The Health Information Network of South Texas (HINSTX) is a community partnership of public, private and non-profit organizations in South Texas.  The HINSTX is committed to developing and applying health information technologies that aid in expanding access to quality health care and improving health outcomes for all people through the timely exchange of medical information.

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HINSTX Needs Your Support Now!

A Message for Physicians
Click here - Physician Letter of Support

… A well-structured health information exchange (HIE) could save lives by enabling people and healthcare providers access to patient information – securely – whenever and wherever it’s needed.  

For example: 

Ima Patient, a diabetic goes to a walk-in clinic because she’s not feeling well. The doctor draws some blood and then sends her home with an antibiotic

Several days later Ms. Patient is feeling worse so she goes to the emergency room. There, blood work is redrawn and a chest x-ray is done. She is sent home with a prescription for another antibiotic.

One week later Ima Patient schedules a visit with her primary care physician. She tells him that she’s been to the clinic and to the emergency department, but she can’t remember what medications she was given. She forgets to tell the physician about the chest x-ray.

Sound familiar?
In a community with a Health Information Exchange (HIE) the physicians have access to Ms. Patient’s complete medical history – including her recent trips to the clinic and the ED. The physician has information on the prescriptions and test results at his or her fingertips and will be able to provide better informed care for the patient. This prevents the ordering of duplicate tests, avoids delays in needed treatment, avoids unnecessary costs, and provides a better overall experience for the patient.

What about HIE in South Texas?
The Health Information Network of South Texas (HINSTx), a non-profit entity, is well on its way to establishing a Health Information Exchange (HIE) to initially serve 11 counties in Coastal Bend/South Texas – Aransas, Bee, Brooks, Jim Wells, Karnes, Kenedy, Kleberg, Live Oak, Nueces, Refugio, and San Patricio.

HINSTx is responsible for creating an electronically connected medical community that promotes collaboration among physicians, hospitals, pharmacies, and clinical laboratories.

 HINSTx is part of a state-wide effort sponsored and coordinated by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) and the Texas Health Services Authority (THSA). HINSTx received seed funding from HHSC to plan, develop, and implement an HIE in our area. These funds will support the development of an electronic health care infrastructure that will enable the secure exchange of patient information among authorized health care organizations and providers.


HINSTx participants constitute a broad and diverse representation of area health care providers, education institutions, and community service organizations, and includes members from CHRISTUS Spohn Health System, Corpus Christi Medical Center, Driscoll Children’s Hospital and Health Plan, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi and Kingsville, Del Mar College, several rural and community health organizations, the Corpus Christi Navy Clinic, and area medical societies. These organizations are working together to establish a collaborative connected community of care for all residents of our area.

 What are the benefits to physicians who are members of the Network?
While the list of benefits of securely sharing patient information is long and varied, perhaps one of the most important is that by having more complete patient information providers can make informed care decisions more quickly and with higher confidence.

  •  The quality of care is improved through enhanced care coordination.

 Efficiencies are gained due to a reduction in the unnecessary duplication of labs, x-rays and other procedures.

 Furthermore, the HINSTx HIE would aid in increased clinical and administrative efficiency by enabling the exchange of important patient information between providers. This information includes patient notes, consultations, procedures and pathology reports. This will allow you to spend less time looking for patient information.

 With secure information systems, there’s controlled access to patient health information and less paper. This means more privacy for patients.

 The federal government provides incentives for eligible Medicaid and Medicare providers and hospitals -- to adopt Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) and to use them to exchange information electronically between organizations – demonstrating meaningful use (MU).   The HINSTx HIE will help providers “exchange” clinical health data, helping them meet the Meaningful Use incentive targets.


We need your help
In order to ensure continued state funding for our HIE, HINSTx needs to demonstrate support from the physician community. The state requires us to obtain signed “Letters of Interest” from all physicians within our 11 county area.

 Every physician is encouraged to participate. For the 200+ that already responded, we thank you. For those who have yet to complete your letter of support, we ask you to do so immediately by clicking on the link below, completing your letter and faxing it in. 

Together, our vision for the community is
South Texas is home to an electronically connected healthcare community working together to provide greater wellness and a higher quality of life for all.

 Thank you for your support.

Click here - Physician Letter of Support

HINSTX Needs Your Support Now!

A Message for Physicians

Imagine being able to get your patient’s lab and radiology reports, diagnosis lists, medication lists, and other data needed at the point of care using a secure, consistent, streamlined process. Or imagine area colleges and universities being able to analyze health trends in asthma, diabetes, cancer, or obesity to target ways to prevent and treat such problems. Or suppose there is a major hurricane or other public health crisis that damages area clinics and pharmacies, leaving thousands without proper healthcare resources – a well-structured health information exchange organization could save many lives by enabling people and healthcare providers access to patient data.

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