Understanding Fertility and Fertility Treatment

Infertility is characterized by the inability to conceive after one year of having frequent, unprotected sex. Although most couples have little or no difficulties conceiving a child, infertility is not an uncommon problem. In fact, it's estimated that one in seven couples worldwide experience difficulties concerning fertility. There are many causes of infertility, but, thankfully, there are also many fertility treatments available for couples who have difficulty conceiving.

Causes of Infertility
In most cases, infertility issues lie in one partner or the other. However, there are instances where both male and female fertility problems prevent a couple from conceiving naturally.

The most common causes of infertility in women include the following:


Maternal age often plays a large part in her ability to conceive. Younger women are more likely to conceive and experience healthy pregnancies, and are also more receptive to assisted reproduction methods.

This condition occurs when uterine tissue grows beyond the uterus, and often affects the ovaries, egg production, fallopian tubes and uterus.

Abnormal Ovulation
Abnormal ovulation or the absence thereof often contributes to infertility in women, as does early menopause and irregular menstruation.

The ingestion of certain prescription medications may cause infertility, but is often remedied when use is discontinued.

Past Miscarriages
Damage to reproductive organs due to past miscarriages can sometimes prevent future pregnancies.

Certain illnesses can often contribute to infertility in women. For example, cancer and the methods used to treat it, such as chemotherapy and radiation, can significantly decrease a woman's ability to conceive naturally.

Infertility in men can be caused to due the following:


Low Sperm Count
Men with low or weakened sperm may have difficulty conceiving due to their sperm not being able to reach and fertilize their partners' eggs.

Several conditions may contribute to infertility in males, such as having mumps as a child, as well as diseases of the prostate or testicles.

Environmental Factors
Overexposure to harmful chemicals may damage sperm or impair sperm production, which can lead to infertility.

General Health and Lifestyle Choices
Consumption of drugs, tobacco and alcohol, poor nutrition and obesity can often cause infertility in men.

Treatment Options for Infertility
Many couples experiencing infertility decide to look into treatment options. The most common assisted reproduction method is in vitro fertilization. More commonly known as IVF, in vitro fertilization has helped millions of couples conceive, and is the most effective infertility treatment worldwide. Other treatments include intrauterine insemination and hormone therapy.


In Vitro Fertilization
IVF begins with a surgical procedure to remove a woman's eggs from her body. Once the eggs are removed, they are taken to a laboratory where they are fertilized, either by her partner's sperm or donor sperm. Over the next few days, the fertilized embryos are observed and often treated to ensure optimal growth, and are then implanted into the woman's uterus. To increase the odds of conception, more than one embryo is typically implanted. Within a few weeks of implantation, a pregnancy test is administered to determine pregnancy.

Since IVF bypasses many of a woman's reproductive organs, good candidates for this procedure include women who suffer from disorders of the cervix, ovaries and fallopian tubes, as well as older women who want to increase their odds of conception. Also, with the use of donor sperm, single women are often able to conceive through in vitro fertilization.

Certain risk factors are associated with IVF, including the increased odds of multiple pregnancies. These types of pregnancies can increase the chances of birth defects, low birth weight and premature labor.

Intrauterine Insemination
Also known as artificial insemination, or IUI, intrauterine insemination is a procedure that involves implanting concentrated sperm directly into a woman's uterus. This sperm can either belong to the woman's partner or a donor.

Since the IUI procedure involves using concentrated amounts of sperm, good candidates are men with low or inactive sperm. Good female candidates include women who have experienced difficulty conceiving, but have normal ovulation and egg production.

IUI is less invasive than IVF, and is also associated with fewer risks. For this reason, IUI is often considered before any other fertility treatments.

Hormone Therapy
Hormone therapy is another popular method of fertility treatment. Often, women are prescribed hormones, or a combination of hormones, that induce or regulate ovulation. Drugs used to treat infertility have also been shown to increase sperm count in men.

Fertility Abroad
Due to factors such as cost, waiting lists, and the inability to find the right treatment facility, many couples seek treatment pertaining to fertility abroad. These couples usually utilize the services of a company that specializes in matching couples with right facility abroad.