ESOP is a non-profit HUD-certified housing counseling agency. Our main focus is to stabilize and strengthen communities – stabilize through foreclosure prevention programs and strengthen by developing local leaders and organizing area residents around important issues affecting their neighborhoods. ESOP has ten offices across Ohio committed to helping urban, suburban and rural homeowners.
For information call 1-877-731-ESOP.
ESOP has Spanish bilingual counselors in both Cleveland offices. Homeowners outside the Cuyahoga calling area who need Spanish-speaking services can call us toll-free at: 877-731-ESOP (3767). ESOP tiene consejeras que hablan Español en sus Officinas que estan localizadas en Cleveland. Los propietarios de vivienda fuera de Cuyahoga que necesiten servicios en Español, favor de llamar al número gratuito: 877-731-ESOP (3767).
Thank you to everyone who voted for ESOP in the Starbucks Community Card Vote.Give.Grow. contest.
While cautiously optimistic about this decrease in foreclosures, there is great concern about the dismal indicators on home equity and delinquent loans. They show that more than one in three homes is ‘under water,’ or worth less than homeowners’ mortgages.
New analyses by mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae conclude that loan forgiveness wouldn’t just help keep hundreds of thousands of families in their homes, it would also save Freddie and Fannie money. That, in turn, would help taxpayers, who bailed out the companies at a cost of more than $150 billion and are still on the hook for future losses.
Homeowners experiencing a hardship due to job loss or other loss of income can receive up to $25,000 in mortgage assistance from the Ohio Restoring Stability program.
For Immediate Release
March 23, 2012
For More Information Contact:
Deonna Kirkpatrick
(216) 361-0718 or[…]
Every day community organizers and foreclosure prevention advocates do battle to save home and neighborhoods[…]
Tomorrow Senators will vote on the nomination of Richard Cordary for Director of the Consumer[…]
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