[M+T]-タイプと[A]-タイプのゲノムから構成された        核型をもつ不稔性分類群

Sterile taxa with [M+T] and [A]-type genomes

1)  シロバナマンジュシャゲ (シロバナヒガンバナ)  L. albiflora Koidzumi 
    2n=17=5M+1T+11A & 2n=18=5M+1T+11A+1m

  9月下旬〜10月上旬に開花する。花茎は高さ30−45cm、総苞は長さ30−40mm、小花柄は8−10mm、花筒部は12−15mm、花被片は長さ50-52mm、幅6−8mm、辺縁の浪打の程度や反り返りの程度はヒガンバナより少ない。雄しべは58−72mm、雌しべは80−82mm。先端は淡い紅色。葉は10月から伸び始め、5月に枯れる。葉の長さは30-40 cm, 幅は11-16mm。黄緑色でヒガンバナとショウキズイセンの中間形。

1)  L. albiflora Koidzumi     2n=17=5M+1T+11A  & 2n=18=5M+1T+11A+1m

   Endemic to Japan. Koidzumi (1924) described this species based on a plant cultivated in a garden and he supposed that the original locality of this species is Isl. Amamioshima, Kyushu, Japan. As to the origin of this sterile taxon, Makino (1943) supposed to be a hybrid between L. radiata and L. traubii. His supposition was verified by cytological and experimental studies.
   Leaves emerging in October, up to 45 cm long, 11-16 mm wide, somewhat yellowish green. Scape produced in mid September to early October, 30-45 cm long. Spathe-valves ovate, 30-40 mm long. Pedicels 8-10 mm long. Tepaltube 12-15 mm long; perianth 50-52 mm long, 6-8 mm wide. Stamens 58-72 mm long. Style 80-82 mm long with reddish stigma.
 Left: Flowers of typical L. albiflora; 2n=17=5M+1T+11A. Right: A plant has a m-chromosome produced by the Robertonian fusion of A-chromosomes.

 核型:左は5M+1T+11A。 5本のM染色体と1本のT染色体は2n=12=10M+2Tのショウキズイセンに由来し、11Aは2n=33=33Aのヒガンバナに由来する。は5M+1T+11A+1m。
 Karyotypes: Left; 2n=17=5M+1T+11A. The donor of the genome [5M+1T] is L. traubii (2n=10M+2T) and the genome [11A] is from L. radiata (2n=33A). Right; A karyotype including a very small m-chromosome.

 2) エルシアエ L. elsiae Traub  

 この分類群は日本から米国へ白い花のヒガンバナ(L. radiata alba)の名で輸入された球根の一部である。ミズーリ植物園の標本庫へ命名者のTraubの標本庫から移管された標本(No.3149489, No.3149490)には「花は白く、やや黄桃色を帯びる」とメモがあるが、標本を観察・測定した結果からは、この写真のように赤味のかかったシロバナマンジュシャゲと考えられる。核型も一致している。ただし、この写真の個体の葉の色と開花期ははシロバナヒガンバナと同じだが、原記載では、葉は青味を帯びた暗緑色で、8月から9月上旬に開花するとあり、疑問は残る。

2) L. elsiae Traub   2n=17=5M+1T+11A

  This taxon may be a form of L. albiflora. There are two specimens in MO (No.3149489, No.3149490) transferred from Traub Herbarium under the name of L. elsiae Traub collected from Japan. According to the note on the label, both specimens have flowers "white, slightly yellow-pink-tinged", but the original description is "soft salmony in color, with deepest pinkish shading in a band along the center of the perigone finally fades to flesh color with ageing" as shown in this picture. Brooming season and the color of leaves of my materials are not in accord with the type description of this taxon.

3)キツネショウキラン L. traubii XL. sanguinea 2n=17=5M+1T+11A 2n=18=4M+3T+11A

 オオスミは小松崎一雄(1962)がアケボノショウキランと名づけたものであり、ベニサツマは米国のPISが日本から輸入し、キンナバリヌム(L. "cinnabarinum") の名で栽培されているものにあたる。キンナバリヌムについては、すでにWilliams(1983)が、細胞分類学的見地からキツネノカミソリとショウキズイセン(2n=8M+6T)の雑種と推定していた。

  This taxon originated in hybridization between L. traubii and L. sanguinea (ueno et.al, 1994). It can be devided into two forms, which were named by a breeder Kazuya Ohno Osumi and Benisatsuma, respectively. Osumi corresponds to Akebonoshoukiran (Komatuzaki, 1962) and Benisatsuma corresponds to L. "cinnnabarinum" (Williams, 1983).

3)−1: オオスミ (アケボノショウキラン)    osumi  2n=17=5M+1T+11A

  9月中旬から開花する。花茎は40-58cm。総苞は長さ40-60mm。小花柄は7−28mm。花筒部は15-20 mm、花被片は長さ6−7cm、幅は10−15mm、雄しべは70−75mm、葯は黄色、雌しべは80−90mmで先端は紅色。葉は11月に伸展し、5月には枯れる。長さ40-50cm、幅13-18mm、黄緑色で無光沢。写真の個体の核型は2n=17=5M+1T+11Aだが、2n=18=4V+14Rという報告もある(Takemura, 1962)。

3)-1: L. traubii X L. sanguinea   osumi     2n=17=5M+1T+11A

  This form is found in southwestern Kyushu. In Nagasaki Pref., this plants and L. sanguinea grow side by side in a population. Used plants were collected on the road side at Yamakawa, the Satsuma Peninsula, Kagoshima Pref.
  Leaves emerging in Novenber, up to 40-50 cm long, 13-18 mm wide, yellowish green, persisting in May. Scape produced in mid September, 40-58 cm long. Spathe-valves ovate, 40-60 mm long. Pedicels 7-28 mm long. Tepaltube 15-20 mm long; perianth 60-70 mm long, 10-15 mm wide. Stamens 70-75 mm long. Style 80-90 mm long with reddish stigma. Takemura (1962) reported another karyotype, 2n=18=4V+14R.

3)−2: ベニサツマ(キンナバリヌム)   benisatuma   2n=17=5M+1T+11A


3)-2: L. traubii X L. sanguinea     benisatsuma     2n=17=5M+1T+11A

  This form is only known at the tip of the Satsuma Peninsula, Kagoshima Pref.. Used materials were obtained from Ohno Nursery Garden.
  Leaves emerging in Novenber, persisting to May, somewhat smaller than forma osumi, yellowish green. Scape produced in mid September, 40-45 cm long. Spathe-valves ovate, 40-45 mm long. Pedicels 10-15 mm long. Tepaltube 7-10 mm long; perianth 60-70 mm long, 10-14 mm wide. Stamens 60-70 mm long. Style 75-80 mm long with reddish stigma. Williams(1983) and Ueno et al.(1994) reported another karyotype, 2n=18=4V+14R.

4) フラベスケンス  L. flavescens M. Kim et S. Lee   2n=19=3M+4T+1sm+11A

  韓国の固有種。黄海に面した半島南部に分布している。韓国では最近までシロバナマンジュシャゲと誤認されてきたが、ムジナノカミソリと韓国産のキネンシスとの雑種であることを明らかにしたKurita (1989)に基づきKim & Lee(1991)が新種として記載した。
  8月中旬に開花。花茎は高さ〜45cm。総苞は25−30mm、小花柄は15−45mm。花筒部は12−15mm、花被片は長さ53−55mm、幅12−16mm。花糸は55−60mm、葯は黄色、花柱は65−70mmで先端は紅色。葉は早春に展開し、5月には枯れる。葉の長さは28−32cm、幅10−16mm。核型は2n=19=3M+1sm+4T+ 11A。19本の染色体のうち、3Mと1smと4Tの8本は韓国産のキネンシス(2n=16に由来し、11Aの11本はムジナノカミソリ(2n=22)に由来する。

4) L. flavescens M.Kim et S.Lee    2n=19=3M+4T+1sm+11A

  Endemic to Korea, distributed in southwestern costal region. This taxon has been confused with L. albiflora by Korean botanists. Kurita (1989) clarified this taxon a hybrid between L. chinensis var. sinuolata and L. sanguinea.var. koreana according to karyology and morphology, and Kim and Lee (1991) described it as a new species.
  Leaves emerging in early spring, persisting to May, 28-32 cm long, 10-16 mm wide. Scape produced in mid August, 40-45 cm long. Spathe-valves ovate, 25-30 mm long. Pedicels 15-45 mm long. Tepaltube 12-15 mm long; perianth 53-55 mm long, 12-16 mm wide. Stamens 55-60 mm long. Style 65-70 mm long with reddish stigma. The karyotype is 3M+4T+1sm+11A. The genome [3M+4T+1sm] is from L. chinensis (2n=6M+8T+2sm) and 11A is from L. sanguinea var. koreana (2n=22A).

           Flowers of L flavescens.                           Karyotype: 2n=16=3M+4T+1sm+11A

5) チェジュエンシス L. chejuensis K.H.Tae et S.C.Ko  2n=30=3M+4T+1sm+22A

  韓国済州島の固有種。1993年の国際植物学会でKurita and Hsuが新たな雑種分類群として報告し、後にTae and Koが新種として記載した。フラベスケンスと同じ親を持つ異質3倍体である。

5)  L. chejuensis K.H.T.Tae et S.C.Ko     2n=30=3M+4T+1sm+22A

   Endemic to Isl. Chejudo, Korea. Kurita (1993) reported this taxon as a new triploid hybrid between L. chinensis and L. sanguinea var. koreana at XV International Botanocal Congress, then Tae and Ko (1993) described it as a new species.
  Leaves emerging in early spring, persisting to May, 32-53 cm long, 12-18 mm wide. Scape produced in mid August, up to 57 cm long. Spathe-valves ovate, 35-40 mm long. Pedicels 15-40 mm long. Tepaltube 15-16 mm long; perianth 60-67 mm long, 12-15 mm wide, shade of color variable. Stamens 65-70 mm long. Style 85-90 mm long with reddish stigma. The karyotype is 3M+4T+1sm+22A. The genome [3M+4T+1sm] is from L. chinensis (2n=6M+8T+2sm) and 22A is from L. sanguinea var. koreana (2n=22A).

    Flowers of L. chejuensis: The tint of perianth varies from bulb to bulb and cultivating condition.


 The karyotype of L. chejuensis is 2n=30=3M+1sm+4T+22A. Twenty-two acrocentrics were from the unreduced gamete of L. sanguinea. var. koreana, and 3 metacentrics, 1 submetacentric and 4 telocentric chromosomes were from L. chinensis var. sinuolata. This submetacentric chromosome is very good marker to detect the donor species.

6) ストラミネア   L. straminea Lindl., emend. Traub   2n=19=3M+5T+11A

  この分類群は中国に固有で、Traub (1956)によると1845年に、イギリスのプラントハンターで『江戸と北京』の著作もあるRobert Fortune が中国からキュウ植物園へ導入したものである。Lindley (1848)が新種として記載したが、そのタイプ標本はケンブリッジ植物博物館が1866年にLindleyから買い取った。ミズーリ植物園の標本庫にあるタイプ標本の写真を観察し、Traub (1956)の校訂した記載と併せ検討した結果、それは下の写真と同じものと推定した。写真の個体は中国浙江省で採集され杭州植物園で栽培されているもので、核型は2n=19=3M+5T+11Aである。この核型と外部形態は、この分類群がコヒガンバナとキネンシスとの雑種起源であることを示唆している。ちなみに、稲荷山(1937)が L. straminea (2n=16=6V+10R)としたものは L. longituba var. flava であろう。

6)  L. straminea Lindl., emend. Traub   2n=19=3M+5T+11A

   Endemic to China. In 1845, a famous english plant hunter, Robert Fortune sent to Kew Gardens a plant which Lindley (1848) named L. straminea. I studied the photo-sheet of the type specimen from CGE and considered it corresponds to the plants cultivated in Hangzho Botanical Gardens, of which one is shown here.
   Leaves emerging in Octover, persisting to May, 20-30cm long, 10-13 mm wide. Scape produced in August, up to 50 cm long. Spathe-valves ovate, to 25mm long. Pedicels 10-20 mm long. Tepaltube 8-10 mm long; perianth 48-55 mm long, 10-12 mm wide, straw-colored, changing to white in full blossom. Stamens 70-75 mm long. Style 80-85 mm long with reddish stigma. The karyotype of this taxon is 2n=19=3M+5T+11A. This karyotype and the gross morphology suggest that L. straminea is a hybrid between L. chinensis and L. radiata var. pumila.

    L. straminea: Cultivated in Hangzou Bot. Gardens                Karyotype: 2n=19=3M+5T+11A

7) インカルナータ  L. incarnata Comes ex Spreng.  2n=30=3M+5T+1M'+20A+1m

  中国の固有種。湖北省から雲南省に分布。最近、韓国済州島でも発見されたが、逸出だろう。 タヌキノカミソリという和名がある。
  8月に開花。花茎は高さ〜57cm、総苞は長さ〜38mm、小花柄は12−15mm。花筒部は15mm、花被片は長さ60−65mm、幅11−12mm、辺縁はわずかに波打ち、中肋部が紫紅色。花糸は55−60mmで花被片と等長か短め。花柱は65−70mmで花被片よりやや長い。花糸も花柱も薄い赤紫色。葉は早春に現れ5月に枯れる。長さ〜46cm、幅10−18mm。Kurita (1987)はこの分類群の核型を2n=30=4M+3T+22A+1m と報告し、2n=14=8M+6Tの分類群と 2n=23=22A+1m の分類群との交雑種だろうと考えたが、その後のGISH法などによる詳細な研究の結果、核型は3M+5T+1M’+1m+20Aと判明した。つまり、2n=16=6M+10T の分類群と 2n=22=22Aまたは 2n=33 =33A の分類群との交雑に起源する分類群である。M’とm染色体は2本のA染色体がロバートソン結合をした結果の産物である。

          L. incarnata                               Karyotype:  2n=30=3M+5T+1M'+1m+20A

7)  L. incarnata Comes ex Spreng.   2n=30=3M+5T+1M'+20A+1m

   Endemic to China (Hubei, Yunnan, Guichou). This taxon was found in Isl. Chejudo recently, and it may be escaped plants.
   Leaves emerging in early spring, persisting to May, up to 46 cm long, 10-18 mm wide. Scape produced in August, up to 57 cm long. Spathe-valves ovate, to 38mm long. Pedicels 12-15 mm long. Tepaltube 12-15 mm long; perianth 60-65 mm long, 11-12 mm wide, midrib reddish purple. Stamens 55-60 mm long, purplish. Style 65-70 mm long, purplish. The karyotype of this taxon is 2n=3M+5T+1M'+1m+20A. This taxon is probably a hybrid between a taxon with 2n=6M+10T and a taxon with 2n=22A or 33A. M' and m chromosomes are the product of the Robertsonian fusion of A chromosomes. Parent, the donor of [1M'+1m+20A], is probably L. sprengeri. .

8) ホウディシェリ   L. houdyshelii Traub      2n=30=3M+5T+22A

  中国固有種。1948年に上海から L. alba の名で米国に輸入された球根から発見された分類群で、1957年にTraub がBose(1957)の染色体情報を重視して、新種として記載した。浙江省原産と思われているが、現在は栽培されているものだけで、自生地はわかっていない。写真の個体はホウディシェリとして米国から日本に輸出され、千葉県農事試験場で栽培されていたもの。現記載では花糸と花柱は花被片より長く突出するとあり、Cardwell (1957)の写真もそのようになっているので、核型は一致するものの、この個体は典型的なものではないのだろう。また、近年、ホウディシェリの名で市販されている 2n=19=3M+5T+11A の分類群とは別物である。

            L. houdyshelii                             Karyotype: 2n=30=3M+5T+22A

8)  L. houdyshelii Traub      2n=30=3M+5T+22A

   Endemic to China (Zhejiang, known only in cultivation). Plants of this picture were introduced into Japan from USA, then cultivated at Aguricultural Experimental Station of China Pref.. Though the karyotype of this material correspond with the previous report of Bose (1957), the length of stamens and style is somewhat shorter than the original description by Traub (1957).
   Leaves emerging in October, persisting to May, up to 42 cm long, 10-20 mm wide, dark green. Scape produced in late July to August, up to 50 cm long. Spathe-valves ovate, to 30 mm long. Pedicels 8-15 mm long. Tepaltube 7-12 mm long; perianth 45-50 mm long, 8-10 mm wide. Stamens 50-55 mm long, purplish. Style 60 mm long, upper part reddish. The karyotype of this taxon is 2n=3M+5T+22A. This taxon is probably a hybrid between a taxon with 2n=6M+10T and a taxon with 2n=22A or 33A.

9) カルドゥエリ   L. cardwellii Traub     2n=27=6M+10T+11A

  8月から9月にかけて開花。花茎は高さ50cm前後、総苞は長さ30−35mm、小花柄は7-27mm。花筒部は20-25mm。花被片は長さ70-75mm、幅11-13mm、初めはやや紅色を帯びた黄白色で後に白くなる。辺縁は少し波打つ。花糸は60-65mmで、花被片より短い。葯は黄赤色。花柱は75-80mm、先端はわずかに朱色。葉は早春に展開し、長さ25-40cm、幅13-17mm。5月には枯れる。核型は2n=27=6M+10T+11A で、2n=16=6M+10Tの分類群の非減数性配偶子と2n=22=22Aの分類群の減数した配偶子との交雑に起源するのだろう。

             L. cardwellii                              Karyotype: 2n=27=6M+10T+11A

9) L. cardwellii Traub      2n=27=6M+10T+11A

Endemic to China, distributed in Zhejiang, Jangsu, and Jangxi.
   Leaves emerging in early spring, persisting to May, 25-40 cm long, 13-17 mm wide, yellowish green. Scape produced in August to September, up to 50 cm long. Spathe-valves ovate, 30-35 mm long. Pedicels 7-27 mm long. Tepaltube 20-25 mm long; perianth 70-75 mm long, 11-13 mm wide, opening to pale yellow, changing gradually to cleamy white with age. barely undulate-margined. Stamens 60-65 mm long, shorter than perianth. Style 75-80 mm long, upper part slightly reddish. The karyotype of this taxon is 2n=6M+10T+11A. This taxon is probably a hybrid between a taxon with 2n=6M+10T and a taxon with 2n=22A or 33A.

10) ナツズイセン   L. squamigera Maxim.     2n=27=6M+10T+11A


10)  L. squamigera Maxim.       2n=27=6M+10T+11A

    This taxon distributes to eastern China (Jangsu, Zhejiang and Shandong), Korea and Japan. In moist often disturbed place, such as margin of plantation, around dwellings, and graveyards. As well as L. radiata var. radiata, this taxon is a ruderal plant in Japan and Korea.
   Leaves emerging in early spring, persisting to May, 45-50 cm long, 20-30 mm wide, yellowish green. Scape produced in August, 50-70 cm long. Spathe-valves ovate, 15-35 mm long. Pedicels 10-30 mm long. Tepaltube 25-30 mm long; perianth 75-80 mm long, 15-18 mm wide, barely undulate-margined. Stamens 70-75 mm long, somewhat shorter than perianth. Style 90-95 mm long, upper part reddish. The karyotype of this taxon is 2n=6M+10T+11A. This taxon is probably a hybrid between a taxon with 2n=6M+10T and a taxon with 2n=22A or 33A. The parents are supposed to be L. longituba and L. sprengeri (Inariyama, 1948).

11) コヒガンバナとキネンシスとの交雑に起源するらしい複数の分類群
    Putative hybrid swarm originated in the hybridization between L. radiata var. pumila
    and L. chinensis.


   I collected five sterile taxa (A,B,C,D, and E) at Mt. Mogan Shan, Zejiang Province, China. These sterile taxa are found in the area where two fertile stem species, L. chinensis and L. radiata var. pumila distributed sympatrically. The floral morphology of these sterile taxa is very variable, but the karyotype of A, B, and C is uniform. All examined plants of A, B, and C have the same karyotype, 3M+5T+11A. Therefore, A, B, and C are supposed to be the hybrid between L. chinensis (n=3M+5T) and L. radiata var. pumila (n=11A).

       分類群A: 早春に出葉する                           分類群B: 秋に出葉する 
     Taxon A : Leaves emerging in spring                     Taxon B : Leaves emerging in autumn

          分類群C: 秋に出葉する                  分類群A,B,Cの核型: 2n=19=3M+5T+11A
      Taxon C : Leaves emerging in autumn                Karyotype of taxa A,B,C: 2n=19=3M+5T+11A

      キネンシスと雑種と思われる個体が混生する               コヒガンバナと雑種と思われる個体の混生状況
         L. chinensis and putative hybrids                    L. radiata var. pumila and putative hybrids



  The karyotype of taxon-D is similar to that of L. flavescens, but the floral morphology is dissimilar. At the gross morphological point of view, this taxon is also supposed to be a hybrid between L. chinensis and L. radiata var. pumila. The existence of submetacentric chromosome (sm) in this sterile plant suggests the probability of distribution of L. chinensis var. sinuolata in this area.

        分類群D: 秋に出葉する。                          核型: 2n=19=3M+4T+1sm+11A
      Taxon D : Leaves emerging in autumn                     Karyotype: 2n=19=3M+4T;1sm+11A

 下の写真は分類群Eの花と核型である。葉は秋に伸展する。蕾は黄緑色。核型は 2n=30=3M+5T+22A でホウディシェリのそれと区別できない。花の姿も花糸と花柱が花被片から突出しており、Caldwell (1957)のホウディシェリの写真やその現記載に近い。これが典型的なホウディシェリかもしれない。

 The karyotype of taxon-E accords with that of L. houdysherlli. Leaves appearing in autumn. Flower buds yellowish green. Stamens and style is conpicuously protruding. These characters fit to the type description of L. houdyshelli.

         分類群E: 秋に出葉する。                         核型: 2n=30=3M+5T+22A
       Taxon E : Leaves emerging in autumn                    Karyotype: 2n=30=3M+5T+22A

12) スプレンゲリとキネンシスとの交雑に起源するらしい複数の分類群
    Putative hybrid swarm originated in the hybridization between L. sprengeri
    and L. chinensis.


  In copse and on roadside of the country around Yixing, Jangsu, China, L. chinensis and L. sprengeri are growing sympatreically, and various forms of sterile plant suppoosed to be the hybrid between these fertile species. In the population of L. chinensis, I collected three taxa (F, G, and H). Though the flower morphology and phenology of those taxon are variable, the karyotypes are uniform; 2n=19=5M+5T+11A. This karyotype is consistent with the supposition. The fruits of taxon-G grow, as if it is fertile, but no seeds are produced. This taxon is on sale under the name of L. "off-white".

 分類群F: 春に出葉。花被片、花糸、花柱は等長。            分類群G: 春に出葉。花糸は花被片より短い。
         Taxon F: Leaves emerging in spring. Length of perianth, stamens and style is equal.
        Taxon G: Leaves emerging in spring. Length of stamens is shorter than that of perianth.

   分類群H: 秋に出葉。花糸・花柱は突出する。          分類群F,G,Hの核型 Karyotype: 2n=19=3M+5T+11A
         Taxon H: Leaves emerging in autumn. Stamens and style protrude from perigone.

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