Stress Anxiety Symptoms

Everyone suffers from stress anxiety at some point of time in their life and each individual deals with it differently. There are two major root causes, the external and internal factors in our lives. The external factors include our job, money or financial issues, family issues, difficulties and expectations we face on daily basis. Internally, people can actually self-inflict themselves by being perfectionists and having pessimistic attitudes.

What are the symptoms?

The physical symptoms include abdominal pain, muscles tension around the shoulder and neck, dizzy, headaches, dry mouth and difficulty to sleep. Physiological symptoms include bad-tempered, feeling unworthy, unable to concentrate, easily get irritated, impulsive behavior, pessimistic thinking and always worrying.

Stress anxiety is dealt with differently from one individual to another. Drinking, smoking, eating, yelling, taking drugs and crying are some of the activities performed in response to it. Those responses are usually counterproductive and make us to become even more susceptible to it. To some people, it is just a matter of facing the problems and dealing with them. However, there are those who cannot do that because of their personal traits such as confidence and self-control. Stress anxiety releases neuron chemicals and hormones that put us into gear to either face the issue head on or to run in the opposite direction. If left unaddressed over a long period of time, it can lead us into a depression.

What can we do to treat it?

People have to make changes in their daily activities to decrease their stress level. A healthier lifestyle means more chemically balance hormones in their body. Some of the best ways to deal with it is through regular exercises and relaxation techniques. Relaxing does not mean just lying on the couch or sleeping. While it may give some temporary relief but it is not going to make the situation go away. Relaxation techniques can range from meditation, yoga, deep breathing, visualization, to progressive muscle relaxation. Hot tubs are great for relaxing too. It helps to relax the muscles and calm our mind.

Stress anxiety causes many health problems and should not be ignored. If you or you know someone who suffers from it, you should at least seek a professional medical advice. Generally, doctors would prescribe medication such as Xanax, Ativan, Lorazepam, Lithium and Valium. Please note that Lithium is not to be combined with other anti-anxiety medications. If left untreated, it can lead to high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes and many other medical problems.

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