HGH is the short word for Human Growth Hormone. With the constant attention it has been getting from the media, you can find a lot of products on the market that deal with HGH. There are two different kinds: HGH itself and HGH releasers, substances that stimulate the body into producing more HGH. But how exactly can HGH help you?
HGH is produced by the pituitary gland and its effects have been linked to both how the process of aging works and the well-being of our immune systems, asides from several different uses that are still being studied. Although it’s a natural hormone produced in our bodies, it’s production starts declining when we get around our thirties. Some theories say that after this age, the use of HGH can lessen the effects of aging. That would mean gaining muscle mass faster as well as burning fat easier, as well as keeping the skin healthier, with a better look. It should also improve our energy, vitality and immune system.
The issue with HGH is that it’s still being researched, so most of the results aren’t facts. They could be real benefits or just placebo effects, it’s still unknown. Those who didn’t experience the benefits may not have used it for a period of time long enough to see the actual results. As any sort of medication, there is a risk of side effects too, the most common being swelling of the joints and a somewhat increased risk of diabetes.
Another thing to look out for when trying the benefits of HGH is to research what you’re putting in your body. There are several different ways in which HGH is presented, from injections to oral sprays, pills and skin products. The thing to look out for is if the product actually contains HGH, if it is in a high enough dose for it to work and if it’s presented in a way in which the body can actually absorb it. Some of the oral sprays, for example, advertise HGH as one of their components, but don’t even have it in their composition. Besides that, HGH is very similar to insulin, which isn’t absorbed properly orally. It is also illegal to get HGH injections without a prescription, as incorrect uses can have severe consequences. Besides irregular growth of some organs, abusing HGH injections can make it so the body gets “lazy” and produces less HGH.
Some of the products that advertise the wonders of HGH don’t actually have the hormone itself in their composition. Instead they make it so the body produces more HGH by itself. Others claim to increase the way the body absorbs this hormone, making it more efficient. At this time, there is no scientific evidence to back up those products. Even so, some people that have used them claim to have felt good results after prolonged use. Some effects of it can take years to show up, sometimes 10 or 15 years. If HGH is as wondrous as it seems, only time will tell.