Is Applying for a Cash Advance Difficult
If you’ve never had to apply for a cash advance you might be worried that it is a difficult process similar to applying for a traditional loan. Unlike traditional loans which often have dozens of pages of legal documents you have to review and sign, the process for getting a cash advance is much simpler and can take place in a fraction of the time. When you need to get a cash advance you typically just need to provide some information about yourself such as your name, address and other general information which only takes a few minutes.
In addition to the identifying information you’ll need to show that you are able to pay the loan back which means proving that you have a job. Most of the time you have to be able to prove that you’ve been in your current job for at least six months to get a cash advance. Beyond that you simply have to tell them your checking account information so they can deposit the money and it will be available to use the very same day. The whole process is extremely simple and does not take very long at all.