Happy Mother’s Day

If you are looking for the Link Party -
“Turning the Daunting Into the Do-able”

I did it!!! I made a banner/word art!!!! I cannot begin to tell you how long I have been wanting to learn how to do this.  Finally, figured out how to make one on PicMonkey.  Now, I know it’s NOT THE GREATEST, but I’m awfully proud of it….. it did take me about 3 hours.  Ha!  You think I’m kidding, don’t you?

Here are some of my favorite quotes that I have come across lately on the web.   I think motherhood is kind of like being in-love.  It’s awful and wonderful at the same time and you don’t want to live without it!  Isn’t that true?

Wishing all of you mother’s (gosh, that doesn’t sound very nice) a….


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Welcome to Link Party #30 – “Turning the Daunting Into the Do-able”

Hello Friends!
I had a wonderful 2 week vacation and I’m excited to share with you.

First, I need to get a little rest and get caught up on “life”.
The 9 hr. time difference is killin’ me…
Ever feel like you need a vacation after a vacation?

In the mean time, let’s get this party started!

Welcome to Link Party #30!
“Turning the Daunting Into the Do-able”

I can’t wait to see what you are going to share this week!

Rules for the Party:

1.  Please no Etsy Shops, Businesses, or Giveaways.
2.  I’d love it if you followed me on Linky Follower! (Right hand column).  Leave me a comment so I know to follow you back.
3.  Grab a button please and post anywhere on your blog.
4.  Please link up something NEW that you have not shared before.  Link up only YOUR work and not someone else’s.
5.  Most important – please visit someone who has linked up and leave a kind comment.  Don’t you be a “hit and run” blogger  now :-) .  It only takes a few minutes to say “hi” to someone new!  We all love comments!


Cardstock Paper Leaves Tutorial By 52 Mantels

Hi! I’m Emily from 52 Mantels, a blog about all things home including weekly mantel makeovers, easy DIY projects, seasonal crafts and simple recipes! I’m blessed to be the stay-at-home mother to one adorable little girl and the lucky wife to an ever-supportive hubby (who puts up with my endless projects!). I am SO happy to be here at Project Queen! Mandy always has such inspiring ideas!

I shared this tutorial for  cardstock paper leaves on my blog last Fall, but it works so well with my Spring decor, I thought I’d share it again with you today! I originally saw this picture on Pinterest and was inspired. Inspired to pin it to my Future Projects board. And, inspired to give it a try. Of course, I had to do it my own way!

I started with a stack of pretty papers. I chose papers from my stash that was printed on both sides, which kept me from having to line up my leaves perfectly with another leaf. Smart, eh? I did this project with my momma and she chose beautiful autumnal colors. But, I wanted to be able to use this tree beyond Fall (and so glad I did!). My mom also differed in her method in that she used a leaf pattern to trace and cut her leaves. But, I simply stacked a few papers together and cut freeform leaves. I didn’t even worry about them being slightly different sizes. I just went for it. To make my stems, I took a short length (maybe 3-4 inches) of wire, sandwiched that between two leaves and glued it all together.

I wired all the leaves until I had a nice pile and then began the assembly. The sticks came from my mom’s yard and I arranged them in a vase before I put the leaves on. To add the leaves, I wrapped each wire around an area of the stick.

And, that’s that! A very simple and fairly quick project that makes for a pretty display! I’ve had mine since the Fall and they’ve held up beautifully!

I’ve used them on both a FALL themed mantel and a SPRING themed mantel. Perfect for both! And, currently they’re hanging out on my entry table (again!). Every bit of my decor gets regularly rotated to keep fresh content on my mantel. So, this vase of sticks has definitely traveled the house!

Thanks for letting me come visit today, Mandy! I hope you’re having a wonderful vacay!


52 Mantels52 Mantels52 Mantels

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Volunteering With Kids and Teaching Them to Give Back

A few years ago I was on a search for something that I could do to teach my boys the value of giving back and helping others. I was disappointed to find that many of the volunteering organizations didn’t participate in children volunteering.  Not that I blame them!!! My boys are very active! ☺

Then I found “Binky Patrol”. For those of you have never heard of Binky Patrol.  “They make blankets and give them away to children and teens in need, it’s as simple as that.”  I was so excited!  We could make a blankets!! My boys love quilts – crocheted or fleece tied. I can crochet (nothing fancy), but that wasn’t something the boys could do easily. So I checked out some fleece tying tutorials online and saw that they were so easy!

I took the boys to Joann’s where they each got to pick out fleece for their blanket to make and give away. The boys were so excited and we talked about how they were going to go to a boy or girl that really needed them. We all worked together.  It was a great family activity.

When we finished our blankets we took them to our local Binky Patrol Chapter, which for us, is in Lincoln, CA. We met the most wonderful person, Terrie, who is the director for that chapter. Terrie is one of those people that you instantly love the moment you meet her! Her commitment and generosity never ceases to amaze me.  She is truly wonderful and one of the kindest people I have had the pleasure of meeting…. and she made my boys feel so welcomed!

After we delivered our blankets, I really wanted to help even more. Terrie gave the boys and I the rare opportunity of delivering the blankets to those that needed them. Binky Patrol delivers blankets to Children’s Hospitals, NICU’s, children’s homes, homeless shelters for women and children, Child Protective Services, and a variety of other places that have children in need.

I never realized how many children are really in need. It was an eye opening experience for the boys and I, especially when we delivered them to the homeless shelters.  The boys realized the kids there didn’t have a home and the homeless children were so excited about getting a blanket of their very own.

My boys realized that day that they are very blessed.  It wasn’t about them. It wasn’t about getting the next toy. It was about helping others and giving back.

Thanks to the Binky Patrol, my children have learned a lesson that is truly a gift unlike any other.

“There is more happiness in giving than in receiving.”

The Binky Patrol always needs donations!!!

If you would like to donate to the Binky Patrol, here is the main web site.

You can check to see if there is a chapter near you.

 Lincoln, Ca chapter site

Thanks Mandy for having me.

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Knock Off Anthropologie Cup By The Cottage Market

Hi everyone, my name is Andrea and I am so honored to be guest-posting for Mandy (what a doll!) I would like to share a very simple project with you that has been very popular…hope you enjoy!  Sending hugs to Mandy as she enjoys the European Life!

 This is not a “Knock Off” but an extension of an idea : )from Anthropologie!
The reason this came about is that my kids gave me an Anthropolgie Mug for Christmas with the letter M for Mom on it…I have said that I love them and someone was listening!(by the way…they said they wanted to get 3 A’s…then it would say MAAA!!! :)   I was looking at it and then looking at the collections of “single” mugs I have accumulated and thought…hmmmmm this would be a great way to make those soul survivors kind of fun and funky and maybe even use them as gifts just to say “I’m thinking of you”
Simple Steps
You will need a nice clean mug!
You will need a porcelain paint market or a tube that you can use like a pen or use with a paint brush.
Draw on your Initial (any style…upper or lower…any size…whatever your little heart desires) Then follow the package directions to cure the ink…requires a very short baking period and then it is permanent ready for the coffee!
You can do one for everyone in the family…do them on drinking glasses…mugs…tea cups you find in the Good Will…vintage mugs…the list is endless! I think you will have tons of fun with it!  
They will make great gifts…add some yummy tea bags…some fresh coffee beans…maybe a vintage spoon and wrap pretty…a perfect gift for anyone!
Sending tons of 

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Let’s Talk About “Doing It Yourself” with Turnstyle Vogue

Hi everyone!

My name is Shari  from Turnstyle Vogue.  I’m so happy to be guest posting for Mandy today while she takes a much-deserved vacation. Isn’t she the greatest?  She has been one of my blog friends from the beginning.

My job is restyling furniture (that I sell) and as a side endeavor,  I started my blog to talk furniture and design.  In the seven months that I’ve been blogging, Turnstyle Vogue has evolved into a potpourri of my furniture reveals, tutorials and tips, tablescapes, design thoughts, and DIY projects.

Today, I’m not going to talk about my furniture.  Instead, let’s talk DIY.

Here is my big secret:  I have a love/hate relationship with DIY projects.


LOVE:  I love the challenge of creating a unique piece of home décor, especially if it is a knock-off of one of those fabulous items you keep eyeing in your favorite home décor store.

HATE:  I don’t consider myself a versatile DIY’er and I’m not a fan of cheesy projects just to say “I made this!”   Keeping in mind of course that the term “cheesy” is totally subjective!  One man’s cheese is another man’s treasure…isn’t that how the saying goes?!


I’ve talked before at Turnstyle Vogue about how I’ve never considered myself a crafty person, and I still don’t.  Obviously I like to create – it is a required skill if one wants to restyle furniture but  I don’t have a craft room and my sewing machine sits so long between projects that I have to Google how to thread a needle each time I want to use it.  Okay…I’m kidding a little on that one, but it isn’t too far from the truth!


That said, I do make some things.    I have always had a “I can do that” attitude towards many things, especially when I spy a potential need-to-have-that-now item that I can knock-off.  Many times though, I’ve just given in and bought it, rather than make it, simply because of time.  It has always been easier for me to just pay for it and bring it home and be done – especially when I was working in the corporate legal jungle.

2012-03-182Wire Basket Tutorials

My blog kind of changed all of this for me.  I posted a few DIY projects here and there but then I started getting feedback from my readers about how they wanted me to do more project tutorials.  I continually see it as a challenge because  I want to make sure I provide something fresh to the blog scene.  I don’t know if I’m always successful because there are so many talented bloggers out there that have brilliant minds and quick hands.


In addition to knock-offs,  a lot of my DIY projects stem from a challenge of trying to repurpose something.   I’m a very competitive person at heart and once in a while my eyes and my mind will immediately focus on a particular item and race each other to the what-can-I-do-with-that finish line.

Have you ever been there before?



Of course, being a furniture gal,  I always feel more comfortable if my DIY involves paint.  Paint is my friend.


What about you?  Do you bask in the glory of a DIY project or do you have these little guys hanging over your shoulders each time you start to create?

So, that’s my DIY story.  I’d love to hear yours!  I’d also love to have you all stop Turnstyle Vogue and chat.

Thanks again Mandy for inviting me to share at The Project Queen!  Enjoy every minute of your vacation!

Be inspired,

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Mother’s Day Cupcakes By The Sweet Swiper

Hi there!  I’m Kirsten from The Sweet Swiper, and I’m so excited that Mandy asked me to do a guest post on Project Queen for her while she’s on vacation!

Since Mother’s Day is coming up, I decided to do a pretty little cupcake that would make a beautiful centerpiece on a dessert table…..Water Lily cupcakes.  I got this idea from Cupcakes, Cookies & Pie, Oh My.  They’ve got a ton of amazing looking ideas for totally fun desserts (having two little boys at home, I’m always on the lookout for fun stuff).

For these cupcakes, you can use any flavor cupcake you want…and any size you want (regular or mini).  Go fancy or go plain…..homemade or a box mix…..it’s totally up to you.  Same goes for the frosting……homemade or store bought….your call.  I decided to go really simple, and make a box cake mix of chocolate fudge cupcakes, and bought a tub of vanilla frosting (something I would normally never admit to).

Once your cupcakes are baked and cooled you will also need:

white candy melt wafers

plastic spoons (they must be plastic, not metal)

vanilla frosting

red and green food coloring

yellow sprinkles

1.  To make the petals of the flowers, line a cookie sheet with wax paper.  Place the white candy melt wafers in a microwave safe bowl and heat until melted and stir until smooth.  Dip the back of the plastic spoon into the melted candy so that the back of the spoon is coated, and then gently shake off the excess melted candy.  If there is any melted candy that has oozed over the edge of the spoon use a finger or a paper towel to wipe it off.  Place the spoon, candy side up, on the cookie sheet and place in the refrigerator to harden (for about 5 minutes).

2.  Remove the spoons from the refrigerator and let stand for about 1 minute.  Then, very carefully, bend the back of the spoons to release the candy, forming the petals for the flowers.  You will break a few of them, but once you get the hang of it, it will go pretty fast.  You will need between 3-5 petals per flower, so continue with this process until you have enough petals.

3.  Separate about 1/4 cup of your frosting, and tint to a pale pink color using red food coloring.  Place this colored frosting in a ziploc bag.  Use the green food coloring to tint the remaining food coloring a vibrant (lily pad) green.

4.  Use a spoon to dab a dime-size dollop of the melted candy onto the wax paper.  Take a petal and place the larger end in the melted candy.  Repeat 2-4 more times with additional petals, overlapping each petal slightly, to make the water lily shape.  Refrigerate the flower until it has set, about 5 minutes.

5.  Frost the cupcakes with the green tinted frosting.  Use as much or as little as you like.

6.  Remove the flowers from the refrigerator.  Snip the corner off of the ziploc bag containing the pale pink frosting and dab on dots of pink frosting into the center of the flower.  Sprinkle the pink frosting with the yellow sprinkles.  Remove the flower from the wax paper and place on top of the cupcake.

7.  Serve, eat, and enjoy!

I really hope you give these a try……they’re sure to impress!  Check out Cupcakes, Cookies & Pie, Oh My! for more fun dessert ideas.

Thanks for playing in the kitchen with me…..come visit me over at The Sweet Swiper sometime!

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Spring Inspired Projects By I Gotta Create!

Hi!  I’m Christina from I Gotta Create! I’m thrilled to be here guest posting for my extra special blog friend, Mandy. 

Here are a few Spring-inspired projects that provide HUGE bang for your buck using recycled and inexpensive materials.

Oriole Nest Vase. Beautiful as a Spring centerpiece, or to decorate a mantel or shelf. As a symbol of nurturing, the nest would make a lovely Mothers Day vase, too. You won’t believe how easy it is to make!

Party Hat Tutorial. Super, super simple, inexpensive, and you can create any theme or look you want! Plus…can you guess what the pom poms and fringe are made of? I have a tutorial for each element.

Tinfoil Rose Tutorial. This is my most popular post and it’s been pinned thousands of times! Come see how it’s done and check out the other amazing foil projects I have for you. I PROMISE you’ll be glad you checked it out!

If you’re looking for seasonal inspiration, I have ideas for Halloween, Valentines, Thanksgiving, Christmas and more! 

Each of us is a creative Super Star in one way or another. To nurture our creative process, I am featuring in-depth interviews of Inspiring Creative Women. Share YOUR creativity at one of my linky parties to be eligible.

Mandy, I want to publicly thank you for your encouragement, kindness, not to mention being the very first blog to feature one of my projects. {And you’ve featured several of mine!} 

What a pleasure to get to know such a generous soul. I hope you’re having the best vacation ever <3


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Embellished Frame By Pitter and Glink

Hey, y’all!  I’m Bethany.  

I am a high school English teacher, and I’m married to a  middle school English teacher.  (Yep, we have interesting conversations at the end of each day school day!)  We have one furry baby named Lily.  My outlet is my crafting, and I share all my crafting adventures at my blog Pitter and Glink.  I’m so excited to have the opportunity to guest post at The Project Queen today!  I want to share with you how I created a striped embellished frame to go in my newly redecorated craft room.

I am a craft supply hoarder.  I buy frames (and every other imaginable craft supply) even when I don’t need them.  I tell myself that this is because I live forty five minutes from a craft store, but I don’t know if that is necessarily true.  It may just be an addiction…  Anyway, when I got ready to decorate a wall in my craft room, I first looked at the supplies I already had, and I found an unfinished wood frame I had bought from Walmart a long time ago.

I first painted the frame a pretty turquoise color.  My craft room is gray, and my two accent colors are turquoise and pink, so I knew the paint color would help make this plain frame the perfect new accessory for my wall.  After I painted the frame, I used painter’s tape to tape off stripes.  You can measure to create perfect stripes, but I just eyeballed it.

I used a stencil brush to apply the paint between the tape lines.  My brush was not heavily loaded with paint because I didn’t want the paint to seep under the tape.  Once the stripes were dry, I sanded the frame really well to distress it.  Then I decided I needed another color stripe on the frame.  I followed the same steps above to create white stripes on the frame.  

After everything was dry, I sprayed the frame with a clear coat to protect it.  Then it was time for the fun!  I always say that I think more is more, so I used various felt and fabric flowers, buttons, rhinestones, and even vintage earrings to create an embellishment on the corner of the frame.

The frame didn’t come with glass or a back, so I purchased a 5×7 frame from the dollar store and used the glass and back from it in the frame.  I simply used tape to keep everything in the frame, but you could definitely use something a bit more permanent.  I put a picture of my mom, sister, and me in the frame, and then my masterpiece was complete!

I really like the color combination.

And I love how the distressed paint balances out the girly-ness of the frame.  At least I think it does…

But, of course, my favorite part of the frame is the girly embellishment in the corner.

It’s the perfect frame for a special photo.  
I’m really thankful that Mandy let me hang out with y’all today.  If you liked this project, I hope you’ll head over to my blog to check out my other projects.
Happy crafting!


Craig’s List Makeover By Bleak 2 Unique

Hi, I’m Lori from over at Bleak 2 Unique where I like to do just that…take the bleak and make it uniquely me. I’m super excited to be a guest here at “Project Queen”….Thanks so much Mandy!!! Today I would like to share my first chair makeover. I have at least a dozen chairs stored here and there, but I finally got busy and fixed one up. This is one of three chairs that I picked up for free on Craigslist…gotta love CL. Unfortunately, I couldn’t decide what  to do with em’ , and so they sat in the garage forevvver. Then it occurred to me that I didn’t have to make a final decision….I could keep my options open by just tackling one, and see if I like it. Liking a lot of different styles can make it hard to make a decor decision sometimes…do y’all have that problem? Finally motivated to get moving, here is where I started…

A little dirty and beat up…but cute
Great details
Nice legs

She had a few “dings”, and I hate to sand, so out came the homemade chalk paint. Don’t get me wrong, I love Annie’s chalk paint, but since I have a budget I make my own…
 and you can too….you can get the recipe HERE.
After removing the seat and tightening up all the screws, I brushed on the first coat…

Needs more cleaning
Screws tightened
First coat on

While the chair dries, I worked on the new seat. Recently I found a curtain, and the fabric was just what I was looking for…bright, bold, and durable (the lining makes it heavier). The cushion was left over from another project, so I just cut it to fit and secured it with spray adhesive…like this…

Love this fabric
Cushion cut
Spray and press…done!

I used the seat as a template and cut the fabric leaving a six inch border. There was quite a bit of extra fabric to cut off, but too much is better than not enough, right? To finish off the seat I stapled each side in the middle…pulling tight, and working out to the corners. 

 Once the seat was finished I got back to the chair. Usually I just distress pieces a little bit, but on this project I wanted to try a more distressed look. I sanded, sanded some more and then finished up with a coat of wax…


The only step left….put her together and take her picture…..Here she is…”Paisley Love”. Tell me what you think…Too much distressing? Not enough distressing? Wrong color? Right color? Whatever you think, let’s hear it!

Thanks so much Mandy for having me over, and letting me share with your readers today!!!