This craft ran last year on but I thought you all might like to see it here on CTD. Get your fabric scrap ready, and make a guest book/open house/autograph book that will be a treasured keepsake! Yesterday I showed you how to use recycled fabric to make shabby-chic flowers. Today, I’m going to [...]
June 18, 2012
How-To: Recycled Fabric Flowers
This post originally ran on last year- but I thought y’all might like it here, as well! Get your fabric scraps ready and craft it up! I love to be able to recycle- it means I can stretch my money and save more for my craft shopping! Well, this handy-dandy flower is made [...]
June 15, 2012
Blog Roll Linky Party and Giveaway
Hey, Crafty Friends! I’m feeling like the recipient of some REALLY good Karma lately, and I want to pass it on. I’ve been noticing some really great traffic from other crafty-friends blogs- specifically Tally’s Treasury has been sending some love in the way of new visitor’s lately. So here’s the deal- if I’m on your [...]
June 15, 2012
CTD Craft Class: Five Reasons for Crafters to Work in a Series
Recently I hosted an Operation Write Home card-making party. One of my guests was a card-making newbie, so I was sharing some of my “craft test dummies pointers” with her. And one of them I thought I’d share with you today: working in a series. Most artists, in the course of their training, learn to [...]
June 14, 2012
Getting Inky: A Comparison Of Spray Inks and Mists
One day, a few weeks ago, I was playing around with some of my spray inks. I happened to spritz one kind on top of another kind, and realized that they didn’t want to mix together. It made the mad scientist in me come alive with wonder…and I started going crazy, spraying various ink sprays [...]
June 13, 2012
Craft Book Review: Creative Doodling and Beyond by Stephanie Corfee
This may come as a surprise to you but… I’m not much of a doodler. I think I was, when I was younger, but somewhere along the line I lost my doodle. I’ve been thinking about how I might get it back. It seems that it would fit so well with some of the things [...]
June 12, 2012
Craft Product Review: Cut, Fold, and Tuck Dies by Spellbinders
I love dies. I especially love Spellbinder’s dies because of their slim, easy-to-store design and great price point. Now I have even another reason to love them: these innovative Cut, Fold, and Tuck Dies make lovely 3-d embellishments that I could never cut by hand. Here’s how the Cut Fold and Tuck Dies are described [...]
June 11, 2012
Craft Product Review: The Knook by Leisure Arts
The Knook by Leisure Arts is a system for creating knitted fabric using a crochet hook and a silky cord instead of a second needle. From The Knook page: • Learning to knit is easy with the Knook and our step-by-step instructions! Great for beginners! • One tool—a new & unique specialized bamboo crochet hook—replaces [...]
June 10, 2012
Operation Write Home Giveaway
Last week I shared with you that I had hosted an Operation Write Home Card Party- we’ve got almost 100 cards ready to go! I want to encourage you all to participate by offering an OWH-themed giveaway. But first, I want to share this video with you from Sandy Allnock, the founder of Operation Write [...]
June 8, 2012
Operation Write Home Card Party
Last month I was asked to share some info about Operation Write Home- a n0n-profit agency that provides hand-made greeting cards to troops overseas so that they can stay in touch with their families. Here’s their “about” statement: This merry band of thousands of cardmakers is made up of Americans – and citizens of other [...]
June 7, 2012
How-To: Stenciled Mug Rug featuring Stamper’s Big Brush Pens
Yesterday I showed you how I altered fabric with Gelatos™ Colors from Design Memory Craft and made a sassy sunglasses case. Today I’m gong to continue the fiber arts theme, but focus on a different product from Faber-Castell: Stamper’s Big Brush Pens. Just to refresh you memory, here is some information on Stamper’s Big Brush Pens: [...]
June 6, 2012
How To: Sunglasses Case From Custom Fabric Featuring Gelatos™ Colors
Have you ever looked at a craft product and wondered “How else could I use it?” I asked myself that very question last week while I was playing around with some Gelatos™ Colors in the Design Memory Craft Collection from Faber-Castell. Now, just as a refresher here’s a bit of info on Gelatos™ Colors from Design [...]
June 5, 2012
Craft Product Review: Stampin’ UP Classic Stampin’ Pads
Once upon a time, my sister was a demonstrator for Stampin’ UP. We had parties all the time, and I used their products all the time! However, that was before I became a full-time CraftTestDummy, and I have never reviewed a Stampin’ UP product-til now. Hello, Classic Stampin’ Pads! Here’s a bit of info from [...]
June 5, 2012
What’s NEW? Stampin’ UP Release June 2012
Whenever I get together with crafty friends, they always ask me “What’s NEW?” (And they don’t mean in my life, they mean in the craft world!) So I’m starting a new column just for new release information. It will give me the space to share with you new lines from favorite companies! Today I’ve got [...]
June 4, 2012
Craft Product Review: Sweetheart Inkers by We R Memory Keepers
Pigment pads are essential for crafters. They feature opaque color, vibrant color, and are perfect for embossing. But Sweetheart Inkers from We R Memory Keepers have that “extra something”- an amazing design. Let me tell you about my experience with them. Here’s how they are described on the website: Sweetheart Inkers make the popular “vintage [...]
June 1, 2012
Friday Giveaway: Gift Certificate to
Happy Friday, my friends! If you’ve been following along this week, you know that I’ve been having a ball with new stencils from Besides being a new advertising partner to CTD, they’ve also generously offered to sponsor today’s giveaway! So….who likes stencils??? Yeah, I know you do! So we’ll keep it super-simple today! Just [...]
June 1, 2012
Craft Product Review: Stencils by iStencils
Sencils are the new stickers. For the longest time, stencils were boring, dated, and passe. But recently, new, improved, and totally hip stencils have been hitting the market. I was lucky that contacted me to try out their line- they are SO cool! Here’s a little bit about iStencils from the website: We have [...]
June 19, 2012