Americana By Fee Fi Fo Fum (Data Pool)

Americana On A Car Hood By Keith Greco For Fee Fi Fo Fum

Album Cover Art By Keith Greco

these songs were written and performed 24 years and they were a warning about the dark side of America…a protest against the ugly american who was taking off his white hood and bleating his skull shrill yell. i dedicate these songs to the OWS movement.

Americana rehearsal (You Love Is Greed)

Americana rehearsal (The Great Supper)

Americana rehearsal (Dead Rider)

Americana rehearsal (Saints and Angels)

American rehearsal (The Voice)

The Great Supper Live In Downtown Los Angeles

Dead Rider Live At Al’s Bar Los Angeles

Posted in Fee Fi Fo Fum, Javier Hernandez-Miyares, Music, Street Art, Video Tagged ,

Silence By Fee Fi Fo Fum Live In 1986 ( Archival Recording)

Bloom Guitar
Bloom Guitar By JHM

Silence was written by Donald Johnson and Javier Hernandez-Miyares.

John Millspaugh: Drums
Mary K: Piano, Voice
Donald Johnson: Lead Vocals
Alberto Hernandez-Miyares: Bass
Javier Hernandez-Miyares: Guitar

Posted in Art Rock, Fee Fi Fo Fum, Javier Hernandez-Miyares, Music

Stark Raving Mad (Javier Hernandez-Miyares Raw Demo For Robert Bales)

Drawing By JHM

We are soldiers
Tied to the mast
Drifting on a raft
Stark raving mad.

In the ashes of Fallujah
Souls wander with the city crows
We came and conquered
Stark raving mad.

The eggs of Penelope
Stark raving mad
The amber of silence
Tied to the mast

Stark Raving Mad

We saw dirty angels
Light themselves on fire
Phosphorous and sirens
Over the walls of Babylon

We tear a path
Through the fabric of nightmares
A razor between the shore and sanity

We are stark raving mad
Tied to the mast
With a skull from Troy
Stark raving mad
Filthy mermaids.

Stark Raving Mad

First draft recording of a new composition dedicated to Robert Bales

Posted in 21st Century Socialism, Anti-Imperialist, Javier Hernandez-Miyares, Music, Poetry, Pyscho Symphonic Pop Tagged , , ,

Two Versions Of Movie Star (Pacia / Hernandez-Miyares) Performed By Sineparade

lisa zane lips
Impression Of The Lips Of Lisa Zane By JHM

Imagine you are a movie star
and all you fans are there
They need to catch a glimpse of you
As you float on thin air…

Steven Pacia: Lead Vocal, Acoustic Guitar
Javier Hernandez-Miyares: Electric Guitar, Bass, Drums, Piano, Backing Vocals
Matilda Hernandez-Miyares: Coda Voice
Produced By Javier Hernandez-Miyares

Steven Pacia: Lead Vocal
Armen Meschian: Lead Guitar, Backing Vocals
Alex Garcia: Drums
Ariel de la Portilla: Bass
Javier Hernandez-Miyares: Guitar
Produced by Armen Meschian

Posted in Art Rock, Javier Hernandez-Miyares, Music, Pyscho Symphonic Pop Tagged , ,

Davy Jones’ Locker (The Monkees At Where The Pieces Fall)

The Monkees (Archival Image)

Davy Jones’ Locker:
Another Monkey Drowning
Sounds like Porpoise Song

Haiku By JHM For Davy Jones

When i was a boy, the Beatles and the Monkees were the two forces that mated and created the zygote of my nascent musical imagination. The Beatles were the revolutionaries and the Monkees were the band manufactured by the establishment as an antidote for that fever, but it mutated…

Listen to this song and ignore the madcap mayhem in the video, which is a misdirection as in the performance of a magician: This song is as subversive as anything the Beatles ever did. It infected me.

With his fools gold stacked up all around him
From a killing in the market on the war
The children left king midas there, as they found him
In his counting house where nothing counts but more

Posted in Javier Hernandez-Miyares, Poetry, Psycho Haiku, Video Tagged , ,

Y Nada Mas (Silvio Rodriguez)

Silvio Rodriguez Live At Carnegie Hall (June 4th)
Pic By Diana Vargas Trent

Posted in 21st Century Socialism, Anti-Imperialist, Cuba, Music, Video Tagged , , , , ,

And So It Goes (Sineparade)

JHM Font

babe, where are you now?
are you thinking of me
like i’m thinking of you?

hey paul, was it all worth it,
all that converting?
who cares right now?

Posted in 17 Frost Street, Art Rock, Javier Hernandez-Miyares, Sineparade

Suppers Ready Performed 1980 (Occult Science Archival Recording)

The Occult Science Band (Memorial Park 1980)

Channeling The Ancient Stories Of Gods, Angels And True Love And For A New Jerusalem. This Is For Those Of You That Still Believe In It

Live performance at Februarys in Elmont By The Occult Science Band In 1980.
Music written by Peter Gabriel and Genesis.

Thomas Shaw: Voice
Joe Nocilla: Drums
Alberto Hernandez-Miyares: Bass
Ralph Garcia: Piano and Effects
Donald Johnson: Synth
Javier Hernandez-Miyares: Guitar
Ralph Lecessi: Flute

Posted in Art Rock, Javier Hernandez-Miyares, Music

Forms, Waking To A Body Felt…

Across The Water

Drawings By Javier Hernandez-Miyares

Back From The Briar Patch Of Hacker’s Delirium

Posted in Art Rock, Javier Hernandez-Miyares, Music, Sineparade Tagged ,

Revenge (Poem Written And Recited By Jim Dine)

3 Pianos By Jim Dine
Pic By JHM OF Jim Dine Lithograph

Revenge (Jim Dine) by Sinlab

Recorded At 17 Frost

Posted in 17 Frost Street, Jim Dine, Poetry Tagged , , ,