With NS3™ we can provide more reliable and robust service using smaller antennas.
Ziv Mor, CTO, RRsat
Maximizing bandwidth efficiency has always been among our top priorities and current testing of NS3 ™ indicates that this will be a key innovation.
Dave Bettinger, CTO and SVP Engineering, iDirect
Every now and then a solution comes along that can truly revolutionize a market. NS3™ from NovelSat is one such solution for satellite.
Goran Nastic, Editor, Cable & Satellite International
NovelSat’s NS3™ satellite modulation technology is bringing fiber-level costs to satellite broadcasting for the first time.
Simon Gatty Saunt, VP Sales Europe & Central Asia, SES
NovelSat’s NS3™ satellite modulation technology is spurring strong interest in the industry [and is] appropriate for our customers to incorporate.
Robert Vogel, VP of Network Engineering, Intelsat