"Joyful Sounds Jazz Orchestra" has copyrights of the text, data, the image, the photograph, etc. on this site and an individual design and the attached file, etc. as long as there is no special refusal.
Moreover, the entire each page of the site where the above-mentioned contents are published and the book edited as a whole is furthermore composed about the entire site, and Joyful Sounds Jazz Orchestra "owns a copyright similarly.
It changes without permission, it remodels, it reproduces, it reprints, it
transmits, and it is not possible to distribute it again.
To protect the copyright that we own, contents of this site prohibit the setting of the link that might give the misunderstanding like a part in sites other than this site.
All contents generate rights of the copyright, rights of portrait, the trademark right, rights of design, and the patent, etc. , and are protected by a law and an international agreement in a Japanese country.
- The music data are the recordings of all the live performances.
- An advertising banner is excluded.