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Japan - Money Plus Sunset Deluxe

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Japan - Money Plus Sunset Deluxe is designed to be a replacement for expired versions of Japan Money Plus. The Sunset version comes with self help only, and all online services disabled.


バージョン: 17 発行日: 2011/01/07
ナレッジベース記事: KB2118008
ファイル名 サイズ
JpnMnySunset.exe 20.8 MB ダウンロード


Japan - Money Plus Sunset Deluxe is designed to be a replacement for expired versions of Japan Money Plus. The Sunset version comes with self help only, and all online services disabled.

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サポートされているオペレーティング システム: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP

Win XP -SP3 Windows Vista Windows 7

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Download is a self extracting executable. Prior to installing Sunset version, it is recommended that you make sure you have secure backups of all your Money data files. The download can be installed standalone, or on top of a previous verison of Japanese Money.

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