what exactly are vimax penis pills?

Vimax is a powerful natural herbal male enhancement that increases: sexual desire, endurance and helps to achieve stronger and longer lasting erections. Formulated from herbs from around the world that have been proven to work, you can be assured Vimax will improve your performance. Vimax uses some of the same type of herbs found in Polynesia, where the men of the Mangaian tribe have sex an average of 3 times a night, every night. While this is not what you may wish, it is nice to know your sexual performance can improve substantially.

More than 9000 customers were randomly chosen to be surveyed about their experience with Vimax pills.

The results of the survey are astonishing and show that surveyed customers experienced:

Vimax clearly helps men maintain their erection and satisfy their partners in a large portion of the test group. The overall satisfaction of men taking Vimax and their partners is extremely high for different sexual related reasons.

The majority of Vimax users to be exact 80.4% of the participants reported increased sexual satisfaction. That is one of the key factors why Vimax is the most popular male enhancement product and one of the oldest and most reputable brands of enhancers. What is important to note from this survey is that Vimax helps with the overall well being of the user. Pharmaceutical drugs for erectile dysfunction merely enable an erection, but do not affect your satisfaction and enjoyment. Vimax is different in that it actually heightens erection quality, sexual desire, and sexual satisfaction for both men and their partners.


Vimax is 100% Safe and Natural. We only use ingredients of highest quality in our product and in over 10 years, have never had a customer report a side effect. We are happy to say that our product is used by men aged from 18-78 years old. Such a wide spread age group, wouldn't be possible if he weren't to maintain our high standards in product research, development and manufacturing.