A “Save Miku” Response From Crypton: “The Problem is Almost Solved”

Filed under: Hatsune Miku,Miku News,Other — Written by jrharbort on Monday, April 23rd, 2012 @ 11:46 am

Despite the success of my message regarding the “Save Miku” movement reaching hundreds of thousands of fans around the world, there’s still something that a lot of the fans want: An official word from Crypton themselves. This is understandable, so Scott from Mikustar.com and myself have both sent messages to Crypton to ask for confirmation on the matter. We have both received the same response via email.

“Regarding SAVE MIKU Movement, the deletion problem has been almost solved and we have nothing to announce so far.”

Now, before you jump to conclusions, this can mean a lot of things. Due to how this was a global issue that had to deal with individual country’s copyright laws, it’s possible that there has been a lot of communication and paperwork done over this. These things take a lot of time, even if the initial problem of the false claims has been stopped. I’ve yet to see any new videos vanish from my own playlists for some time now, so it’s now likely that they could simply be working to finish things up.

Crypton has the intention of making an announcement once everything has been settled. So keep cool and keep and eye out for that, and stay tuned!

  • [...] last week, in an attempt to secure hard information for fans, John Harbort from MikuFan.comĀ and myself sent messages to Crypton Future Media requesting an official status update on the [...]

  • Comment by IdkMyName | April 23, 2012 @ 12:55 pm

    good to know, also thank for stoping some of the “SAVE MIKU” messages.

  • Comment by Sam Yang | April 24, 2012 @ 5:38 am

    I hope to hear of the news

  • Comment by sound only | May 13, 2012 @ 2:36 pm

    I’m lucky since I can read japanese. As far as I could find, Crypton unofficially commented, in short words, that “it’s an issue among uploader, claimer and Youtube; not our business” and “we have no contact with Mr./Ms. jrharbort”. Period. No one even witnessed an official statement from Crypton.

    By the way, all of us can not speculate a logic inside a brain of xx. Any effort to understand xx within your imagination will fail.

  • Comment by jrharbort | May 13, 2012 @ 3:00 pm

    @sound only: … Because there hasn’t been one yet. Didn’t you read? They’re not going to discuss the contents of a private contact email. And of course it’s their business. Youtube is owned by Google, and Crypton is a close partner of Google. Crypton’s website Mikubook makes exclusive use of videos from youtube. If the videos from youtube are removed, it hurts Mikubook. Which in turn, hurts the business partnership. I’m not sure where you got your information. I contacted Crypton directly via mpsales@crypton.co.jp, and they responded in ENGLISH. Lastly, jrharbort is my screen name. That’s not my contact name. So of course they haven’t heard from a “Mr/Ms jrharbort”.

  • Comment by sound only | May 14, 2012 @ 10:12 am

    I know, I know. Who use a screenname for serious communication? I never do. I was too cynical on that point, my apologize.

    I’m not complaining you about cessation. But I’m always wondering why people including you are expecting an “official” statement from Crypton about who and why. That’s not what they have to know. Anyway, question is left not answered but the case is over, and that’s OK for them. They have no merit of opening what they did. Who tells you everything done, or in-progress, or never be in-progress, with a risk of misunderstanding and widespreading? I never do.

    So, what I wanted to write were “do not involve Crypton in this issue from the user side” and “do not compel Crypton to say something you want to hear”. They will do anything anytime when necessary but they have no responsibility of satisfying us by answering the question.

    By the way, about the last sentence. Have you ever get mad with a person who did something out of your expectation? It’s what that about. The others have a different logical sense. It’s simple. Your logic seemed build upon a tight partnership among Google, Youtube and Crypton. Is that a rock solid fact? Your logic is possible but concluding tight partnership as a rock sold fact is your expectation. Maybe tight, maybe not really, and the fact is not in your brain but someone else.

  • Comment by jrharbort | May 14, 2012 @ 10:27 am

    @Sound Only: Yes, they are partners. I found one convenient article that links to several examples of proof of the partnership: http://www.vocaloidism.com/2012/03/11/google-starts-new-collaborative-project-with-miku/. Also, Crypton and Google place advertisements on many songs on youtube to generate ad revenue to help support the artists. I have adverts on some of my own videos as well. It’s really amazing how the whole thing works. And remember, I’m not the only one who contacted Crypton. Scott from Mikustar.com did as well.

  • Comment by Panda | May 14, 2012 @ 11:56 am

    Mr. jrharbort, If @Sound Only is correct about Crypton’s opinion, how much did you confirm before writing?
    Do you know actual process and current aim of Save Miku project?
    Did you contacted any person related to Save Miku project before writing to confirm?
    Does Mikubook contains video re-uploaded without permission? If not many. They (Crypton and Google) may not need to worry.

  • Comment by jrharbort | May 14, 2012 @ 12:04 pm

    @Panda: Yes, I do know the goal of the “Save Miku” project, but it was getting out of hand. And I didn’t need to contact anyone from the project, because I have something better. I’m friends with SeyrenLK, and I’m even an admin for his Facebook page (this guy: http://www.youtube.com/SeyrenLK). SeyrenLK is a former SEGA staff member, and he is also a Youtube partner with contacts from Crypton. I get my information from him. And as I said, I have not observed any videos being taken down for quite some time. It’s obvious that the situation is being handled. It’s pointless to argue this since Crypton said they will make an announcement soon. So lets just wait and see what they have to say.

  • Comment by Panda | May 14, 2012 @ 4:11 pm

    Mr. jrharbort, Since you know the current aim and goal of Save Miku, could you write OR copy the Website please?
    I heard before it was very different from the initial aim. You are nearly stopping Save Miku.
    Have you ever heard Japanese Save Miku has been heavily attacked by spam?
    I found http://www.facebook.com/SeyrenLK It is good. Did you make the page? Do you know his twitter or other site?
    I wonder if SeyrenLK is correct or @Sound Only is correct about Crypton’s opinion and info.

  • Comment by jrharbort | May 14, 2012 @ 4:20 pm

    @Panda: Sure, but you’ll notice that the website has been inactive for over 3 months now: http://www.savemiku.com/save.html. I was trying to stop it because it was getting out of hand and people were forgetting what we are really here to do. People were spreading hate and racism and pointing fingers at the wrong people. I’ve even been called a “piece of Korean scum”. I’m not even Korean, but you understand what I’m talking about here. I’m trying to get people to calm down. I did not make SeyrenLK’s facebook page, but I am one of the admins. He also has a blog, but I don’t work there. If Sound Only is correct, I’d like him to link me to where Crypton made that comment. I highly doubt such a comment has been made. I’m also sorry to hear that the Japanese Save Miku was spammed. That was not my intention. My intention was to stop all the fighting and flaming, not to cause more of it.

  • Comment by Panda | May 14, 2012 @ 7:35 pm

    @jrharbort: Now, I understand why you made your articles.
    You found wrong site. You can do Google search by typing “save miku” or “save miku wiki” to find official site.
    Now, Korean related spam maybe?? reduced in many site related to Save Miku also. I am hoping so too.
    It may also better to ask, if Mr. SeyrenLK get right information without getting bad translation form Japanese to English. Also, did you get extra text/words from Crypton in the mail other than written this page?

  • Comment by jrharbort | May 14, 2012 @ 7:37 pm

    @Panda: Yes. Here is the full message:
    “Dear John,

    Thank you for contacting us.

    We appreciate your heartfelt and passionate support for Hatsune Miku and friends.

    Regarding SAVE MIKU Movement, the deletion problem has been almost solved and we have nothing to announce so far. We hope you understand.

    Again, thank you for your support and deep understanding.

    Best regards,

    Crypton Future Media

    Crypton Future Media Inc.,
    8F Dunlop-SK Bldg., Odori Nishi 10-Chome
    Chuo-ku, Sapporo
    060-0042 JAPAN
    tel: 81-11-222-6655
    fax: 81-11-222-0707
    web: http://www.crypton.co.jp

    Also, I know about that site as well. I was even a member of this group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/338923086140600/. If you want to talk somewhere that’s more private and convenient, I have skype, msn, and a facebook page. If I have your permission, I’ll send you an email with my contact information.

  • Comment by Panda | May 14, 2012 @ 9:32 pm

    @jrharbort: Thank you. I see. If you don’t know the background it is very difficult to understand. It is possible to take several meaning if Japanese are used.
    If I briefly saw the Facebook site written in, there is no significant spam related to Korea and other. I may also say, deletion problem maybe almost stable/solved from that site, as a personal opinion. Thus/but, there is nothing to announce officially. This person try to say very politely.
    If a person found other site, it may be different.
    My Personal opinion:I don’t know. this is very difficult writing if this text is re-thought in Japanese sense. No Google info also. It may better to confirm including Mr.SeyrenLK.

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