Astronomy 4

Spring 2012

DeAnza College

Mr. Harrington's Sections

This menu page will be updated frequently, with new items at the bottom of the list.  Please check it frequently.

Green Sheets (syllabus & course schedule) for:

Section 02 (M&W, 1:30)

Section 03 (M&W, 4:00)

Section 05 (Tu & Th, 4:00)

For Exam 1:

Notes on
Our Cosmic Address

Video pre-questions and sample answers for
The Study of the Universe
shown on April 18th and 19th.
NOTE: It will not be the usual practice to post video pre-questions.
This is an exception, since you are just getting used to the process.

Reading overview for Exam 1
(key terms and candidate short-answer questions)

Video pre-questions and sample answers for
Harmony of the Worlds
shown on April 23rd and 24th.
NOTE: It will not be the usual practice to post video pre-questions.
The first few are an exception, since you are just getting used to the process.

Want to watch "Harmony of the Worlds" again?
It's available on Hulu with commercials.

Short article about the possible
murder of Tycho Brahe

Practice Test
(including a link to answers)
Please take this test before our first meeting
of the week of April 30th.

Short set of notes on
four kinds of motion that cause changes in the sky.

Exam 1 from the Winter Quarter
(Answers are not provided for prior quarter's exams.)

For Exam 2:

Reading overview for Exam 2
(key terms and candidate short-answer questions)

Exam 2 from the Winter Quarter
(Answers are not provided for prior quarter's exams.)

Short notes on
Regularities in the Solar System
Terrestrial and Jovian Planet Types

For Exam 3:

Reading overview for Exam 3

Exam 3 from the Winter Quarter
(Answers are not provided for prior quarter's exams.)