Marine who criticized Obama on Facebook: I wish I could take it back

Gregory Bull / AP

The Marines say Staff Sgt. Gary Stein will be discharged for criticizing President Barack Obama on Facebook. He has since apologized to the president.

Sgt. Gary Stein, the 26-year-old Marine who learned Wednesday he would be discharged for his online comments criticizing President Barack Obama, wishes he could take it back.

“People ask me, ‘Would you go back and change those words?’ I would most definitely,” Stein told “I would articulate my point better.”

On March 1, Stein wrote on a closed forum for active-duty meteorologists and oceanographers that he would say "Screw Obama" and not follow all orders from him, according to Courthouse News.

“Obama is the economic enemy,” he wrote in the post. “He is the religious enemy ... He is the ‘fundamentally change’ America enemy … He IS the Domestic Enemy.”

Marine who criticized President Obama on Facebook to be discharged

Five minutes later, another Marine took down his post, but not before someone Stein knew took a screen shot and forwarded the comment to Stein’s superiors.

Stein had already been warned about a Facebook page he had started in 2010, which he named Armed Forces Tea Party.

“They said, ‘All we ask is that you write that the views are not that of the Marine Corps or the Department of Defense,’” Stein said. He said he put up the disclaimer that day.

The Facebook page, which had six moderators, including Stein, included posts about contraception, gays in the military, pundit Keith Olbermann and Obama. One post included a photo of Obama with the word, “Jackass” written underneath. Stein said that was not his post.

Service members are, according to Directive 1344 of the Department of Defense, allowed to express personal opinions on political candidates, but not as representatives of the Armed Forces.

Last month, a three-member military panel recommended that he be booted from the Marine Corps. On Wednesday, Brig. Gen. Daniel Yoo accepted their recommendation that Stein be dismissed for violating military law.

Stein said he repeatedly told Marine Corps officials he would shut down the Facebook page and not speak with the press if they allowed him to complete his contract, which ends in three months, but they refused.  

“I think they’re trying to use me as an example,” Stein said. “Senior officers don’t want to hear, ‘You were the person who let this Gary Stein situation get out of hand. I think there might have been peer pressure among the senior enlisted.”

Maj. Michael Armistead, a Marine Corps spokesman at Camp Pendleton, could not confirm whether this negotiation took place.

Stein, an Arizona native, has been a Marine for nine years and was deployed to Iraq from 2005 to 2006. Although he regrets his post, he still believes his online activity should be protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution. Still, he said he would caution other service members to think before posting their opinions.

“I’m not telling them to zip it up or shut up; be conscious of what you post,” he said. He said he believes the Marine Corps should clearly rewrite the rules for social media in the wake of his dismissal.

In a phone interview Wednesday, Stein sounded tired. A former weather forecaster, he lost his security clearance and started working as a scheduler on a rifle range at Camp Pendleton. He said his wife’s grandmother died Tuesday night and he was diagnosed Monday with a throat disease. He said the Marine Corps is waiting to discharge him so that he can go through treatment.

“It’s been a rough day,” Stein said. “I’m disappointed. Not only in the Marine Corps, but in myself.”

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He said he plans to go through treatment and tend to his wife and 4-year-old daughter. He has been a licensed real estate agent for two years; last night he posted a house for sale on his personal Facebook page.

He also wrote on Facebook that he would not accept racist or vulgar posts.

“I will ban you and you will never be on the page again,” he said.

And he said he has also apologized to the president.

“If he was in front of me right now, I would salute him, say, ‘Yes, Mr. President, No, Mr. President,’ and when I walked away, I would still disagree with his policies. But those are two separate things.”

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Comment author avatarHunter GabelRestored

Most people want to "take it back" after they suffer the consequences of their actions.

You repeatedly broke the rules, despite your senior officers who apparently "Don't want to be blamed" and multiple legal counsels telling you to knock it off.

A shame that you're in your twenties and you still have the maturity of someone in High School.

Sickening that he's "disappointed" in the Marine Corps despite multiple attempts to help him, and ignoring each one, and suddenly having this huge heard and trying to do the exact OPPOSITE of what he was only very recently actively promoting. No vulgar comments about the President? Racism? Yet that's what you were posting.

Funny how things change.

  • 389 votes
#1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:39 PM EDT
Comment author avatarJim-372206Restored

Stein learned that from republicans... They always rewrite their own words to say the same stupid things all over again.. As if that makes a difference to anyone other than showing a double likely hood to keep on with the same dishonorable public demonstrations of old hate. ignorance & total lack of patriotism

Stein is a disgrace to the uniform

  • 230 votes
#1.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:57 PM EDT
Comment author avatarmiked-332794Restored

The punishment seems a little extreme, but rules are rules. Social Media is as much to blame.

  • 53 votes
#1.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:14 PM EDT

Sorry, now? Puleeeeeze....

sorry your dumb ass has been discharged! That's ALL!

To even "think" it was okay to bad mouth the president is unbelievable!

Is this what "America" has become?

  • 210 votes
#1.3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:15 PM EDT
Comment author avatarTheOverlordRestored

It is good to see that he decided to apologize to the president but clearly it is too little too late to help him. This case should be a warning to Republicans that spew hate and vitriol towards our president. No, he isn't a domestic terrorist even if he does care about poor people... it just makes him a good human being, unlike you and your prejudiced opinions. Republican's constant personal attacks on the president are disgraceful and only reflect badly on those regurgitating the hateful accusations.

Good luck to this guy but I doubt it actually changed his attitude in any way and I bet he's out there flaming and trolling the president in no time. I just hope he got a dishonorable discharge.

  • 186 votes
#1.4 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:16 PM EDT

As a Vietnam Era Veterna, I truly cannot recall anyone in my service branch (US Army) or others having the temerity to speak out against the President, i.e., the commander-in-chief. And Lord knows we had two of the worst you could serve under: LBJ, who escalated the war to a bloody mess that left thousands of US servicemen wasted, and Richard Nixon, for whom no critical or redeeming word can suffice. Still, we served and honored them as commanders-in-chief, no ifs ands or buts about it. Of course, there was no such thing as Facebook or the Internet back then, so who knows what our behaviors would have been like. Of course, most of us were too busy doing our duty, trying to survive, and protect the lives of our fellow soldiers and marines to get all hung up on criticising "the boss"...

  • 271 votes
#1.5 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:18 PM EDT
Comment author avatarJim-372206Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

It was a "False Apology" ---- All he was sorry for was in not putting the same thing in a different format

Stein still has NO HONOR

  • 143 votes
#1.6 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:19 PM EDT
Comment author avatarMary-1324335Restored

Mike: You stated, "I think the punishment was an overreaction. Many soldiers criticize the CIC during their enlistment, few are punished. But then social media wasn't around then. New rules must apply. I'm afraid the CIC may be a little too thin skinned than previous CIC's were."

I disagree with your statement. I'm sure that many soldiers criticize their CIC, their commanding officers, etc. However, to post that he would not follow orders from President Obama is beyond criticizing the CIC.; it is a dereliction of duty. Moreover, calling CIC the enemy seems to be treasonous.

How do you come to the conclusion that President Obama is thin-skinned? Did he comment? Was he involved in the discharge? I don't follow your logic.

  • 181 votes
#1.7 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:21 PM EDT
Comment author avatarJohnSixtyRestored

He just doesn't get it. He acted on behalf of the USMC. He is not the Commandant. He is a sergeant at Camp Pendleton.

He has no authority to speak on behalf an entire military body. He was fired for being stupid.

  • 150 votes
#1.8 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:22 PM EDT
Comment author avatarRTyp0Restored

“Obama is the economic enemy,” he wrote in the post. “He is the religious enemy ... He is the ‘fundamentally change’ America enemy … He IS the Domestic Enemy.”

Where does all this vitriolic hatered come from? I don't use the race card lightly when criticizing Obama haters but what else can it be here?

I'm all for criticizing the president for ideological and policy differences but it seems to always be this over-the-top hyperbole with many right wingers. From thinly veiled death threats to outright contempt on the congressional floor.

I'd like to see president Obama step in and give this guy a second chance just to show everyone what a class act the president is. As long as the guy really repents and this is the only real ding on his record.

  • 99 votes
#1.9 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:24 PM EDT

Miked, how is the punishment extreme, and how is social media to blame? If I publicly said those things about my boss if I worked in a corporation do you think that person would let me still work there? I hope not, or moral would be pretty low since it would reflect badly on the business, the boss, and me. Good luck with getting someone to pay you and give you benefits after spewing whatever comes to your head in a public forum. A pink slip would follow just as he is being discharged. Hate the boss if you like, but don't be stupid and arrogant enough to post that and to ignore the warnings you got about that kind of thing already.

As for social media being to blame? Oh, so someone held a gun to his head and forced him to type all that inappropriate content over time? It's the computer's fault? The internet's? Maybe his web host for the website or Facebook's? Seriously, how happened to personal responsibility and common sense?

Perhaps if he really wanted to take care of his little girl and wife he might have thought about what he was saying before he said it and kept saying it. I think the Marine Corp has more reason to be disappointed in him than he does in the Marine Corp.

  • 133 votes
#1.10 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:26 PM EDT
Comment author avatarmichelle-1073610Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

I think what this young man did, was borderline treason, against the Pres. and the United States.

  • 162 votes
#1.11 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:26 PM EDT

RTYPO; No, no second chance. We, as Americans, and those in the military, must respect our President. Those in the military must folow orders, and those of us in the public respect the office and unify behind our country. Nothing less.

  • 129 votes
#1.12 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:28 PM EDT

RTypo, he was warned before. He has had his chances. I would say this no matter who was president. He wasn't punished as badly as he could have been. He chose to keep up the political statements and nastiness and he received the consequences.

  • 105 votes
#1.13 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:28 PM EDT
Comment author avatarNFILRestored

I don't have a problem with people not liking Obama's policies. The issue is that some people simply resort to name-calling and lies in a cheap attempt to discredit someone else. As an independent tree-hugger I didn't vote for Obama, because I didn't trust him, and I cannot defend many of his policies. However, in order for an intellectual discourse to take place critical thinking is a requirement. Spouting ideology or regurgitating unsubstantiated bits and pieces heard on Fox News is just childish. This guy does not come across as sincere. He just sounds like he's sorry he got caught. Here's a thought. If you don't like your CiC then don't reenlist.

  • 121 votes
#1.14 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:29 PM EDT

Mary, what post are you referring to? Mike was blaming social media, not Obama. I'm sure Obama had nothing to do with Stein's punishment! Nothing at all..........

  • 26 votes
#1.15 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:33 PM EDT
Comment author avatarmunchedRestored

Being correct on all counts does not excuse not including the waiver that they were his own views and not those of the Corps. Hopefully in the near future the man in the presidents office will be impeached or better yet, arrested and the Sgt. will be vindicated.

  • 17 votes
#1.16 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:37 PM EDT

Where does all this vitriolic hatered come from? I don't use the race card lightly when criticizing Obama haters but what else can it be here?

R Typo, I couldn't agree more with your statement. This is the legacy of the Tea Party, wrapped in the flag and masked as their brand of "patriotism," touted by the Becks and Limbaughs and Hannitys as gospel - people who either don't want to hear anything different or who don't have the means/intelligence to research this nonsense themselves just eat this B.S. up.

  • 116 votes
#1.17 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:39 PM EDT
Comment author avatarMary-1324335Restored

George: I was referring to Mike's statement regarding President Obama's thin skin.

"I think the punishment was an overreaction. Many soldiers criticize the CIC during their enlistment, few are punished. But then social media wasn't around then. New rules must apply. I'm afraid the CIC may be a little too thin skinned than previous CIC's were."

  • 15 votes
#1.18 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:40 PM EDT

He's about as dumb as Hank Williams Jr ... about ..........

  • 37 votes
#1.19 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:41 PM EDT
Comment author avatarMilo-2Restored

Bull@!$%# and more Bull@!$%#, as a retired Marine I state the other than honorable discharge is Political Posturing at its worst. The Marine had close to 10 years of service. The Corps could have just denied reenlistment, but no they had to bow down to the PC bull@!$%# our government has come to succumb to. @!$%# Odumbo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 31 votes
#1.20 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:45 PM EDT

@George: I don't remember a soldier EVER making such a remark under George Bush. And he was one of the dumbest person to rule US. A good man, a dumb president. It must have really riled many of those bravehearts to serve under such a nincompoop, but they sucked it up and did their duty. That's what you do. You follow your commander-in-chief. You don't say 'I won't follow orders.' That can translate into 'treason', no matter who the Commander is at that point.

  • 89 votes
#1.21 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:46 PM EDT

"I think there might have been peer pressure among the senior enlisted.”

Like hell. I was on a court-martial sentencing board once with enlisted and officers (the convicted can choose to have enlisted on his board if he himself is enlisted). The officers were all for giving the Airman a break as he was not much more than a kid, but it was the enlisted folks who wanted to fry him. I think they saw it as a betrayal of their own standards (the Airman stole from a warehouse he was supposed to be guarding).

Don't think you were railroaded by your superiors, Sgt. Your own rank is far more pissed at you for letting them down.

  • 77 votes
#1.22 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:51 PM EDT

Rtypo: I agree with you. Criticizing President Obama's policies, leadership, etc., is fine. However, I don't know what else to attribute the hatred shown toward President Obama. The birther "crap," the anti-American rhetoric, the racist emails sent by some Republicans, and school districts forbidding teachers from letting their students watch President Obama's address to students is evidence of racism. And, like you, I don't charge racism lightly. Many times, some on the left have accused someone of racism, and I disagreed.

  • 90 votes
#1.23 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:52 PM EDT

Having served long ago and knew full well then that I could not criticize a superior officer, including the president. This guy was treated extraordinarily fair. I'm sure he is sorry and means every word of it. But discharge him like a bad habit.

There are two simple rules a MAN must learn: Control your mouth and control your behavior. Once you master those, life is a lot simpler.

  • 93 votes
#1.24 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:54 PM EDT

Milo: You stated, "Bull@!$%# and more Bull@!$%#, as a retired Marine I state the other than honorable discharge is Political Posturing at its worst. The Marine had close to 10 years of service. The Corps could have just denied reenlistment, but no they had to bow down to the PC bull@!$%# our government has come to succumb to. @!$%# Odumbo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

How is this political posturing? How is the discharge succumbing to political correctness? This Marine posted on Facebook that he would not follow the CIC's orders.

  • 73 votes
#1.25 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:55 PM EDT

Milo, I call BS on you being a retired Marine. Every other military member I have seen post on this subject has agreed that he should be discharged because he broke an oath.

Your rage for the proper punishment he received shows that you have no respect for the Corps or the Oath they take.

  • 108 votes
#1.26 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:56 PM EDT

Woe be to those who do not obay king Obama!

  • 25 votes
#1.27 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:56 PM EDT
Comment author avatargina2bitRestored

To Sgt. Gary Stein,

I could kiss you for what you said.

The Marines are missing a good man.

And don't you dare apologize or feel bad.

Your a breath of fresh air and we need more men like you.

Be proud and thank you.

  • 32 votes
#1.28 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:56 PM EDT
Comment author avatarSteelForce5Restored

Its absolutely sad how the despicable democrats will switch sides on issues of rights whenever it does not suit their political agenda.

Lets see.

Gay rights.... OF COURSE...

Criticize the President.. DAMN YOU... JAIL AT MINIMUM

@!$%#ers, go to hell

  • 14 votes
#1.29 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:57 PM EDT

Treason????? Really?? Sounds more like straight up stupidity to me. Who thinks it's okay to criticize your boss in public where they will hear about it?

  • 37 votes
#1.30 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:59 PM EDT
Comment author avatarrhawRestored

Thats our problem now, no one standing up. At least this Marine saw there is a problem. How long are we going to allow this Obamanation to continue. Time for a change Simper Fi. Marines are not Robots.

  • 21 votes
#1.31 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:00 PM EDT
Comment author avatarMindy-2985657Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

Milo-2, You are a poor example of a Marine.

  • 50 votes
#1.32 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:02 PM EDT
Comment author avatarBentbrassRestored

I'm hearing two different versions of the same story. If he said "I will not follow President Obama's orders" then he should have been fired. If he said, "I will not follow an illegal order from President Obama" that is entirely different statement. Regardless, I'm not sure taking away all his military benefits is just or necessary. He did serve for nine years, some being in a combat zone.

It smells of political bull@!$%# more than anything.

  • 16 votes
#1.33 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:07 PM EDT

First, I thank this man for his service to our Country. That being said, though - Obama IS in fact the Commander in Chief. Hence, he's the boss. In ANY organization, the Military included, you run the risk of getting canned by slandering your boss on a social website. So, don't be surprised if, after a weekend of incessant ranting about him/her on Facebook you're called on the carpet the following Monday.

  • 43 votes
#1.34 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:07 PM EDT

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Dont let the door hit you on the way out, (ex) sergeant !

AND - Rshaw, as a marine, his job is NOT to stand out, but to step BE a marine and NOT denigrate his Commander ...period.

  • 59 votes
#1.35 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:09 PM EDT

Funny how it worked out. He was talking all big and tough a little while ago, before he really needed the free health care he gets. When he trys to find insurance, if he can find a job, they will deny him because of previous conditions.

  • 51 votes
#1.36 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:09 PM EDT

The military is not a democracy and this soldier knew that when he made the comment.

In addition, I'm not at all surprised that the "race card" was used when judging this Marine's misconduct. He was wrong, as a member of the Armed Forces, and not because he is white. Comments left like the one made by "RTypo," do absolutely nothing but cause further dissention.

  • 22 votes
#1.37 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:10 PM EDT
Comment author avatarrbjk0174sExpand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

Stein learned that from republicans... They always rewrite their own words to say the same stupid things all over again..

Ha-ha...typical, hypocritical Dem. Ohh, they're never wrong and always inform you of your errors.

  • 17 votes
#1.39 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:11 PM EDT
Comment author avataraliveinsdExpand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

Most Americans are pleased. Although somewhat of a loose cannon, I very much expect that this young Marine shall have a lucrative job awaiting him.

Mr. Obama is safe from some forms of criticism, but only under the cover of office. All comes to he who waits.

  • 7 votes
#1.40 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:15 PM EDT

Sounds like this guy drank the tea party cool-aid. As a Navy Submarine Veteran if you criticize the CIC and say you won't follow his orders during war time your standing into danger, you could be shot. That's a little extreme, but the UCMJ takes a dim view of treasonous acts during national conflicts. I realize this guy was a weatherman criticizing President Obama, but he wasn't a Weatherman, if your from the '60s. I think mostly he was just stupid, the USMC is way better off without him!!

  • 45 votes
#1.41 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:16 PM EDT

if you wanna make this political then he deserved to be fired for crossing the line with his superiors. if you wanna make it civil, I wonder how many people keep their jobs after crossing the lines with their bosses on the internet...

all you people bringing the president into this discussion as its his fault for the stupid idiot dismissal are anti-president and anti-america, if the country needs you, you wouldn't serve under your commander in chief? you are all traitors who talk down the president....

  • 42 votes
#1.42 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:16 PM EDT
Comment author avatarEvaPeronRestored

You are not alone Stein, the country wishes it could take back the Presidential election of 2008 too!

  • 17 votes
#1.43 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:18 PM EDT

This is an think that somone would criticize the president, not because of his policies, but BECAUSE OF A RELIGION! He sweared an oath, to the commander in chief, then turns around to defy said person, this is disgraceful, and will leave a bitter taste in the name of the marines.

Go off your high horse, no one cares about religion, it doesnt belong in politics, it belong in your church, club, and your household. Even if Obama does somthin that agaisnt your religion, remember this ITS YOUR religion. Seperation between church and state. dont need some self rightous religous organization promoting thier beliefs on somone else. there is only liberal and conservative propoganda, that has to do with politics. we DO NOT need religious propoganda....

P.S. dont blame the social network...

  • 25 votes
#1.44 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:19 PM EDT
Comment author avatarFedupwithFedRestored

Five minutes later, another Marine took down his post, but not before someone Stein knew took a screen shot and forwarded the comment to Stein’s superiors.

WOW! A fellow Marine turned on his brother? I would want HIM removed from the Marines! How can he be trusted to protect his brothers anymore? He posted on a closed forum and is entitled to FREE SPEECH! Face it, not everyone is hypnotized by Obama, some can see him for what he really is and aren't afraid to tell the truth

  • 23 votes
#1.45 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:21 PM EDT

When you're working in the private sector if you talk about your boss the same as the sarge you get fired. Why should he be treated any different? The republican politicians have become disrespectful. Some of the things they have said and actions taken, if done by a democrat, they would be screaming to have him drawn & quartered.

  • 34 votes
#1.46 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:21 PM EDT
Comment author avataru1022575Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

you know what when obama took office he circumvented the Constitution and chucked your free speech rights right out of the freaking window Mary how dumb and arrogant can you people be?? did you ever wonder why Hitler killed off the intellectuals and the other ubermenchen he did it to kill off free speech he also went door to door and disarmed the public so he could prey on Germany's weak people and have complete control over his opponents OWS and the leftie libtards have only succeeded in becoming strong mentally but weak in strength if Himmler and his henchmen were alive today and this was Germany he'd wipe out over half of the Democratic libtards in America alone.. you republican bashers have no idea what true freedom is all about. all you people want is a socialist government handing you all the freebees and you will never annie up and kick in to make things right why dont you grow up and ask your congressman to bring back the laws requireing your employers to provide healthcare benefits. instead of bitching do somthing. If you think obama is doing so great then ask yourself why is gas still 3 or four bucks a gallon and my pay is soooo small and why is food so expensive in the almost four years of obamas term dont blame bush and his cronies blame the real croks online trading and the freakin speculaters thats who So this marine spewed his mouth at least he had guts thats more than i can say about the rest of the freakin leftie libtards

  • 12 votes
#1.47 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:22 PM EDT

His original comments were Republican Tea Party comments.

His "apology" is a Republcan Rush Limbaugh apology.

He has learned from his mentors and masters very well.

But he does not deserve to be a US Marine.

Maybe he can be a factory guard for one of the Koch Brothers Factories.

  • 46 votes
#1.48 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:22 PM EDT
Comment author avatarJStone87Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

You have got to be kiddin me! First off, each one of you are at fault for something or another. Saying he is a disgrace to the uniform is the exact same thing as calling all of you judgemental stone casting hypocrites, a disgrace as a human beings! He served your country and put his life at risk for you ungrateful scumbags. As soon as he speaks his mind about a person, you pathetically point fingers and forget about all he has done for you! Its a darn shame that the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT can't allow someone with such great sacrifice to speak his mind. Who should even care if he say's something he feels. Is the president going to lose his job over it? Is Obama going to lose anything over this?! Open your eyes AMERICA!

Gary, I hope you have a blessed life from here on out. Pay no attention to the garbage opinions of these low lives. According to their agreement of kicking you out of the corps, they all are speaking too, as hypocrites, and should lose what they love too.

  • 13 votes
#1.49 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:23 PM EDT

Here is a Marine who given 9-10 years of his life to his country, shots off his mouth about the President, said he will not follow orders from the President, then get caught and now he is this poor victim, Military and Gov't are after him to make an example of him. When you are in the Military, you have no rights of free speech unless given to you by your senior Officers. To put it on Facebook or what ever out there for the world to see is just stupid. I am sorry his career is over but next time he will think better of himself than to throw his life down the drain. Thanks for your Military Service, I wish you the best. PS: you don't have to like what the President says, But you must follow his orders, he is the Commander in Chief.

  • 37 votes
#1.50 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:23 PM EDT

There is a difference between being sorry for one's actions and being sorry for having to face the consequences for one's actions.

Because he was warned about this type of behavior by his commanding officer, and yet he chose to be insubordinate and continue, my sense is that he's really just sorry for having to face the consequences for his actions.

  • 42 votes
#1.51 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:26 PM EDT
Comment author avatarSteelForce5Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

Its absolutely sad how the despicable democrats will switch sides on issues of rights whenever it does not suit their political agenda.

Lets see.

Gay rights.... OF COURSE...

Criticize the President.. DAMN YOU... JAIL AT MINIMUM

@!$%#ers, go to hell

  • 9 votes
#1.52 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:27 PM EDT

I don't feel sorry for this idiot. I did't realize he had been warned before about posting stuff before, so he had chances and therefore he needs to be fired. This is not freedom of speech. I just had a conversation with someone about facebook in terms of policy for a job, and I stated that while you should not be able to get the password of an employees facebook account, the employee should not use work time to play on it.

To me this is another case of a worker getting in trouble via social media. As others have stated, I don't care who the president is, you should never state something you will regret later and can lose your job.

  • 20 votes
#1.53 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:28 PM EDT
Comment author avatarDavid Trivettevia FacebookExpand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

There are way too many Democrats here for me. You guys make me sick.

  • 13 votes
#1.54 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:31 PM EDT

He's only sorry because he lost everything he had. You knew the rules, You knew what you were doing was wrong, You were told to stop several times. You got what you deserved.

As a veteran, I served under Carter, Reagan, Bush and Clinton. Carter and Clinton were by far the worst CICs I worked under. Clinton never served in the military and did everything he could to avoid going in. It sure was hard not to be negative. But I kept my mouth shut like a good GI.

  • 18 votes
#1.55 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:33 PM EDT


Sounds like this guy drank the tea party cool-aid. As a Navy Submarine Veteran if you criticize the CIC and say you won't follow his orders during war time your standing into danger, you could be shot. That's a little extreme, but the UCMJ takes a dim view of treasonous acts during national conflicts

Remember Ehren Watada, the first officer to refuse going to Iraq? He didn't just talk about refusing orders, he flat out refused them. He was dismissed from the military. The military will not disclose the type of dismissal he received citing privacy rules. It was Obama's Justice Dept. that finally dismissed all other charges and attempts to prosecute Mr. Watada.

  • 14 votes
#1.56 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:33 PM EDT
Comment author avatarFedupwithFedRestored

“If he was in front of me right now, I would salute him, say, ‘Yes, Mr. President, No, Mr. President,’ and when I walked away, I would still disagree with his policies. But those are two separate things.”

Don’t compromise yourself, stay strong and be of good courage!


RTYPO; No, no second chance. We, as Americans, and those in the military, must respect our President. Those in the military must folow orders, and those of us in the public respect the office and unify behind our country. Nothing less.

Sorry, respect is something that is EARNED!

  • 15 votes
#1.57 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:36 PM EDT

* The media is not to blame

* The Blame

** Tea Party controlled republican party--Birthers--and other bad acting political delinquents

** Commentors like miked-332794--taken out of contex--everyone is to blame but me PC: I'll let you name it

* This Marine is sorry he learned a horrible lesson

* No second chances--this guy is a slug

* This is not so much about what he said about the president. This is about this guy going back on his oath to the American people--an oath he took freely. When the Corps cautioned him on his breach of trust, he doubled-down and brought dishonor to The Corps.

* No political correctness he except the one where they gave him an other than honorarble discharge vs the dishonorable discharge he jockeyed for.

* Finally: milo-2 should not be heard or seen. milo what did you do as a marine????

  • 19 votes
#1.58 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:37 PM EDT

You make a big mistake soldier, too late for regrets, when you dress your uniform must respect your Commander in Chief. You must be a civilian, a politicians or part of the media to criticise the President shame on you, just wait for your discharge and use your freedom of speech. Like Democrats did against Bush.

  • 18 votes
#1.59 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:37 PM EDT

aliveinsd... I am sure you're right. I am sure there's a lucrative job waiting for him. I mean what employer wouldn't want a Marine who was thrown out of the Corps because he said he refused to do what the boss said to do.... oh wait.

  • 28 votes
#1.60 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:37 PM EDT


The ironic part is that the Health care act that President Obama passed will allow him to get his insurance, and can't be denied because of a pre-existing condition. He has the man he was talking smack about to thank for the fact that he will get his health care right away! Isn't that something!!!

  • 31 votes
#1.61 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:42 PM EDT
Comment author avatarSteelForce5Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

The President has too much power. All this talk about boss... You @!$%#ers don't understand that the UNITED STATES OF AMERACA'S PEOPLE are HIS BOSS.

  • 7 votes
#1.62 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:45 PM EDT
Comment author avatarMilo-2Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community


Milo, I call BS on you being a retired Marine. Every other military member I have seen post on this subject has agreed that he should be discharged because he broke an oath.

Your rage for the proper punishment he received shows that you have no respect for the Corps or the Oath they take.

  • 7 votes
#1.63 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:47 PM EDT

What stands out to me is Stein loses everything while the people whose vitriol he espouse loose nothing. Why? Because they are sideline patriots. They don't serve.

  • 11 votes
#1.64 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:47 PM EDT

Steelforce... wrong, but even if that was the case... from what I have seen is that the VAST majority of fellow soldiers and veterans have said he should be removed because he broke an oath. Would you want to be in the trenches next to this guy taking enemy fire when he decides he doesn't want to follow orders? The uneducated say it was just words but what he did endangers fellow soldiers.

  • 25 votes
#1.65 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:49 PM EDT

What a disgrace this marine is.

President Obama is the Commander-In-Chief.

While in the military, you do not criticize your commander.

He is fortunate that his foolishness did not lead to a court martial.

  • 25 votes
#1.66 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:49 PM EDT
Comment author avatarSteelForce5Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

Concerned Citizen-1877749, Isn't it something that he will have the President's neglagence to thank for indebting many future generations to come, and mitigating the success of the country which he chose to serve? This health care policy is just one more thing destroying with debt country which he serves, or served. Do you so quickly turn your back on the freedom of speech you pathetic and one sided weakling?

  • 3 votes
#1.67 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:51 PM EDT
Comment author avatarSteelForce5Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

skiing111, you know, the thing i care about the most is the molested values of professed democrats, who turn their back on the freedom of speech whenever it does not serve their interests.

I agree you should follow commands, as long as you do not endanger US citizens (Syria's army).

  • 5 votes
#1.68 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:54 PM EDT
Comment author avatarChicago MarioExpand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

Most of the commenter's on this forum should be ashamed of themselves! The guy served our country for 9 years the article states and he makes a couple dumbs "political" comments on Facebook and now all you people wanna crucify the guy?! Wow... get a life people! You sit behind your keyboards talking all tough, while this guys living in a constant gauntlet of death for this country while you're sitting at home stuffing your fat faces watching desperate house whores of some city! The pretentiousness here is nauseating... ugh...

  • 10 votes
#1.69 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:56 PM EDT

steelforce... you actually think what he did falls under freedom of speech? Really? Okay, go into work tomorrow and tell your boss you refuse to follow any orders he gives you from now on. Then plead freedom of speech as he kicks your @ss to the curb.

  • 26 votes
#1.70 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:57 PM EDT
Comment author avatarKnineExpand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

The legal reasons why Sgt. Stein is NOT guilty, and is a good marine.

When one enlists in the United States Military, active duty or reserve, they take the following oath: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice”.

National Guard enlisted members take a similar oath, except they also swear to obey the orders of the Governor of their state.

Officers, upon commission, swear to the following: “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter”.

Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), Article 92 makes it a crime to disobey any LAWFUL order. An unlawful order not only does NOT need to be obeyed, but obeying such an order can result in criminal prosecution of the one who obeys it. Military courts have long held that military members are accountable for their actions even while following orders - if the order was/is illegal.

An unlawful order is one that is clearly outside the authority of the person giving it. Ordering someone to commit a crime is clearly unlawful. The Oath to the US Constitution is first and primary for the US military to defend America and our freedoms. By definition, America’s natural freedoms are in our Constitution. Any order that interferes with constitutional law is by definition an unlawful order that must be refused.

The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) Article 92 makes US military duty clear to obey lawful orders. The primary source for lawful orders is the US Constitution. This nation’s Constitution are its central and defining laws (which is why the 3 branches of our government, the military, all law enforcement, the heads of the States, all federal employees are required to take an Oath to support and defend the Constitution and NOT an individual leader, ruler, office, or entity. Once given, the Oath is binding for life. It does not cease upon the occasions of leaving office or of discharge).

The Court of Military Appeals has said: "the justification for acts done pursuant to orders does not exist if the order was of such a nature that a man of ordinary sense and understanding would know it to be illegal."

Having taken the required Oath, which clearly lists the US Constitution as first for support and defense makes “a nature that a man of ordinary sense and understanding would know it to be illegal”.

The first recorded case of a United States Military officer using the "I was only following orders" defense dates back to 1799. The US President wrote the order, but The U.S. Supreme Court held that Military (Navy commanders) "act at their own peril" when obeying presidential orders when such orders are illegal.

It's clear, under military law, that military members can be held accountable for crimes committed under the guise of "obeying orders”. There is no requirement to obey orders which are unlawful, and penalties if they are followed.

Plus Sgt. Stein is correct; Obama is a "Domestic Enemy of the USA". Here is the definition of a US domestic enemy: "Domestic enemies pursue legislation, programs against the powers of the US Constitution. They work on destroying and weakening the Rights of the People guaranteed by the Constitution. Plus they create laws, amendments, etc that goes against the restraint on the three branches of our government by the Constitution".

  • 11 votes
#1.71 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:01 PM EDT

This is why the DoD should never have allowed the use of Facebook on military computers. If they did not the whole situation would be out of there jurisdiction.

  • 3 votes
#1.72 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:02 PM EDT

He'll get a job as the new poster child for the Tea Party (what's left of it) kind of like Joe the (not really) Plumber.

  • 24 votes
#1.73 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:02 PM EDT
Comment author avatarSteelForce5Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

skiing111, This governance's boss is the people of the united states, and it's opinions choose the governance's actions. Or do you support something else?

  • 1 vote
#1.74 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:08 PM EDT

Although I believe the USMC did the right thing, SGT (PVT?) Stein is lucky he was diagnosed while still on Active Duty. He will now continue to be able to utilize the services he so took for granted when he decided to go on his verbal rampage.

  • 7 votes
#1.75 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:12 PM EDT

bsbfankaren, those services are paid for by who? the people of the united states. Stop thinking the government is the one who distributes, it is the people of the unites states. All the government does is move money.

  • 5 votes
#1.76 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:14 PM EDT

bsbfankaren, would you call it a verbal rampage if a citizen said the same thing? Only call this a verbal rampage if you would call other attacks verbal rampages. Many citizens make such statements, I doubt you would classify all of them as verbal rampages.

  • 2 votes
#1.77 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:17 PM EDT

Steelforce... The Government makes the rules. If you think public opinion should make all the rules then you support anarchy. There are difficult decisions to be made that the bulk of the public does not like, but those decisions are necessary. There are things that are in place for our own good, whether we like them or not. Just as kids in school would vote no to doing homework.

What it comes down to is this soldier took an oath and the penalty of that oath is expulsion. He knew it when he took the oath and he knew it when his superiors warned him. All along the way he said he didn't care... until the penalty was handed down.

My guess is he expected a lot more soldiers, current and former, to agree with him. That just didn't happen. They know the rules and they acknowledge that he broke them.

  • 20 votes
#1.78 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:19 PM EDT

Steelforce, you fail to see the point still. An average citizen does not take an oath and draw pay and benefits for taking that oath. He broke the oath... all there is to it. There is absolutely NO gray area here.

  • 22 votes
#1.79 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:21 PM EDT

Everyone who is writing one this must not have every said or did something you later regret. I know at times I say I could just kill you and not really mean it. It was taken down within 5 minutes. IT was not to the public eyes it was on a close forum matter of fact if he would not have got discharged I bet none of us would have even saw it.

He did a stupid thing by making the comments.

  • 1 vote
#1.80 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:22 PM EDT

skiing111, I agree with this 'oath', but is there no bounds to this oath, didn't he say he would not follow "illegal" orders? International law determines what is legal orders does it not? I think these international laws are for the good, and were created out of the Holocaust, I am fairly certain.

  • 1 vote
#1.81 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:36 PM EDT

Steelforce... he actually said he wouldn't follow ANY orders from the president. There is a reason why all of the soldiers (Current and former) that are posting on this agree with his punishment. They know better than non-serving citizens if the punishment fits the crime.

I am not saying you have to agree with the presidents policies, but you can't deny that this Marine broke the rules KNOWING what the punishment would be. He did not care until the punishment was handed down and then he was sorry. He was adamant all along in his stance. To me this is no different than when everyone else is convicted of a crime. They always preach sorrow once they are found guilty.

Besides, I have mentioned before, what Soldier would want to be in a battle with him when he decides what orders he doesn't want to follow. These men/ladies have to have 100% confidence in their fellow soldiers. I know I wouldn't want to put my life in his hands if I was a fellow Marine.

  • 16 votes
#1.82 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:47 PM EDT

The US Military does not have time to waste on individuals who portray their political or religious beliefs as the beliefs of all members of the military. And they certainly don't have time to waste on service people who say they won't obey the orders of their commander. His very statements and actions make him unfit for service, and a dangerous distraction to his fellow soldiers. I don't care what political party he's from, or which party's president he insulted. In the Military, you are responsible for knowing the rules, and if you break them you will be held accountable.

  • 16 votes
#1.83 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:50 PM EDT


No truer words spoken than: "Respect is earned". You've got all my votes. Those that don't that, will never succeed in life.

  • 5 votes
#1.84 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:06 PM EDT

simply funny how some of the Republicans backpedals when rules are applied to themselves, proving that the rules are there for others. This has nothing to do as 1st Amendment rights, but about his duty that he has volunteerred for. He was not drafted. He chose to joing the service. He choice post after earlier warnings.

As for Milo's comment in regards to PC???? Really, and your suggestion to allow him to service out the remaining 3 months is not PC???? Wow, more hypocracy.

  • 11 votes
#1.85 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:19 PM EDT

Frankly, I don't want any men or women defending this country who have such an absolute hate and disgust for OUR President. It's absolutely ridiculous and out of line. Period.

  • 23 votes
#1.86 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:19 PM EDT

skiing111, I am coming to more of an agreement on the terms of punishment, but what bothers me the most is the onesidedness of people who support civil liberties.

On one hand, some people support the destruction of "don't ask, don't tell," which was set in place by the military leaders for purposes of order in the chaos that is war; but on the other hand, many of those in the same group of people seem to disparage those who invoke the freedom of speech, also restricted by military leaders for purposes of order in the chaos that is war.

It seems that left leading individuals support civil liberties only when it furthers their causes.

  • 1 vote
#1.87 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:26 PM EDT


His original comments were Republican Tea Party comments.

His "apology" is a Republcan Rush Limbaugh apology.

He has learned from his mentors and masters very well.

But he does not deserve to be a US Marine.

Maybe he can be a factory guard for one of the Koch Brothers Factories

So bicfj-

What this tells me is that you believe only Liberal Democrats deserve to be in the Corps! Republicans/ Conservatives are only "good enough" to guard a Koch Brothers factory. Am I wrong?

  • 4 votes
#1.88 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:33 PM EDT

Gooood Night Vietnaaaaam....

  • 3 votes
#1.89 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:19 AM EDT

Here is a Marine who given 9-10 years of his life to his country

He is 26, how could he have served 9 to 10 years? He was warned by his superiors once before. He didn't heed the warning. He just lost medical for life and maybe some college. AWWWW..he will be fine.

To those who call the president thinned skinned, he has endured more back stabbing and criticism than any president in history. The right REFUSES to work with him or any democrat. To hell with them! It is time to throw the TGOP out now. I don't mean all republicans, just those tolling the tea-party and koch brothers and their likes lines against all Americans.

  • 22 votes
#1.90 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:51 AM EDT

Fed are you serious? What he meant was nobody will give a guy a job who has told the world he won't follow orders.

  • 5 votes
#1.91 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:10 AM EDT

Stein, YOU'RE excuses accepted. The first week of basic training consists of HELL and learning the the UCMJ, (gray bible), front to back and they will keep setting you back until you know it. He knew what he was doing was wrong and then he got caught, and now he's sorry?? Like I said Sgt, YOU'RE FIRED and remember your civilian bosses will do the same to you, without a hearing so I hope you learned your lesson!!

  • 9 votes
#1.92 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:42 AM EDT

If Bush had been president, there would be no story here.

  • 12 votes
#1.93 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:22 AM EDT

A lot of people are missing the point here. Never mind his comments, his creation of a public page called "Armed Forces Tea Party" is a direct violation of Defense Directive 1344.10. The military is supposed to remain above politics, and that was clearly political in nature, and specifically mentioned the US Military in its name.

As to his comments about not following illegal orders from the CIC:

1) A Marine NEVER says that. First, the president never goes to a junior officer to give an order. He gives orders to the Generals, who send them down the CoC.

2) IF the Marine is given an illegal order, he has the right to refuse, at that time. He will face a courts-martial, and have an opportunity to defend his decision.

3) To simply say something like that, in a general context, is done ONLY to be combative, and show his partisan politics, as a military member, and also against that same Directive.

Concerning the military and free speech: If servicemen and women are allowed to voice their partisan politics, the only thing that can result from that is a division between the forces. Other countries who allow this sort of thing see these results in the form of military coups, and that results in a country being run by the military. There is a reason that this country designed a country led by civilians.

The consequences of this Marine's action could very well be an over-reaction, and designed to make an example. In this case, an example is definitely needed, to show that this will not be tolerated, even in the smallest degree.

I agree with the results of this inquiry with everything I hold dear.

Semper Fi!

  • 13 votes
#1.94 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:24 AM EDT


I don't see the comparison between what this Marine did and "Don't Ask Don't Tell". On one hand you have a Marine directly breaking an oath he took. The punishment of breaking that oath is expulsion. He knew it, he still did it. The other one is an example of all human beings being given equal rights to serve openly in our Military. As I stated, Freedom of Speech does not apply here. Not everything an individual has come out of their mouth falls under Freedom of Speech. That is probably the biggest misconception of all time. Not everything you say is protected. As I said, try telling your boss that you refuse to follow every task he tells you to and then claim freedom of speech.

But I just don't see how the two are comparable. One is a Marine breaking the rules and the rules being enforced. The other is simply not denying someone their right to take that oath and serve openly based on sexual orientation. They did not break any rules.

Anyway, it was good debating the topic with you.

  • 3 votes
#1.95 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:49 AM EDT

hah, you guys and your Probama're so funny! I think the funniest part is that you ACTUALLY think little o gives a rat's behind about you. You people just prove the old saying true, "Ignorance is bliss!!!"

Obama sucks and needs to be removed from office any way possible. Romney needs to be prevented from entering office any way possible.

Frankly, based on the wide variety of opinions, would could conclude Texas was right from the beginning and we should all simply secede from the union and allow states to manage themselves. We have no functional military, as this article goes to prove. over 70% of it is defending other people anyway (which was never the intent of the US was to provide defense for our country not rebuild every third world nation that has a monsoon).

  • 2 votes
#1.96 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:03 AM EDT

I respect everyone because I respect myself. No one must EARN my respect.

I respect children, animals, mother Earth--I even respect you. Because I respect myself.

The only one who needs to earn one's respect is oneself.

    #1.97 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:14 AM EDT

    Knuckleheads still don't get it, but that's why they have rocks for brains.

    The marine is punished for his inability to perform his job. Nobody has an issue with the opinions. Nobody, either, has an issue for somebody being properly punished for not doing their job. This marine finally woke up and smelled the coffee with his regret, unlike the true idiots.

    • 2 votes
    #1.98 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:21 AM EDT

    @ Eva Peron...agree, but also people wish they could take back the presidential election from 2000 and 2004 which by the way even though people hate to continue the blame, but it's what got us into this mess...

    • 6 votes
    #1.99 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:40 AM EDT

    Lots of comments restored. Not these:

    Ha-ha...typical, hypocritical Dem.

    how dumb and arrogant can you people be??

    you ungrateful scumbags

    There are way too many Democrats here for me. You guys make me sick.

    You sit behind your keyboards talking all tough, while this guys living in a constant gauntlet of death for this country while you're sitting at home stuffing your fat faces watching desperate house whores of some city!

    rbjk0174s, u1022575, JStone87, David Trivette, Chicago Mario, don't smear your fellow commenters. Keep the insults to yourselves. You're each suspended for a day for violating #1 of the Code of Honor.

    Above all else, respect others. Address issues and arguments and refrain from making personal attacks.


    You @!$%#ers don't understand

    Do you so quickly turn your back on the freedom of speech you pathetic and one sided weakling?

    SteelForce5 banned, flameout. Egregiously bad posting.

    • 4 votes
    #1.100 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:43 PM EDT

    I am so sick and tired of all these closet racist conservatives
    disrespecting the President and the office of the Presidency. You may disagree
    with his policies and I for one don’t agree with all of his policies decisions,
    but he is the duly elected head of the executive branch of OUR government. I am a Vietnam veteran
    and that punk who disrespected President Obama not only disrespected the man he
    urinated on the office as well, and disgraced the uniformed. Everyone who has
    served knows the military is not a democracy. I know this may come as a surprise
    to all of you who chose not to serve the country you claim you love so much, but
    democracy does not work well in the armed services for obvious reasons. However
    this story really isn’t about military justice. Anyone with an IQ higher than their shoe size
    can clearly see this. It is just plain old dumb racism.

    Because of this Marine views about Blacks and
    some of you all have the very same views; you all can only see that he is disrespecting
    a black man. Every conservative in the land love to wrap themselves in the flag
    and talk about how they love the constitution, not just part of it, but all of
    it. Well the last I looked, that same constitution established the executive branch
    which is headed by a black man and this is you all’s main problem. Listen up!
    You can disagree with the president’s positions on any policy issue, but when
    you publicly show disrespect to him as a person you also show distain for the
    office! Another thing for all of you who
    show you have more cyber courage that command of the facts; please tell us
    which one policy that President Obama pushed and signed into law that had a
    negative impact on you personally.
    I don’t what to hear about what you heard on some conservative media outlet,
    but what impacted you… just you?

    • 7 votes
    #1.101 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:19 PM EDT

    All I want to know publicly is the name of the motherphucker who stab him in the back and ran like a good little cockroach to his superiors to 'report' what big bad Stein was posting....I mean it was up for 5 mins and some phucking a$$-wipe copies the page so he can be some sort of hero to his phucking superiors!

    I sure as hell wouldn't want that phucker watching my back, after all he's already stabbed one Marine in the back who's to say he won't do it again and again

    • 2 votes
    #1.102 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:24 PM EDT


    You rant about bullsh!t racism while you spout the same sh!t. Barry is 1/2 Black....1/2 WHITE or did you forget that part? but i guess when you're racist such as yourself you overlook what is clear fact...his mother was white his father black...therefore he's of mixed heritage 1/2 White 1/2 you assertion that he's hated as a Black I call bullsh!t on you.

    I love how he's Black but never once do people mention his mother was White and raised by White grandparents and instilled with their values...Barry was raised with these values yet everybody wants to forget about his White side and his heritage, which is that of a mixed background...not a Black background. So when you can admit that it's a mixed race person that holds office then you have finally taken a step towards enlightenment

    • 3 votes
    #1.103 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:43 PM EDT

    I sure as hell wouldn't want that phucker watching my back, after all he's already stabbed one Marine in the back who's to say he won't do it again and again

    Actually, I wouldn't want the guy who didn't understand how the chain of command and military regulations worked watching my back. He's obviously a moron and would just as likely kill me as the enemy out of stupidity.

    All I want to know publicly is the name of the motherphucker who stab him in the back

    Given the proclivity for people who would support stein to own and use firearms (no matter how illegal: thank you Oklahoma shooters) I think it's best that the person who reported him (it might have been his supervisor who saw the post in the first place) remain anonymous.

    • 5 votes
    #1.104 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:01 PM EDT

    Pfft. If MY name was on this guy's paycheck, I'd boot him out too.

    Military rules are a little more stringent than civilian rules for a reason (mainly national security - there I go talking like a Republican again, LMAO), but the basic premise is the same. You live or work under someone else's roof, you must obey THEIR rules. If you want to live under your own rules, by all means start your own business, pay for your own house, or apply to OCS and keep working at what you do until they make you a General. The military regulating freedom of speech is no different from the moderators of this forum regulating free speech. There are reasons why these rules are in place. The first amendment IS NOT ABSOLUTE! All it protects you from is being jailed (in civilian life.) One must still bear the burden of taking responsibility for their actions, and whatever consequences might result from those actions.

    All these people are saying is that there's a correct way and an incorrect way to state one's opinion. Stein chose the incorrect way, and must therefore live with the consequences of what he has done.

    • 4 votes
    #1.105 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:39 PM EDT

    Economic enemy? So, giving a bunch of rich folks tax breaks, while spending $4 TRILLION on a war was economical genius? Religious enemy? So keeping religion from taking over our government is only bad when it comes to christianity? You can't be a good American, and believe that

    • 1 vote
    #1.106 - Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:41 AM EDT

    There are so many virulent statements on these forums, by individuals who take extreme positions -- Conservative and Liberal, both -- that I wonder what they would do if faced with libel proceedings whenever that was found to be appropriate. Would they reverse completely and apologize as this young man has done? Yes, I believe that they would.

    Think before you shriek!!! It's good advice.

    • 1 vote
    #1.107 - Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:12 PM EDT

    First of all I have heard every where else that what he said was that he would not follow an unconstitutional order which he has the right to refuse unlawful/unconstitutional orders. If he said all orders then he is very incorrect. Where he is really in the wrong is in calling President Obama names like Domestic Terrorist, that he is not allowed to do while in the military that is why he is being punished, it is clearly stated in the UMCJ. President Obama is the Commander and Chief and he can not disrespect the office while in the military he lost that right when he joined. Plus he did it very publicly on Face Book so now he is being made an example of, if he had just said it in passing he probably would have just had a reprimand placed in his record. They warned him in the past he should have listened then, he knows he is in the wrong.

    • 1 vote
    #1.108 - Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:09 PM EDT

    "Stein said he repeatedly told Marine Corps officials he would shut down the Facebook page and not speak with the press if they allowed him to complete his contract, which ends in three months, but they refused."

    How magnanimous of him to "agree" to follow the rules from now on if they agree not to punish him for not following the rules in the first place. He calls his own commander in chief the enemy and he only follows orders if it benefits him personally in some way. That's not the kind of soldier I would want in my platoon. No wonder they don't want him either.

    P.S. good luck with that real estate thingy, Stein. I think your license pretty much lost its value along with the homes you might otherwise have had a chance to sell. I think it became worthless under the watch of the previous commander-in-chief, the one you did respect.

    • 5 votes
    #1.109 - Sat Apr 28, 2012 7:22 AM EDT

    I find this very entertaining that the Obama administration go after a poor Marine enlisted man for telling the truth about a failed administration hoping to draw attention away from gas prices, no jobs and a dying economy under Obama's socialist administration. Then he goes after Ted Nuggent for also speaking up getting his appointments at the US Fish and Wildlife Service enforcing a little know game law on Ted. I hope Obama is proud of the Gestapo tactics that he always beat up on the Bush administration about. He certainly knows the "Chicago Way" of doing business. Does Obama have no shame? He is not only an embarrassment to the office of President, but to the whole USA.

      #1.110 - Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:09 AM EDT

      This case should be a warning to Republicans that spew hate and vitriol towards our president

      Now replace Republican with ANYONE and you get a real picture of the situation. Fact is, both sides of the party have their extremeists. Get over it people, no one side is better. I believe half n half on both sides (death penalty is bad [D] but I don't like abortion[R]).

      I hate how civil arguments on simple things like this turn into a shoutfest. Why cant we just explain our case and move on??? And cant we agree that people are not the issue here, it's the politicians? On both sides?? If we want to get rid of this squabbling, get rid of the high politician pay, that way only people who enter office (although there are probably some in there) are the ones who truley care about this country.

      Stop being so ignorant people....and stop buying bottled water, i mean for real, do you know where that water comes from???

      Ugh..w/e ppl will always live in ignorance :/

      • 1 vote
      #1.111 - Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:51 AM EDT


      "Although I believe the USMC did the right thing, SGT (PVT?) Stein is lucky he was diagnosed while still on Active Duty. He will now continue to be able to utilize the services he so took for granted when he decided to go on his verbal rampage."

      You are so wrong! In order to claim VA compensation for a medical condition that you were diagnosed with while on active duty, you first have to have an honable discharge, He is not going to have that and therefore he forfeits all of his VA benefits, no healthcare, no GI bill for college, no VA homeloan, nothing. This is why it is making such an uproar over his comments.

      I am a Disabled Veteran myself and I remember not liking Clinton while I was serving and I complained to my peers all the time. I Never marched in any parades against him wearing my uniform or representing the Corps in any of my statements. Therefore, I followed the correct procedures/regulations to be able to keep my positon in the Corps. I also followed any lawful order that was given by Clinton, if any, lol....The regulation is not to represent yourself as a member of the Corps while making these statments. the Article seems to say that he did this originally and after being warned by his superiors that he cant do this, he stopped that, If that is the case, they have overstepped their bounds and are wrongfully discharging this marine veteran of 9 years and robbing him of many benefits he should be entiltled to because of that service.

      • 1 vote
      #1.112 - Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:54 PM EDT

      To even "think" it was okay to bad mouth the president is unbelievable!

      Is this what "America" has become?

      Yeah, No kidding! No one "ever" bad mouthed Bush at all!

        #1.113 - Wed May 2, 2012 5:40 PM EDT
        Comment author avatarKl25Restored

        Good for you for speaking the truth about odumber. No need to take it back.

        • 30 votes
        #2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:41 PM EDT

        Nope, no need. He already paid for his violation of the UCMJ by loosing all his retirement benefits. He is a disgrace to the uniform for disrespecting his commander in chief. Disagree with him all you like, but as long as he is in the Marines, he is bound to follow the rules or pay the price. I hope he enjoyed his fame in exchange for his future and benefits.

        • 51 votes
        #2.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:11 PM EDT

        Kl25 - Odumber? What, that's your idea of clever?

        • 39 votes
        #2.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:15 PM EDT

        Good for you for speaking the truth about odumber.

        Oh the irony of a right-wing fringe Internet forum troll lobbing epithets at the President of the United States... you know, the one that was a Constitutional Law professor from Harvard at his last job. Ignorant.

        • 32 votes
        #2.3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:23 PM EDT

        Almost, keep trying

          #2.4 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:23 PM EDT

          kl25 did you even read the story? I'd say it wasn't good for him at all. And if you think his words had any truth, your as ignorant as he was.

          Presidents, even Lincoln, had people speak very badly about them, very disgusting and cruel words. So this type of thing is not new. They called Andrew Jackson's wife a horror in the newspaper, and stated that Lincoln was the worst president ever in his time. But history doesn't lie like people with a political agenda do.

          The issue isn't whether he spoke the truth or not anyway, it is the fact that in the military it's a crime to do what he did, and very disrespectful. Respect is for those who have honor and integrity, even if it really your enemy in battle.

          People like you will never understand that concept. Honor is as foriegn a idea to you as truth.

          • 20 votes
          #2.5 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:58 PM EDT
          Comment author avatarDasvetRestored

          The military man should not have put this on Facebook, due to the fact he is in the military and reports to the disaster of an administration.. I agree, totally, with his evaluations of our inept President. He will have a good job waiting on him, as he checks out of the military, guaranteed.

          • 2 votes
          #2.6 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:20 PM EDT

          Yes! Digging horse manure, you know, the same stuff you are full of????

          • 12 votes
          #2.7 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:47 PM EDT

          It never ceases to amaze me how some of you people come out of the wood work to Bash the President. No Respect what so ever, thanks to all of your parents for doing such a wonderful job of raising you to adulthood. Nice work. To all of the nazis out there, start looking over your shoulders, they are watching!!! When in the Military, you must follow the orders of the Commander in Chief, period. Where are the people, when, say Geo. W. Bush and Dick Cheney started two wars under false pretenses of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, no body spoke up??? Lies, now we are paying for it. He was Commander in Chief, remember the banner on the Aircraft carrier that said, Mission Accomplished, well that was a lie also. Great Job!!!

          • 11 votes
          #2.8 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:50 PM EDT

          Unfortunately, Kl25, he mimicked comments like yours and lost a 10 year career because of it. I hope he lands on his feet but military rules are unforgiving and he knew that going in. Anyone in the military knows that discipline and espirit de corps keeps soldiers alive and that is more important than the political views of one soldier. I hope he learned something, because a boss in the private sector will fire his ass, no questions asked.

          • 14 votes
          #2.9 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:53 PM EDT

          You got to understand that the rights in the military is not the same as a civilian. Just how long have you being in the armed forces? Forgot your code of conduct? Remember he is your CIC.

          • 6 votes
          #2.10 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:09 PM EDT
          Comment author avatarAndrew-726465Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

          What do you expect to happen to a person who exercises freedom of speech. Not when you have a socialist muslim running the country.

          • 3 votes
          #2.11 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:39 PM EDT

          I do not think the unemployed marine would agree with you.

          • 1 vote
          #2.12 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:55 PM EDT

          K125 there is something that you do not understand. As a member of the Armed Forces, all uniformed personnel have to follow a set of rules known as the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the UCMJ. Accordingly, they cannot openly criticize the President of the United States, because he is also the Commander in Chief, which makes him the Sargent's superior officer. Any open criticism of a superior officer is considered insubordination which can be considered grounds for a court martial depending upon how egregious the comment was. Military personnel must abide by a separate set of rules than civilians. He knew this, so I cannot feel any sympathy for what happened to him.

          • 11 votes
          #2.13 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:41 PM EDT

          You seem to think that the First Amendment protects to right to lie, it doesn't, as a case decided in Texas today demonstrates.

          • 3 votes
          #2.14 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:48 PM EDT

          Any soldier knows that in the military, chain of command is sacred and you don't trash talk your superiors (nor could you get away with that on most jobs). These generals see their duty as protecting morale so soldiers can get up and fight again another day. It's pretty hard to keep control if soldiers are going to start critiquing and lambasting them everyday in the press and on the internet, especially in war time.

          Not to say there aren't bones to pick. If you have a stance and it's meaningful to you, go for it and accept the consequences. Just don't expect to have your cake and eat it too.

          Personally, I feel the time to have encouraged a revolt would have been under Bush who got us into this inane bs in the first place.

          • 9 votes
          #2.15 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:31 AM EDT

          @Andrew: There is NO "freedom of speech" in the US military.

          The military is NOT a democracy and on joining you knowingly agree to that. I realise that it's ironic that military personnel give up some of their Constitutional rights, the same rights they have sworn to defend, but that's the way it has to be in order to maintain order and discipline; or would you have soldiers vote every time they they are given an order: "All in favor of charging the enemy say aye, those opposed say nay." ?

          • 3 votes
          #2.16 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:54 AM EDT

          10 year career? The boy is 26! He began his service at 16? The 1st amendment doesn't fully protect military personnel. He was warned to quit and he didn't. Too bad for him, but way I got it figured, his career was only 8 years, 8 1/2 tops.

          • 2 votes
          #2.17 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:59 AM EDT

          He was warned by his superiors, yet the stubborn mule spouted off on Facebook anyways. He should have thought about this before he acted. He's not a 10 year old, he's a 26 year old man with a wife and child. He knew this was wrong according to military enlistment rules when he signed on the dotted line, yet he did it anyways, and now he's out of a job. How stupid can you be???? No wimpy apologies matter now.

          No matter what side of the fence you're on politically, this is a no brainer. The right wingers on here would be screaming foul had this been a left-leaning marine criticizing a Republican president on FB, and they KNOW it. Time to grow up.

          • 3 votes
          #2.18 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:12 AM EDT


          The article clearly states he was in the Corps for 9 years, so he most likely joined at 17, just like my son did!!! These guys most likely are just rounding up to 10. Quit being a knuclehead!!!

            #2.19 - Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:03 PM EDT
            Comment author avatarSDBruceRestored

            Hindsight is 20/20.It's a shame you threw away your military career over BS that you knew was wrong when you did it,was ordered to stop and refused. You knew your 1st ammendment rights disappeared when you enlisted. How many times were you told,just in boot-camp,that when MARINES DON'T FOLLOW ORDERS, PEOPLE DIE!! Or, in your case you lose everything you worked for the last 9 years. And good luck trying to sell real estate in the tri-city area being a disgraced marine. What a shame. What will you tell your child?

            • 101 votes
            #3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:43 PM EDT
            Comment author avatarfloyd-335513Restored

            What can you expect when we have an commander in chief like Obama? I'm sure the Marine made the comment for a lot of military personal.

            • 15 votes
            #3.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:24 PM EDT
            Comment author avatarShawn Noevia FacebookRestored

            It is not this young Marine's fault what we put in office!

            • 17 votes
            #3.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:38 PM EDT
            Comment author avatarProgressiveforAmericaExpand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

            Really? I have HAD IT with these ignorant comments about President Obama. So tell me "floyd-335513" what has he done as CIF to be disrespected? In fact, tell me what he has done as president overall to be shown the hatred and venom that has spewed from the right wing from literally the moment he was elected. Put your mouth were your ignorance is. Considering the mess he was handed and the obstructionist Congress who has one goal and one goal only which of course is to not allow him to be reelected, he has done an amazing job.

            Do I agree with EVERYTHING he has done? Not even close. But unlike yourself, I have taken the time to do something called RESEARCH. And overall, this country is definitely in better shape now then it was 3. 4 years ago. And part of that has been his LEADERSHIP.

            So again, put your ignorance were your mouth is. And please don't spout off the same Faux News, Rush, right wing propaganda machine talking points which are not only highly biased, but cherry picked to make the president look bad.

            • 46 votes
            #3.3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:39 PM EDT

            I'm sure the Marine will take the responsibility for his comment and the responsibility of a lot of military personnel. End of story. Too bad dude but you knew this would happen. Finally, some equal justice under military law when a wrong Marine does wrong and somehow expects to be treated as if he didn't do wrong. I'm satisfied but disappointed in him, not in the Corps.

            His motto is "Semper Sometimes/Some Circumstances Fi". He's out!

            • 16 votes
            #3.4 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:40 PM EDT


            It is against the regulations to speak against his Commander in Chief. He made a mistake even if what he said could be truth. He never act as a leader actually he prefer the UN take the decisions for him, to much apologies.

            • 5 votes
            #3.5 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:41 PM EDT

            This man put the lives of his fellow servicemembers at risk. He gets no sympathy from me.

            • 24 votes
            #3.6 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:42 PM EDT

            As a Marine you follow oders from your Commander and Chief regardless. As a Marine you support and defend the Constitution. As a Marine you do not look at politics. As a Marine you defend our Country and not the ones personal interest. This is what makes a Marine different and knows it. This is what make you feel safe from foreign invaders.

            • 33 votes
            #3.7 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:44 PM EDT
            Comment author avatartstucker0958Restored

            Discharged for telling the truth? So we now live in the Soviet Union west?

            • 9 votes
            #3.8 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:48 PM EDT

            Why was Hunter Gable's comment - the first one of this thread "collapsed by the community"??? Who are the "community" participants who can voice those opinions? He said it all...and I cannot understand for a moment what the controversy is. Stein was so out of control.....he's lucky he's isn't jailed for treason.

            I am appalled...and don't think any "discharge" is good enough...he needs to be charged in military court.

            • 18 votes
            #3.9 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:48 PM EDT

            I have ALWAYS felt it wrong to waffle in the face of adversity when defending a belief. He should have just thumbed his nose at all of them if he felt strongly enough about his views to jeopardize his career over them. Now he has done nothing more than betray his own beliefs. That is sad. Stand your ground young man. Do not hang your head ever for speaking out on your beliefs. you just showed a little lack of maturity by not picking your battle and the time for it a little better, but your message was clear. You gladly served the people and the constitution of this country, even enlisting and serving during a time of war, but had a problem with this socialist who trying to undermine the constitution for which you served. You should stand proud that you feel so strongly about the sanctity of the constitution, and your service.
            To the rest of you who claimed to have served. Did you really serve to see this socialist POS (Obama) thumb his nose in the face of the constitution for you which you served? Really? Is this what you fought for? Give me a break. Who cares about "the code" Right is right, and wrong is wrong. Obama is the biggest problem facing this country today. It's just sad that they cowed this young man into apologizing for his beliefs. Remember, he didn't enlist during this admin. he did so during the last one. It's kind of hard to silently serve when you see your CinC crapping on your beliefs and what you are even serving for.

            • 6 votes
            #3.10 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:52 PM EDT

            It is fitting that this tea party representative be discharged for his slander against his Commander in Chief. Now if I understand it right, the tea party should be celebrating as the government just got one member smaller.

            • 21 votes
            #3.11 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:56 PM EDT

            Thank you, ProgressiveforAmerica. Well said!

            • 10 votes
            #3.12 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:56 PM EDT

            "Do Overs" only happen in kids games. Welcome to reality.

            • 11 votes
            #3.13 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:58 PM EDT

            So Marines are still to be "brain washed?" and have no opinion regarding the state of our government? And since when did FB become part of the military. It's called: Freedom of Speech, he isn't representing the U.S. Marines or anyone but himself and his personal opinions. That's why Obama is so bad for this country. We no longer have our freedoms. It's all an illusion. Wake up people!!! I think it is an abomination that he is being kicked out of the Marines. It makes me sick like everything else going on in our government. The Sargent made a "correct" summation!

            • 5 votes
            #3.14 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:59 PM EDT

            Agree contrarian , but he is in the military and the law is the law.

            • 7 votes
            #3.15 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:59 PM EDT
            Comment author avatarANormalGuy1Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

            Guy you are definitley one of those crazy leftwing nut jobs who probably dosent even know a damn thing about politics. Why was he out of control, crazy guy because he posted his own opinion on a web site like your doing now, and for that same reason he should be charged for treason in court....please just shut up, log off and delete your account because no body wants to listen to your BS.

            • 2 votes
            #3.16 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:02 PM EDT
            Comment author avatarAllOrNoOneRestored

            I guess you don't have freedom of speech in the military, especially if it is about a president who wants a socialistic society.

            • 5 votes
            #3.17 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:03 PM EDT

            Funny how a little while ago he was unsympathetic. Now that he is getting discharged, and losing his healthcare he is sorry. Let him try to get insurance, first let him find a job.

            • 12 votes
            #3.18 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:06 PM EDT
            Comment author avatarAmerica at riskExpand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

            Hindsight or a hind-end? I would say that you are not of the hindsight variety. I'm sure your Liberal hindsight has never lifted a finger to protect this country or the way you like to sit and criticize our soldiers. Being a Veteran, I understand WHY but at the same time, the Obama's have said in the past how much they HATE America and will do so again as soon as we can pry them out of Public Housing. It's because of the Liberals and the Moral degenerates that this country is damn near as bad as Obama's homeland of Kenya. When an Atheist Group can SUE a city because of a Prayer and a Cross that have been in place for 91 years (in Observance of those that gave their lives so that those Atheists can bitch and complain) and since the city can not afford to fight them in court, the low life scum bags that are hell bent on destroying America (liberals and Muslims like the Obama's) that is just an outrage. Obama and his racist wife sit and smugly condemn this soldier and America and others that are doing their best to KILL everything decent in this country and what it stands for. The Piss Poor Excuse for an AG (Holder) does nothing except what will cause harm to America and her Citizens (Oh yeah, he knew NOTHING about Fast & Furious... YEAH RIGHT LIAR). Yes, discipline in the military must be maintained, but the young Marine was not advocating the overthrow of the government or wishing harm to the so-called POTUS. He was just expressing his disbelief in a Commander in Chief that has SO LITTLE REGARD FOR AMERICA.

            • 1 vote
            #3.19 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:06 PM EDT

            From the Marines to being the new poster child for the (pretty much defunct) Tea Party. Maybe Joe the (Not really a) Plumber can get him some speaking gigs.

            • 11 votes
            #3.20 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:07 PM EDT

            This Commander In Chief did NOT start any wars unlike somebody else. And this Commander In Chief is a Christian unlike somebody else who is a Mormon.

            • 11 votes
            #3.21 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:08 PM EDT

            what ever happen to freedom of speech,he is serving this country,why should he not be allow to speak? he didn't say one thing that sounded like treason,just his own opinion!

            • 5 votes
            #3.22 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:10 PM EDT

            "socialistic society?"

            • 5 votes
            #3.23 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:11 PM EDT

            When he joined the military he should have been taught that that when It comes to the President of the United States, his commander in chief (HIS BOSS) you can't say what you want and not suffer repercussions! You no longer have 1st amendment rights when it comes to your leadership! One of the first things I learned when I joined the military was Yes, you have freedom of speech, but you better watch what you say!

            • 11 votes
            #3.24 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:11 PM EDT

            I think SDBRUCE is way off base with his comments! I know there are many out there that share this Marine's views, and would be proud to give this Ex-Marine a job (that is probably why he already has some real estate to sell!). Okay, he made comments that should have received a reprimand - a Marine must be politically correct, but I feel the punishment doesn't fit the crime. There have been many such comments on previous Presidents by military personnel, but THIS Administration gets handled with kid gloves on a regular basis. My prayers are with this young man and his family.

            • 2 votes
            #3.25 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:14 PM EDT

            i would hire him the first chance i could get, you are only a leader to those that follow. as for obama if he really was born in the usa he should be upfront about it. i wouldnt take orders from obama ever, this country has become too politically correct. when you cant even express your opinion you are not in america, i would hire everyone that would tell obama off. he can take his socialist views and shove them.

            • 2 votes
            #3.26 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:16 PM EDT
            Comment author avatarBecky McCloskey-Deanvia FacebookExpand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

            Stein should not apologize for standing strong with his beliefs. I agree he shouldn't of said he was going to deny orders of obama-whom I refuse to call a Pres-he is a wanna be king!-but I would deny a order that is unlawful and unethical. Obama thinks he is God and he isn't. Yes, I agree that he should stand your ground and not say "you wish you could take it back". You've gave up your career for your morals and beliefs. I would of did the same under such a person as obama. But, I wouldn't back down from my beliefs b/c they are making an example of you! That is how all starts-Malcome, King, Freedom Riders, etc and on and on... If this is what you truly feel, stand by it and do not be a coward now. Especially since you stood your ground since you've first started the FB page. Not that it is viral and the world knows, you've gain SO MUCH RESPECT AND HONOR FROM SO MANY AMERICANS ALREADY AND WIN GAIN MORE IF YOU STICK TO YOUR MORALS AND BELIEFS AND HOLD YOUR HEAD HIGH AS YOU EXPLAIN WHY OBAMA IS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY. Don't lose us now! Don't change your mind due to pressure and being made an example of in the armed forces. You could be made to last in our history, so many of us would follow and fight for you, stand up with you, write letter and make calls for you! I hate Obama with every inch of my body. He disgusts me as an example of what our country is suppose to stand for-wish we could of had Regan forever. Obama is a socialist, he is the "Hitler" of America! More than you know are behind you, no matter what these comments or other websites say. Make a public speech-see what happens-SO MANY CAN EVEN STAND TO LOOK AT OBAMA TRYING TO ACT LIKE A SEX MACHINE ON TV-I heard his live whisper of "after elections are over, I'll have more flexability!". He might as well said. "I've already won this election, I have to lie now-but once I'm President again I can act like I am God again-no sorry like "Hitler" again. God shames you as I do obama. Stein I bless you and stand your courage-we will stand tall with you!<3

            • 2 votes
            #3.27 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:17 PM EDT

            Really? Obama and Bush made every American on this planet and inside the borders of this country enemies of the state with the Patriot Act and Defense Authorization Act and other pretend laws dictated under the color of law. In light, these totalitarian and often fascist laws have no authority in a constitutional manner.

            The people who ignore this, republican, democrat or other wise have no business commenting about what this Marine did or did not do. You are as guilty as he is if in fact he did anything wrong at all.

            The ones who overlook the fact that the so-called Citizens of this nation have been targeted as terrorists by the very government they pay taxes to is absurd. It's like a slave defending his master as he is being beaten to death.

            But team (political party) is better than your team (political party) na na na na.


            • 2 votes
            #3.28 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:17 PM EDT

            When you JOIN the Military of the USA,

            you sign away ALL of your civil rights, and you do it THE 1st DAY IN UNIFORM

            & you are TOLD YOU ARE DOING IT !

            The Military cannot function with "Civilian" laws & rules...

            this is for all of you CHICKEN HAWK Conservatives who have NEVER SERVED your country ONE SINGLE DAY .

            • 21 votes
            #3.29 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:18 PM EDT

            Unfortunately for some of the people speaking what they do not know - This Law did not begin with President Obama. This Law was on the books well before this Presidency and has been upheld many times over during other Administrations. So to hear all these comments about Socialistic Society's and Soviet Rule crap is very ignorant...Ignorant indeed!

            • 19 votes
            #3.30 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:18 PM EDT


            How do you feel about another president who started an expensive and unnecessary war under fraudilent premise? Do you have strong words for him?

            • 14 votes
            #3.31 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:20 PM EDT

            This Commander In Chief did NOT start any wars unlike somebody else. And this Commander In Chief is a Christian unlike somebody else who is a Mormon.

            Liberal/progressives call themself open minded , but you are a bigot like many others .

              #3.32 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:21 PM EDT

              This is not just a matter of freedom of speech. He A.) stated that his intention to defy his oath as a Marine to follow the orders of the CNC of the entire US military. There were many who personally disagreed w/ entering Iraq but they went because the CNC gave the order. B.) He made his statements as a USMC sgt and had been previously told that he could only make statements that were his designates as none USMC statements, he could not make statements as a USMC sgt. My son is a Marine, it is his job to follow orders. When his c.o. wants his input, he'll ask for it.

              • 10 votes
              #3.33 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:22 PM EDT

              WE the majority elected this COMMNDER AND CHIEF YOU KNOW HOW that works in a democracy, you have absolutely NO knowledge except what you hear from faux news which is not even close to TRUTH, and you voice untruths about OUR commander and CHIEF you are a TRAITOR you deserve to be sent back to your country your grand parents came from I DON"T want your treasonous AR$$$$ here What gives you the right to put anyone's face on any picture of a jack ass that is reserved for YOUR face NOW sweetheart. You make me SICK. NOW go set in a bread LINE or at some soup kitchen for your meals . You were working on MY DIME BRITCH you do as MY COMMANDER AND CHIEF says BRITCH

              • 8 votes
              #3.34 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:23 PM EDT

              nathanwoodring - The US military does not care what you think. You have no choice as to who your leader is and you follow/obey or you are dishonorably discharged.

              • 12 votes
              #3.35 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:26 PM EDT

              Yes, people as an old military wife I knew that we lived under a different set of rules. But tell me, when I worked for a large corporation do you think that even or especially as a manager I could post that kind of stuff on a public site and not face repercussion? It's just not done. Or AKA as engage brain before putting mouth in motion.

              • 11 votes
              #3.36 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:27 PM EDT

              All I can say is the world has absolutely lost it!!! The inmates are running the asylum!!!!

              People like "just wondering" wants a man in court bc he spoke his mind!!! Thanks to evil controlling people like you our country WILL FALL.....that sadly will happen! Our country was based on RIGHTS!!! MORON!!!! Just bc the man wore a uniform doesnt take AWAY HIS RIGHTS!!!! HE WORE THE UNIFORM TO KEEP HIS & OUR RIGHTS!!! Why dont you go have a drink and watch the world unravel!!! We've all got front row seats anyways!!!

                #3.37 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:31 PM EDT

                He is an idiot and I believe racism is at the root of all
                this. I been saying this for the longest time now. The bigots are coming out
                the wood work. So here is you card contrarian001

                • 9 votes
                #3.38 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:33 PM EDT

                Ozzie Guillen makes comments about Castro and gets suspended, by his BOSS. This Marine says something about his BOSS and gets fired. No one is depriving this Marine of his free speech, they're just holding him responsible for his free speech! This seems like a case of insubordination and contempt: ". . . In the U.S. military. . . insubordination deals predominately with not following the orders of a superior, contempt in the U.S. military involves the use of contemptuous words against certain appointed or elected officials. . ." He chose not to follow the orders of his superior officers with regards to posting on the site and he's paying the price. He chose to exercise he right to free speech and he's paying the price.

                • 10 votes
                #3.39 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:40 PM EDT

                Man, reading the rightwingers comments on this board just proves how little they truly know about life, reality, and politics.

                "Socialistic society", "liberals and Muslims like the Obama's", etc., etc.

                Where do you people come up with this crap (oh wait, I know, Fox News.)

                This country is full of retards, and they go about proving it every day on these message boards...

                • 6 votes
                #3.40 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:43 AM EDT

                Guy you are definitley one of those crazy leftwing nut jobs

                This country is full of retards, and they go about proving it every day on these message boards...

                ANormalGuy1, DrowningGrover, you're each suspended for a day for violating #1 of the Code of Honor.

                Above all else, respect others. Address issues and arguments and refrain from making personal attacks.

                • 1 vote
                #3.41 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:52 PM EDT

                I find this very entertaining that the Obama administration go after a poor Marine enlisted man for telling the truth about a failed administration hoping to draw attention away from gas prices, no jobs and a dying economy under Obama's socialist administration. Then he goes after Ted Nuggent for also speaking up getting his appointments at the US Fish and Wildlife Service enforcing a little know game law on Ted. I hope Obama is proud of the Gestapo tactics that he always beat up on the Bush administration about. He certainly knows the "Chicago Way" of doing business. Does Obama have no shame? He is not only an embarrassment to the office of President, but to the whole USA.

                • 1 vote
                #3.42 - Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:11 AM EDT

                I find it very entertaining that ignorant know-nothings like to comment about military processes that some idiot broke. Judging by the spammage of this one comment I would guess that you are merely pushing some idiotic talking points that were put out by your organization.

                I wish that 'mericuns would smarten up and realize that they are shooting themselves in the foot (as this tool did.)

                • 3 votes
                #3.43 - Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:39 PM EDT

                Amazing how quiet and defenseless my liberal media friends and my buddies over at the ACLU are! If this had happened 4 years ago, the ACLU would of defended this guys actions to the death. And my girl friend Rachel Maddow would of beat that drum hard. She is such a hottie! I love the people who have my back, it's sad that it will all be over in a little more than 6 months!

                  #3.44 - Tue May 1, 2012 2:21 PM EDT
                  Comment author avatarFrankie Littlevia Facebook

                  All you people out there are so quick to judge people, call them names, insult them and as far as the Marine---well he is still an American citizen, code or no code, he fought for this country and yet he is denied his rights according to the Declaration of the United States. Our Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces should walk in this Marines shoes for awhile, put on the uniform and go over to Afghanistan and try a few recon missions, then maybe he might be more tolerant. Yes there are many Members of our armed forces who have said the same things and worse about a Commander in Chief in past years. His only crime is that he should have not put it on facebook. Facebook is not private, my guess would be that there are people working for the government who monitor these things. My husband and I served our country for 20 years, Korea and Vietnam. There were many soldiers who did not approve or want to go there. to fight a war. There was no choice then there was the draft, now it is a volunteer thing. We lost so many good men and women in that conflict, as well as Korea. We left Vietnam with out any honor for our lost hero's, for our returning Hero's, who were treated badly. Our Pow, came home without honor. I remember the day our Pow,s started returning and it was heartbreaking, but happy reunions. I also remember the day that Saigon fell, Many of our soldiers died that day. Now we have been in Iraq, now Afganastain. We also will leave there with out much honor. So you all out there who think you can do a better job that the Marines and can keep you mouth shut, join the armed forces. I guaranteeyou will have a different view on life. You so gooders out there , who think this Marine is so terrible, walk in his shoes for awhile, get out of your arm chairs and write on more important things, litlle the MAY DAY GROUPS THAT ARE PLANNING ON WALKING AND PROTESTING THE WAY THINGS ARE, NO JOBS, NO RAISES, ETC. TRY TO IMPROVE YOUR OWN COUNTRY INSTEAD OF TEARING IT DOWN. I FOR ONE WILL NOT VOTE FOR OBAMA. i DO NOT BELIEVE HE HAS DONE THE JOB HE COULD HAVE DONE, I DON'T LIKE THE COMMENTS HE MAKES , WHEN HE THINKS THE MICROPHONE IS OFF. I DON'T LIKE THE FACT THAT HE IS FINDING WAYS TO GET AROUND OUR LAW MAKERS SO HE CAN PASS HIS OWN BILLS, WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE LAWMAKERS, ETC. If this Marine Had said that about President Roosevelt or Truman or about a couple other, then I would have felt like some of you do. We all have our opinions and this is mine. All of our rights as free speech , right to own a gun, etc. or going out the door What does it take for people to wake up. It's written on the wall. I won't bae back on this post, so comment all you want. Thank you

                    #3.45 - Tue May 1, 2012 3:19 PM EDT
                    Comment author avatarFrankie Littlevia Facebook

                    To R-sticker===The popular vote doesn't elect the presidents, it what the electoral votes in each state do. Voteing is a right and an honor but that too is going out the door. You were very nasty to who you called Britch. and it was all uncalled for. If you can't speak decently to others opinions, get off the blog. Don't bother to reply?????

                      #3.46 - Tue May 1, 2012 3:30 PM EDT

                      That's what you get for listening to the blaring propaganda machine of the GOP. Not only were you wrong to speak out, what you said is flatly untrue!! Turn off Fox News Rush, or where ever you're getting this nonsense and started reading independent sources. You will soon find out you, like a lot of the rest of this country, have been HAD!

                      I hope enough of our fellow Americans come to that realization before it's too late to fix the multiple disasters that the GOP has inflicted on this country you so bravely sought to defend!

                      • 92 votes
                      #4 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:43 PM EDT
                      Comment author avatarKen-1146458Restored

                      The disaster we have is in the White House now. Can't wait to get him out. None of his policies have worked.

                      • 14 votes
                      #4.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:37 PM EDT
                      Comment author avatarTony Phillipsvia Facebook

                      Oh, you mean the disasters like 5 trillion added to the debt, by-passing congress with executive orders, telling a manufacturing company they can't operate in a non union state, giving money used to bail out a industry to his union buddies and says screw the stock holders, starting military action without the consent of mean that kind of disasters?

                      • 16 votes
                      #4.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:39 PM EDT

                      Stuff your sorrys in a sack Mister!!

                      -G. Kostanza

                      • 7 votes
                      #4.3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:46 PM EDT
                      Comment author avatarjon-Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

                      God. I just want to push him down and @!$%# in his mouth. Another stupid jarhead. Another warped mind.

                      • 5 votes
                      #4.4 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:47 PM EDT

                      None of this has anything to do with free speech or the obama administration, you say bad things about your boss and you are going to get fired end of story.

                      • 13 votes
                      #4.5 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:51 PM EDT

                      This President isn't worried about putting Americans to work, I heard he just gave contactors to build OUR bridges to the Chinese and to hell with us. The Americans tried to get the job at a cheaper price, but he wouldn't go for it,,,,,,,,,, Whoever voted this guy in, got CHANGE ALRIGHT!!!! I will be at the polls trying to get him OUT>>>>>>>>>

                      • 8 votes
                      #4.6 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:54 PM EDT

                      The disaster started within the Bush Admin Tony. And its going to take another 4 yrs or more to get out of this mess that his regime has done to our country. It is too hard for any POTUS to recover this quickly. Deregulation, WARS, tax incentives for big c's and the wealthy, etc.etc have set this country back and almost bankrupted it before Obama was even thought of. Obama 2012..I'll willing to bet 1 miiiilllllliiiooon dollars. Ok..maybe a just a Ben.

                      • 6 votes
                      #4.7 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:01 PM EDT

                      TOM IN NH-294... you basically nail this down man. I wont say more because you said it all.

                      • 6 votes
                      #4.8 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:12 PM EDT

                      The President isn't worried to put American's to work? Excuse me Sarah Sadler, but ask yourself how many so called 'SOCIALIST callers drive AMERICAN CARS??? I see them all the time with the huge 8x10 american flag stuck to a back of a Japanese or European brand name car. Please... if you are going to be all AMERICAN with your talk... better go ALL the way.

                      We believe Bush would get the job done and get Bin Laden and he COULDN'T DO IT... we again want troops pulled out of these wars, it is costing us trillions, and God knows how we are still affording this and why we can't protect ourselves from afar. You cannot govern, or keep peace in those lands, and very soon America is going to have to get prepared for future threats from North Korea.

                      • 7 votes
                      #4.9 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:16 PM EDT

                      And you turn off CNN.

                      • 1 vote
                      #4.10 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:32 PM EDT

                      jon talk big trash on line you pathetic keyboard warrior. bet you would not say that to this jarheads face puswak!!!

                        #4.11 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:39 PM EDT

                        Liberals are such idiots... but then.. thats WHY they are Liberals!

                        He is being punished for violating the Hatch Act . The Act was sponsored by Senator Carl Hatch following disclosures that WPA officials were in fact using their positions to win votes for the Democratic Party, just as many had alleged. Hatch, himself a Democrat, saw this as outright corruption which should not be tolerated under any circumstance by either political party, a feeling shared by most of his colleagues in the Senate.

                        This act denies ALL public employees the right to publically profess opinions about elected officials. Not that this stops the SEIU, but then there are sooo many discrepencies between Union organized benefits and the military that there is not enough room here.

                        I was in the Army under LBJ. We used to write LBJ graffitti on the walls of many restrooms.. which served as the Facebook of its time. The catch was, we remained anonymous. The mistake this guy made was stating that he is active military AND criticizing O'Bummer, who is a totally inept fool and dangerous to the safety and security of our nation. I can say this now because I am no longer in active service to the Government. Had I been caught writting it on the wall in ..say... 67, this same thing could have happened to me.

                        • 2 votes
                        #4.12 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:39 PM EDT

                        Hey you ment what you said, and it cost you your job. Look on the bright side you can say whatever you want about your boss now. and this time dont back down

                        • 1 vote
                        #4.13 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:49 PM EDT

                        Sarah Sarah Sarah...turn off the Fox propaganda channel and try reading something for a change instead of spouting Republican lies...

                        Wanna know who approved the bridge try reading the NY Times article on it and THEN go look up who the players are...REPUBLICANS killing Union Jobs outsourcing for quick cost savings on a product that will fail in 5 years.


                        • 7 votes
                        #4.14 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:49 PM EDT

                        You TOM IN NH-294 are an idoit. I wish I was there with you at this moment. I would stick my fist in your mouth so deep you wouldn't be able to speak another bit of bull. Do some research for yourself and stop relying on the Obama news media for your information. Your kind piss me off.

                        • 1 vote
                        #4.15 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:51 PM EDT

                        What I agree with is the last paragraph of this...“If he was in front of me right now, I would salute him, say, ‘Yes, Mr. President, No, Mr. President,’ and when I walked away, I would still disagree with his policies. But those are two separate things.”

                        We, as Americans have the total honor of speaking our very own opinions. But this guy was tagged and I 'm sure there is more behind this story than most of what is written here.

                        I do understand that any particular organization doesn't want their own writing vulgar statements with their stamp of approval. But he sure does have his own right to speak his own opinion and views. I surely wouldn't write bad stuff about my employer under my "facebook" page and be friends with them and hope that nobody would bother me. But I do think that from just this story (and I am being partial because I only read this story) makes him out to be a scapegoat or a "teaching point for others to learn from. He should not be dishonorably discharged, I feel. But he should get a good ole slap on the hand and learn from this and so should others and then Marine Core be clear in their statements. People are smarter than many of us think, they just like to push the limits.

                        • 2 votes
                        #4.16 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:54 PM EDT

                        As much as I hate the policies of Obama, nor do I think he is a good human being, as evidenced by the way he continues to divide the country, vilifying one segment, pandering to the victim mentality of another segment, dangerous, dangerous stuff. With that said, the marine needed to be fired, period. Unfortunately he will also lose all his benefits. That seems a bit too extreme a punishment for a 10 year service record. I hope there is something that can be done about that.

                        As for those branding him and all republicans as racists, you can kiss my a$$. From my point of view it is the left that is full of racism, sexism, and every other label you pin on the right. We conservatives view all people as equals, regardless of race, sex, religion, etc. The left obviously feels these people are inferior as they keep passing laws to give special treatment to one group over another. All this does is subvert the mindset of the recipient, making them feel inferior. Need proof? What progress has been made since these programs were put in place? None. The only things these programs do now is to keep he poor and minorities on the democrats plantation.

                        • 1 vote
                        #4.17 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:06 AM EDT


                        That is the dumbest thing i have ever read. You sound ignorant despite your attempt to use some $5 words... Republicans care about the marginalized because they don't believe they need ANY special treatment.... they treat them all equal???

                        Like I said, dumbest thing EVER...

                        • 2 votes
                        #4.18 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:51 AM EDT

                        Sarah Sadler

                        It was the state of California who gave that bridge project away to the Chinese. They tried to save money and that didn't work out either. Try getting your info straight before you post.

                        Obama/Biden 2012

                        • 2 votes
                        #4.19 - Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:44 PM EDT

                        If I lambasted my boss publicly, I'd get fired, too. He has freedom of speech. He said what he wanted to, no one stopped him. However, freedom of speech does not mean freedom from the ramifications of that speech.

                        • 226 votes
                        #5 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:45 PM EDT

                        Yes, we have freedom of speech. But, when you are in the military you ought to know that truth is no defense. But, I'd say that the way to post you want to say is "I've been asked to respond to ...... (whatever about Obama)......, but Mama always told me that if you don't have anything nice to say about someone, you shouldn't say anything.

                        • 29 votes
                        #5.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:27 PM EDT


                        Then that speech is NOT free. If a person remains silent because of what might happen if they express their opinion then there is no freedom of speech. If you don't think so just ask anybody that lived in Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany. Granted people in military don't have the same constituional protections that civilians enjoy, (ironic that that document is the essence of what they are defending) however I have noticed a trend in recent years whereby people that express an opinion are later punished somehow for expressing that opinion. Sign of the times I guess: Do drugs, put out a sex tape, lie cheat and steal and you are rewarded with a reality tv show or a book or just a million "followers" on one of the social media sites but express an honest thought or opinion on something considered not "politically correct" you lose your job, lose your health benefits, have to start over in disgrace and whatever else the LEMMINGS on here think is an appropiate way of curtailling a persons RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH. I wonder how many on here will lambast and condemn me for speaking my mind? I say BRING IT ON!! After all it's YOUR right. For now anyway.

                        • 40 votes
                        #5.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:58 PM EDT
                        Comment author avatarJust Peace2Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

                        Conservative Obama Haters are funny hypocrites. They want the country to be run like a business (if an average schmuck said those things about their boss in the private sector his "at will" employment would be over)... They want government to stay out of health care (unless a woman dares to choose)... and so on and so on... Just say the truth you hate Obama and be done with it... stop trying to get on soapboxes to rant about the purity of your political ideology. Please.

                        • 113 votes
                        #5.3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:16 PM EDT
                        Comment author avatarGary-1992039Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

                        What is with this?? Do we not have freedom of speech? The music is vile and filled with curswords!! The video have nudity in them!! The gays can say what they please and they have the right to speak their mind. We have the muslims who are now taking over this country as the government is run by a president that bows to the president of a muslim nation. The black community can say what they wish and they call eachother the word but no one else can and they have freedom of speech. The atheists can say what they wish about God, who is by the way more important the the self centered president, and they have even gotten the ten commandments removed by their freedom of speech. This is a constitutional right NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO REMOVE IT!! Like it or not the president is attempting to undo the constitution a little at a time and now its freedom of speech. The people who support him can't find their behind with both hands and a flashlight. Why can't you supporters see what he is doing? The man said what he felt the only reason it's a big deal is because he said it about the Obamanation.

                        • 17 votes
                        #5.4 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:19 PM EDT

                        yog: Everyone in the US has the right of free speech. Of course, the "free speech" that we have here is different than the free speech others have in other parts of the world. The fact is that everyone has the freedom of speech. But, in the US the worst that can generally come of it is that you will be fired by your boss. In other countries you may have the freedom of speech but pay for it with your life. The fact is that if you berate your boss, then you are asking to be fired. Don't forget, bosses are human too.

                        • 29 votes
                        #5.5 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:20 PM EDT


                        In case you don't know, service members don't have freedom of speech. It's been that way since George Washington. You speak against your commanders, you're fired (sometimes by a firing squad).

                        • 76 votes
                        #5.6 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:26 PM EDT

                        Yog-the Constitution does not say that military members are exempt from Constitutional rights. It's the pentagon/military regulation that strip them of their rights. The Constitutionality of the regs should be questioned. But that will never happen.

                        BTW-the President is not the Commander in Chief 24/7. Only in time of declared war. If a president decides to send troops off to another country to kill-without a declaration of war-he is violating the Constitution. Many presidents have done this, so I'm not pointing fingers at any one Pres. Doesn't make it right though. Soldiers shouldn't follow illegal orders and can be charged with a crime, even if they are "just following orders".

                        • 17 votes
                        #5.7 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:32 PM EDT


                        • 3 votes
                        #5.8 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:38 PM EDT

                        Yog, you're missing an important point regarding free speech. What it basically means is that the government can't jail you for what you say. It does not mean that your boss must keep you on a payroll if they believe that your statements are doing them or the company harm. They also have the freedom of speech to fire you in response to what you say.

                        • 57 votes
                        #5.9 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:39 PM EDT
                        Comment author avatarIdahoMotherRestored

                        Obama is a TOOL! He should not be discharged for expressing his opinion of Obama, this is not the issue! The issue is not that he disrespected his president Obama, but that he disrespected his commander in chief Obama!

                        • 3 votes
                        #5.10 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:43 PM EDT

                        Any company that I have worked for has an 'Ethics and Compliance' policy. The one that currently applies to me in my daily work, basically states that within the confines of the company and when on company time, freedom of speech does not exist. Adhering to the 'Ethics and Compliance' policy is simply part of being professional.

                        I have seen people being fired for cause on the spot for a lot less than what Sgt Stein thought expedient to vurp out to the world. He has been utterly unprofessional in not adhering to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, with which he, after 9 years of service, should be quite familiar with.

                        • 51 votes
                        #5.11 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:45 PM EDT
                        Comment author avatarusa1967-Restored

                        Most people have no respect for obumbo and now some must pay the price to say it. I know, supposedly you can't speak against the CIC if you are in the militay but being critical of him should not be a crime. It's not our fault that he is such a failure and speaks often against the US to foreign leaders while he bows to them. Folks, the experiment was a failure!!

                        • 4 votes
                        #5.12 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:46 PM EDT
                        Comment author avatarLusitaniaRestored

                        With all these collapses only means freedom of speech has gone out the window""Isn't that what our solders are fighting for.

                        • 13 votes
                        #5.13 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:48 PM EDT

                        respect for obumbo"

                        Obumbo? Wow aren't you clever? By the way you sound like a 3 year old because a 4 year old could make up names better than that.

                        • 45 votes
                        #5.14 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:55 PM EDT

                        ABSOLUTELY PREDICTABLE! It's not my fault it's a witch hunt! "If I could take it back I would." Loser. He volunteered for service. He knew the rules and ws warned of the concequences of his actions. Refused to stop. Busted.

                        All you people sceaming about Constitutional Rights. Are you aware that Licensed Childcare Providers in Washington State are stripped of their Constitutional rights in order to be Licensed to provide childcare? You are guilty of all accusations until proven innocent. You have no right to remain silent but must report any violation of and WAC you think you may have committed. DEL may come into your home at will and "inspect" After you have spent thousands of dollars on equiptment and education you may be shut down by a anonymous accusation . No income until you prove your innocence. Your business records can be seized without notice or cause. We all agree because we know we are providing care because we love children and want the best for them. We know we would never intentionally hurt anyone. Rights are gone Providers are railroaded. Everyone loses.

                        • 23 votes
                        #5.15 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:56 PM EDT

                        Well, Mo, why don't we just violate everybody's rights? We pretty much do


                        • 3 votes
                        #5.16 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:01 PM EDT

                        Don't regret it Sgt. Stein, you were right! Prez BO is a communist. All bets are off. You should be able to say what you want.

                        • 8 votes
                        #5.17 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:02 PM EDT
                        Comment author avatarmcintyre7806Restored

                        I personally think that he did the right thing. The "President" is not over there living that everyday. I wish more of the military would speak up and the true Americans hear their stories, not just how it is presented by our government. They want you to see it through their eyes(cut and, dry, black and white) and not in color. I think they need to shed a little light on the people that are there everyday in a positive way. You never see the good things that are being done, or how they are doing as our father, brother, sister, mother, etc..... over in the battlefield. It's all negative all the time. SUPPORT our troops!!! To every service man or woman that might be reading this - I want to say THANK YOU for your service.

                        • 20 votes
                        #5.18 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:03 PM EDT

                        Hmmm... As a U.S.A.F. veteran, (1962-1966) I realize there is no "free speech" in the U.S. military. The military, regardless of branch, is all about conformity. If you do not conform in every way, you are not part of the "club."

                        The military people who decided that an Other Than Honorable (OTH) discharge is the answer in this matter are wrong. They made a mistake, because this person served honorably for a long time, prior to the comment. All they are doing by assigning the OTH is barking and snarling, to set an example.

                        More likely than not, he should be given a General Under Honorable conditions. (GUH). After all, he did apologize and admit his choice was not appropriate.

                        If Commander-In-Chief Barack Obama had any hair on his butt, he would intervene, on behalf of the GUH.

                        • 12 votes
                        #5.19 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:10 PM EDT

                        USA1967 it's not our fault that you are a failure in comprehending military law and speak often against the U.S. and bow to Fox News with the lies and false stories they produce. Maybe if you watched another real news channel you would see video of republican presidents bowing to other world leader at meetings. When you put forth your nonsense name calling. It is not our fault that you cannot face the reality that President Obama,( that is his name) has turned the economy around from the destruction the republicans caused when they crashed the economy. The american voters elected the President in an election, it was not an experiment. All facts are on the table, the nation is recovering from the failed policies of republicans. Obama/Bidsen 2012

                        • 51 votes
                        #5.20 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:11 PM EDT

                        They gave him an oppertunity to stop and he refused and now he turning sissy,he voluenteered they did not send fo him,he knew the rules of the house he was going to,simple as that.

                        • 29 votes
                        #5.21 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:16 PM EDT

                        Stupid is as stupid does. You are not being booted because of what you wrote. It is because you showed NO judgement in your actions. You KNOW where you are working and you know the workplace rules. You were informed across an oficers desk so you are held accountable for that knowledge. Now this is going to follow you forever. Anything less than an Honorable Discharge will be questioned anytime you have an employment check done. Good Luck, youngster. You are not the first to f**k up.

                        • 35 votes
                        #5.23 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:32 PM EDT

                        Tell me if I am wrong. But didn't they fire a commander for something he said about the President? So why should this disrespectful ass think he could just say what ever he wanted. He is the tool not the President. This Tool joined the Military Knowing he might have to work for a President that he disagreed with. I was once told that freedom isn't free. Free speech isn't free either. This guy what's to speak his mind then he can pay the price. 9 years down the drain. Dishonorable discharge. Was it worth it dude.

                        • 32 votes
                        #5.24 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:34 PM EDT
                        Comment author avatarvdl-3584986Restored

                        If the truth was to be told this guy is not the only one who has these thoughts and feelings. I would like to thank all our servicemen and women for what they do. If it was not for men and women such as these we would all be listening to guns and the cries of our children. Again thank you all because I for one do not have the guts to go off to war. When the President or anyone else for that fact stands in the midst of war that is when they can be called a commander.

                        • 5 votes
                        #5.25 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:39 PM EDT

                        I think that he should be able to voice his opinion and that he should not be kicked out of the military. There is freedom of speech and weather you are in the military or not you should have the right to voice your opinion as long as he did not threaten him in any way. Does our military think they can change the constitution and take away our freedom of speech????? If more of our military personal would speak up and give their opinions this country would be better for it. I would like to thank you for serving this country and protecting my family and I'm truely sorry that the military wouldn't stand behind you, shame on them.

                        • 3 votes
                        #5.27 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:44 PM EDT

                        He blatantly stated that he would refuse to follow orders. He's in the Corps; his job is to follow & obey. My son's a Marine. If my son's commander wants his opinion, he'll ask for it.

                        • 31 votes
                        #5.28 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:45 PM EDT

                        Not only did he lie and lambaste his boss, he did it on a "closed forum for active-duty meteorologists and oceanographers". Anyone with one ounce of intelligence would know that Obama is far more in tune with anyone who has the slightest amount of scientific knowledge than his predecessor. And, as a hint to the right wingers reading this, meteorologists and oceanographers both refer to professions that require some scientific background, quite different from astrologers.

                        • 17 votes
                        #5.29 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:56 PM EDT

                        Does anybody remember what G.I. stands for? Government Issue. You swear an oath to protect the US of A, you belong to Uncle Sam until you leave the military. If you get a sunburn, you get in trouble because you cannot do the work required of you as a GI. For an active duty soldier to write that kind of stuff, no wonder he's getting discharged. Lucky that's all that happens to him. You are certainly entitled to say whatever you want to say, however, you also have the responsibility of what you say. And if that's not free speech, oh well. That's the price for being Government issue.

                        • 23 votes
                        #5.30 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:01 AM EDT

                        CLUE - We all have the SAME freedoms. You have the freedom to do something stupid. All of us have the freedom to crucify you for it in the court of public opinion. That is exactly why giving freedom to the people works.

                        CLUE - You do NOT have the PRIVILEGE to be protected from people disagreeing with you. You do not have protection from being shunned for what you say.

                        • 10 votes
                        #5.31 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:05 AM EDT


                        (Associated Press – Wed, Mar 7, 2012)

                        The Marine Corps said Stein is allowed to express his personal opinions as long as they do not give the impression he is speaking in his official capacity as a Marine. Spokesman Maj. Michael Armistead said the Corps is taking a closer look to ensure Stein has not crossed that line.

                        The Pentagon policy is necessary in preventing political and religious debates that could divide a unit and disrupt the strong working relationship that is needed to carry out missions, Glazier said.

                        "There are plenty of examples in the world of militaries heavily involved in influencing political events that have shown that is not conducive to civilian rule of law," he said.



                        Since the article was published, Sgt, Stein "crossed the line," after he, as a U.S. Marine, advocated to a world-wide Facebook audience as well as in semi-closed forums -- and with collusive agreement with his military peers that believe the same, that no one should obey the orders of their superior officers, particularly, those of the Commander-in-Chief, since it clashed with his and their extremist and prejudicial political beliefs of what appears to be an online, militant, local arm of the Tea Party. To some, his public rants made the honorable U.S. Marine Corps look like a politically extremist bunch of rogues in the public eye. He was warned to stop doing this, he violated that warning, ignored policy and broke the rules, and so the Marines had no choice but to discharge him.

                        • 29 votes
                        #5.32 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:09 AM EDT

                        Two thumbs up for Starsailing and Dave'snothereman. He knew he was wrong and now he has to pay the consequences.

                        • 16 votes
                        #5.33 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:09 AM EDT

                        He weakens our Military by encouraging our adversaries that the Military dos not support tyne Commander in Chief and will not obey orders. Thanks for 9 years of service, don't let the door hit your sorry rump on the way out!

                        Also he rants against a health care program but enjoys fully paid healthcare as a part of his job, and if he had stayed in, he would have enjoyed that for the rest of his life. Now he wants to stay in while a medical treatment is dealt with...WHAT A HYPOCRITE!

                        • 35 votes
                        #5.34 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:11 AM EDT

                        A lot of you need to learn what freedom of speech is. You have the freedom to say what you want.

                        You do not have the privilege to be immune from all the consequences of your words.

                        Everyone has the freedom to shun you AND protect themselves and their businesses from being associated with you when you say bone headed stupid things that are inflammatory and dangerous.

                        • 21 votes
                        #5.35 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:17 AM EDT

                        Willow-369182 I totally agree with you.

                        The moment you join the military is when the recruiter has you take an oath to our country and to the chain of command. You vow to protect the commander in chief with your very life.

                        You should think very carefully BEFORE joining the military. No one needs your permission or approval to appoint any president the people put in office. If you aren't okay with whoever the people give you then you better not sign up.

                        By joining the military you AMMEND your civil rights. You don't have the exact same circumstances as civilians. Your opinions about certain things are worth exactly NOTHING because you have given yourself to your country as a civil servant. If you doubt that then you weren't listening to your drill sargent in boot camp. All we need from you is a SIR, YES SIR and compliance to all orders. Anything else is grounds for discharge.

                        • 21 votes
                        #5.36 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:26 AM EDT

                        Thank you, Frankly. You hit the nail on the head - I wonder if any of the "job creators" touted by the Tea Party will jump to hire and ensure hc benefits for this guy? I'm sorry he's got a pre-existing condition - it's going to be rough on his family, but it might be a wake-up call for him. Easy to rail against the "evils" of socialism when you're nestled comfortably in one of the most successful socialist organizations in the country - the U.S. military.

                        • 22 votes
                        #5.37 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:31 AM EDT

                        I think that this is just one more example of the downfall of this nation. I believe that this man has more support than crooked media can round up. He did nothing wrong. Not one single person commenting on this can say they agree with the pre*****. Oops almost went to jail. Can't say that name or you loose your job, get drug through the mud by corrupt media. It really should be an embarrassment to the military to pursue something of this nature and really show the "man" commented on has no integrity or Balls about him to stop these actions. I am sure this service man would not have made the comment if he wasn't somewhere the US shouldn't be. A decision by the "man" with no balls.

                        Stand For What You Know Is Right, not what you are Told to Think.

                        • 2 votes
                        #5.38 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:35 AM EDT

                        Lauri. When my son joined the Army, He gave is life to uncle Sam. I begged him not to join. Little Bush was in office and we were in a war that Bush/Cheny lied us into. I didn't want my son in another Vietnam. Iraq was a war of choice, We had no business being there. The funny part of this if there is a funny part, Is President Obama has done more to kill the people that attacked us on 911 then Little Bush ever did. Obama gave the order to take out OBL. Bush never was going to kill him. Hell they were old family friends. Bush was just pandering to his fat cat so they could make money off our young men's blood. If we did like you said and let the enlisted men tell us what to do, or give there options we would have never went into Iraq or Vietnam and maybe a few others. If this guy wasn't just a right winged nut case he would still be the military. But he didn't have the of free speech. He gave that up when he joined and was sworn in. What he did was treason and he should have been put in Leavenworth for it.

                        • 25 votes
                        #5.39 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:37 AM EDT

                        Now he says he sorry- what he is REALLY sorry for, is that he has just wasted 9 years of his life- He is sorry about what people will say about him for the rest of his life- he is sorry that all veteran benefits will be denied to him now- he is sorry that when he is older and lifes illnesses and sicknesses take hold of his body he will not be able to treated free at any VA facility-

                        He is sorry he will never collect the pension he was working for. He is sorry for the good job he might have gotten in the real world after 20 years- he is sorry of no VET benefits for college or for buying a house- he is sorry for no buriel in a National Cemetary. He is sorry for no free headstone, no flag of the United States, no bugler playing taps over his coffin. No free plot as a final resting place.

                        His moments of human err will cost him a nightmare every sleeping hour of his life til death. His moments of human err will haunt his memory every waking hour until the one of his death.

                        He will wonder what every single face that looks at him is thinking at that moment for the rest of his natural days.

                        He will wonder endlessly what his children are hiding every day when they come home from school with black eyes.

                        He will have a future life that should not be held by any man alive.

                        All because he said, I will not follow any order of the President of The United States- my Commander- in -Chief.

                        • 18 votes
                        #5.40 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:37 AM EDT

                        Pedestrain I am with you on that. They piss and moan about what they have that others want. These people would cut there own heads off just so they can bleed on you. Great post.

                        • 3 votes
                        #5.41 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:45 AM EDT

                        I know, supposedly you can't speak against the CIC if you are in the militay but being critical of him should not be a crime.

                        To say that you would not obey orders given to you by your commanding officers is far beyond "being critical" when you are in the military. My sister loathed Bush, but had she been ordered to war she would have gone as she was a solider in the Army. You cannot choose what you will or will not do because you don't agree wit the President. If you don't like it, don't re-up, and don't place yourself in a position to be discharged because of your own views (just like any other job out there).

                        • 19 votes
                        #5.42 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:51 AM EDT

                        Beleave in youself. If there was any truth in your post. then this guy should have refused to go to Iraq, when Bush/ Cheny lied us into that war. And Like Pedestrain said in his post. This guy was complaining about the new health care law. But he got them not to discharge him until he got some medical issues taken care of. When you join the military, You don't get to pick who will be elected as President. We the people do that. And we the people Elected President Obama. Like it or not he is the President and if this tool didn't like that then he should demanded he be discharged. I think there were a few that refused to serve under a black President. All this other stuff is just BS.

                        • 6 votes
                        #5.43 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:02 AM EDT

                        Well it still seems a lot of you have no idea what the 1st amendment says! Please give it a shot and stop commenting from ignorance. So many say you can say whatever whereever and so on. The 1st amendment has many revisions due to oversight in its drafting. Yell fire in a theatre, ooops I apologize doesn't make it OK. But back to the issue. I'm a 100% Disabled Viet-nam vet who didn't think that war had anywhere near a reason for it but, you serve with the knowledge you don't gripe and commit sedition or create disharmony in any sense of these acts. Even now when this crud says I'm sorry he also says he's disappointed in the Marine corps. Kinda nullifies the I'm sorry part. You people need to read the 1st amendment. This guy is getting off easy and some of you support him out of ignorance, because it involves your biased views about the POTUS. Suck it up...he was warned and got what he asked for by continuing his BS

                        • 11 votes
                        #5.44 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:17 AM EDT

                        He got less punishment than he deserved!! He said he would not follow orders from his CIC, and therefore none of his superiors. This is the type of thing they do and say in those countries where they often have military coups.

                        Well now that he is out he can say whatever he wants to say. Wish him speedy recovery though, and he is only 26, so ther might be something for him in the affordable care act.

                        • 10 votes
                        #5.45 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:22 AM EDT

                        Freedom of speech does not mean there are no consequences. If what you say results in consequences, the right to free speech does not excuse you from those consequences. In the military there are consequences to saying you refuse to uphold the oath you take when you join. In other countries and other times, the consequences would be much worse than a less than honorable discharge.

                        • 10 votes
                        #5.46 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:25 AM EDT

                        Simple. If you can't follow orders, the military is not for you. This really isn't a free speech issue. Anyone who thinks that complete, absolute, say-anything-because-I-can freedom of speech is what the US stands for is sadly mistaken. For instance, it is illegal to slander or libel, and it is certainly illegal to yell "Fire!" wherever you please. There are many limitations on speech, but it is within reason. If I post mutinous or disrespectful things about my boss on social media, I will most likely get fired. I know and understand this - he did too.

                        P.S. mad props to Gary. That is one angry white dude. He is one of the reasons I enjoy viewing comments - complete and utter ignorance of facts, lol.

                        • 12 votes
                        #5.47 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:38 AM EDT

                        For over 236 years, our brave young servicemen have given their all to uphold and defend their oath to The United States of America, the Constitution, their superiors and their fellow brothers in arms. Their ultimate sacrifice must never be cheapened or stained by a brother in arms that uses political discourse to dishonor that sacrifice. My Grandfather and two of my Uncles served with distinguish and honor during two crucial wars.

                        Two of my cousins and several dear friends came home missing limbs and a good portion of their sanity after serving tours in Vietnam. I have no doubt such casualties afflicted many more serving in several wars since then. My Grandfather, uncles, cousins and friends were the lucky ones. Many others came home in flag-draped coffins or remain missing in action.

                        This foolish nine year veteran Sergeant of the Marine Corps gravely dishonored all of his brothers in arms that have faithfully marched in step with him and those before him that paid the ultimate price in honoring their sworn oath to the nation of their birth. I would have him shot as a traitor.

                        He should consider himself very fortunate to walk away from his sworn commitment with only the loss of military benefits. You, I and he knows that his 15 minutes of fame will be handsomely rewarded with a lucrative career as spokesman for the extremely partisan television network that first sparked his traitorous behavior. They can have him. We can rid ourselves of this vermin forever by merely clicking the remote control.

                        • 16 votes
                        #5.48 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:59 AM EDT

                        "BTW-the President is not the Commander in Chief 24/7. Only in time of declared war."

                        Article II, Section 2:

                        "The President shall be the Commander in Chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called in the actual service of the United States..."

                        Sorry, it says nothing of the declaration of war. He is in charge, and it is an important part of our system that a civilian is always in charge of our military.

                        • 11 votes
                        #5.49 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:04 AM EDT

                        It is amazing how everyone is going after this guy (and I agree he could have chosen better words and better ways) instead of noticing that there is immediate impacts to those that speak out against the president. By the way, servicemembers do NOT have to respect the president as a person but they do have to respect the office. So for those of you that spit out comments without knowing anything about the military except for what you see on the news: grow up and get ready for your "change".

                        Those of you that think he was being racist: stop trying to rely on that as a "get out of jail" card every time. Grow up!

                        • 3 votes
                        #5.50 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:29 AM EDT

                        Lol @ you people who think this is something new or recent.

                        Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, and Sailors have been getting discharged from their respective branches of service for engaging in this sort of activity since... well... the inception of those branches. I had a friend in the Navy that was discharged for stuff he posted about Bush, no big news hubub over it, because it's a relatively normal occurence. No idea why this particular guy has the spotlight on him, maybe because his comments were more vitriolic than what they normally discharge people for.... I mean, calling your CiC "the domestic enemy" is pretty clearly discharge-worthy.

                        After 8 years or however long this guy was in, he should know better. The Marines might not be known for their intellectuals, but they ARE known for their common sense at least... right?

                        • 8 votes
                        #5.51 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:48 AM EDT

                        Ofcourse I have not seen the post but what I have read earlier is that he said he would not follow orders that went against the Constitution of the United States. The oath they took says they will protect the constitution first then latter says they would obey the orders of the president. It was written like that to prevent the president from use his powers to become a dictator. ( in my opinion ) Some of these post come across as to give the president ultimate power. We need to remember that the President is just an elected official not Our King from the 16th century that can have someone beheaded at will. I thank god for for our brave service members that have the guts to stand up for what they believe. It is a shame that this young brave man can not practice the same rights that he is so willingly to give up his life to protect.

                        • 1 vote
                        #5.52 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:01 AM EDT

                        Freedom of speech doesn't cover insubordination. If you aren't going to do what your boss tells you to, you lose your job. Pretty simple if you ask me.

                        • 9 votes
                        #5.53 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:22 AM EDT

                        He weakens our Military by encouraging our adversaries that the Military dos not support tyne Commander in Chief and will not obey orders. Thanks for 9 years of service, don't let the door hit your sorry rump on the way out!

                        Also he rants against a health care program but enjoys fully paid healthcare as a part of his job, and if he had stayed in, he would have enjoyed that for the rest of his life. Now he wants to stay in while a medical treatment is dealt with...WHAT A HYPOCRITE!

                        The guy gave 9 YEARS of his life to SERVICE of his country. He has been a Marine longer then Obama has been president, and everyone wants to just throw him aside because he said not nice things. The Marines have rules and when you break those rules there are consequences, but there could have been a million different punishments that includedhim serving out his contract. Punishments should fit the crime and Obama and the rest need to get thicker skin. I think he should of been demoted and given some crap detail until his release but throwing him out on his butt especially now that he has a medical condition is just shameful.

                        • 2 votes
                        #5.54 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:27 AM EDT

                        Remember this everyone, liberals will defend weather underground members, they will stand next to Occupy Wall Street Crowds who talk of revolutions, vandalizepublic property, campaign to have a cop killer released from jail. Liberals defend Acorn workers who lie, cheat, and steal, they protect Planned Parenthood clinics who hide rape cases, lie about age in order to perform abortions. Liberals will defend laws that allow voter fraud which has been documented by countless videos, BUT............

                        if you're a Marine who bad mouths the President they want the book thrown at you. No sympathy, no turn the other cheek, no cries for a lessor punishment, just vengeful attacks.

                        • 1 vote
                        #5.55 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:40 AM EDT

                        Hey --- if I go on Facebook and badmouth my boss or my company's CEO -- chances are I will get fired. This is NOT about freedom of speech. The guy badmouthed his CEO. He wasn't forced to join the military, he volunteered. As a civilian he has the right to criticize President Obama. As a member of the military -- he runs the risk of being fired for doing so just as I run the risk of being fired it I criticize my boss.

                        • 12 votes
                        #5.56 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:06 AM EDT

                        well, here we go again; reading all the above comments, i get the impression "we" have more freedom of speech here to voice our opinion than that poor marine! freedom of speech is allowed for all, military or not!

                        i may not agree fully with his statements, but i do agree with his intent. it is loud and clear. earlier this year there was a judge who also bad-mouthed the president, he was then politically circumcised.

                        we should be able to call a spade a spade, in the military, in a judges seat, or in the whitehouse, where, incidently, most of this bad - mouthing takes places. instead, we set up our own private citizens to take the fall when "somebody" feels statements, opinions, rumors and all are inappropriate and offensive.

                          #5.57 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:07 AM EDT

                          Logic, this isn't a Liberal view. It's Military Law. This man took an oath to obey the orders of the President of the United States.

                          Now while I may agree with him on his views of the current administration, I have the freedom to make such statements openly. HE does not.

                          Freedom of Speech does not mean freedom of the consequences. I am free ridicule my boss online or to others openly. But if my boss finds out, I can be canned. Those are the consequences.

                          I know many military with similar views, but they are smart enough to keep their mouths shut in a public forum. They know the rules. So did this man.

                          • 10 votes
                          #5.58 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:17 AM EDT

                          It is clear to any soldier that you don't have the freedom to speak against your chain of command. It has always been that way, nothing new. When I was in the military at the end of the Nam era, it was VERY clear that you could get in some serious trouble for dissing the leadership. That's how the Marines (and all other services work). It's called sedition, encouraging others to not follow commands. I wouldn't want to fight alongside someone who thought it was ok to decide for themselves whether to follow orders or not. Except there was no Facebook, same thing could have happened in George Washington's army. Does ANYONE who has been in the military think you have any right to say this kind of thing?

                          • 8 votes
                          #5.59 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:28 AM EDT

                          one other thing. This is not the same as criticizing your boss and getting fired. In the military you take an oath. Violate it and you may be jailed at hard labor, a consequence you don't face in civilian life. In my opinion he wanted out, or at least to jeopardize his military career to make a political point. Fighting units need cohesion. There's no room for people who think they can go their own way. As for acting with others to protest the CIC at a time when our troops are in combat, that's pretty close to treason.

                          • 4 votes
                          #5.60 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:36 AM EDT

                          Google the name "Ehren Watada" and you will find how liberals had a completely different view when Bush was in office. What this Marine did doesn't even compare to what Watada and many, many, other service members did (with the support and backing of the liberal media and elite).

                            #5.61 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:39 AM EDT

                            Freedom of Speech does not mean freedom of the consequences

                            I never said what he did wasn't wrong, I said "The Marines have rules and when you break those rules there are consequences, but there could have been a million different punishments that included him serving out his contract." My point is that the punishment is very heavy handed and although I would agree there needs to be a punishment this goes to far and should be opposed by everyone. The reason it is not opposed by everyone is because one side wants blood for his actions and the worse the punishment the better the message sent to never oppose Obama. The guy had years of excellent service, put him on potato duty, take away pay and rank, but throwing him out is to much and a real pathetic display of how politics is out of control.

                              #5.62 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:49 AM EDT

                              I have read through many points of view here and understand where everyone is coming from. However, I feel strongly that as a citizen of a Democratic society, the very one which sends them to other countries, to give their lives for those peoples right to democracy and free speech, he should be able to express his political opinions "freely". Afterall he is a democratic citizen.

                              I hope some open minded boss, who's not afraid of petty criticism offers him a job.

                              • 1 vote
                              #5.63 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:59 AM EDT

                              Can we all look at this in the right context for one minute? Stein's INITIAL post read that he would not follow orders of the President. He later corrected it to say he would not follow UNLAWFUL orders given to him by the President. Either way, he was speaking in reference to the NDAA, the bill signed into law by President Obama that allows the government to detain American citizens without due process. I for one, applaud this Marine for having the bravery to stand up and say what a lot of our military personnel wish they could say but are too afraid to lose their jobs or worse, their lives. No matter how you spin it, our government has made a mockery of our fine military, using them as pawns in a global power grab, sending them overseas to defend their investments, ordering them to police the world. How do you think the Holocaust would have turned out had Nazi soldiers banded together right from the beginning and said, "We will defend this country but we will NOT harm its people." For those of you thinking this world is all rosy and that orders must be followed no matter what have their collective heads so far up their butts they can't see the light of day. Stop reading what you see on the front page of MSN and taking it as gospel truth that this is the way the world is. There is a whole lot more going on than what mainstream media would have you believe, and we are all doomed if the people that actually have the power to do something about it don't speak up and make a difference.

                              • 4 votes
                              #5.64 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:08 AM EDT

                              The ONLY thing wrong with what the Marine said about Obama is when he labeled Barby a 'Domestic Enemy'. After we finally get Barby's birth certificate fixed then he will be labeled a 'Foreign Enemy'. Funny how that will work out!

                                #5.67 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:25 AM EDT

                                Boo Hoo! Now you can go work at McDonalds for being stupid and putting your comments on-line. When are people going to learn that Email, Facebook, Twitter, texts etc. are PERMANENT! You can burn paper and it's gone forever.

                                • 5 votes
                                #5.68 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:28 AM EDT

                                People don't seem to understand the First Amendment here.

                                The First Amendment prevents prevents people who disagree with the government from being arrested and prosecuted for treason. However, the First Amendment does not mean you can say what you want, when you want, about who you want and not expect consequences outside of prosecution.

                                A person who says something that is contrary to his or her job can be fired. The First Amendment does NOT protect a person from this. That was never its intention. A schoolteacher who posts a picture of herself holding a beer on her vacation to Belgium on Facebook CAN BE FIRED. No First Amendment protection. She will not be arrested for it. That might be parallel to Nazi Germany, but her employer making the decision to fire her is not.

                                Even aside from the fact that an employee is not protected by the First Amendment from the consequences of his speech to his employment, a member of the US military has agreed that his duty is to obey the President of the United States. A member of the US military has even less of a right to free speech than a private citizen, and this is for valid reasons regarding national security. He should consider himself lucky he is not being tried for treason for saying he would disobey his Commander in Chief. He's a Marine, or he was a Marine. He has rightfully lost that position for not following the rules and respecting his duties.

                                • 6 votes
                                #5.69 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:35 AM EDT

                                I would have him shot as a traitor.

                                He should consider himself very fortunate to walk away from his sworn commitment with only the loss of military benefits. You, I and he knows that his 15 minutes of fame will be handsomely rewarded with a lucrative career as spokesman for the extremely partisan television network that first sparked his traitorous behavior. They can have him. We can rid ourselves of this vermin forever by merely clicking the remote control.

                                I totally agree, commonsense. Very well expressed.

                                President Obama has been disrespected more than any other president in U.S. history. It's thinly veiled racism in action, and this a**hole deserves to pay the price for his bigotry and stupidity.

                                • 6 votes
                                #5.70 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:53 AM EDT

                                President Obama has been disrespected more than any other president in U.S. history. It's thinly veiled racism in action, and this a**hole deserves to pay the price for his bigotry and stupidity.

                                Even though there was NEVER anything about RACE mentioned, even though it was all POLICY disagreements, it doesnt stop you from playing the race card. HOW BOOORING. Just keep all this in mind when a Republican is president in someone in the military whispers a criticism and goes on Democracy Now TV to talk crap.

                                  #5.71 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:01 AM EDT

                                  Barack Obama has been a stellar Commander in Chief.

                                  Racial prejudice doesn't have to be stated out loud to exist.

                                  LOGIC required. INTELLIGENCE required.

                                  • 8 votes
                                  #5.72 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:17 AM EDT

                                  Thank you DXM from saving me from some serious typing. If I criticized my CEO, I would expect to be looking for a job. And, I am not the biggest Obama fan.

                                  • 2 votes
                                  #5.73 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:18 AM EDT

                                  Since when did Military policy for good order and discipline that has been around since George mothafkn Washington was President become something "liberal" lol? Really, how delusional can you be? How is that a 'liberal' policy? That's as traditional conservative as it gets.


                                  even though it was all POLICY disagreements,

                                  "Obama is the economic enemy," he wrote in the post. "He is the religious enemy ... He is the 'fundamentally change' America enemy … He IS the Domestic Enemy."

                                  Sounds like a bit more than a 'policy disagreement.' You don't go calling your Commander in Chief the "domestic enemy" - he's lucky that wasn't contstrued as a threat.

                                  Seriously, what's with this vacant meme that regardless of what someone says, that they should be applauded and immune from criticism for exercising their freedom of speech? What, are they like 4 years old and need encouragement? LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME, I'm Free Speechin it!

                                  • 4 votes
                                  #5.74 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:19 AM EDT


                                  Obama has not even touched the disrespect offered to Carter and Bush Jr.

                                    #5.75 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:25 AM EDT

                                    zoroaster, if you're referring to disrespect in regard to performance as Commander in Chief, I agree with you.

                                    The fact is that President Obama has been a far more effective military leader than either Carter or Bush 43, so there is no valid reason to disrespect him as CIC.

                                    That's kind of the reason why so many people are outraged at this traitorous Marine.

                                    • 1 vote
                                    #5.76 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:11 AM EDT

                                    This isn't matter of free speech. He flat out said he wouldn't comply with the Commander Chief's orders. That is the particularly troublesome part for the military. If they let this "free speech" slide, then they open themselves to all sorts of insubordination and at-will defiance of command. It is one thing to not comply with an order that goes against one's conscious but another to make a blanket statement as he has. No one cares if he likes Obama or not especially the military. But you have to obey orders none-the-less or face the brig. This guy was discharged because in addition to his defiance he repeatedly expressed points of view that had no business being said as a member of the military. Look at what happens when generals openly criticize and defy command? Why should a soldier escape penalty. Sorry buddy, if anyone knew the rules...

                                    • 4 votes
                                    #5.77 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:20 AM EDT

                                    Granted people in military don't have the same constituional protections that civilians enjoy, (ironic that that document is the essence of what they are defending) however I have noticed a trend in recent years whereby people that express an opinion are later punished somehow for expressing that opinion.

                                    You have no clue. I get extremely tired of trying to make people who have not understanding of the military, understand the military. I'm sorry, but playing "Call of Duty 2" does not make you a soldier. Your comment regarding expression of opinion is completely idiotic, if you are referring to the military. Ask any number of Generals who were "relieved for cause" or retired early to "spend time with their families". I simply do not understand why people who know absolutely nothing about the military or the UCMJ post their ignorance all over the internet.

                                    • 3 votes
                                    #5.78 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:38 AM EDT

                                    sounds to me like he isnt sorry bout lambasting the pres. he just wants to go back and re phrase all the stuff he said.

                                    • 2 votes
                                    #5.79 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:47 AM EDT

                                    Naomi Reed Watterson said:

                                    Either way, he was speaking in reference to the NDAA, the bill signed into law by President Obama that allows the government to detain American citizens without due process. I for one, applaud this Marine for having the bravery to stand up and say what a lot of our military personnel wish they could say but are too afraid to lose their jobs or worse, their lives.

                                    And that might also have been in response to the new legislation coming up through the House and Senate called the Enemy Expatriation Act which will give the government the right to strip you of your citizenship, whether you were born here or naturalized, if you're suspected of engaging in or advocating any act that runs counter to the US or its allies' interests---aka 'terrorism'.

                                    I ask everyone on here, if you are a soldier and you are told to arrest a citizen because they funded an organization that has been declared 'terrorist' by a country that is the US's ally, would you do it?

                                    Let me give you one example: the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

                                    If you've seen the show Whale Wars on Discovery Channel, you know they are an international group who go out in boats and try to impede and stop the progress of Japan's whaling fleet. Commercial whaling has been banned for a while; the Japanese continue to kill whales under the guise of research, but meat from the whales they kill ends up in Japanese fish markets, making it commercial. Last year one of the Sea Shepherds used his boat (an experimental craft called the Ady Gil) to ram a whaling boat and stop the slaughter of a whale. His boat was destroyed and the Japanese picked him out of the wreckage and took him to Japan to stand trial as a terrorist. They did cave to international pressure and release the man, but the Sea Shepherds were declared terrorists by Japan.

                                    So since they are deemed terrorists by a US ally, under the EEA and the NDAA any member of heir organization is now also a terrorist and anyone who donates money to their cause, by this law, is supporting terrorism. Would you, as a soldier, follow an order to arrest someone who had their citizenship stripped and will now be held in military prison without charge or trial until the War on Terror is over, just because they sent money to this 'terrorist' organization?

                                    • 2 votes
                                    #5.80 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:59 AM EDT

                                    "even though it was all POLICY disagreements"

                                    Since when did Military policy for good order and discipline that has been around since George mothafkn Washington was President become something "liberal" lol? Really, how delusional can you be? How is that a 'liberal' policy? That's as traditional conservative as it gets.

                                    Shuklack, do you have a reading comprehension problem? I mean really what the hell are you talking about? My "even though it was a policy disagreement" comment was IN RESPONSE TO THE RACISM CHARGE Kaybeetoy made, which is why I had her quote right above my statement so everyone knows what I'm responding to. My complete quote was "Even though there was NEVER anything about RACE mentioned, even though it was all POLICY disagreements, it doesn't stop you from playing the race card." I was not saying he should not be punished because it was a policy disagreement, in fact if you read anything else I posted you would of seen I said " "The Marines have rules and when you break those rules there are consequences". Seriously dude, your lack of comprehension makes you look like an idiot, and the fact a bunch of people voted for your post is just sad.

                                    • 1 vote
                                    #5.81 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:18 PM EDT

                                    When u sign up to go to other peoples country and kill them you also give away your rights to say and do what you want. Heck, even if you just said about your unit commander that he was the enemy and you wouldn't follow his orders, then you are going to get in big trouble. But when you publicly diss the commander in chief and say you refuse to follow his orders, you deserve to be court martialed or worse. I haven't much sympathy for people who volunteer to go shoot people in other countries though. Since the Korean War there hasn't been a "righteous" war, so anybody who has been in the military since then and thinks they were defending freedoms, think again. What you were doing was serving the corporations that profit from war!! And you were killing people in their own country, people who had never done anything to you.

                                    • 3 votes
                                    #5.82 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:20 PM EDT

                                    Naomi Reed Watterson,

                                    Obama was strongly against the indefinite detention provision. In the signing statement, he stated that he shall not authorise application of this provision.

                                    • 3 votes
                                    #5.83 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:57 PM EDT

                                    This is not a matter of Freedom of Speech. He should be glad he's just getting the boot, and not some cell time in Leavenworth. From what I've observed during my time in the Army, when your chain of command turns their back on you it's because you turned your back on them first. He had been warned by his chain of command and he chose to ignore them. I'd be surprised if the warnings weren't documented.

                                    So let's look at this:

                                    He's an NCO, and his actions could have a detrimental effect on his subordinates

                                    He's now become a security risk because he's broadcasted himself as being against the CiC. Don't think for a minute that foreign operatives don't scour Facebook and other social networks for people like him.

                                    He's in no position to pick and choose which of his superiors he takes orders from. The only question in his mind should be 'is it a lawful order?' If the answer's YES then you follow it. I think everyone who has served can think of at least one time when they were give an order to do something that they knew was totally stupid, but lawful nonetheless.

                                    Now if you want to talk about freedom of speech go right ahead, but it has nothing to do with this dumbass.

                                    • 2 votes
                                    #5.84 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:26 PM EDT


                                    I implore you to do your research. Obama refused to sign the NDAA UNLESS the provision was included, not DESPITE it. A quick YouTube search of Carl Levin, a Democrat btw who supported the bill and was a co-sponsor, speaking to Congress on CSPAN about that very thing will tell you what you need to know. This is also not the worst that has come out of the Executive Branch in the last few months, but it certainly isn't something to take lightly.

                                    • 3 votes
                                    #5.85 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:48 PM EDT

                                    Throw this bum out! I hated Raygun. I didn't advertise it. I did what was necessary. I left the military. I had no right being an active duty member if I could not follow the orders of my superiors. Throw this guy out with a BCD. (Bad Conduct Discharge)

                                    • 69 votes
                                    #6 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:46 PM EDT

                                    Lil bit of anger issues here?

                                    • 6 votes
                                    #6.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:45 PM EDT


                                    No anger there that I can see. This is how Vet's think as do active duty service members. You learn to shut up, just grit your teeth, follow the orders and exit when you are authorized to do so. No grey areas, just black and white, clear as day and night.

                                    • 42 votes
                                    #6.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:02 PM EDT

                                    Who is Raygun? or did you mean President Reagan? atleast he could spell lol

                                    • 3 votes
                                    #6.3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:33 PM EDT

                                    Who is Raygun? or did you mean President Reagan? atleast he could spell lol

                                    Couldn't be sure whether he could spell or not, He wasn't awake that often or very long. I do agree, he was well preserved for a relic.

                                    Back when it counted - he was eager to turn in 3/4 of his friends as communist to keep his own sorry butt of the menu. Hey, he did get a Carrier named after him ... so it wasn't a total loss.

                                    • 11 votes
                                    #6.4 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:56 PM EDT

                                    Beoweolf..........................too bad you didn't like the greatest Pres we ever had. Oh well, your loss. He did carry 49 states in the biggest landslide victory in history so others must have liked him too.

                                    • 3 votes
                                    #6.5 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:53 PM EDT

                                    Did you get a BCD too?

                                    • 1 vote
                                    #6.6 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:56 PM EDT

                                    Umm, That was the Republican Saint Ronny Reagan who put the 'These colors don't run' to shame when he tucked tail and ran from Lebanon in the 1983/1984 and left UNIFIL to clean up the mess? That Reagan?

                                    • 9 votes
                                    #6.7 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:58 PM EDT


                                    • 1 vote
                                    #6.8 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:10 PM EDT

                                    usa1967- are you referring to Pres. Richard Nixon? Both Reagan and Nixon won states but one and the District of Columbia.

                                    • 1 vote
                                    #6.9 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:11 PM EDT

                                    Instead of listening to the right wing hate mongers, how about reading some of the writings of past Commanders in Chief like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt or Dwight Eisenhower ?

                                    • 9 votes
                                    #6.10 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:12 PM EDT


                                    • 1 vote
                                    #6.11 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:18 PM EDT

                                    Ironic that this guy is a marine and fighting for the freedom we all have, but obama is taking away his (and all of our) freedom of speech. obama is a huge threat to everything positive this country stands for.

                                    • 4 votes
                                    #6.12 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:42 PM EDT

                                    Yep... If you don't want to follow the chain of command and protect/serve the president, his cabinet and the rest of the governing body with your very life then you better pull yourself out immediately. THEN you can say whatever you want.

                                    It's called TREASON. He's lucky this is all that is happening. In another era he would have been shot.

                                    • 11 votes
                                    #6.13 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:30 AM EDT

                                    Raygun refers to the President who had alzheimers while "leading" the country. The guy who justified huge increases in the military budget because they "have to pay for costumes." Raygun was a good actor and POTUS was the role of his life.

                                    It's used because of Ed Mease's (the puppetmaster,) dream of Star Wars defense- ray guns in space.

                                    • 10 votes
                                    #6.14 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:44 AM EDT


                                    Agreed. !4 years in service and I couldn't accept that Reagan was my CIC. I didn't bitch, I left and I still feel it was the right thing to do. This creep should have had the cojones to realize the right thing to do was to shut up and vote with his feet.

                                    • 6 votes
                                    #6.15 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:32 AM EDT

                                    The guy who justified huge increases in the military budget because they "have to pay for costumes." Raygun was a good actor and POTUS was the role of his life.

                                    Yea increases in Military "for customes", we'll just forget about that whole COLD WAR thing going on during his two terms.

                                    Oh and his whole "Star Wars" thing that everyone laughed at but is now actually a reality.

                                    Disagree with Reagan all you want but the spelling of presidents name wrong for political junk is tired and disrespectful. You will see dozens of posts I have written critical of Obama, and none of them misspell his name which I have seen people do because I find it disrespectful, and childish.

                                      #6.16 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:58 AM EDT

                                      It's called TREASON. He's lucky this is all that is happening. In another era he would have been shot.

                                      What a bunch of $h!t. If John Walker Lindh, and Ehren Watada weren't guilty of treason this guy hasn't even come close. What B.S. Rhetoric!

                                        #6.17 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:08 AM EDT

                                        LogicRequired...have you seen one single military person, either active duty or retired, who supports this a**hole?

                                        No, because he let down the military and all his fellow soldiers.

                                        He's a brainwashed twit who has no business wearing the uniform of the United States Marines.

                                        Deal with it.

                                        • 2 votes
                                        #6.18 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:04 AM EDT

                                        When this story first broke I read that his facebook page said he would not follow unlawful orders from the President. At the time I thought that this was rather clearly in response to the recent signing of the NDAA and the upcoming Enemy Expatriation Act.

                                        While I may not approve of the forum in which he said it, I do approve of the sentiment that he would refuse to follow an order given him to detain under military authority any US citizen the government deemed to be 'acting in a manner counter to the US or its allies interests.'

                                        • 1 vote
                                        #6.19 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:24 AM EDT

                                        Jeff, Chicago

                                        Ironic that this guy is a marine and fighting for the freedom we all have, but obama is taking away his (and all of our) freedom of speech. obama is a huge threat to everything positive this country stands for.

                                        congratulations! You have won the "Idiotic Post of the Day"! You should be proud...your parents should be proud. You have actually put you fingers to the keyboard and showed the world your ignorance. The Marine you are speaking of did not have his rights taken away by President Obama. He voluntarily agreed to abide by the articles of the UCMJ. He even signed a contract. Personally I am sorry he let his political fanaticism override his common sense and his oath, but that was his choice.

                                        • 5 votes
                                        #6.20 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:48 AM EDT

                                        bet he wishes your opinion mattered.

                                          #6.21 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:16 PM EDT

                                          LogicRequired...have you seen one single military person, either active duty or retired, who supports this a**hole? - I've seen many who believe the punishment was to much. I myself have said he broke the rules but should not have been punished in such a heavy handed way.

                                          No, because he let down the military and all his fellow soldiers. - He did the exact same thing many did when Bush was President but is facing a much greater punishment. I believe they all should be punished and punished equally, not one standard for one guy and a different standard for another.

                                          He's a brainwashed twit who has no business wearing the uniform of the United States Marines. You think he is brainwashed becuase you love Obama so much you think your OPINION of the guy is somehow fact. I've read many of your post and they're all a joke. Because you like Obama, and becuase you think he's great anyone who thinks anything different is a traitor, racist, or just stupid. Arguing with people like you is impossible because anyone who disagrees you just call names. Maybe there is actually smart people, who aren't racist, who haven't been brainwashed who have disagreed with the president, but that would distroy your little world wouldn't it.

                                          Deal with it. - Deal with what? The fact the guy was punished for critizing the president? I said HE SHOULD HAVE been punished. READ FOR GODS SAKE.

                                            #6.22 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:35 PM EDT

                                            Maybe there is actually smart people, who aren't racist, who haven't been brainwashed who have disagreed with the president, but that would distroy your little world wouldn't it.

                                            Arguing with people like you is impossible because anyone who disagrees you just call names.

                                            "Maybe there is smart people..."?

                                            It is unnecessary to respond to that. It is unnecessary to call anyone names.

                                            Your comments display all that one needs to know about the validity of your opinion.

                                              #6.23 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:39 PM EDT

                                              I find this very entertaining that the Obama administration go after a poor Marine enlisted man for telling the truth about a failed administration hoping to draw attention away from gas prices, no jobs and a dying economy under Obama's socialist administration. Then he goes after Ted Nuggent for also speaking up getting his appointments at the US Fish and Wildlife Service enforcing a little know game law on Ted. I hope Obama is proud of the Gestapo tactics that he always beat up on the Bush administration about. He certainly knows the "Chicago Way" of doing business. Does Obama have no shame? He is not only an embarrassment to the office of President, but to the whole USA.

                                                #6.24 - Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:12 AM EDT
                                                Comment author avatarMicah Amrinevia Facebook

                                                Disagreeing with the President's policy is any person's right. Stating that you, as a soldier, would disregard orders from your Commander-In-Chief is dereliction of duty. Labeling your Commander-In-Chief as the "enemy" borders on treason.

                                                This guy is lucky he's only getting discharged.

                                                • 112 votes
                                                #7 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:48 PM EDT

                                                wow! no sympathy here- or anywhere for that matter- what do you do with the rest of your life when at 26 when you have done the most stupid act of your life?

                                                • 32 votes
                                                #7.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:01 PM EDT
                                                Comment author avatarJohnO333Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

                                                if u check history, the german generals who critized Hitler were dumped. the soldiers who obeyed orders were convicted of war crimes' the japs who bombed pearl harbor were chicken. day of infamy. we now have a national policy of pre-emptive strike. at the same time, they want to stop bullying. can ya help me to understand? the day of one law for everyone is a distant dream. big generation gap. God bless.

                                                • 8 votes
                                                #7.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:01 PM EDT
                                                Comment author avatarslg6513Restored

                                                LET HIM GO FREE!!! He is a US citizen with freedom of speech. He is in the military. His duty is to protect the Constitution. NOT PROTECT AND SERVE the guy playing president. Sometimes this means fighting against the CIC. From where I am sitting, it looks like someone is not holding up the Constitution by allowing full freedom of speech. I think someone has attacked the wrong guy here. This guy is exercising his rights. Are we going to sit back and let his rights be stripped because he is serving the country???

                                                • 9 votes
                                                #7.3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:59 PM EDT

                                                Stein needs to give President Obama a genuinely sincere apology for his gross lack of respect and for shaming the Marines and code of Honor

                                                Quit watching FAUX and listening to crappy madman Ted Nugent music!

                                                • 34 votes
                                                #7.4 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:17 PM EDT

                                                dont like the president? get ottha the army and find a job somwhere else. this country and army doesnt need a disrespectful moron

                                                • 37 votes
                                                #7.5 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:21 PM EDT

                                                Perhaps a review of the UCMJ might temper your obviously civilian outlook. When you enlist, yes, certain "civilian" rights are relinquished, relinquished to wear the uniform and be able to state,"Yes, I have served my country". But maintenance of a certain consistency of strength is necessary in a military force, and altho I wasn't personally pleased with the actions of my C-in-C, I served, because that was my duty. I recall being instructed early on that when we open our mouths, we'd better know we were speaking for the entire military.

                                                • 27 votes
                                                #7.6 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:24 PM EDT

                                                slg6514 - it's obvious you never served your country! For the record, I am a veteran and also the daughter of a career Marine.

                                                This character is a disgrace to the uniform. He intentionally disobeyed orders when he was told to stop posting his inane dribble on social media by his superiors and should have been court martialed. He got off easy with an other than honorable discharge. Yes he has the right to an opinion, but in the military, you have to follow the rules and he knew what he was doing was wrong.

                                                The Marine Corp is honorable, this man is not. I would not want to be next to him on the battlefield! God Bless America!!!!

                                                • 53 votes
                                                #7.7 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:24 PM EDT

                                                Um, slg, it's a volunteer service. He signed up. He took an oath. On Facebook he outright rejected his oath with no substantiation. He declared the President his enemy, certainly a treason as he provided no bonafide reason. This is what emotional hate based action gets you......or gets him. Too bad for his kid (s).

                                                • 34 votes
                                                #7.8 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:24 PM EDT

                                                Excerpt of the oath of enlistment....

                                                I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

                                                slg6513, what part of having to obey the President don't you get?

                                                This was the oath we all swore when we joined. Freedom of speech doesn't include breaking an oath.

                                                • 39 votes
                                                #7.9 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:26 PM EDT
                                                Comment author avatarflounder2760Restored

                                                pfft figures liberal speech police out in force again. you say freaking everything under the sun about a republican president and its all gravy with the media and should said naysayer be criticized for said comments they get a poor him rallying cry from the media. but woe betide the man who criticizes a liberal/socialist president for his failed actions then the media and government come down on him like a sack of bricks. gtfo liberals and your openly socialist view of America. you guys cant handle logic only the rhetoric of your freaking party-line will suit you

                                                • 3 votes
                                                #7.10 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:26 PM EDT
                                                Comment author avatarPAS-5293270Restored

                                                Are we the people not obama's boss he always goes against want we want. I don't think you should be sorry about telling the truth. obama is a big cry baby!! he is a good example of why stupid people should not vote!!! Don't forget everyone watch for the movie 2016 coming this summer. That will tell all. obama needs to go HOME to his own country in the middle east!!! Then he can be a dictator!!!

                                                • 6 votes
                                                #7.11 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:27 PM EDT

                                                Seems to me in my day, you were given the do's and don't of being in the military; plus you had to sign-up to them. Political activism was a "don't" but this guy took it one step farther, he bordered on mutiny by encouraging others not to follow orders. Maybe he was in the middle of his own Shxx lol. Either way, he was very lucky to only get what he got

                                                • 16 votes
                                                #7.12 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:33 PM EDT
                                                Comment author avatarkackyaRestored

                                                isn't this some bull @!$%# of Americas constitution, aren't we supposed to have the ight of freedom of speech and free press?

                                                • 1 vote
                                                #7.13 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:33 PM EDT

                                                slg ..

                                                They are letting him go free unless we read different articles. Free right out of the Marines. When one enlists for the Armed Services of this Country they do so of free will, the sign promises of conduct and also waivers to certain civil rights of their own free will. That means he agreed to curtail a number of liberties you and I take for granted, an oath however is more then a simple so-called promise to a friend. It does us no good to have a serviceman in the field who refuses that oath and the myriad of responsibilities that come with it just for some out of service popularity. You ask if 'we' are going to sit back, when 'we' have no rights to intervene in this case, it is a Military matter not a civil court matter. This Marine is fair lucky no one in authority wishes my recomendation when one regards the number of service people who have died on the same battlefields this once Marine served on. I have no stomach or love for a grunt who doesn't know their place in the chain of command, perhaps something a lay person needs never care about yet in the military world is the key to everything and no seat is higher then Commander-in-Chief, the President.

                                                That he dares be let down by the Marine Corp. just sickens the whole matter, he is the one who let down the Marines, the Country and the People.

                                                • 24 votes
                                                #7.14 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:33 PM EDT

                                                slg6513 - Yep we are going to sit back and let this happen BECAUSE it should happen. When you are in the military you have an oath to keep and that includes following your CIC as long as the actions are not against the constitution. This marine had no right to say that he would not follow the orders of his CIC. He broke his oath to the government; therefore, the government is breaking their contract with him, plain and simple. People need to remember that just because you disagree with the presidents policies doesn't mean you do not follow his orders. I especially do not want someone like that protecting me. This person is very weak minded and will listen to anyone ie. faux news. Don't let Al-Queda get a hold of him or he might just decide that america is not worth his time.

                                                • 19 votes
                                                #7.15 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:35 PM EDT
                                                Comment author avatardon -3418190Restored

                                                obama supporter! but this guy is being railroaded I see the usmc has not changed.

                                                the president is fair game to lash out at. everyone does it what happen to the guy in congress nothing,

                                                what about the govnor of arizona, the house speaker no one gets into any trouble this guy at the maximum should maybe be schooled that the brass don't like it. hey general eat me...

                                                • 1 vote
                                                #7.16 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:39 PM EDT

                                                People are so quick to throw the term "free speech" around.
                                                Everyone does NOT have the right to say any damned fool thing they want, wherever and whenever they want.
                                                The military happens to be one of those places in which you can't.
                                                Whatever happened to discipline and respect and responsibility?

                                                • 25 votes
                                                #7.17 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:06 PM EDT

                                                The UCMJ violates Constitutional rights. Does the Constitution even provide for a standing army? Beside knowing that you don't have the right to political speech, know also that you will be told to go around the world killing innocent poor brown people, who haven't done anything to you. If you have a conscience get out of the military as soon as you can, because you will surely be asked to violate it.

                                                  #7.18 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:49 PM EDT

                                                  See what happens can't say anything any more. every since the current present toke office he has been doing everything in his power to take freedom away any way he can waits until congress leaves then he apoints so one . The marine take orders. follow them put he still has a head an knows when the order is a forest to the america people he should not be discarged put maybe sent to a different command

                                                    #7.19 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:30 PM EDT
                                                    Comment author avatarRight to SayRestored


                                                    There are multiple sides of any view point, it's called an Opinion.

                                                    With that in mind, "There is no right Opinion, and no wrong Opinion", simply a different view point.

                                                    Srgt. Stein, and his Commander are people with Opinions.

                                                    They may choose to agree and share the same Opinion, and they may choose have different Opinions.

                                                    In this case, it appears "The Commander" had an Opinion handed down to him. And, as a Commander must do, "It was his job to pass that Opinion on to Srgt. Stein".


                                                    In a court of law the question would be; "Is an Opinion just cause for firing a man from his job"?

                                                    Or, "Is this an Undue Hardship for having an Opinion"?

                                                    Where should justice balance the scale for having an Opinion?

                                                    Good Night America, Sleep well with your Opinion.

                                                      #7.20 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:41 PM EDT

                                                      Flounder you are floundering. Here is the thing that pisses me off. My son joined the Army when Little Bush was in office. I begged him to not join. I knew Bush and Cheny lied to get us into Iraq and I didn't want my son to put his life on the line for a lie. I knew we had to go into Afghanistan, but in 2000 years no one has been able to do anything with that country. We should leave right now. I want to know what this tool thought when Bush/Chaney dropped the ball in the first war to put all effort into Iraq. How did he feel when Bush let OBL go when he was cornered. Bush/Chaney started these wars so that the fat cats could get richer. Chaney's old company Halliburton made tones of money from the wars. They just trough money at them. Well they had to get that money they promised Chaney when he left to be VP.

                                                      • 4 votes
                                                      #7.21 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:08 AM EDT
                                                      Comment author avatar22centsRestored

                                                      I feel sorry for this young man. Our freedoms are being taken away from us little by little. It's his facebook not the world's. He should be able to say whatever he wants on it. Freedom of speach is our right. Men died to help us maintain it. For all you Obummer lovers, god help you and I pray for you.

                                                      • 3 votes
                                                      #7.22 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:13 AM EDT

                                                      SYMPATHY? OMG. This guy commits an act of treason after he swore a solemn oath that spells out what will happen to him if he commits treason and you want sympathy?! Huh?

                                                      I guess this goes hand in hand with kids sports where there are no winners/losers because you don't keep score and all that sort of nonsense.

                                                      Real life has consequences. You think the 18 year old kids who died in Vietnam got a second chance? This is what is wrong with this country! Etch-o-Sketch thinking. No one being held accountable for anything. Glorification of criminals and antisocials. I guarantee you this guy is only sorry because it turned out bad for him. He's not really sorry for what he did. He's a narcissist antisocial personality with no thought for anyone else but his own self. His only motivation is in getting away with what he did.

                                                      He should be in jail for treason.

                                                      • 9 votes
                                                      #7.23 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:38 AM EDT

                                                      So what the majority of you are saying is we can't disagree with the president?? WOW! That is scary stuff when we cannot disagree with the leader of our country...that sounds like North Korea! That is where we are headed and I think Obama would be just fine with that. You people can be brainwashed all you want by him but don't come crying to all the sane people that realize he is not president material. OH whoops! I think I just disagreed with the president of the United states...I should probably watch my back I could lose my job! (But then I guess I would have a lot of company if that's what it takes to lose it)

                                                        #7.24 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:56 AM EDT

                                                        22cents, there is a reason why this young man is getting booted out... He posted that stuff when he was working at his desk suposedly doing his job... He kept it up when told to take it down... He was warned... There are rules for a reason... He admitted he would committ treason! He admitted it!! He could have cost a lot of lives by refusing to do his duty... He agreed to it when he signed up!!!

                                                        I think he is an insult to all the fine men and women who have served our country with honor and dignity... He is an insult to all who have layed their lives on the line to protect us... This type of behavior is Treason... I hate to say... He isn't worthy of polishing Army boots...

                                                        • 7 votes
                                                        #7.25 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:17 AM EDT

                                                        22cent. Don't bother preying for me. You so called Christians make me sick.

                                                        the fab five. You say your sane. You had to have voted for Bush. And you have the nerve to call yourself sane. What a joke.

                                                        • 4 votes
                                                        #7.26 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:20 AM EDT

                                                        Righttosay above has an OPINION and whether or not to get fired for that opinion---hell yes you get fired for your opinion, especially after you've been warned - 'sleep well' with your ignorant rant that once again proves that so many have no idea about the 1st amendment or what it actually says

                                                        • 6 votes
                                                        #7.27 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:43 AM EDT

                                                        WHY IS IT...?

                                                        That the ONLY people DEFENDING a fool are those who

                                                        wrap themselves in patriotism

                                                        have never served

                                                        & are GOP-TEA PARTY swallowers ?

                                                        We have RACISTS & EXTREMISTS posing as Americans & Conservatives

                                                        I DEMAND an INVESTIGATION !!

                                                        • 4 votes
                                                        #7.28 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:53 AM EDT

                                                        Jim Dent said:

                                                        Excerpt of the oath of enlistment....

                                                        I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

                                                        slg6513, what part of having to obey the President don't you get?

                                                        This was the oath we all swore when we joined. Freedom of speech doesn't include breaking an oath.

                                                        One of the original articles that were written when this story first broke it said that this Marine wrote that he would refuse to obey unlawful orders from the president. If, as I believe, this was in reference to the recent signing of the NDAA and possible adoption of its companion bill the upcoming Enemy Expatriation Act, then the act of saying he would refuse to follow unlawful orders from the president would NOT be an act of treason since in the oath provided above, defending the Constitution, comes above obeying the president.

                                                        What do you do when the government and the Constitution no longer stand on the same side of the line? Do you continue following the orders? We saw what happened after WWII when German officers who were 'just following orders' used that excuse in front of a war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg. They were convicted of war crimes anyway.

                                                        • 1 vote
                                                        #7.29 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:02 AM EDT

                                                        slg6513Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

                                                        LET HIM GO FREE!!! He is a US citizen with freedom of speech. He is in the military. His duty is to protect the Constitution. NOT PROTECT AND SERVE the guy playing president. Sometimes this means fighting against the CIC. From where I am sitting, it looks like someone is not holding up the Constitution by allowing full freedom of speech. I think someone has attacked the wrong guy here. This guy is exercising his rights. Are we going to sit back and let his rights be stripped because he is serving the country???

                                                        Go back to playing "Call of Duty" and leave the real thing to the professionals. He was not exercising his rights, he was exercising his lack of judgment. As a Non Commissioned Officer in the United States Marine Corps, that extreme lack of judgement is unacceptable. The choice was his; express his political opinion while representing himself as a Marine or honor his Oath of Enlistment. He chose to violate his oath, he now pays for his choice.

                                                        • 2 votes
                                                        #7.30 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:55 AM EDT


                                                        The UCMJ violates Constitutional rights.

                                                        ...Then why is it authorize in the Constitution (United States Constitution in Article I, Section 8, which provides that "The Congress shall have Power . . . To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval forces.")

                                                        Does the Constitution even provide for a standing army?

                                                        ...See above answer (...of the land and naval forces).

                                                        Beside knowing that you don't have the right to political speech, know also that you will be told to go around the world killing innocent poor brown people, who haven't done anything to you


                                                        ...really? Just brown people? Tell that to the British, French, Japanese, Germans...etc. that American soldiers have killed throughout history. War is hell...people die. If you don't have the stomach for it don't whine to those who step up and do what's necessary.

                                                        If you have a conscience get out of the military as soon as you can, because you will surely be asked to violate it


                                                        ...You're pathetic. You pass judgement on members of the Armed Forces and have no idea what you're talking about. You have the freedom to write your crap...who do you think protects that freedom?

                                                        You have a nice, comfortable day.

                                                        • 1 vote
                                                        #7.31 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:18 PM EDT

                                                        This guy reminds me of a criminal in the sense that if you give a criminal a 20 yr period of time, if they can continue to cheat, steal, whatever during that 20 years and not get caught, they will most certainly do so. Yet, if they get caught 5 years in, oh how sorry they are! They find "remorse" and "regret". Amazing how people change once faced with the very consequences they knew were possible the whole time.

                                                        Zero sympathy here. You just threw 9 years of life away for what...the chance to slam your commander in chief? Don't you feel like a big guy now? He's still trying to justify what he did, even! "I would articulate my point better"..hah, really? Say the same thing, just a little nicer? Trying to blame his dismissal on internal marine politics. He just refuses to accept he screwed up and it's no one's fault but his own.

                                                        • 52 votes
                                                        Reply#8 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:49 PM EDT
                                                        Comment author avatardon -3418190Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

                                                        Hey jerk! everyone demeans the president and the politicos that's what americans do bitch and complain.

                                                        The military guys especially the enlisted just get @!$%# on all the time. but when its time for combat you don't see an officer in sight. just like that senator was accused of having medals he never earned I bet you will find half of the brass with them.

                                                        someone did not like this kid and now their going to make him pay. I would be talking to a congressman especially a republican one their all about demeaning the president...

                                                        • 4 votes
                                                        #8.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:52 PM EDT

                                                        Why cant some people understand. That social media and a webpage IS PUBLIC. He is in the military. Then he also on a government network posted to not Follow the presidents orders. And Screw him That's mutiny by law so actually he is getting off light. He should be locked up. We are still actively in combat in the middle east. AKA a WAR And mutiny is also a crime that carries the death penalty in peacetime as well to service members.

                                                        When he enlisted, he took an oath. Like every other service member does. To go against the CIC at anytime in a public venue is against military law. Look it up do some research. The first amendment does not apply to active duty service members due to security. And for good reason. He was not forced into joining. He enlisted.

                                                        Look even if the POTUS is doing things unlawfully like Bush with the Weapons of Mass destruction lie. The soldiers have to folllow orders. They have to leave it up to our Congress and the Senate. To move for impeachment and then criminal charges. It is not his Job as a serviceman to undermine the CIC. Its his duty to follow orders lawfully. Which he choose not to do. So now he pays a small price. He should be in Prison.

                                                        • 10 votes
                                                        #8.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:55 PM EDT

                                                        Yeah plooka it's called antisocial personality disorder. Sociopaths like this never want to face the consequences of their actions. Their big idea of how to avoid consequences is to wait until it's all coming down on them then manipulate everyone around them to get out of it.

                                                        Crocodile tears, fake apologies, whining about they didn't know they were doing something wrong... All standard procedure for the sociopath. They are always the REAL victim even when they are caught in the act of committing crimes.

                                                        Antisocial creeps like this guy always blame their victim(s). They never accept full responsibility for what they have done. They never show genuine remorse and accept the fate they dealt themselves.

                                                        And ANYONE who is falling for his manipulation and feeling sorry for this guy are enabling him. I guarantee you that his inner voice is NOT saying "I screwed up". His inner voice is saying "I got caught... now I gotta get out of this."

                                                        • 4 votes
                                                        #8.3 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:05 AM EDT

                                                        Even if I don't agree with the President, I have enough love and respect for my country to exhibit control. This young man needs to realize how little he, himself has acomplished and that his understanding of our government is one dimensional. Tough way to get your 15 min. Would you hire this kid?

                                                        • 1 vote
                                                        #8.4 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:31 AM EDT
                                                        • 1 vote
                                                        #8.5 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:11 PM EDT

                                                        Stein is an idiot and the Marines don't need people like him. It is OK to have your own political views but this guy was warned over and over by his superiors that he was beyond the limit. He was talking about his Commander in Chief, whether you like Obama or not, and I don't, he is still the Commander in Chief. I am a USAF vet and I know better than that crap.

                                                        • 57 votes
                                                        #9 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:49 PM EDT

                                                        He's only sorry that he got busted out of the Corps.

                                                        And the Corps is better off without someone who refuses to follow orders. Period.

                                                        • 64 votes
                                                        #9.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:02 PM EDT


                                                        Semper Fi.....This individual was in a leadership position and that makes it twice as bad. The fact that he continued to act the way that he did despite multiple warnings was only going to erode the morale of his unit. Example:

                                                        If he didn't agree with the President of the United States, and didn't want to recognize his authority, then Marines in his unit could have said the same about him (Stein).

                                                        He knew when he enlisted that bad mouthing the POTUS was a punishable offense, and it was repeated to him with every promotion he received. He did the Marine Corps, his family, and the nation a disservice. His apology is as authentic as a three dollar bill.

                                                        • 34 votes
                                                        #9.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:42 PM EDT
                                                        Comment author avatarMilo-2Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

                                                        oe Veteran


                                                        Semper Fi.....This individual was in a leadership position and that makes it twice as bad. The fact that he continued to act the way that he did despite multiple warnings was only going to erode the morale of his unit. Example:

                                                        If he didn't agree with the President of the United States, and didn't want to recognize his authority, then Marines in his unit could have said the same about him (Stein).

                                                        He knew when he enlisted that bad mouthing the POTUS was a punishable offense, and it was repeated to him with every promotion he received. He did the Marine Corps, his family, and the nation a disservice. His apology is as authentic as a three dollar bill

                                                        And you are an Obamanite joke.

                                                        • 3 votes
                                                        #9.3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:50 PM EDT
                                                        Comment author avatarflexmindRestored

                                                        Maybe he now can join the Army and become a General. All military is crap no matter what branch. He is lucky he is out and out of control of the military industrial machine.

                                                        What do you do when the POTUS walks on the constitution you are told to uphold. Just ignore that command like all the liberal media and the rest of the American Liberal element do. Turn your head and pretent he is not breaking any laws. YEA RIGHT!! LIBERAL thinking will get you no where.

                                                        • 2 votes
                                                        #9.4 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:00 PM EDT

                                                        And you are a pathetic joke

                                                        • 6 votes
                                                        #9.5 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:10 PM EDT

                                                        Wll then, flex, and others of like mind, please go stop all the harm about to be done on the USA with your hunting rifles. Military is crap? And some people wonder why some americans believe other americans should move to a foreign country with zero technology so they cannot ever again be heard or seen. Yet, for those who mouth off ridiculousness like this, "All military is crap", do remember it is those Military Arms that keeps you able to speak as you please here in these like forums.

                                                        • 7 votes
                                                        #9.6 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:41 PM EDT

                                                        Wow Flex, so much for conservatives “supporting the troops”

                                                        • 8 votes
                                                        #9.7 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:15 PM EDT

                                                        What fellow soldier would want to go into battle with him? Who knows when he will start ignoring orders. If I were a Marine I would not want him by my side when the bullets start flying.

                                                        • 14 votes
                                                        #9.8 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:25 PM EDT
                                                        Comment author avatarShane Egbertvia FacebookExpand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

                                                        I am disgusted with obama and the rest of the blind, stupid, and uneducated Americans that support obama! That Marine is the only reason why any of you******* have a cushy job! So as for obama supporters, you will all pay dearly for your stupidity!

                                                        • 1 vote
                                                        #9.9 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:32 PM EDT

                                                        Shane Egbert How will they pay dearly sounds like a terrorist threat to me. Just saying lol

                                                        • 3 votes
                                                        #9.10 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:00 PM EDT

                                                        Joe Veteran makes an extremely valuable point: discipline and morale. Iirc it was mentioned previously that this Marine, a NCO, was serving in a recruiting office! Imagine the damage to the Corp if he recruited people of like mind. Discipline would go out the window. I'm a veteran and there were many days when I didn't agree or even like my superiors BUT I followed their orders and respected their rank. I expressed my personal opinions (free speech) behind closed doors.

                                                        • 6 votes
                                                        #9.11 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:05 PM EDT


                                                        The Marine Corp. tossed that mule to the saber not Obama and they would have done so regardless of who the President was and as I am not a supporter of Obama all I can say is you are lacking in many understandings in the regard of this action against this once Marine. Nice try at attacking without support.

                                                        • 9 votes
                                                        #9.12 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:23 PM EDT


                                                        That marine is not the reason we all have cushy jobs...He may have been thre reason his fellow marines got killed one day, and has no place in the military! He can have his opinions, but when you start to disobey orders and challenge your fellow military members to do the same then you are not to be trusted. Plain and simple for me I served under five different presidents, and never refused to do what I swore to do irregardless of whether they were of the same political views as me...Now he has the chance to make a change...or collect unemployment.

                                                        • 6 votes
                                                        #9.13 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:40 PM EDT

                                                        Shane is just a gun nut reactionary...similar to Timothy McVeigh.

                                                        He does not represent most Americans thinking and not even most Republicans or likely even most conservative Republicans.

                                                        He is to be kept an eye on, but paid no attention to as far as his opinions go.

                                                        • 3 votes
                                                        #9.14 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:15 AM EDT

                                                        So many of you don't even care what Obama has said against and about America. He doesn't even salute the flag. What this guy said doesn't even touch the core of what Obama has said and done for that matter.

                                                        • 2 votes
                                                        #9.15 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:23 AM EDT

                                                        Shane Egbert - Stop dragging your knuckles and get back under your rock.

                                                        Bill Maher is right... If Obama said he likes your smile you would blow your face off just to spite him.

                                                        I'm gonna write a letter to Obama and ask him to tell you that he likes your smile.

                                                        • 2 votes
                                                        #9.16 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:09 AM EDT

                                                        For those who do not think Obama is a lousy president, keep in mind he has put us into the deepest debt we have ever been in!!!! HE has cost us more in his 3 1/2 years than ALL the years of the war we have been in...for the past 10 years?! Figure it out people before he brings this country down to the ground in ruin. I could continue my rant about him for days but I would not want to lose my job for disagreeing with the president.

                                                        • 1 vote
                                                        #9.17 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:46 AM EDT

                                                        As I understand it this soldiers original post was that he would refuse to obey unlawful orders given by President Obama. What do you do when the government and the Constitution no longer stand on the same side of the line? Do you continue following the orders? We saw what happened after WWII when German officers who were 'just following orders' used that excuse in front of a war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg. They were convicted of war crimes anyway.

                                                        I ask everyone on here, if you are a soldier and you are told to arrest a citizen because they funded an organization that has been declared 'terrorist' by a country that is the US's ally, would you do it?

                                                        Let me give you one example: the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

                                                        If you've seen the show Whale Wars on Discovery Channel, you know they are an international group who go out in boats and try to impede and stop the progress of Japan's whaling fleet. Commercial whaling has been banned; the Japanese continue to kill whales under the guise of research, but meat from the whales they kill ends up in Japanese fish markets, making it commercial. Last year one of the Sea Shepherds used his boat (an experimental craft called the Ady Gil) to ram a whaling boat and stop the slaughter of a whale. His boat was destroyed and the Japanese picked him out of the wreckage and took him to Japan to stand trial as a terrorist. They did cave to international pressure and release the man, but the Sea Shepherd organization were declared terrorists by Japan.

                                                        So since they are deemed terrorists by a US ally, under the EEA and the NDAA any member of heir organization is now also a terrorist and anyone who donates money to their cause, by this law, is supporting terrorism. Would you, as a soldier, follow an order to arrest someone who will have their citizenship stripped and will now be held in military prison without charge or trial until the War on Terror is over, because they sent money to this 'terrorist' organization?

                                                        I'm not condoning what this guy did, I think there was a better way and a better place to say what he felt, but his oath to defend the constitution is intact and so for all of you out there saying its treason, I respectfully decline to agree with you.

                                                          #9.18 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:09 PM EDT

                                                          the fab five

                                                          For those who do not think Obama is a lousy president, keep in mind he has put us into the deepest debt we have ever been in!!!! HE has cost us more in his 3 1/2 years than ALL the years of the war we have been in...for the past 10 years?! Figure it out people before he brings this country down to the ground in ruin. I could continue my rant about him for days but I would not want to lose my job for disagreeing with the president.

                                                          Go make you chump change off some other blog. Troll.

                                                            #9.19 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:29 PM EDT

                                                            Amanda, no one cared about your blather when you cut and pasted it the last 5 times. Still don't.

                                                            • 1 vote
                                                            #9.20 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:31 PM EDT


                                                            And that's exactly why I support this soldier. I'm sure a lot of people agree that or soldiers shouldn't be used against our citizens but with the new acts enacted that make viewpoints like this treason, few people are saying what they think.

                                                            I'm saying what I think.

                                                            Our soldiers should not be used against the people. The government should not have the right to strip citizenship just because they don't like what we think. The absolute silence from mainstream media and their refusal to cover any of the protests indicate how afraid we suddenly all are of being labeled an illegal terrorist. America was founded on the principles of freedom and the NDAA for FY2012 and the EEA are just the beginning of the slide into becoming late 30's Germany.

                                                              #9.21 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:20 PM EDT

                                                              And you are an Obamanite joke.

                                                              And you are a pathetic joke

                                                              That Marine is the only reason why any of you******* have a cushy job! So as for obama supporters, you will all pay dearly for your stupidity!

                                                              Shane Egbert - Stop dragging your knuckles and get back under your rock.

                                                              Milo-2, JerseyGirl1947, Shane Egbert, Aedryn, you're each suspended for a day for violating #1 of the Code of Honor.

                                                              Above all else, respect others. Address issues and arguments and refrain from making personal attacks.

                                                              • 1 vote
                                                              #9.22 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:16 PM EDT

                                                              You were warned , yet you continued, you did this to yourself.

                                                              We had Richard Nixon as commander in chief.

                                                              He was the only President to resign and he resigned in disgrace. Until he resigned, he was our commander in chief, no matter what we thought.

                                                              If in the military, you have to respect the office of president, even if you do not respect the man.

                                                              • 45 votes
                                                              Reply#10 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:52 PM EDT

                                                     a thank you letter from that particular CinC. Didn't like him, didn't respect him but kept my mouth shut.

                                                              • 2 votes
                                                              #10.1 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:31 PM EDT

                                                              Unfortunately one's opinions are NOT one's own while in the military. As much as I truly truly dislike Obama and hope he is soundly defeated this November (didn't vote for him in the first place), this Marine should have kept his opinions to himself while on active duty, once he is out, then light into our sorry pathetic so called "President," who I honestly believe will go down in History as THE worse (most damaging to our country) US President...ever!

                                                              • 12 votes
                                                              #11 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:55 PM EDT

                                                              it's funny as hell how so many right wingers call Obama the worst President ever - when there are clearly many that were far worse.

                                                              Stop passing along the right wing hate filled rhetoric and look at the actual facts. He's no rock star of a President, that's for sure - but 'the worst ever' Come on. THAT is massively exxaguration at it's worst.

                                                              • 55 votes
                                                              #11.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:01 PM EDT

                                                              FYI: the worst President ever is Bush (junior). He took over a healthy economy and destroyed it beyond recognition. Don't you think it's ironic that the Republican party conveniently "ignores" Bush and his old sidekick Frankencheney?

                                                              • 47 votes
                                                              #11.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:21 PM EDT

                                                              How bout Hoover? Helped create the Great Depression

                                                              How bout Nixon? Watergate. Resigned in disgrace.

                                                              • 17 votes
                                                              #11.3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:51 PM EDT


                                                              It's painfully obvious that you know nothing about this countries history concerning Presidents. You call President Obama the worst? Based on the propaganda that his detractors have spread from day one of his presidency? You and people who think like you should take a college level history class, and you find at least 10 Presidents dating back from pre-civil war to pre-World war 2 that have worst records. President Obama certainly is not the worst.

                                                              The problem is that Americans are hung up on bragging about their political affiliations (which mean nothing). What does calling your self Republican/Democrat/Independent/ Green/ etc. get you? A nice bumper sticker. Try supporting your country, showing pride in being an American. All that the hate spreading does is give our nations enemies fuel to build up their own allies against us.

                                                              • 37 votes
                                                              #11.4 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:01 PM EDT
                                                              Comment author avatarflexmindExpand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

                                                              What bout Obama Helped destroy our country in 3 1/2 years. Read Katie Palich's book; FAST AND FURIOUS: Barack Obama's Bloodyist Scandal and Shameless Cover-Up.

                                                              Obama should resign in disgrace.

                                                              • 7 votes
                                                              #11.5 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:07 PM EDT

                                                              Joe Veteran @ #11.4

                                                              The best comment on the board. I salute you.

                                                              • 14 votes
                                                              #11.6 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:14 PM EDT

                                                              Joe Veteran .. I agree with you 100% .. God Bless America!

                                                              • 13 votes
                                                              #11.7 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:30 PM EDT


                                                              If you think our Country is destroyed you must obviously live someplace else. This Country, several times in it's still young history, has been in deeper straights and harder fixes then we are presently. If you are not part of the solution then you are simply part of the problem. Obama has done what was and still is required knowing full well ahead of time it meant a loss in popularity, at times, even from within his own party. Not suprising that spoiled lazy americans who make the matter worse by uninformed crieng against the fix will spout short history (3and a half years versus 300 plus years) conclusions as that stops others from being able to make a comparison along that system of dwarfed margin. However, your short term fixation is moot when compared tot he full History of this Nation which has survived several wars, here and abroad, survived fracturing and internal war, survived the great depression, the cold war, the war of the people versus the USA as well as the continuing battle of human civil rights. Some people have much to learn, all people have much to figure out, too many just do nothing and whinge when they want popularity or reasons to be lazy. I shall not allude to which I think you are, you as every American needs to figure that out themselves, while keeping in mind we are a Nation of People, not a person looking for support and acceptance.

                                                              Just to tie this up, America, the United States there-of, is still the top nation in the World, so much for it being destroyed. Hail Columbia!

                                                              • 6 votes
                                                              #11.8 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:53 PM EDT

                                                              Big Ups to Joe V.

                                                              • 5 votes
                                                              #11.9 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:57 PM EDT

                                                              Obama did not destroy our country.
                                                              What a load of crap.

                                                              • 14 votes
                                                              #11.10 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:09 PM EDT

                                                              By the way, this Country has not yet had it's worst President, America isn't over yet to make such frivolous decisions upon. In my opinion, as a loyal American, I do not see where we have had a President worth aggressive slander seeing as it is the American People who control that office and the Congress. Your votes hired them, and that seems to be the end of the input beyond slander and jeering. Imagine this scenerio, if you would, a company starts and hires a thousand employees then leaves the company to the employees to do as they feel best. Can the company employees be blamed if the company owner does nothging to control them? The American People should get back to controlling the Goverment instead of just complaining about it.

                                                              • 4 votes
                                                              #11.11 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:15 PM EDT

                                                              Hey watson! You must have been in a COMA during the 8 terrible years that IDIOT georgy boy and that EVIL chaney was DESTROYING this country!!The reason most people don't like Obama is because you and they dont like the idea of a BLACK MAN in charge of this country!!Watson,to say that Obama is the worst president ever only shows your IGNORENCE!! Oh by the way, im white!!

                                                              • 11 votes
                                                              #11.12 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:28 PM EDT

                                                              ralebol, Republicans are great at rewriting history because they know that the general population has the attention span of a gnat and are easily controlled. Where there are not facts to support their position they will make up lies and tell half truths. Shame. The party was not always this way.

                                                              • 10 votes
                                                              #11.13 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:28 PM EDT

                                                              Railroad Man- Really??? REALLY???

                                                              model railroad man

                                                              Hey Watson! You must have been in a COMA during the 8 terrible years that IDIOT Georgy boy and that EVIL Chaney was DESTROYING this country!!The reason most people don't like Obama is because you and they don't like the idea of a BLACK MAN in charge of this country!!Watson,to say that Obama is the worst president ever only shows your IGNORANCE!! Oh by the way, I'm white!!

                                                              What has race got to do with all of the disparaging ideals when it comes to criticizing Obama? It sounds to me like you are quite the closet racist! Is this your cookie-cutter theory of why we don't like the POTUS? Pathetic!

                                                              • 1 vote
                                                              #11.14 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:22 AM EDT

                                                              Hey FED-UP WITH THE FED! You DIDN'T make any sence at all!!! You must have been in a COMA with WATSON!!

                                                                #11.15 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:39 AM EDT

                                                                model railroad man

                                                                "Hey watson! You must have been in a COMA during the 8 terrible years that IDIOT georgy boy and that EVIL chaney was DESTROYING this country!!The reason most people don't like Obama is because you and they dont like the idea of a BLACK MAN in charge of this country!!Watson,to say that Obama is the worst president ever only shows your IGNORENCE!! Oh by the way, im white!!"

                                                                Go back to school and learn how to spell. Your 'ignorence' is showing.

                                                                Does anyone have any statistics showing how many people have had to apologize or lost their jobs over criticizing our current POTUS compared to previous POTUS? I'm just curious.

                                                                  #11.16 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:00 AM EDT

                                                                  To ALL you who think Obama is just peachy, well "opinions are like #@$holes, everyone has one" Compare him as you may to former Presidents, but NONE has ever tried to DELIBERATELY destroy our country and way of life, to be replaced with a revolutionary socialist Govt, NONE! has ever DELIBERATELY run our National Debt so high there are barely numbers to express it. Maybe that's what YOU want, if so, please stop beating around the bush and just admit it! You want a socialist Govt, now, doesn't that feel so much better....losers.

                                                                  Vet (unlike "Marge" et al (-;_

                                                                  • 1 vote
                                                                  #11.17 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:11 AM EDT

                                                                  George W.Bush destroyed our country. Obama is trying to clean up the mess left behind by W.

                                                                  • 1 vote
                                                                  #11.18 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:24 AM EDT

                                                                  Sorry EX Marine - you're only sorry because you got your @&& busted outa the Corps for what you did.

                                                                  Up until now you've stood by your blatant violation of the UCMJ under the pretense that this kind of right wing extremist anti-Obama speech where you defied and defiled your Command In Chief was ok 'because it's right wing speech and right wing speech allows me to defy military law'.

                                                                  Your sorry @&& needs to go home and think about just how stupid you were. I don't care if you were commenting against Obama, Bush I, Bush II, Clinton or any other President. You blew it REPEATEDLY by failing to back down and follow the UCMJ when you were repeatedly given the chance.

                                                                  You clearly have no clue what it is to be a proper Marine (you are no former Marine, you are an EX Marine).

                                                                  As they said on an old TV show - YOU are the weakest link - Goodbye.

                                                                  • 46 votes
                                                                  Reply#12 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:57 PM EDT
                                                                  Comment author avatarMilo-2Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community


                                                                  Sorry EX Marine - you're only sorry because you got your @&& busted outa the Corps for what you did.

                                                                  Up until now you've stood by your blatant violation of the UCMJ under the pretense that this kind of right wing extremist anti-Obama speech where you defied and defiled your Command In Chief was ok 'because it's right wing speech and right wing speech allows me to defy military law'.

                                                                  Your sorry @&& needs to go home and think about just how stupid you were. I don't care if you were commenting against Obama, Bush I, Bush II, Clinton or any other President. You blew it REPEATEDLY by failing to back down and follow the UCMJ when you were repeatedly given the chance.

                                                                  You clearly have no clue what it is to be a proper Marine (you are no former Marine, you are an EX Marine).

                                                                  As they said on an old TV show - YOU are the weakest link - Goodbye.

                                                                  And you have no intestinal fortitude to stand up for what you believe in, you truly are the weakest link.

                                                                  • 2 votes
                                                                  #12.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:53 PM EDT


                                                                  As a member of the military and regardless of rank, you don't bad mouth the Commander in Chief. General Officers were relieved of duty and put out during former President Bush's term (2003) for bad mouthing him. It seems that many have forgotten about that. As others have posted prior, you can't badmouth you boss publicly and expect to keep working for him/her. It isn't a matter of intestinal fortitude, it's called respect. You are the type of person that thinks you can say anything you want, but if someone jumps on you the same way you'd break like cheap glass.

                                                                  • 16 votes
                                                                  #12.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:17 PM EDT
                                                                  Comment author avatarMilo-2Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

                                                                  Joe Veteran


                                                                  As a member of the military and regardless of rank, you don't bad mouth the Commander in Chief. General Officers were relieved of duty and put out during former President Bush's term (2003) for bad mouthing him. It seems that many have forgotten about that. As others have posted prior, you can't badmouth you boss publicly and expect to keep working for him/her. It isn't a matter of intestinal fortitude, it's called respect. You are the type of person that thinks you can say anything you want, but if someone jumps on you the same way you'd break like cheap glass.

                                                                  Hmmm, cheap glass LOL. One has to earn respect first. Respect by virtue of position is a thing of the past.

                                                                  • 2 votes
                                                                  #12.3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:52 PM EDT
                                                                  Comment author avatarMilo-2Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

                                                                  Milo-2 Comment collapsed by the community


                                                                  Sorry EX Marine - you're only sorry because you got your @&& busted outa the Corps for what you did.

                                                                  Up until now you've stood by your blatant violation of the UCMJ under the pretense that this kind of right wing extremist anti-Obama speech where you defied and defiled your Command In Chief was ok 'because it's right wing speech and right wing speech allows me to defy military law'.

                                                                  Your sorry @&& needs to go home and think about just how stupid you were. I don't care if you were commenting against Obama, Bush I, Bush II, Clinton or any other President. You blew it REPEATEDLY by failing to back down and follow the UCMJ when you were repeatedly given the chance.

                                                                  You clearly have no clue what it is to be a proper Marine (you are no former Marine, you are an EX Marine).

                                                                  As they said on an old TV show - YOU are the weakest link - Goodbye.

                                                                  And you have no intestinal fortitude to stand up for what you believe in, you truly are the weakest link.

                                                                  You clearly have no clue what it is to be a proper Marine (you are no former Marine, you are an EX Marine).

                                                                  No clue Really LOL, I am a retired Marine drawing a full military retirement. In order to be a X Marine I would have had to be discharged under other than honorable conditions. You need to get a clue. I am and always will be "One a Marine Always a Marine" So $iss off.

                                                                  • 3 votes
                                                                  #12.4 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:01 PM EDT

                                                                  How Odd,

                                                                  I have never heard a Marine use that line in that fashion. I actually always hear it like this (and having many Marines in my family I hear it alot!) ..

                                                                  "Once a Marine, always a Marine! - Semper Fi! Hoo'ah!" ...

                                                                  Can someone tell me when they changed the ending to .. "so $iss off"?

                                                                  To Add, I have Never ever heard a Marine, active or waiting to re-activate, say, "Respect by virtue of position is a thing of the past.", smacks of dissention and insubordination in my opinion.

                                                                  Semper Fi! Hoo'ah!

                                                                  • 7 votes
                                                                  #12.5 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:07 PM EDT

                                                                  Wow, you have some serious anger issues. He has been punished ease up! Treason, not even close. Bad judgement, yes.

                                                                  • 2 votes
                                                                  #12.6 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:37 PM EDT


                                                                  Well said.

                                                                  @ Milo-2. There is no way you're a Marine. Based on your comments it's obvious that you never served. We all follow the UCMJ. The code was created by Congress using the power of the constitution in article 1, Section 8. Stein definitely violated article 88. He's lucky that he was not court martial. I'll give you a little history lesson. Gen. Billy Mitchell, a great patriot, was court martial in Dec 1925 because he spoke out against his superiors. He was actually correct, but he broke the code. He was found guilty on all charges. According to the court, the truth or falseness of his accusations were immaterial. After 9 years, Stein had to know the codes. He willfully broke them, in my opinion this weak man wanted to get discharged.

                                                                  • 11 votes
                                                                  #12.7 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:49 PM EDT

                                                                  It seems to me that the Sgt forgot all about the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) when he made the comment that he made. President Obama was his Commander in Chief, and as such, the Sgt was not allowed to criticize the President. That would be considered insubordination according to the UCMJ. So, while he has the right to express is opinion as a civilian, he does not have that right as a Marine. He knew that, but chose to pop his mouth off anyway.

                                                                  • 5 votes
                                                                  #12.8 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:34 PM EDT

                                                                  To all you veterans, I salute you and thank you for your valiant service to our country and I am sorry this Stein idiot has brought shame to the military... I know for a fact (Dad is Viet Nam Vet) each and everyone one of you layed your life on the line so we all can speak our minds... I hope you know that some of us truly appreciate you!! Thank you and God Bless you regardless of your political views... I am sorry they didn't charge that dumb%$# with treason...

                                                                  • 3 votes
                                                                  #12.9 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:30 AM EDT

                                                                  One has to earn respect first. Respect by virtue of position is a thing of the past.

                                                                  Milo 2 - Who's Marine Corps were you in? "Respect by virtue of position is a thing of the past"? It's good you are retired. I am amazed you made it to 20 and didn't become an x-Marine.

                                                                    #12.10 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:41 PM EDT

                                                                    This ex-Marine was in the wrong. Being ex-military, I understood we respect leadership. When I was in, I had Carter and Reagan as commander-in-chief. I knew better to slam them. They were my leader, and I would follow their commands. President Obama is an excellent President, remember he got Bin Laden.

                                                                    • 49 votes
                                                                    Reply#13 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:57 PM EDT
                                                                    Comment author avatarPAS-5293270Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

                                                                    Stop drinking the kool-aid Tom. obama the worst president ever!!!!!!!! The biggest liar ever yet you people can't get enough. What has he done I mean really.... If he'e talking he's lying. Just a fact.

                                                                    • 5 votes
                                                                    #13.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:37 PM EDT
                                                                    Comment author avatarDavid Crawfordvia Facebook

                                                                    @ Tom

                                                                    "President Obama is an excellent President, remember he got Bin Laden."

                                                                    Ask the many unemployed since Obama took office, ask the many under-employed, ask those with homes underwater, ask those that feel Obama has devided the nation more than any other POTUS, ask those who are earning less if Obama is an "Excellent" President. BTW: He did not get Bin Laden. He was the benifactor of intelligence gathering under the Bush admin. That's how "he got Bin Laden".

                                                                    • 4 votes
                                                                    #13.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:40 PM EDT

                                                                    how can you say oboma is an excellent president? cuz he got bin laden? SEALTEAM 6 GOT BIN LADEN!

                                                                    oboma is a coward....

                                                                    • 7 votes
                                                                    #13.3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:41 PM EDT

                                                                    That was stupid reply, maybe he is not the best , lets go with that premise

                                                                    think of the alternative romney that's a joke right!

                                                                    • 6 votes
                                                                    #13.4 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:00 PM EDT

                                                                    So many of you guys want to completely gloss over the fact that GW Bush got us into this financial mess. GW is the one who put TWO wars on a credit card. He is the one who gave tax cuts when we were headed into a HUGE deficit. Put down the remote, turn off FOX and try to think for yourselves.

                                                                    I don't think President Obama is without flaws but for God's sake will you please turn down your hate/paranoia and look at what took place in this country from 2000-2008? Complete financial melt down----that we're only NOW beginning to clean up. Obama can't help it that he's the custodian of this mess...

                                                                    • 12 votes
                                                                    #13.5 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:24 PM EDT

                                                                    Heh! David Crawford: Obama acted on Bush's Intelligence? The term Bush's intelligence is in and of itself an oxymoron.

                                                                    The Bush who let OBL slip away? That Bush?

                                                                    • 4 votes
                                                                    #13.6 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:27 PM EDT

                                                                    we had eyes on osama bin laden in afganistan in 2002 , requested rangers as a blocking force and were DENIED by executive order. Who's the traitor, (gov. bush)? or the legally elected one? Food for thought. (if you are actually capable of such an act)

                                                                    • 3 votes
                                                                    #13.7 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:43 AM EDT
                                                                    • 1 vote
                                                                    #13.8 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:23 PM EDT

                                                                    I just fundamentally don't understand where all this hatred and vitriol toward Barack comes from. As an educated person I can't see anything he's done that is not centrist (on the conservative side), in the political spectrum of western industrialized countries. I just don't get it.

                                                                    • 57 votes
                                                                    #14 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:57 PM EDT
                                                                    Comment author avatarWatson!Restored

                                                                    Feather - Maybe it has something to do with his vigorous attempts to turn our country socialist, to reduce ALL citizens to one low common denominator despite personal work ethic and sacrifice, maybe it's got something to do with all of his lies and deliberate destruction of our economy, maybe people sense that despite all his smooth talk he really honestly doens't like this country very much, I could go on but you get the idea. Also, he didn't "get" bin laden, he merely gave the order to a group of brave men, far braver than he, he went out and did what needed to be done.

                                                                    • 7 votes
                                                                    #14.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:01 PM EDT
                                                                    Comment author avatarWatson!Restored

                                                                    Feather - I forgot to mention his latest attempts at using race to divide and distract from his numerous shortcomings. Do you seriously believe he would of said, "Trayvon could of been my son" if he was WHITE? This guy is a desperate phony whose lies are beginning to catch up with him.

                                                                    • 7 votes
                                                                    #14.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:07 PM EDT

                                                                    "Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you." --- Words from Alexander Graham Bell are appropriate here

                                                                    GO BACK TO YOUR JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY & STAY THERE... EVERY PRESIDENT HAS "SOCIALIST POLICIES", IT DOES NOT MAKE THEM A "SOCIALIST" --- In fact you can honestly say that Obama is more conservative than Bush 43

                                                                    Was Ronald Reagan a "Socialist" for delivering "Pure Socialism to the Ukraine?

                                                                    Was Nixon & Bush 43 a "Socialist" for giving us food stamps & Medicare Part D?

                                                                    • 43 votes
                                                                    #14.3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:07 PM EDT

                                                                    Not really. As far as I can see nothing you suggest (in such vague terms) has actually happened (or been attempted). What socialism? I just went to the dentist and there was no sign of socialism. The only truly scary change in this country was Citizens United which threatens to make our democracy meaningless.

                                                                    Perhaps having lived in europe I have different ideas about what constitutes socialism.

                                                                    Also what they did with the economy was very measured under the circumstances.

                                                                    • 35 votes
                                                                    #14.4 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:10 PM EDT
                                                                    Comment author avatarWatson!Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

                                                                    Jim - funk you! "Every President has socialist policies" huh! This guy has a lot more than socialist "policies" Mr. Obamissiah has has an aggressive revolutionary socialist agenda, so go back to your PBS pals and give Wasserman Schultz a big wet kiss while your at it (-: The truth about your man is finally coming eat dirt.

                                                                    • 6 votes
                                                                    #14.5 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:13 PM EDT

                                                                    feather you are so right....

                                                                    we have President Obama who for his entire 3 years has been cleaning up the 8 years mess the former president created.....two wars, wrecking president clintons budget surplus creating billions in deficits and the worst recession since the depression.

                                                                    and this ex marine who should have been proud of the corps and the fact that it lives by the chain of command said he would not follow orders.

                                                                    This is not a joke from the pvt to the general.

                                                                    There is no sympathy for this person who never was a true marine to trust with the defense of our country.

                                                                    • 44 votes
                                                                    #14.6 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:13 PM EDT
                                                                    Comment author avatarWatson!Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

                                                                    AND who is going to clean up Obamissiah's .... MESS?

                                                                    • 5 votes
                                                                    #14.7 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:18 PM EDT

                                                                    Watson you probably could go on and on, but it would be a run-on and on of lies. As far as the economy, you should stop listening to Fox lies and see for yourself. The economy is doing much better, when Obama took office, the Dow was at 7400ish, it is currently at 13,000. When he first took office, we were losing 750,000 jobs per month. Currently we are increasing jobs per month. I won't pretend that the economy is good, but it is better. But you'd rather look like a Republican nut job, than acknowledge the facts!!!

                                                                    • 35 votes
                                                                    #14.8 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:20 PM EDT

                                                                    Watson - That's exactly what Feather was talking about. Your comments do not contain a single fact, only angry rhetoric. Differences of opinion is what keeps America on the right track. Why not start with a specific legislative item and point out where you disagree and what you recommend. This generalized name calling makes people wonder why all the anger.

                                                                    You will have your chance in November to elect someone else. For now, the people spoke in 2008 and President Obama is our leader.

                                                                    • 38 votes
                                                                    #14.9 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:22 PM EDT

                                                                    Watson,,, We will be recovering from Bush's mess for the next 20 years,,, Romney wants to do a Bush 2.0 on steroids & you are worried about what, how Obama has spent money to turn our country around from economic collapse & critical failures of military strategies of the former administration?

                                                                    In the mean time, stop your dishonorable "Red Baiting" --- Republicans are leading us into another Cold War & the worst type of "Socialism for only the Elite",,, Dictatorship under an old Soviet style of government

                                                                    • 31 votes
                                                                    #14.10 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:22 PM EDT

                                                                    Watson: I love how you guys throw around the word socialism and do not have a clue what it means. Social security is socialism, medicare is socialism, public parks are socialism, highways are socialism what about socialism do you not like? Name the things Obama had done that are socialist. You would not know socialism if it sat down beside you, you are only parroting the words of Rush and faux news, think for yourself buddy, it could be a new and rewarding experience.

                                                                    • 43 votes
                                                                    #14.11 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:25 PM EDT

                                                                    Watson: Please list President Obama's socialist policies ; those policies that are unique to him. And, list how he using race to divide the country. (Your first example does not indicate that he is using race to divide the country.

                                                                    • 28 votes
                                                                    #14.12 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:27 PM EDT

                                                                    This is why he will win in the fall. he has done a good job, in terrible circumstances, not a perfect job, but sure better than any of the Republicans could have done. God bless him, he deserves to be reelected, not derided by racists, the ignorant and the greedy.

                                                                    • 38 votes
                                                                    #14.13 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:33 PM EDT

                                                                    To this marine - Yes you wish you can take it back - except that you can't. So deal with the consequences now.

                                                                    • 22 votes
                                                                    #14.14 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:46 PM EDT

                                                                    I am frankly scared about his not getting reelected. Then there will be nothing left to protect us from becoming the slaves of greedy corporate profiteers, with no access to education or healthcare. And all we'll have to live for is cable TV.

                                                                    • 27 votes
                                                                    #14.15 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:56 PM EDT


                                                                    AND who is going to clean up Obamissiah's .... MESS?

                                                                    What mess did he create? Answer the question with valid verifiable research or stop posting your puppet master lies.

                                                                    • 22 votes
                                                                    #14.16 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:22 PM EDT

                                                                    WATSON!! Hillary Clinton will clean up The Presidents' "mess" in 2016. and 2020. We're sick of you right-wing hate mongers.

                                                                    • 15 votes
                                                                    #14.17 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:31 PM EDT

                                                                    If you're worried about healthcare and education, get a job and work your ass off for it. I worked my way through college, not with my parents money, not with federal grants (because my parents made too much, even though I wasn't privy to it), and worked full time while in school. I'm sorry, but I'm tired of people thinking they are entitled to everything in life. This is America, where you have the right "to the pursuit of happiness." This doesn't mean it's handed to everyone, if something is important meaningful to you, you need to work and sacrifice for it. The sense of people now that feel they have the RIGHT to a free college education and free healthcare is ridiculous. America was founded on the ideals that you have a right to WORK for what you want in this life, and that you cannot be prevented from the RIGHT to WORK for what you want. I love some of the social programs we have. I think federal education grants and unemployment are wonderful things, for people who haven't the MEANS to begin with. They should not be used as a crutch for lazy people to waste 4 years drinking and screwing in college just to get a liberal arts degree.

                                                                    • 3 votes
                                                                    #14.18 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:46 PM EDT

                                                                    I can't wait to see out my Commander in Chief, my vote is my voice.

                                                                      #14.19 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:53 PM EDT

                                                                      Watson, really? Explain what you hate about Obama's statement that if he had a son, he'd look like Martin? Would you rather he had said 'If I had a son, he'd look like Zimmerman?" That wouldn't be factual.

                                                                      • 1 vote
                                                                      #14.20 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:08 PM EDT


                                                                      The idea that people who support obama are all freeloading deadbeats who are used to having everything handed to them is BS. Americans work much harder and for longer than most in other western countries -- they just have less to show for it. And you and your lot want to destroy the few things that make social mobility possible -- the very thing that makes this country great. That idea that the conditions you're born into shouldn't determine your fate. That all society will benefit from it.

                                                                      Again, your point of view is extremist and has no real basis. But then, 2-3% of humans are sociopathic and don't have empathy for their fellow man so maybe that is the problem here.

                                                                      • 6 votes
                                                                      #14.21 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:24 PM EDT

                                                                      Not to put too fine a point it, but I have the distinct notion that Watson is a troll and it is my experience that is is unwise to feed trolls of his nature.

                                                                      Anyway, his posts are already being collapsed.

                                                                      • 3 votes
                                                                      #14.22 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:35 PM EDT

                                                                      Knife104, just try telling someone to work harder to get insurance when they have a pre-existing condition, especially someone who is born with a pre-existing condition. I work with children and adults who have Cystic Fibrosis. Their medications cost in excess of $50,000 a year (sometimes much more). Most will have hospital stays of 3 weeks once or twice a year. Yet, they want to work. But they can't because they will lose the benefits that keep them alive.

                                                                      • 2 votes
                                                                      #14.23 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:32 AM EDT

                                                                      For God's sake, this is a politician who got national coverage and, therefore fame just before an election. Now he is playing the victim to milk the situation. Watch him, he will be an active politician soon.

                                                                      • 1 vote
                                                                      #14.24 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:59 AM EDT

                                                                      Freedom of Speech, anyone???

                                                                        #14.25 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:08 PM EDT

                                                                        Jim - funk you!

                                                                        eat dirt.

                                                                        Watson! banned, never rehabbed.

                                                                        • 2 votes
                                                                        #14.26 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:25 PM EDT


                                                                        Notice that I never mentioned Obama once in my response, I think all politicians are crooked, not just Democrats. Republicans are just as bad. I said that I am sick of lazy people who take advantage of the system, not that the system itself is bad. Please, read carefully before flaming someone with political viewpoints that have no business in the conversation.


                                                                        Once again, please read carefully, I agree that medicare and SSI are useful, "to those without the means to do it themselves." Simply put, I agree that those who cannot take care of themselves should have every right to whatever assistance they need. What I was speaking of, are the people, for example the couple I personally know, that the husband refused to take a better job and the wife refused to take a job, because they would not qualify for welfare and food stamps anymore. These people had the opportunity and ability to better their situation, but would rather stay on assistance because it is easier. THAT is the abuse to which I was referring. There are families that have spent 3 generations on welfare because they don't WANT to get a job.

                                                                        Hopefully this clears up any misunderstandings.

                                                                          #14.27 - Mon May 7, 2012 2:52 PM EDT
                                                                          Comment author avatarbrian-869346Restored

                                                                          Obama wants to silence all his critics.

                                                                          • 6 votes
                                                                          Reply#15 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:59 PM EDT

                                                                          It was the Marine Corp not the President that made the decision. Where in the article did it say the President demanded he be kicked out. Now he has to live the rest of his life with a less than honorable discharge: He has found out it will affect his employment opportunities, his credit rating, and every aspect of his life. Sigh, easy to be sorry now. When you join the military you take an oath to follow the commands of your superiors, you don't get to choose which orders and who to follow.

                                                                          • 16 votes
                                                                          #15.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:28 PM EDT

                                                                          You are not understanding what just happened. The most sacred law of the
                                                                          Uniform Code of Military Justice is that you cannot say appalling things, show
                                                                          disrespect, or disobey orders that come from the Commander-in-Chief of the
                                                                          Armed Forces which happens to be the President of these United States of
                                                                          America. This Law was not established by President Obama. This Law was
                                                                          established by Congress as the foundation of our Armed Forces at its conception. He committed a crime when he did what he did!

                                                                          Please read this for yourself if you dare:

                                                                          • 15 votes
                                                                          #15.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:31 PM EDT

                                                                          nonsense. Time to grow up Brian.

                                                                          • 10 votes
                                                                          #15.3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:33 PM EDT

                                                                          Lol...troll brian.

                                                                          • 8 votes
                                                                          #15.4 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:34 PM EDT

                                                                          When I was in basic training, I was taught that in the military you no longer have a right to free speech. It was replaced by chain of command. In the military, you follow orders of those above you in the chain of command without comment or question. If everyone in the military had the same rights of free expression that civilians have, how could our military function? When it comes to the Commander-in-Chief, you don't get to question his authority no matter who you are. Remember General Douglas MacArthur, hero of WWII in the Pacific, who was fired by President Harry Truman for insubordination to the orders of his Commander-in-Chief?

                                                                          • 10 votes
                                                                          #15.5 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:53 PM EDT

                                                                          Hahaha... the President has 99 problems but this bitch ain't one.

                                                                          • 4 votes
                                                                          #15.6 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:54 PM EDT

                                                                          That's why the Secret Service was sent to intimidate and strong arm Ted Nugent when he said NOTHING inappropriate at the NRA conference, not even remotely inappropriate that would think he was threatening the POTUS. Expect much more of the same before the election.

                                                                          • 1 vote
                                                                          #15.7 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:27 PM EDT

                                                                          too late now, bigshot....

                                                                          you don't deserve to be called Marine.

                                                                          Besides, I don't believe you're sorry,

                                                                          I believe you're sorry you lost your

                                                                          military status is all.


                                                                          everything you said about Obama is

                                                                          ridiculous at best and ignorantly stupid.

                                                                          grow the fk up.

                                                                          • 35 votes
                                                                          Reply#16 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:59 PM EDT
                                                                          Comment author avatarbrian-869346Restored

                                                                          What he said was factual and truthful. Too bad he was a Marine.

                                                                          • 8 votes
                                                                          #16.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:05 PM EDT

                                                                          Brian Agreed! His only mistake was talking the way he did while on active duty, THAT was stupid.

                                                                          • 4 votes
                                                                          #16.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:09 PM EDT

                                                                          Brian and Watson, I agree. The Marine was telling the truth, but doing it on active duty is not allowed in the military. Anyway, lets get to November and rid ourselves of this cancer in the White House, in my opinion, or none of us will be allowed to criticize the President ever again.

                                                                          • 1 vote
                                                                          #16.3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:05 PM EDT

                                                                          Still the drama queen I see Davset. "If we don't get Obama out then this will happen and that will happen". You guys still singing that tired old "this is going to happen"song? Just wondering, exactly when can we expect to actually see any of this stuff you ihave ncessantly whined about for going on 4 years now happen?

                                                                          • 2 votes
                                                                          #16.4 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:01 PM EDT

                                                                          Oh Well, I don't feel sorry for your azz..You're a disgrace to the corp..Your behavior got you booted , Hindsight is 20/20. It's a shame you threw away your military career over BS that you knew was wrong when you did it, you were warned and ordered to stop and refused. You knew your 1st amendment rights disappeared when you enlisted. How many times were you told, now you lose everything you worked for the last 9 years, and your a disgraced marine. What a shame. What will you tell your child?

                                                                          • 22 votes
                                                                          Reply#17 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:59 PM EDT

                                                                          It's Corps, not corp. Just a small correction, Marines are picky about these things.

                                                                          • 4 votes
                                                                          #17.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:53 PM EDT

                                                                          Sad when those who have fought to make this country safe and all the unknown-behind-the-scenes chaos that they deal with... gets discharged publicly over an internet post. Grow up America - This would have not been an issue in 1787... nor would the sit-at-home cry babies have much say in the matter. Our troops are sent out into hell... and expected to be perfect saints. GTFO. Sad police state we are becoming.

                                                                          • 3 votes
                                                                          Reply#18 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:00 PM EDT

                                                                          He probably would have been hanged as a traitor. Please, this was not a child. It was a 20 something year old who spoke disrespectfully of the man who was his boss. Stop the nonsense. Had someone done this to Bush, you would have been calling for his head!

                                                                          • 28 votes
                                                                          #18.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:05 PM EDT
                                                                          Comment author avatarbrian-869346Restored

                                                                          Bush was liked by the troops. This President isn't liked. Did you ever wonder why weapons were told to be left in the barracks when Leon Panetta visited Bahgram Air base a few months ago? That has never happened before. This administration is not liked by our military. You can repect them but you don't have to like them.

                                                                          • 3 votes
                                                                          #18.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:21 PM EDT

                                                                          Well, you are right. There was no internet, so no, this wouldn't have happened and your post is silly to compare it. And irene is right. He wouldn't have gotten off so lightly if he had been shouting those nasty and inappropriate comments at every opportunity to thousands of people. He broke the rules repeatedly despite warnings and chances, so he gets the consequences. I think you need to grow up, Need.

                                                                          • 8 votes
                                                                          #18.3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:46 PM EDT

                                                                          No, in 1787 he would have been shot out of hand for disobeying a direct order during wartime. Unless being a traitor to his country is OK for you? I bet 'ol Ted Nugent is one of your heroes. He says he's a "patriot" but when he had the chance to serve.he @!$%# all over himself for a month before he went to his draft board so they wouldn't take him. Patriot my a$$! He even cheats when he hunts( and pleaded guility) another right-wing nut job.

                                                                          • 14 votes
                                                                          #18.4 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:15 PM EDT

                                                                          I n 1787 he probably would have been shot but there was no internet then.

                                                                          • 1 vote
                                                                          #18.5 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:17 PM EDT

                                                                          Needa if this Marine had posted those comments about his company, battalion or Corps commander he would have been court-martialed. Yes the troops are expected to be perfect saints with respect to following the rules and regulations of the military which he VOLUNTARILY joined.

                                                                          • 1 vote
                                                                          #18.6 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:24 PM EDT

                                                                          Do you even know what a Police State is? Do you realize that this indivdual enlisted and signed a document of oath and regulation? You act as if the Marine Corps broke down your door and arrested your family for syaing you dislike Obama. Sad really to attempt to compare this to a Police State. Further, this internet post is not only seen by Americans but will end up in the propaganda material department of every single enemy nation so as to bolster slanderous claims that the USA is too weak to control it's own sworn troops. I suppose however that aspect is of no value to some who wish only a venue to cry out shame they imagine and assume has occured.

                                                                          • 5 votes
                                                                          #18.7 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:36 PM EDT

                                                                          Try the same when bad-mouthing the boss of the company you work for.

                                                                          He'll hand you a garbage-bag and tell you go sit in it on the curb until picked up.

                                                                          In the case of this EX-Marine (yes he is to discharged on 'Other than honorable terms', so it is EX Marine and not Former Marine.) It is worse. As someone serving in a leadership position, he fomented dissent and insubordination. He damaged the Corps. A garbage bag is clearly too good for him.

                                                                          • 4 votes
                                                                          #18.8 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:44 PM EDT

                                                                          @ needs a cougar, look up a man named Thomas Hickey a soldier assigned to body guard General George Washington who plotted to arrest or kill Washington. Result:Hanged before 20,000 as an example. @ brian, some troops liked Bush but many others did not, they didn't s him on the Internet though. And I recall that the military donated significantly more money to the Obama campaign than McCain, They respected the man for his service but clearly understand that his policies/ideas would keep them deployed for another 8 years of death and destruction on the streets of Baghdad, remember when McCain said he'd leave troops there for 100 years "if necessary"

                                                                          • 2 votes
                                                                          #18.9 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:44 AM EDT

                                                                          Taking a stand and defending your argument is a measurement
                                                                          of a man! Standing up for what you personally
                                                                          believe in knowing the consequences and then to want to take it back in the
                                                                          face of opposition is nothing short of an act of a child…I should use the
                                                                          another( c word) but with respect for your service I won’t…

                                                                          • 5 votes
                                                                          Reply#19 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:01 PM EDT

                                                                          I knew it. I posted earlier before this article came out that he was regretting his decisions. The type of discharge he is getting carries a very heavy stigma, "forever". He did serve 9 years and he did do a tour overseas, and even though I despise his behavior I really believe he should appeal and try to get it bumped up to a general discharge. Won't look so bad on his job applications, he's a young man that acted foolishly and I bet if you asked President Obama, he'd forgive this guy. Good President/Bad President one thing you can't take away from Obama is his character and he made plenty of bad decisions in his youth. The only really bad thing he has done as President is Obama care, which if he would read it-He'd trash it.

                                                                            #19.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:37 PM EDT

                                                                            Hey idiot- THE PRESIDENT IS YOUR BOSS. The COMMANDER in Chief, get it butthead? I had a 24 yr old employee give me a disrespectful attitude and some lip and I fired her butt. Poof - 2.5 yrs wasted, $48,000 a year in the middle of a Recession- gone. Join the club. Somethign about you 20 somethings just smells of entitlement. I have no sympathy for your type at all. Plus, face it, you're a racist punk.

                                                                            • 30 votes
                                                                            #20 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:01 PM EDT

                                                                            Hey Mike....Your comment is worse than the ex-marine's. I can understand your ex-employee's attitude. Maybe you should take an anger management course, or at least a peoples course.

                                                                            • 2 votes
                                                                            #20.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:19 PM EDT

                                                                            Mike is a boss wanna be.

                                                                            • 1 vote
                                                                            #20.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:27 PM EDT

                                                                            BRAVO!!! Well said!

                                                                            • 3 votes
                                                                            #20.3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:28 PM EDT

                                                                            Do you think that if he had said the same remarks about Mitt Romney there would have been as much flack???????? I don't think so.......

                                                                            • 4 votes
                                                                            #20.4 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:50 PM EDT

                                                                            And that's how you do it Mike... like a Boss.

                                                                            • 3 votes
                                                                            #20.5 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:00 PM EDT

                                                                            Mitt is not the CIC. Big difference. Get a clue you rightwing goof, and stop justifying this mans actions because he denigrated Obama.

                                                                            It's about military law, look it up before you quack again.

                                                                            • 14 votes
                                                                            #20.6 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:00 PM EDT
                                                                            Comment author avatarJoseph E Bushvia FacebookRestored

                                                                            what happened to freedom of speech????????? that's rite it dose not apply to the tax payer unless you are like minded and think like the fool we have in office and if he gets in office again we are @#$@%$!!!!!!! I am glad that I can live off the land and fend for myself cause there are a few of you on here that win the @!$%# hits the fan that MARINE people like him are going to be the ones to pull ya'll out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                            • 2 votes
                                                                            #20.7 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:21 PM EDT

                                                                            people like him can't pull us out of anything, they can't take orders! Even you couldn't live off the land if you decided to take an attitude with the people who taught you

                                                                            • 1 vote
                                                                            #20.8 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:56 PM EDT

                                                                            Mike you sound like the night manager of an all night diner.

                                                                              #20.9 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:12 PM EDT

                                                                              Mike N, racist? where did you get that from. I agree with the military discharging him, he brike the rules. The thing I don't understand is the venom you and others are spewing at him. Have you missed the fact that he indeed fight in the desert? he is a combat verteran ease up

                                                                              • 1 vote
                                                                              #20.10 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:48 PM EDT

                                                                              Have you thought you're the one who needs an attitude needs adjustment? Keep that up and you won't have employees to boss around. I'd probably be in jail if you were my boss, enough said. I'm glad he said something. He proves that not everyone in the service is a brainless automaton that just follows orders blindly. I wish there were more men and women like him. We might actually teach our heads in office that their position is like driving, it is privilege and shouldn't be abused like it has been. We need to stand up to our government for injustices done. Mike, the President is just a man, NOT GOD!! We were given free will. I think your employee made the right choice in speaking up to you. Like I said, big time attitude adjustment.

                                                                                #20.11 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:02 PM EDT

                                                                                You join the military, you follow orders and you RESPECT the Commander in Chief. You respect the Office of POTUS no matter who is in it, or get your butt out of the service. I don't respect a military guy who disses his boss like a punk, disobeys orders, and thinks he's entitled to get away with it. That is definitely NOT who I want armed and walking around another country representing the best interests of the USA. There are those who joined the service for honor and serve bravely and with distinction, but unfortunately like society at large, there are those who joined because they want to play cowboy and couldn'yt do anything else. Too many people hold them in equal stature with the valorous just because they signed up and I call BS on that. It's pathetic how many people are defending this clown, but encouraging how many in the service are dressing him down.

                                                                                • 11 votes
                                                                                #20.12 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:19 PM EDT

                                                                                Sorry Mike,

                                                                                However I have to agree with others here, right reason wrong approuch. No one shoukld discount this man's service ever. That said, the Corps handled this as they should have and I don't think President Obama would himself like your take on how things should be done. Rage solves nothing. You seem to think that certain memebrs of the armed forces joined to be cowboys and because they couldn't do anything else? You are so miseducated, those who serve in the Military of this Country are among the ablest mentally, physically and intelligently. They are also signing up during a period where they know they will be shipped overseas to fight a war based on intelligence and far reaching tactics. Even the least able of them is worth a hundred of you on every level. Your desire to be given respect just because you are a boss in some no where place, also, has no comparable value when held in the pan against the President. Much to learn.

                                                                                • 2 votes
                                                                                #20.13 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:45 PM EDT

                                                                                Sorry Lore, but you're wrong. in every post of this type I give credit to the genuine heroes and valorous members of the services, but I get back the same stuff that EVERYONE who volunteers is honorable. My sister-in-law's husband retired from the Marine Corp, Silver Star for valor, and he's told us plenty about the idiots in the service, JUST LIKE THE REST OF THE WORLD. You are absolutely kidding yourself if you think every 18 year old who signed up for the service did so because he wanted to save the world. They want a variety of things and take the risk they may go in harm's way - and face it, some are immature idiots like this Bozo who got himself dismissed for trashing his oath and dissing his Commander in Chief AFTER being warned. As for insulting my worth because I didn't enlist in the Marines; I run a business that employs other people - and I damn near bankrupted myself keeping some of them employed when I couldn't afford it -and then they were disrespectful to me like this clown was to his Commander in Chief. Well you can shove that sanctimonious attitude Bud. Just because I went to school and chose a different career path doesn't mean that every kid who singed up to see the world is "better" than me.

                                                                                • 4 votes
                                                                                #20.14 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:03 AM EDT

                                                                                Not sure this is th eplace to vent about your lack of control of your humanitarism for keeping employees on when you couldn't for whatever reason. I based my words on your post and your lack of touch with understanding what it takes to make a soldier a soldier. I however will re-assert, your feelings of being disrespected by some employee holds no comparison to this scenerio. I will also stand by my statement that the least of them is worth a hundred of you especially now as I have seen how you convey your education. And for the record, my name is not Bud and I never said they joined to save the world, ignorance is that which puts words into another's mouth to support their jargon.

                                                                                • 1 vote
                                                                                #20.15 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:18 AM EDT

                                                                                Bao WTF are you babbling about?

                                                                                Do you know ANYTHING about the UCMJ or this specific case?

                                                                                  #20.16 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:55 AM EDT

                                                                                  Slow down and smell yourselves and then try to make a valid comment. He WAS a uniformed soldier and professed to refuse orders. Byby idiot! As a Viet-vet and 100% disabled I feel obligated to say that it was because someone else decided to stop and bitch. A few have tried to say crud about the POTUS in the past and those GENERALS were shoved out also. An example was made long before this bonehead showed up!! How many other numbheads would yell fire in a theatre if they knew the apology would make it OK?

                                                                                  • 2 votes
                                                                                  #20.17 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:24 AM EDT

                                                                                  To those that are of the mind that he served overseas, therefore deserves a break. Sorry no matter your history you're still responsible for idiocy in the present.

                                                                                  • 2 votes
                                                                                  #20.18 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:42 AM EDT

                                                                                  Mike N said:

                                                                                  I don't respect a military guy who disses his boss like a punk, disobeys orders, and thinks he's entitled to get away with it. That is definitely NOT who I want armed and walking around another country representing the best interests of the USA.

                                                                                  One of the original articles that were written when this story first broke it said that this Marine wrote that he would refuse to obey unlawful orders from the President. If, as I believe, this was in reference to the recent signing of the NDAA and possible adoption of its companion bill, the upcoming Enemy Expatriation Act, then the act of saying he would refuse to follow unlawful orders from the president would NOT be an act of treason since in the oath provided above, defending the Constitution, comes above obeying the President.

                                                                                  What do you do when the government and the Constitution no longer stand on the same side of the line? Do you continue following the orders? We saw what happened after WWII when German officers who were 'just following orders' used that excuse in front of a war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg. They were convicted of war crimes anyway.

                                                                                  If you are a soldier and you are told to arrest a citizen because they funded an individual or an organization that has been declared 'terrorist' by a country that is the US's ally, would you do it?

                                                                                  Under the terms of section 1031 and 1032 of the NDAA for FY2012, the US government can now use its soldiers against it own citizens, effectively repealing Posse Commitatus.

                                                                                    #20.19 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:41 PM EDT

                                                                                    One of the original articles that were written when this story first broke it said that this Marine wrote that he would refuse to obey unlawful orders from the President. If, as I believe, this was in reference to the recent signing of the NDAA and possible adoption of its companion bill, the upcoming Enemy Expatriation Act, then the act of saying he would refuse to follow unlawful orders from the president would NOT be an act of treason since in the oath provided above, defending the Constitution, comes above obeying the President.

                                                                                    He's a weatherman. No one's going to tell him to disarm anyone. He was shooting his mouth off like a dumbass and he got smacked down like a dumbass. Then he turned into a sniveling little coward when the bell tolled.

                                                                                      #20.20 - Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:13 PM EDT

                                                                                      Funny, now that he has been kicked out of the military he finally can see that his actions were wrong. Lets not forget, he was warned numerous times and he chose to push the issue. I guess now he won't be putting "distinguished military career" in his list of life accomplishments on job applications to the local fast food restaurants.

                                                                                      • 27 votes
                                                                                      Reply#22 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:01 PM EDT

                                                                                      21 deleted, Pubby Sheeple deathwishing Stein. Avoid deathwishing. It's bad for discussion.

                                                                                      • 1 vote
                                                                                      #22.1 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:27 PM EDT

                                                                                      As I repeatedly tell my students, words have consequences....especially when you are speaking so disrespectfully of the man who is your Commander in Chief.

                                                                                      Good for the military to make the decision he had to go.

                                                                                      • 33 votes
                                                                                      Reply#23 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:02 PM EDT
                                                                                      Comment author avatarProf1940Restored

                                                                                      Sorry, Miss, the military did not make the decision, the white house did. By the way, he's not my president.

                                                                                      • 2 votes
                                                                                      #23.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:37 PM EDT
                                                                                      Comment author avatarbrian-869346Restored

                                                                                      Keep preaching your liberal agenda to our kids. That's another problem in this country.

                                                                                      • 2 votes
                                                                                      #23.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:38 PM EDT

                                                                                      Yeah, no. The White House took no part in the decision, and respecting the rules in a contract you willingly signed is not a "liberal agenda".

                                                                                      Idiot willfully and knowingly was in breach of the UCMJ and such action is punishable by court-martial. If you can't follow the rules, you have no right to be in a place where they are enforced.

                                                                                      • 25 votes
                                                                                      #23.3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:57 PM EDT

                                                                                      President Obama didn't personally fire him, and yes, he is President of the country in which you live if you live in the US. I believe irene was saying he is the Marine's Commander in Chief and not your Preident anyway.

                                                                                      Oh, brian, so you don't want your kids to know that words have consequences and that you shouldn't speak disrespectfully about your commander, boss, or other leader if you want to keep your job? Whatever happened to personal responsibility?

                                                                                      • 16 votes
                                                                                      #23.4 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:58 PM EDT

                                                                                      Did you tell your students the same thing when Bush was POTUS? Somehow I doubt it.

                                                                                      • 5 votes
                                                                                      #23.5 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:29 PM EDT

                                                                                      OK everyone, this Marine made a mistake albeit a huge one a mistake non the less. He has paid with his military career. Did you guys miss he is a combat vet? He walked the walk and talked the talk. Sgt, I wish you nothing but success with your real estate venture, success and happiness with your wife and daughter and may God watch over you with the medical problems you are facing.

                                                                                      Now, let him be, stop beating him up, he is doing that enough on his own. I'm retired from the Navy, I served with many a Sailor and Marine that had colorful things to say about our leadership, the difference was we didn't have a snitch in on the conversation with us. No he should not have posted and identified himself as a Marine nuff said. The one you Sailors and Marines need to keep an eye on this the person who printed the page and high tailed it to the SgtMaj, or who ever it was he tattled to. He/she is the one who can't be trusted.

                                                                                      • 2 votes
                                                                                      #23.6 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:15 PM EDT

                                                                                      Yeah ,Brian,and WBush started 2 undeclared wars,one for revenge and had prisoners tortured at gitmo and nearly destroyed the economy and the right was saying if you didnt agree with him you were a traitor.If you have real moral issues with the President or country,quit the service and write a book.

                                                                                      • 3 votes
                                                                                      #23.7 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:35 PM EDT

                                                                                      Like it or not, Prof1940, he is your president and will be for another 4 years. Go somewhere else if you can't handle it. And don't be spouting a bunch of "God bless America" crap if you're not willing to take the bitter with the sweet.

                                                                                      • 5 votes
                                                                                      #23.8 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:48 PM EDT

                                                                                      Bill Studwell said:

                                                                                      Aint it great that we live in a country where people like YOU and YOUR PRESIDENT can spit at combat vet's who risk it all for our freedom & liberty?

                                                                                      One of the original articles that were written when this story first broke it said that this Marine wrote that he would refuse to obey unlawful orders from the president. If, as I believe, this was in reference to the recent signing of the NDAA forFY2012 and possible adoption of its companion bill the upcoming Enemy Expatriation Act, then the act of saying he would refuse to follow unlawful orders from the president would NOT be an act of treason since in the military officer's oath defending the Constitution comes above obeying the president.

                                                                                      What do you do when the government and the Constitution no longer stand on the same side of the line? Do you continue following the orders? We saw what happened after WWII when German officers who were 'just following orders' used that excuse in front of a war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg. They were convicted of war crimes anyway.

                                                                                      Let me ask you, if you as a soldier are told to arrest a citizen because they funded an organization that has been declared 'terrorist' by a country that is the US's ally, would you do it?

                                                                                        #23.10 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:49 PM EDT

                                                                                        To the Sgt,

                                                                                        If you meant what you said before, then have the guts to stay the course. Your nine years of service have no bearing in your exercise of first amendment rights which are limited by DOD policy. You refused to honor your oath and follow chain-of-command restrictions and policies.

                                                                                        If I may say so, you were an A*hole for your failure to think twice before acting. No squad should ever have to depend for their lives upon an undisciplined NCO such as you.


                                                                                        • 25 votes
                                                                                        Reply#24 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:03 PM EDT

                                                                                        You miss the point, a drop of a stripe and to the boonies would have served the same purpose, this is overkill by virtue of the white house.

                                                                                        • 5 votes
                                                                                        #24.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:35 PM EDT

                                                                                        Prof, you go on saying that if you need to believe it. Even if Mr. Obama had personally said he had to go it would have been appropriate. Just because you don't like him you have the need to say something negative whatever happens. The man was warned. He didn't listen. He got fired. Happens outside the military all the time, and in the military it is even more serious an offense, and this man knew it. This isn't about the President, and if you were honest with your agenda you would admit that.

                                                                                        • 13 votes
                                                                                        #24.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:04 PM EDT

                                                                                        I would hope the record of his military accomplishments were available before some here condemn him to death. The military is correct in dismissing him for this infraction, but I would be embarrassed if he turned out to have battlefield decorations for heroism if I had bad-mouthed him. He made a mistake, and I believe a lot of us have made mistakes in our lives, even if some deny it..

                                                                                        • 4 votes
                                                                                        #24.3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:19 PM EDT


                                                                                        You are quite right, I do not think anyone of right mind and intelligence can discount his service, yet you are also right that his error was not one that can simply be rectified by a few hours potato peeling. Of course the infraction commited may also place him under investigation as not only his military goods can now be considered. As for some who say president Obama is not their President, that is very much the same as saying the American president is not my president because I am not an American. How silly is that?

                                                                                          #24.4 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:34 AM EDT

                                                                                          While the seargant was probably out of line with regards to military policy in speaking out against a leader, I think we largely know where this is going! Almost any other president would have allowed the criticism. I guess no beer in the Rose Garden for Sgt. Stein!

                                                                                          Obama is slowly taking away all freedom of speech and threatening every other freedom we have! The guy has to be stopped and voted out in the fall! The regret should be that the seargant is getting canned for speaking his mind.

                                                                                          • 1 vote
                                                                                          #24.5 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:46 AM EDT

                                                                                          In the military, if you refuse a legal order from a superior during a battle you can be shot. And, if you publicly criticise your immediate superior, you will be court-martialed and dishonorably discharged. It has been that way since the Revolutionary War.

                                                                                          • 3 votes
                                                                                          #24.6 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:58 AM EDT

                                                                                          This poor man has served his country and risked his life everyday to give us freedom. I understand the rules of the military, but he still holds the freedom of speech as a citizen of the USA. Why would you people do such a thing as to take his life and career away, baffles me. But yet you would let a gay man show his femine side while in uniform? How hypocritical is that? To this poor man, I heart goes out to him. You are entitled to your own opinion, guess just not in this country....

                                                                                            #24.8 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:12 PM EDT

                                                                                            Herbert Kaufman:

                                                                                            In the military, if you refuse a legal order from a superior during a battle you can be shot.

                                                                                            One of the original articles that were written when this story first broke it said that this Marine wrote that he would refuse to obey unlawful orders from the president. If, as I believe, this was in reference to the recent signing of the NDAA for FY2012 and possible adoption of its companion bill the upcoming Enemy Expatriation Act, then the act of saying he would refuse to follow unlawful orders from the president would NOT be an act of treason since in the oath he took defending the Constitution comes above obeying the president.

                                                                                            If you are a soldier and you are told to arrest a citizen because it is suspected that they funded an organization that has been declared 'terrorist' by a country that is the US's ally, would you do it?

                                                                                            Let me give you one example: the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

                                                                                            If you've seen the show Whale Wars on Discovery Channel, you know they are an international group who go out in boats and try to impede and stop the progress of Japan's whaling fleet. Commercial whaling has been banned for a while; the Japanese continue to kill whales under the guise of research, but meat from the whales they kill ends up in Japanese fish markets, making it commercial. Last year one of the Sea Shepherds used his boat (an experimental craft called the Ady Gil) to ram a whaling boat and stop the slaughter of a whale. His boat was destroyed and the Japanese picked him out of the wreckage and took him to Japan to stand trial as a terrorist. They did cave to international pressure and release the man, but the Sea Shepherds were declared terrorists by Japan.

                                                                                            So since they are deemed terrorists by a US ally, under the EEA and the NDAA any member of heir organization is now also a terrorist and anyone who donates money to their cause, by this law, is supporting terrorism. Would you, as a soldier, follow an order to arrest someone who had their citizenship stripped and will now be held in military prison without charge or trial until the War on Terror is over, just because they sent money to this 'terrorist' organization? Or wears their t-shirt? or their hat? Or visits their website?

                                                                                            And, if you publicly criticise your immediate superior, you will be court-martialed and dishonorably discharged.

                                                                                            What do you do when the government and the Constitution no longer stand on the same side of the line? Do you continue following the orders? We saw what happened after WWII when German officers who were 'just following orders' used that excuse in front of a war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg. They were convicted of war crimes anyway.

                                                                                              #24.9 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:57 PM EDT

                                                                                              i can't believe we've got retarded people in the marines !!!!!!!!!!! the president should have sent him back into the deserts of iraq , and look for WMD's !!!!!!!! that would have kept him far from a computer , listening to those tea party dummies !!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                              • 14 votes
                                                                                              #25 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:03 PM EDT

                                                                                              What oufit were you in, the girl scouts, sounds like it.

                                                                                              • 7 votes
                                                                                              #25.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:33 PM EDT

                                                                                              Wow, weare, was all that necessary? I doubt it.

                                                                                              • 2 votes
                                                                                              #25.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:05 PM EDT

                                                                                              I have an idea wearinbettershape. YOU join any branch of the military and serve your country before you open YOUR retarded mouth. Too bad we can't discharge you..........

                                                                                              • 5 votes
                                                                                              #25.3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:09 PM EDT
                                                                                              Comment author avatarpeaches-2502189Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

                                                                                              prof1940, you are such a idiot!! where are you getting your information that the order to kick that little twit of a man came from the White House? The idiot ex-marine is a prejudice ass . I'm sure he learned all he said from his father who probably went to school with you. When anyone says the crazy things against a President, they should be jailed for treason. I'm sure other countries are laughing their heads off that we have soldiers disrespecting their Commander and Chief. I'm sure they are calling us stupid for not jailing or hanging the stupid idiot.

                                                                                              • 4 votes
                                                                                              #25.4 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:14 PM EDT
                                                                                              Comment author avatarkip360Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

                                                                                              Listen you dimwitted splittail, each of us has the right to criticise the mealy mouth moron in the white house and most of us do, so when we throw the bum out you can go live with him I'm sure mrs. odumbo won't mind.

                                                                                              • 3 votes
                                                                                              #25.5 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:23 PM EDT

                                                                                              I think they should allow the Marine to stay in. He has a right to his opinion and I think most of the public will agree. There will be some lefty who won't, but for the most he does have a right to his opinion.

                                                                                              • 7 votes
                                                                                              #25.6 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:40 PM EDT

                                                                                              You DO have the right to say whatever you want about anyone, except in the military you can't.What about the UCMJ don't you nit-wits understand? And out of the military, on these threads, people tend to say alot of crap they don't have to defend with their a$$. Just more cowards like Ted Nugent, who, someone posted,didn't do anything wrong, as if saying we ought to cut peoples heads off, or that they're criminals, is OK, especially funny comming from someone who just pleaded guilty in court so is therefore a criminal himself.

                                                                                              • 5 votes
                                                                                              #25.7 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:51 PM EDT


                                                                                              Obviously you have never served in the military. You don't have an opinion while in the military. From the day you enter service you are told you don't have an opinion, good or bad. Everyone in the service knows that. You follow orders right or wrong thats what being a serviceman is about.

                                                                                              • 9 votes
                                                                                              #25.8 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:54 PM EDT

                                                                                              I know you won't get it, but bears repeating again for those that might be capable of getting it. This is not about opinions, but, about honor. I wonder if you know what that is????

                                                                                              • 11 votes
                                                                                              #25.9 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:57 PM EDT

                                                                                              I APPLAUD Sgt. Stein for having the COURAGE to EXPOSE a FRAUD named Barry Soetoro who now calls himself Barack Hussein Obama Jr. whose pretending to be the Legal President of the United States & sends our Troops into ILLEGAL WARS to advance the interests of Al Qaeda (Libya— that have no connection to any of America's National Security interests & only empowers Al Qaeda - which seems to be Obama's #1 GOAL OVER the interests of the American people !

                                                                                              In addition Obama & his criminal accomplice, Eric Holder NEED to PROSECUTED for KNOWINGLY Transferring OVER 6,000 Firearms to Mexican Cartels through Felons that Eric Holder's DOJ personally recruited to TRANSFER the Guns to Mexican Cartels - as IDENTIFIED in testimony by former ATF Director before Congress last summer ('Operation Fast & Furious' testimony that NBC hides) as former ATF Director Melson testified that the ATF denied Felons background check (NICS) approvals, but the 'Whitehouse' (Melson's exact words) went behind our backs & TOLD the Dealers to IGNORE the ATF denials & SELL the Guns to the KNOWN FELONS = which means Barack Obama are GUILTY of the FELONY TRANSFER of OVER 6,000 Guns to KNOW FELONS - which Obama & Holder need to be IMPEACHED & JAILED FOR - which supports any Marine or Service member's concerns over serving a know FELON & impostor in the Whitehouse !!!

                                                                                              • 13 votes
                                                                                              #25.10 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:18 PM EDT

                                                                                              Greg, you punk idiot who never had the balls to serve his country, only btch about it. The military does not have the right to say what they think, that's not what they are paid to do, they are paid to follow orders from their superiors, period, without first determining if they agree with the superior, or if they like him, or if he's black, white, asian, male, or female. He gave up the right to have his opinion when he raised his hand and took the oath. MORON. Everyone who serves their country knows, understands, and accepts that.

                                                                                              • 5 votes
                                                                                              #25.11 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:31 PM EDT

                                                                                              What happened to freedom of speech!

                                                                                                #25.12 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:32 PM EDT

                                                                                                AKman.. You are an idiot and an ignorant fool to boot! Stein is no soldier to be proud of, he just ruined his career by opening mouth and inserting foot! Evidently, something you just learned from him! Why you want to blame President Obama for starting wars that he had not a DAMN thing to do with just goes to prove you are very probably a BUSHBABY/CHENEY lover and there's no way in the world to reason with you..

                                                                                                It's a big like trying to convince the KKK the ALL races are part of the Human Race.. Sadly, they don't get it and neither do you!!

                                                                                                • 15 votes
                                                                                                #25.13 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:35 PM EDT

                                                                                                freedom of speech is sadly fading away along with other rights that most people take for granted but a marine or any armned force's personal should have the right to say what ever it maybe, so with that being said @!$%# barack obama cant even call him a man all he's done is lie to the people that voted for him and supported him including the ones that kill for him

                                                                                                • 2 votes
                                                                                                #25.14 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:17 PM EDT

                                                                                                bestinyexas23 think about what you just said. The Marine did have the right to say what he said. HOWEVER the military had the right to FIRE him for saying it. I would really like to know if you believe that you can berate your boss and expect to keep your job? Really? Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from repercussions.

                                                                                                • 3 votes
                                                                                                #25.15 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:45 PM EDT

                                                                                                Akman,if thats true how come president Obama can go just about anywhere in the world but WBush,Cheney and Rumsfeld would be in danger of arrest and trial on war crimes.Plus WBush is the one who started fast and furious.You sound like a little Hitler wannabe.Get over yourself.What a disgrace.

                                                                                                • 4 votes
                                                                                                #25.16 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:46 PM EDT

                                                                                                This guy could've retired when Pres. Obama took office if his belief was so strong! This dude will be on Fraud News within the next few days. To be honest if these people do not like our Pres. they sure wont like him after 2012 because he will be re-elected. Please keep eating the idiotic soup from the Aussie at Fraud News

                                                                                                • 5 votes
                                                                                                #25.17 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:01 AM EDT

                                                                                                prof1940, you are such a idiot!!

                                                                                                Listen you dimwitted splittail

                                                                                                peaches-2502189, kip360, you're each suspended for a day for violating #1 of the Code of Honor.

                                                                                                Above all else, respect others. Address issues and arguments and refrain from making personal attacks.

                                                                                                • 1 vote
                                                                                                #25.18 - Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:50 PM EDT
                                                                                                Comment author avatarAmy Kathleen Rosevia Facebook


                                                                                                  #25.19 - Wed May 2, 2012 2:11 AM EDT

                                                                                                  Obama signed HR 347 The bill expands current law to make it a crime to enter or remain in an area where an official is visiting even if the person does not know it’s illegal to be in that area and has no reason to suspect its illegal. It's an anti protest bill.

                                                                                                    Reply#26 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:03 PM EDT

                                                                                                    Brian,,,, You are spinning it into something it just doesn't do.... It specifically says "enter or remain knowingly in any restricted areas"

                                                                                                    H.R. 347, the "Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011," which makes it a Federal crime to enter or remain knowingly in any restricted area of the White House, the Vice President's official residence, or their respective grounds without lawful authority.

                                                                                                    You just showed how facts are deliberately spun to push a right wing agenda of deliberate & dishonorable misinformation campaigns for electioneering politics

                                                                                                    • 17 votes
                                                                                                    #26.1 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:15 PM EDT

                                                                                                    Its an Anti Protest bill any way you look at it.

                                                                                                    • 1 vote
                                                                                                    #26.2 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:22 PM EDT

                                                                                                    I think you have skewed this bill and It also would seem that you are intimating(to me at least)that this was all President Obama's idea, when this amendment to the original law that came about in 1971, was actually a bill that is sponsored by Rep. Thomas Rooney-R of Florida and co-sponsored by Rep. Ted Deutch-D of Florida which would actually make it a bi-partisan effort. Here is what I found about hr347 on the ACLU website. And in fairness, they have disclosed that they will be keeping an eye on this as time goes by.

                                                                                                    H.R. 347: Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011

                                                                                                    Recent days have seen significant concern about an unassuming bill with an unassuming name: the "Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011." The bill, H.R. 347, has been variously described as making the First Amendment illegal or criminalizing the Occupy protests.

                                                                                                    The truth is more mundane, but the issues raised are still of major significance for the First Amendment.

                                                                                                    It's important to note — contrary to some reports — that H.R. 347 doesn't create any new crimes, or directly apply to the Occupy protests. The bill slightly rewrites a short trespass law, originally passed in 1971 and amended a couple of times since, that covers areas subject to heightened Secret Service security measures.

                                                                                                    These restricted areas include locations where individuals under Secret Service protection are temporarily located, and certain large special events like a presidential inauguration. They can also include large public events like the Super Bowl and the presidential nominating conventions (troublingly, the Department of Homeland Security has significant discretion in designating what qualifies as one of these special events).

                                                                                                    The original statute, unchanged by H.R. 347,made certain conduct with respect to these restricted areas a crime, including simple trespass, actions in or near the restricted area that would "disrupt the orderly conduct of Government," and blocking the entrance or exit to the restricted area.

                                                                                                    H.R. 347 did make one noteworthy change, which may make it easier for the Secret Service to overuse or misuse the statute to arrest lawful protesters.

                                                                                                    Without getting too much into the weeds, most crimes require the government to prove a certain state of mind. Under the original language of the law, you had to act "willfully and knowingly" when committing the crime. In short, you had to know your conduct was illegal. Under H.R. 347, you will simply need to act "knowingly," which here would mean that you know you're in a restricted area, but not necessarily that you're committing a crime.

                                                                                                    Any time the government lowers the intent requirement, it makes it easier for a prosecutor to prove her case, and it gives law enforcement more discretion when enforcing the law. To be sure, this is of concern to the ACLU. We will monitor the implementation of H.R. 347 for any abuse or misuse.

                                                                                                    Also, while H.R. 347, on its own, is only of incremental importance, it could be misused as part of a larger move by the Secret Service and others to suppress lawful protest by relegating it to particular locations at a public event. These "free speech zones" are frequently used to target certain viewpoints or to keep protesters away from the cameras. Although H.R. 347 doesn't directly address free speech zones, it is part of the set of laws that make this conduct possible, and should be seen in this context.

                                                                                                    Rest assured we'll be keeping an eye on how this law will be interpreted and used by law enforcement — especially in light of the coming elections.

                                                                                                    • 3 votes
                                                                                                    #26.3 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:23 PM EDT

                                                                                                    and of course we all know Obama doesn't "spin"

                                                                                                    "If I had a son, he would have looked like Trayvon" Really? This is the second time this President has used his position as a bully pulpit BEFORE knowing all the facts! Furthermore, does anyone on this BB honestly believe he would of said such a thing if Mr. Trayvon (excuse me, "the child") was white? Remember, it was Obama's white mom that stuck by him while his black dad ran wild and free...strange stuff.

                                                                                                    • 1 vote
                                                                                                    #26.4 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:28 PM EDT

                                                                                                    Derail attempt alert.

                                                                                                    Derail Attempt alert.

                                                                                                    • 3 votes
                                                                                                    #26.5 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:35 PM EDT

                                                                                                    I think he knew for a fact that Trayvon was black. I don't think any of us needed to wait for the facts on that one. I don't think anyone would believe that President Obama would have said it if the kid had been white because, aaahhh, the kid was black. That might have been a stretch since both of Trayvon's parents are black. I really don't see the "bully pulpit" that you are trying to reach for. He was asked a question and all he did was to convey his sympathy to the tragedy. Are you going to rail on Romney for his comments regarding the Trayvon Martin shooting? This is completely off topic, but I really felt a need to respond.

                                                                                                    • 4 votes
                                                                                                    #26.6 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:38 PM EDT

                                                                                          're a jokester right?

                                                                                                      #26.7 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:05 PM EDT

                                                                                                      Watson!, I am so sick of your stupidity. What would President Obama's son had looked like? Blonde-haired and blue-eyed? Are you nuts or are you just plain stupid beyond comprehension?

                                                                                                      • 2 votes
                                                                                                      #26.8 - Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:43 PM EDT
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