Ear infections are one of the most problematic infections. Complains of these infections are often heard. One of the most common is middle ear infection which is caused by bacteria and viruses and is self healing in nature. They occur when foreign bodies enter the body and cause pain and trouble. The ear is divided into three main parts- inner, middle and outer parts. Each of them have infections specific to them which happen due to different reasons and the treatments are also varying. Children are more likely to get infected as compared to adults.


Ear is divided into three parts namely inner, outer and middle. Each of them has different reasons because of which they get infections and doctors prescribe different treatments for each. The infection in the inner part is called Acute Otitis Media (AOM) which is caused due to viruses and bacteria. It is painful and antibiotics are given for it. Second is called Otitis Media with effusion (OME) which is caused when the middle ear is blocked due to fluids. It is not very painful and is self healing and does not need medicines. The third and last type is the one which affects the outer ear and is called swimmer’s ear or Otitis Externa. This type of infection is very painful and needs proper treatment for quick recovery.


There are various symptoms which point towards infection in ear. There are general as well as specific reasons. The most common symptoms for any kind of infections are ear pain, ringing in ear, nausea, vertigo, vomiting, etc. One of the other symptoms is common cold in this. If symptoms are recognized at early stages then proper treatments can be given after consulting with professionals.


There are various treatments available for ear infections. Proper diagnosis helps in coming to the correct conclusion. Doctors should always be consulted before consuming any kind of medications. For most of the infections which are painful, antibiotics are there. Otherwise there are infections which are self healing and less painful. By taking treatments it is possible to cure these infections easily and less painfully. These infections if not treated properly can cause problems at a later date. Therefore it is important to be aware about these infections and their treatments. Proper and good hygiene helps in keeping them at bay. Experts always advise that proper care should be taken as far as the health is concerned so that these infections can be avoided.