Over the years, we’ve received a lot of questions from our readers, and most of them have been about Xanax. It seems that there’s a lot of interest for this well known drug, and we’ve finally decided to compile the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions in one easy to use document. Let’s start.


Q: Is it true that traces of Xanax can be found in your bloodstream years after you stop using it? A: To put things quite plainly, the answer is a clear no. On average, a healthy adult will be completely clear of all traces of Xanax twelve to fourteen hours after taking the pill. People older than sixty, or those with a history of liver and kidney problems will generally take a bit more time to accomplish this – up to eighteen or twenty hours.

Q: I’ve been told that Xanax can cause permanent brain damage and even autism. Is there any truth to that?
A: Absolutely not. There’s not one shred of evidence to support that theory. Xanax is one of the oldest and best known sedatives on the market today, and it’s been subjected to rigorous medical tests countless of times. In all of those tests, and in all documented Xanax treatments that have been prescribed over the years, there hasn’t been one case of any “permanent brain damage” that can be related to Xanax usage. The same goes for autism – plus, it’s genetically inherited, and you can’t really “catch it”, especially not from Xanax usage.


Q: A friend of a friend took only one pill of Xanax, and became addicted. Is this possible? Also, if a person becomes addicted to Xanax, is it really true that it’s not possible to stop and that you have to take Xanax every day for the rest of your life?
A: You’ve guessed it – the answer is again no. Although prolonged usage of large amounts of Xanax can in fact lead to a development of a dependency, the same is very much true for most prescription based anti anxiety medications. However, when compared with other sedatives, relaxants and hypnotics – even other benzodiazepines – Xanax has a relatively short half life and a quick elimination rate, which means that the withdrawal symptoms are equally short living. You should still take some precautions when using Xanax to minimize the possibility of developing a dependency.


To make sure that you don’t become addicted to Xanax, avoid: 
Taking Xanax for more than two months without skipping two days every week,

Take more than 10 mg of Xanax per day, or more than 5 mg of Xanax in one dose,

Use Xanax unless there’s a real need for it,

Use Xanax alongside other psychoactive substances, including other sedatives and alcohol,

Take more Xanax, or use it more frequently than your doctor prescribed.


If you suspect that you might be addicted to the medication, do not stop taking it abruptly. It’s much safer to slowly lower the dosage over a period of seven to ten days – this way, you are greatly reducing the chance of experiencing any withdrawal symptoms.

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