Sunday, May 13, 2012
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Welcome to Southwest Foodservice Excellence

Southwest Foodservice Excellence specializes only in K-12 Child Nutrition. We are a unique breed of food service experts who share the same culture and belief: "Putting Child Nutrition First!"

Like you, we are all products of the K-12 community, and we are extremely passionate about education and nutrition. We truly want to make a difference for our children.

Whether you are accomplishing all your nutritional goals or not; it is always beneficial to network with other K-12 professionals. Please feel free to utilize us as a resource at anytime. The only way we can improve is by learning from one another. Let's unite in "Putting Child Nutrition First." 



  • Leading the K-12 community in battling childhood obesity
  • Being prepared to handle the imminent revised nutritional guidelines that the USDA will implement on all school districts
  • Maximizing Breakfast and Lunch Meals Served
  • Providing the most nutritious foods to your students
  • Operating a financially self-sufficient Child Nutrition Program
  • Improving student test scores
  • Decreasing classroom disruptions
  • Developing a healthy partnership between Students, Parents, Teachers and Communities

SFE 100% Guarantee

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