likely have various teas or tinctures which are used for detox.  There are a lot of different herbs which help detoxification but the most common ones are cayenne, ginger, and passion flower.  Antioxidants are also great for detoxifying the body.  Some of the best sources of natural antioxidants are berries, green/black tea, and vegetables.  While detox remedies won’t directly reduce your Ultram withdrawal symptoms, they will help flush the drug out of your body so you get through withdrawal faster.


Calming Herbs

There are numerous natural herbs which are known for producing a calming effect on the body.  The most popular are Valerian, chamomile, and Kava Kava.  These can all be readily found as teas in health food stores.  Make sure you are buying teas which have whole leaves and are in air-tight packaging; these are the highest quality.  The calming herbs can be very helpful in reducing the Ultram withdrawal symptoms like anxiety and insomnia.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has long been used as a natural body detox remedy.  This specific type of vinegar is especially helpful in detoxification from Ultram because it breaks down mucus, toxins, and other deposits in your body.  It will help you purge the Ultram from your body faster so you get through withdrawal much faster.  It can also help digestion which will reduce some of the gastrointestinal side effects associated with Ultram withdrawal. You can take apple cider vinegar by simply putting it on salads as dressing or you can mix a teaspoon of it with a glass of water and drink it.



Melatonin is a natural remedy for treating insomnia.  It can be very helpful for people going through Ultram withdrawal to deal with sleeplessness.  When you are well rested, you will also be able to better deal with the other Ultram withdrawal symptoms.  You can get melatonin without a prescription from your local pharmacy or health food store.


Reduce Stress

The last thing you need while dealing with the Ultra withdrawal symptoms is to also deal with other types of stress.  Try to time your Ultra withdrawal so you don’t have any pressing matters at hand – like an big project at work or exams at school.  Tell your family and friends that you will be stopping Ultram use so they can be aware of what you are going through.  They will understand if you feel bad for a few days or if you snap at them due to a mood swing.


How to Tell if Your Ultram is Counterfeit

Counterfeiting of prescription drugs is a major problem around the world, especially with pain killers like Ultram.  The good news is that the FDA has cracked down on counterfeiters, especially those online, so patients can be sure they are getting the safe, effective medicines they need. But counterfeiting of [...] Continue Reading…


No more headaches thanks to Ultram

I never considered myself a lucky guy and when I started heaving headaches when I was about twenty years old, I knew for sure that I wasn’t lucky. At first, I thought that my headaches were just a consequence of my lifestyle, which included staring into a computer for [...] Continue Reading…


Ultram changed my life

I like to think that I was a great father and husband when I was younger. I had a decent job that enabled me to provide for my family and I still had time to help my wife with some house chores and I had time to play with [...] Continue Reading…


Ultram helped me recover easily

I know I shouldn’t have been obsessed with big breasts, but I was. Actually, I think that the majority of women are, but they are all ashamed to admit it. At first, the size of my breasts didn’t bother me so much because I tried to think that there [...] Continue Reading…


Can I get addicted to Ultram?

Opiates and opioid analgesics are notorious for their dependence-causing properties. Namely, these medications are known to cause dependence that can be both psychological and physical and because of this, these medications are usually not prescribed for longer periods of time. This has become common knowledge and people wish to [...] Continue Reading…


Ultram side effects and possible interactions

When you are talking about medications, it is impossible to skip an article that is going to cover the possible side effects and interactions that might occur when taking that medication. Because of this, we have decided to include this article in which you will find all the info [...] Continue Reading…


What to discuss with the physician prior to taking Ultram?

There are online pharmacies today that offer the possibility of ordering medications online without prescription written by a doctor. While this may be a perk at times, it can also be quite dangerous, especially if the said medications are quite potent and can cause different adverse reactions in some [...] Continue Reading…


What can Ultram be used for?

As the title would suggest, we are going to be talking about the possible cases in which the use of Ultram is advised and in which the physician is likely to prescribe you with this medication. It is important to remember that you should never self-prescribe Ultram and start [...] Continue Reading…


Ultram – the basics

As you might have guessed already, this blogsite is entirely dedicated to Ultram, which is one of the most popular opioid analgesics on the US market today. We believe that you have the right to be in possession of all the important facts before you consider taking this medication [...] Continue Reading…
