Script Typed by typed by Cristina Sánchez Arteaga of Wilfried's Disney Database
Color coding for characters
Geppetto, Jiminy Cricket & Blue Fairy
Other characters
Non dialogue elements are underlined italic written
We are introduced to the story by Jiminy Cricket. He takes us into the shop of Geppetto, carpenter and puppet-maker. Jiminy hopes to have the chance merely to settle down on the hearth but, as he is doing so, Geppetto and his kitten, Figaro, appear. Jiminy watches as Geppetto puts the final touches to his best puppet to date. The question arises as to the puppet’s name: Geppetto suggests Pinocchio but neither Figaro nor the goldfish Cleo like that.
Off singing voice
When you wish upon a star
makes no difference who you are
anything your heart desires
will come to you
If your heart is in your dream
no request is too extreme
when you wish upon a star
as dreamers do
Fate is kind
she brings to those who love
the sweet fulfillment of
their secret longing
Jiminy Cricket
Pretty, huh? I’ll bet a lot of you folks don’t believe that, about a wish coming true, do you? Well, I didn’t. Of course I’m just a cricket singing my way from hearth to hearth but… let me tell you what made me change my mind he opens a book entitled “Pinocchio” One night, a long time… ahem. Pardon me. Wait’ll I fix this thing. There. One night a long time ago… my travels took me to a quaint little village. It was a beautiful night. The stars were shining like diamonds high above the roofs of that sleepy old town. Pretty as a picture. As I wandered along the crooked streets there wasn’t a soul to be seen. The only sign of life was a lighted window in the shop of a wood-carver named… Geppetto. So I hopped over and looked in. It was a shame to see a nice cheerful fire like that going to waste. So what do I do? I go in! I looked around. Of course, being in a strange place like that I didn’t know what to expect. A cricket can’t be too careful, you know. Soon as I saw there was no one about I made myself at home. As I stood there warming my… myself I took a look around. Well sir, you never saw such a place. The most fantastic clocks you ever laid your eyes on and all carved out of wood. And cute little music boxes, each one a work of art. And shelf after shelf of toys and… and then something else caught my eye. A puppet! You know, one of those marionette things, all strings and joints chuckle Cute little fellow. Ding, ding. Going up? Good piece of wood too.
Well now, it won’t take much longer.
Just a little more paint and he’s all finished. I think he’ll be al right, don’t you, Figaro?
humming Tra, la, la
Jiminy Cricket
Ahh! Beg pardon.
See chuckle That makes a big difference.
Jiminy Cricket
Ver-r-ry good! Very, very good. Well, you can’t please everybody.
Now I have just the name for you: Pinocchio! Do you like it, Figaro? No? You do, don’t you Cleo? Well, we’ll leave it to little woodenhead. You like it? That settles it! Pinocchio it is! Come on, now, we’ll try you out. Music Professor! He works the puppet’s strings so that it nods “yes”. Geppetto pushes the button of a music box. Then, by working his strings Geppetto makes Pinocchio dance
Jiminy Cricket
Hey! Ouch, ouch! Take it easy there! Oh, break it up, will you? Whew! Lotta down beats in there.
humming Little woodenhead
go play your part
bring a little joy
to every heart
little do you know
and yet it's true
that I'm mighty
proud of you
Little wooden feet
and best of all
little wooden seat
in case your fall
Oh no! how graceful!
my little woodenhead
Cleo, meet Pinocchio. Say, "How do you do?". Say hello to Figaro. Oops! oh oh no! up to mischief already. You see what happens? Boo!. Up we go! Ah, you’re a cute little fellow.
Meow, purr, purr.
And that smile! You know I---
You rascal! Jealous, huh? You know Pinocchio I think Figaro is jealous of you. Oh, don’t worry Figaro. I sti--- clocks chiming Uh-oh. I wander what time is it. It’s getting late. Come now. We go to bed. Good night, Pinocchio. Little funny face. Good night, Cleo, my little water baby. Figari? You say good night too. Go on! Now go to sleep, my little mermaid. Good night.
Jiminy Cricket
Oh hum yawning This is my idea of comfort. Solid comfort.
chuckling Look at him, Figaro. He almost looks alive. Wouldn’t it be nice if he was a real boy? Oh, well. Come on. We go to sleep. Ah Figaro, I forgot to open the window. Oh Figaro! Look, look the wishing star! Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight I wish I may. I wish I might, have the wish I make tonight. Figaro, you know what I wished? I wished that my little Pinocchio might be a real boy! Wouldn’t that be nice? Just think, a real boy.
Jiminy Cricket
A very lovely thought, but not at all practical.
… a real… boy snoring
Jiminy Cricket can’t sleep because of the clocks’ noise and Geppetto’s roar. That night when everyone was sound sleep the Blue Fairy comes down from her star.
Jiminy Cricket
Quiet! After all, enough’s enough. Now what’s up? he sees a strange light, a brilliant glow which grows more dazzling every minute. It is the Wishing Star Hey, what’s going on here? in the center of the glow appears a very beautiful woman dressed in robes of flowing blue As I live and breathe, a fairy! Mmm-mmm.
Blue Fairy
Good Geppetto, you have given so much happiness to others. You deserve to have your wish come true. Little puppet made of pine wake the wand touches Pinocchio The gift of life is tine Pinocchio comes to life.
Jiminy Cricket
Whew! What they can’t do these days.
blinking his eyes and raising his wooden arm I can move! I can talk! I can walk!
Blue Fairy
Yes Pinocchio, I’ve given you life.
Blue Fairy
Because tonight Geppetto wished for a real boy.
Am I a real boy? he asks in amazement
Blue Fairy
No, Pinocchio. To make Geppetto’s wish come true will be enterely up to you.
Up to me?
Blue Fairy
Prove yourself brave, truthful and unselfish, and someday you will be a real boy.
A real boy!
Jiminy Cricket
That won’t be easy.
Blue Fairy
You must learn to chose between right and wrong.
Right… and wrong? looking his hands But how will I know?
Jiminy Cricket
How’ll he know!
Blue Fairy
Your conscience will tell you.
What are a conscience?
Jiminy Cricket
What are a conscience! I’ll tell ya! A conscience is that still small voice people won’t listen to. That’s just the trouble with the world today.
Are you my conscience?
Jiminy Cricket
Who, me?
Blue Fairy
Hmmm. Would you like to be Pinocchio’s conscience?
Jiminy Cricket
embarrassed Well… uh, I, I--- Uh-huh.
Blue Fairy
Very well! What is your name?
Jiminy Cricket
Oh, Cricket’s the name. Jiminy Cricket.
Blue Fairy
Kneel, Mr. Cricket.
Jiminy Cricket
Huh? No tricks now.
Blue Fairy
I dub you Pinocchio’s conscience. Lord High Keeper of the Knowledge of Right and Wrong, Counselor in moments of temptation and guide along the straight and narrow path. Arise, Sir Jiminy Cricket.
Jiminy Cricket
Well! Ho-ho-ho! My,my! when he rises his shabby old clothes are gone and he’s clad in elegant raiment from head to foot Mmm! Say, that’s pretty swell. Gee… thanks! But… don’t I get a badge or something?
Blue Fairy
We’ll see
Jiminy Cricket
You mean maybe I will?
Blue Fairy
I shouldn’t wander.
Jiminy Cricket
Make it a gold one?
Blue Fairy
Maybe. Now remember, Pinocchio, be a good boy. And always let your conscience be your guide the Blue Fairy backs slowly away
Jiminy Cricket
Goodbye Milady.
Jiminy Cricket
humming Not bad, says I Oh yeah! Ho-ho-ho! Almost forgot about you. Well, Pinoke, maybe you and I… had better have a little heart-to-heart talk.
Jiminy Cricket
Well, you want to be a real boy, don’t you?
Jiminy Cricket
All right. Sit down, son. Now you see the world is full of temptations.
Jiminy Cricket
Yep! Temptations. They’re the wrong things that seem right at the time but… even though the right things may seem wrong sometimes, sometimes the wrong things chuckles may be right at the wrong time or… visa versa. Ahem. Understand?
Uh-uh. But I’m gonna do right!
Jiminy Cricket
Atta boy, Pinoke, and I’m gonna help ya! And anytime you need me, you know, just whistle like this whistle
Like this? he tries but no sound comes
Jiminy Cricket
No, no, try it again, Pinoke.
Like this?
Jiminy Cricket
No son. Now listen whistlingPinocchio tries again and finally he successes
That’s it! Come on, let’s sing it!
When you get in trouble and
you don't know right from wrong
give a little whistle!
give a little whistle!
when you meet temptation
and the urge is very strong
give a little whistle!
give a little whistle!
not just a little squeak, pucker up and blow
and if your whistle's weak, yell
Jiminy Cricket!
Jiminy Cricket
Take the straight and narrow path
and if you start to slide
give a little whistle!
give a little whistle!
and always let your conscience be your guide
Take the straight and narrow path
and if you start to slide
give a little whistle!
give a little whistle!
Take the straight and narrow path
and if you start to slide
give a little whistle!
give a little whistle!
Take the straight and narrow path
and if you start to slide
give a little whistle!
give a little whistle!
and always let your conscience be your guide
Jiminy Cricket
Look out, Pinoke! Pinocchio loos his balance and falls clatteringly to the floor. The noise wakes Geppetto and Figaro
Who is there?
It’s me.
Ahh! It’s me. Huh? Shhh, Figaro! There’s somebody in here.
Shh! Careful now, Figaro. He might spring out on us at anytime. He’s in here, somewhere.