How to deal with migraines
Migraines are one of the most common forms of tension headaches. A majority of people who suffer from migraines find that they often come hand in hand with other unpleasant symptoms such as vomiting, increased sensitivity to light, sound and smell and nausea. Migraines are most difficult to bear when they happen frequently. Fortunately, there are safe and effective ways to prevent and treat even the most severe cases of chronic tension headaches and migraines.
In most cases, migraines can be effectively treated with over the counter painkillers or prescription drugs like butalbital, and they tend to be moderate in intensity. For less severe cases, the following measures can be somewhat effective in preventing and relieving pain. Try using cold compresses applied to the areas affected with pain (icepacks work well), and make sure that you provide enough support to the neck and head when lying down. Try to block as much light as possible, and eliminate all sources of noise, since these can further aggravate the symptoms. Avoid strong odors and stressful environments as much as possible – what you need is a calm, serene surrounding. Small amounts of caffeine, as well as making sure that you are sufficiently rested and hydrated can also help in dealing with mild to moderate migraines.
For most people, these do help to a degree, but it’s often recommended that you treat the pain from tension headaches and migraines with pain relieving or preventive medications. These two categories of drugs differ greatly in their effects. Preventive medications are intended to be taken regularly, to reduce the intensity and frequency of headaches. Unlike them, painkillers or pain reliefs are also known as abortive or acute treatment of headache. They are taken when needed, but for chronic tension headaches, it may be necessary to take the drug regularly, several times per day. One of the most effective abortive treatments for tension headaches is a barbiturate called butalbital. Other options include NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which should not be taken for prolonged periods of time, since they can lead to the development of gastrointestinal pain and bleeding and ulcers. Triptans can be an effective treatment for the most severe migraine attacks. They are able to reduce both the nausea and pain, as well as the oversensitivity to sound and light that’s caused by a migraine. However, they can also create unwanted side effects, including dizziness, nausea, and muscle tremors and weakness. A viable alternative to Triptans can be drugs called Ergots. Both Triptans and Ergots can lead to the occurrence of “rebound headaches” in some cases.
A very effective complete solution for migraines and tension headaches can be a drug based on a butalbital combination like Fioricet. These drugs combine butalbital with other ingredients like caffeine and acetaminophen. Butalbital is a well known barbiturate, or a sedative that’s able to quickly induce muscle and nerve relaxation, ease pain and treat the muscle tension and blood vessel constriction that’s often the main cause of tension headaches. When coupled with caffeine and acetaminophen, it’s effectiveness is increased and complimented by their own pain treating properties.