Just like with bodybuilding, you will want
to start out penis extension
slowly and build up intensity gradually.

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About MaleEdge

Male Edge

You’ve heard a lot about penis extenders and different traction devices. Why? This isn’t just hype. Hype would have worn off long ago. The reason why penis traction is in the press is because it is proven to work. Not only do the clinical studies show that penis extension can give you a larger penis, but thousands of men around the world will vouch for it.

Just because penis extension is easy, that doesn’t mean it is simple. To experience real growth from penis extension, you must use a device which is medically sound, delivers precise traction, and is used as part of a penis extension plan. If you want safety AND results, you need a reputable traction device which can deliver this all – not some inferior cheap device which may do more harm than good!

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How Penis Extension Works

Male Edge

Your penis goes through its most rapid growth period during puberty. During this time, your cells are rapidly replicating in a process called cytokinesis. Unfortunately, this growth spurt only lasts for a short period of time and your penis will not grow much afterwards – unless you give it some help.

A Centuries-Old Technique

For centuries, different cultures (especially tribes in central Africa) have used methods of penis extension to make their penises larger. Typically, they would weigh down their penises with a heavy weight and then wear this throughout the day. Over time, their penises would grow much larger and thicker. Even though they didn’t realize the exact science of it, these cultures were taking advantage of cytokinesis.

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User Guide

When you order MaleEdge traction device, you will receive a DVD which shows you exactly how to assemble the device and put it on. The process is very simple and you should be able to easily put on MaleEdge extender without any troubles after the first 1 or 2 times.

Before you put on MaleEdge, you will need to estimate how far your penis can stretch outward. You can do this by gently tugging on your penis until you feel a slight tension. Then, set the length of MaleEdge device so the strap will line up below your penis head.

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Yes, you can actually get a bigger penis without putting yourself through torture. Not only do the Male Edge users testify that this product works – the scientific research backs it up! By using Male Edge, you can increase your penis size substantially in just 6 months.

After compiling information in a blind study, it was shown that the Male Edge users on average increased penile length by 28% and penile girth by 19% after 6 months. These results were based on erect penis size, not flaccid size. While Male Edge does increase flaccid penis size too, the results there are much more variable. That is because flaccid penis size does not necessarily correlate to erection size. Studies show that a flaccid penis proportionally increases more during erection than a larger penis. Since erect penis size is the only one that really matters for sexual adequacy, you should be very happy with the Male Edge results.

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