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MIKU disappears from youtube. 【Save Miku (Vocaloid) Campaign】


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さんが 2012/01/31 にアップロード

Please note that we do not intend to encourage the unauthorized copying of videos.

Someone who doesn't like Hatsune Miku getting popular in the world
is deleting her high ranked videos with English titles on it
by making fake reports that the videos are infringing a copyright.
We don't know who is doing this.
The series of these acts may be caused by organized group(s).
It is under investigation by Miku fan volunteers.

This video is free to reprint with translation.

BGM 暴走P"初音ミクの消失" / MMD model 1052C-Re / Room model Phattius Maximus




  • not just " Discount Japan" , they also got "Delete Japan" activities.

    they're working so hard to erase anything "Japan" from this world.

    almost everyday I hear news about Koreans making claims to change the way things are to their favorable ways. "Sea of Japan" "Streets of Japan ( in US)" etc, They try and steal origins of Japanese traditions/cultures. Origami, Cherry Blossom, Kendo, Ninja, when something Japanese become well known to the world, Koreans start claiming the origins.



すべてのコメント (2,822)

  • Wow, You are so cool and clever.

    You will surely represent South Koreans.

    I think you are smarter if you can explain yourself exactly about South Koreans' lie and cheating which Japanese people point out repeatedly.

  • What's funny is that it was a tsunami, not an Earthquake. Since when can humans make tectonic plates in the ocean rub against each other and cause a huge Earthquake across the country? If such technology existed other countries would've been wiped out.

    Every country has enemies, get over it! Also saying that Japan is one of the most loved countries in the world is an ignorant weeaboo opinion, Japan gets made fun of all the time as well as other countries. No country is "most loved"

  • I'm not trolling, I'm just knocking some sense in your head. I love both Korea and Japan, I hate racist idiots that blame a race for something they didn't even do. It's funny that a weeaboo that is trying to make excuses to blame Korea and relating a NATURAL DISASTER to some Vocaloid videos being taken down needs to get a life (and some help). Don't worry, I actually go out with friends instead of staying at home crying about stupid rumors like you do, I actually just got on my Youtube.

  • Just remember Vocaloid fans, by trying to hurt the Koreans, K-Pop, and SeeU's image you're actually hurting Hatsune Miku's image, because you are her fans and are representing her. I don't think Miku would resort to racism if she were human.

  • *slow clap* BRAVO Vocaloid "fan", you are a great example of what's wrong with this fandom! I think it's also funny ow you're trying to act clever with quotes tat ave nothing to do with the subject. Last time I checked standing up for a race isn't what racist means. As TheBadassTonberry said, you are a weeaboo.

    Also it's pretty obvious "VC" is an acronym I used for "Vocaloid" because of Youtube's silly character limit.

  • It is. :(

  • how do you get MMD

  • Just a question:

    Did they report Works from Utsu-P as well?

    I thought MMD Music Video of "Hannya Shingyo Hardcore" disappeard as well.

  • Hope this will be helpful for you.

    Search google ”Nin-Jutsu Festival Korean Connection”

    They told that the new type of warriors, both spies and assassins are appeared in Korea and they migrated to Japan's provinces Koga and Iga(known as famous region of Ninja)

    Also, They introduced Gumdo(fake kendo) and Hapkido(fake Aikido) as their own culture.

    Have you seen this video?

    They are even thinking they can change the name of sea which already internationally recognized.


  • @Ridex900ss だからYouTubeは韓国に制限を付けたのでは?

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