About Soma

Dealing with Side Effects from Soma (Carisoprodol)

Muscle relaxers like Soma (carisoprodol) are very effective when it comes to treating muscle pain, such as from injuries.  Taking Soma can help you get through the tough painful periods during the day and sleep better throughout the night so you feel rested in the morning. Unfortunately, muscle relaxers like Soma are known to cause side effects.  Some of the most common ones include:

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Inability to focus, confusion
  • Clumsiness
  • Blurry eyesight


There is no way that you can completely avoid these side effects, other than to discontinue use of your Soma prescription.  However, there are some ways that you can help reduce Soma side effects.


Get a Full Night’s Sleep and Stick to a Schedule

The most effective way of reducing Soma side effects is to make sure you are getting adequate sleep.  When taking a muscle relaxer, you may need more than the 7-8 hours per night which is recommended to most adults (elderly people may require less).  You should go to sleep a couple hours earlier every night and see how long you can sleep for before naturally awakening.  Also, it is important that you get on a sleep schedule.  If you aren’t going to bed and waking up at the same times every day, it will impair your biorhythm and make you feel drowsier from the Soma.


Allow Yourself Time to Wake Up

Many of us are in the habit of jumping out of bed in the morning and rushing to start the day.  If you are taking a muscle relaxer like Soma, this is simply not possible.  You must give yourself plenty of time in the morning so you can gradually become adjusted and increase your alertness.  If you must drive somewhere in the morning after taking Soma, then you should give yourself at least a couple hours to fully wake up before getting behind the wheel.

Eat Small, Healthy Meals throughout the Day

To fight the grogginess that Soma can cause, you will want to keep your body fueled.  The best way to do this is to eat small, healthy meals throughout the day.  Eating small amounts but frequently will keep your blood sugar levels stable so you don’t feel that crash which often comes after a carb/sugar rush.  Try to include lean protein with each meal because this will help repair your muscles.  As tempting as it may be to down a sugar-packed energy drink to help you through the Soma drowsiness, try to avoid those sugary drinks and foods.  They will just cause your energy levels to drop later and leave you feeling tired and unable to focus.


Avoid Risky Activities

When you are feeling tired and disoriented, you are much more likely to have accidents like falls. This is the last thing you need when you are dealing with muscle injury.  While taking Soma, avoid any risky activities as much as possible.  Also, do not drive until you are absolutely possible that you can do so safely.

Understanding Soma (Carisoprodol) Cross Tolerance

When reading through the Soma forums, we repeatedly came across questions about the drug’s cross tolerance.  Unfortunately, most of the replies show that most Soma users misunderstand the concept of cross tolerance.


Soma Tolerance and Cross Tolerance

When you take Soma, the medicine acts on your central nervous system and makes [...] Continue Reading…

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What you need to know about Soma

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