Beginner’s guide to online poker

Starting off playing online poker can be fun, but it can also be stressful if you’re unprepared for the challenge. Once you start playing, you will not only compete with other beginners, but professional players as well. Keep in mind that some of these people are playing online poker for a living, spending up to 10 hours a day playing it, so don’t feel down if you realize that you’re not doing as great as you expected. Kicking your friends’ butts is one thing, but the world of online poker is a completely different thing. To make things easier for you, we’ve got you some cool tips and tricks that can improve your games, but be prepared for days and days of practice and nerve wrecking games until you see some real results.

Keep your emotions at bay

It’s fairly easy to get over emotional while playing poker. Who could blame you? There’s the heat of the game, your ego (especially the “macho” moment if you’re a guy playing against other guys), money at the stake…That’s why most beginners make this mistake and lose their head in the middle of the game. Remember that getting emotional will lead you nowhere, and there’s no place for passion if you’re serious about winning some cash. You need a cool head and the ability to focus and analyze your opponents, waiting for crucial signs and playing smart. If you catch yourself getting irritated or still thinking about the previous game, take a break and cool down.

You need to learn and practice

If there’s one thing we keep hearing from fresh players, it’s “I’m a natural”, and there’s nothing more annoying than this statement. Although you might be talented for poker, that makes just one tiny bit of the whole picture. Even the most talented of athletes have to sweat their way to success with hard practice, and online poker is no different than any other sport. There is a whole lot of literature on online poker as well as online sources and forums where you can learn a lot of useful stuff. Of course, pro players will always keep their little secrets to themselves, but getting informed and learning about poker strategy is essential.

Focus on the players, not cards

There’s an old poker saying that goes something like “play the players, not the cards”, and it’s one wise piece of advice you should stick to. Many beginners’ focus on their hand too much, missing the whole picture and their opponents’ moves. Carefully observe your opponents, try to find a pattern in their behavior and predict their moves, attacking them when they least expect it. Even if you don’t get a great hand, you can bluff your way out of it if you break the pattern in your opponent’s moves and predict whether they would fall for the bluff or not. Remember that it’s all about the right moves as you’ll rarely get a winning hand that guarantees you 100% success.

Biggest online poker mistakes

If you’re planning on earning money through online poker playing, you have to know from the start that although this is a card game, it should be taken as seriously as possible. It’s OK if you like to play a game now and then and you don’t mind losing [...] Continue Reading…

Two important tips for playing online poker

While online poker playing might be a fun way to spend the night, for thousands of people all over the world this is the way of earning money.  There are more young players attracted to the possibility of earning some big cash online every day, so it doesn’t come [...] Continue Reading…