It has always been my dream to become a teacher. Even when I was just a little girl, I used to imagine myself walking up and down the classroom and I even played by myself and pretended that I was a teacher. My bedroom was my classroom and of course, I had imaginary students. My parents were also perfectly aware of this and when they once realized that I used one of the walls in my bedroom as a blackboard, they made sure that they bought me a little blackboard and some chalk so that I didn’t have to write on the walls.
As I was growing older, there were other things that I thought I wanted to do, but the idea of becoming a teacher was always somewhere in the back of my mind. Although at one point, I stopped thinking about it so much, I never ruled out the possibility of becoming a teacher one day. I knew that this job would never make me rich, but I guess that I didn’t care so much about it because eventually, I decided to make my childhood dream come true.
However, things didn’t go as well as I planned. Although during my college years, I never even thought that I would have any kind of problems once I find myself in the classroom alone with a bunch of kids, this is exactly what happened. I knew what I was supposed to do, but somehow I didn’t feel relaxed at all, not even after a couple of weeks. My palms were always sweaty and instead of enjoying my job, I couldn’t wait for the bell to ring and to go home.
Not really wanting to quit my job, I knew that I needed something that would make me more relaxed. But before I managed to find oxytocin, which turned out to be just the thing I needed, I got one of those anti-anxiety pills. However, the pills turned out to be a really bad choice for me because they made me sleepy all the time. Sure, I wasn’t feeling so stressed out anymore and my palms didn’t sweat so much, but I had almost no energy while I was working, which was not what I wanted to achieve.
And then, I while I was reading about anxiety online, I came across oxytocin and as soon as I realized that there is a nasal spray that is available, I decided to give it a try. I had no idea whether this would help or not, but the way I figured, it couldn’t be worse from anti-anxiety pills because no side effects were associated with oxytocin.
After I started using the spray, I soon realized that I made the right choice. I felt more confident and as a result, my anxiety was gone. I actually started enjoying my job and I felt like I always thought I would feel. Now, I think that I am a much better teacher and that kids are really looking forward to spending time with me in the classroom, which is all I have ever wanted.