Saturday, August 18th -Countdown to NightOwl 2012
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Saturday, August 18th the NightOwl Classic Departs from the State Capitol in beautiful downtown St. Paul!

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Two beautiful routes to choose from! The scenic 14 mile Hoot Loop and the longer and even more scenic 21 mile Night Flight!

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Dress in costume and you could win a prize! We love costumes and we pony up prizes to prove it!                                           Read the Full Story
Join us for the Pre-ride Kick-off! Prior to the ride we'll be set up with vendors, sponsors, stage and much more! Read the Full Story
Bring your Family! Bring your Friends! What better way can you think of to spend an evening with family and friends? Read the Full Story
Bring the Office! If you would like to promote the NightOwl Classic at your office, please contact us for special corporate packages.   Read the Full Story
Thursday, June 07, 2012

Who Benefits from the NightOwl Classic?

The riders and Gillette Children's Hospital!

The riders of the NightOwl Classic are not only able to enjoy a beautiful summer night ride, but a portion of each ticket sold will go to benefit the Children and Families at Gillette Children's Hospital. Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare is an independent, not-for-profit hospital located in St. Paul, Minnesota with clinics in Minnetonka, Burnsville, Maple Grove and northern Minnesota. Gillette is internationally renowned for a level of pediatric expertise that distinguishes them from many health-care organizations.


Why Gillette Needs Your Help

As an independent, not-for-profit hospital, Gillette never turns away a family based on their ability to pay. At an average hospital, 10 percent of patients rely on some form of medical assistance. At Gillette, that number is over 50 percent. In fact, for every dollar they spend on care, they only recover 62 cents.

Thanks to your generosity, however, Gillette continues to provide world-class care to all children — regardless of their family’s ability to pay. Your generous support, combined with our responsible financial strategy, ensures that children in our community will be able to rely on Gillette for years to come.

If you can't make the NightOwl ride, please consider donating to Gillette Children's Hospital through their website here.


Contact Info

© 2011 NightOwl Classic

NightOwl Classic • 758 Grand Ave., Suite 2 • St. Paul, MN 55105
(612) 238-3930 •

Sponsorship Information

SRO Productions • Steve Madson • • 612-341-4110

The NightOwl Classic is produced by Mod & Company and SRO Productions

Win Prizes!

You can win prizes by entering into the NightOwl Costume Contest. Wear a costume and you're entered!

If you'd rather dress your bike, we're good with that, too! Win prizes for the best tricked out bike.