After a “Big Hit” inaugural season in 2011, the MD/AAU Baseball Urban Initiative Project’s “CITYWIDE1380 Baseball League” begins its second season of play at the Carroll Park Sports Complex in Baltimore City with a continuing effort to increase the exposure of AAU Baseball in the inner-city.  Already into the third week of the 2012 season, league officials, coaches, players, and fans are even more excited about the upcoming schedule of games featuring five of the City’s top youth baseball programs.  Returning for the 2012 CW1380 campaign are the 2011 league champion and gold medal winner, James Mosher Astros; silver medalist Baltimore Lions Baseball Club; EGBC Giants Baseball (bronze medal); Bluford-Drew-Jemison S.T.E.M. Academy East campus Rockets; and the Gardenville Grays.  Early season, the EGBC Giants and Gardenville Grays sit atop the standings followed by the Astros, Rockets, and Lions, respectively.  However, the competition down the stretch shapes up to be a great series of games as all teams anxiously chase the league’s championship gold medal.

The “CITYWIDE1380 Baseball League at Carroll Park” was created by the MD/AAU Baseball Committee as a bridge for young, inner-city players ages 13 and under to transition from the “recreation leagues” (60’/46’ diamond) to the “big leagues” (90’/60’).  The CW1380 league plays on diamonds with 80’ base paths and 54’ pitching mound, and matches the skill sets and abilities of players of similar age and baseball experience.  In addition, the CW1380 league offers an incentive to young players to keep playing baseball as they improve their on-field game and enhance their lives as future leaders and productive members of the Baltimore City community.  Good sportsmanship, high character, and commitment are qualities that define the purpose, shape the mission, and set the standard for the second-year league.

Basketball - Boy's Basketball May 06, 2012

Division Three Championship Series is On!

We Haven't Finished Yet!

What a weekend! Some the the finest basketball I've ever witnessed ever -- and more to come! The 2012 Maryland AAU Boys’ Basketball State Championship brackets and schedules for our DIVISION THREE FINALS has been posted!

These games will be held on

Saturday, May 12, Saturday, May 19 and Sunday, May 20, 2012

For additional info, check out the latest Schedules and Division Three  Brackets links on the Boy's Basketball Menu or the READ MORE link at the end of this article. If you have any additional questions, don't forget help is easily available. Just contact me or your 2012 Tournament Commissioners. Remember: It's not over, so play hard and have fun!

Thanks and CONGRATULATIONS to our tournament winners!

Benjamin F. DuBose, Jr. – Sports Director & Boys’ Basketball Staff

Swimming/Diving - Swimming April 26, 2012

You're Invited to Participate!


June 23 - 24, 2012

Coppin State University,  2525 Gwynns Falls Parkway,  Baltimore, MD 21216





The AAU Junior Olympic Games is the largest national multi-sport event for youth in the United States. You and your athletes won’t want to miss out on this opportunity!

For More Information, get the Qualifying Flyer and Championship Swim Meet Information Package (which includes Eligibility info, Rules,  Fees, Team & Individual Summary sheets, Directions and more! This is a major event for the Baltimore Area -- Get the Info you need now and get Signed Up TODAY!!!

Basketball - Boy's Basketball April 22, 2012

2012 Tournament Schedules and Brackets

Our Second Weekend Series Was Fantastic!

The April 28th & 29th Tournament Schedules have been posted as well as the 2nd, 3rd, 4th 5th and 6th grade Brackets!

Just check out the 2012 Schedules and Brackets link on the Boy's Basketball Menu or the READ MORE link at the end of this article for the latest updates.

If you have any questions, or need additional information, don't hesitate to contact your 2012 Tournament Commissioners!

Remember: Let's play hard, have fun and let's make this the BEST Championship Series ever!

Benjamin F. DuBose, Jr. – Sports Director
& Boys’ Basketball Staff

Last Updated on Sunday, 22 April 2012 18:56

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Melvin "Mel" Parker Award

Mel Parker

The Maryland District of the Amateur Athletic Union is pleased to announce the establishment of an award recognizing the memory and many leadership contributions and coaching accomplishments of the late Mr. Melvin “Mel” Parker.

A long time coach of boys and girls basketball, Melvin “Mel” Parker contributed significantly to the advancement of amateur athletics in Maryland. This is attested by his 10 year tenure as President of the Maryland District of the Amateur Athletic Union and 10 years in leadership roles with the Peninsula Athletic League as basketball chairman and coach.

The Melvin “Mel” Parker Award will be given annually to the top male and female athlete who achieves a high standard of performance in AAU sanctioned district, regional, or national competition. The award will be presented to two individuals under the age of 18, in recognition of their commitment and achievement in their chosen sport. The athlete may participate in an individual or team sport. The honor was conceived as a way to focus attention on their participation in athletics, school and community activities, and qualities of leadership, character, and sportsmanship.

The first winners will be honored at the Annual Maryland AAU Outstanding Athletes, Coaches and Volunteers Awards Banquet. The MD/AAU Sports Awards Banquet Committee invites athletes, coaches, volunteers, and others to nominate applicants. The deadline for submitting applications is September 15th.

For additional information, download the Mel Parker Award Application Package (PDF), which includes Award Nomination information, Procedures & Applications, the Mel Parker story and more!

Take Note:

Take Our 2011 Awards Banquet Survey! The 2011 Maryland AAU Banquet Committee needs your feedback regarding our recent Awards Banquet! Please take a few moments to complete our survey. It's easy - just click the icon to the left or go here: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WZT7R7B.  We appreciate your time and support... Thank You!


The JUNE 2012 "Jump Shot"
Newsletter is here!

In this issue:

  • Elite Athletes and Prep Schools
  • Notes from The Director
  • Meet the Players
  • Henry "Sarge" Powell Honored

Don't miss it!

Check out our JUNE 2012 EDITION (PDF) TODAY!!!



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