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Followers Stats Now on D3 Community

Posted by Nocturne on Nov 20 at 01:22 PM in News
Will you choose the Scoundrel , the Enchantress , or the Templar ?

Diablo 3 Beta Patch 6 is Live!

Posted by Nocturne on Nov 20 at 12:55 PM in News
Diabloe Beta Patch 6 is live!

The Beta Has Started!

Posted by Nocturne on Sep 7 at 01:05 AM in News
Well, for Friends and Family! There is one known stream that is currently up, check it out. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nomsayin

Leaks, Leaks, Everywhere

Posted by Nocturne on Sep 6 at 08:58 PM in News
Well, the Diablo 3 beta is quite literally around the corner. That said, the dataminers have been hard at work bringing to you some interesting bits of information. While we can assume that a lot of this information will be taken down in days to come, there are a lot of very spoiler-ific items to be seen with some of these leaked sites -...

Diablo 3 Auction House Information

Posted by Nocturne on Aug 29 at 12:20 AM in News
For all of those more interested about the Auction House and what that is all about, here is a basic overview that will hopefully address all of your questions.

Diablo 3 Information: The Event

Posted by Nocturne on Aug 4 at 12:53 PM in News
While there is a laundry list of bullet-pointed bits of information that have been posted in a myriad of places, another, a large list of questions were collected and answered over at incgamers . Diablofans has a full transcript of all that happened and the exact quotes, rather than paraphrased answers, but there are a handful of other...

Diablo 3 Exclusive Interview over at Battle.net

Posted by Nocturne on Aug 1 at 08:05 PM in News
"With the upcoming launch of the Diablo III beta test, the armies of the Burning Hells will march forth from their forgotten lairs to besiege the mortal realms anew. To prepare for this renewed demonic invasion, the Blizzard Insider has secured an exclusive interview with Lead Content Designer Kevin Martens as he shares his thoughts and...

Diablo 3 Beta Announcement

Posted by Nocturne on Aug 1 at 03:10 PM in News
We've gone and came back from Blizzard Headquarters and with it, a lot of information! Check out the official faq and the Battle.net Website along with all the other treasures found today!  

Press Event: D3 News Drop

Posted by Nocturne on Jul 28 at 12:43 PM in News
Prepare for a downpour of awesome information on August 1st. We have recently gone and come back from another heartwarming, awesome visit from Blizzard Headquarters. Check back for the full story in a few days!

Blizzcon Gets Site Update

Posted by Nocturne on Jul 25 at 05:24 PM in News
Earlier today, the EU Blizzcon site got an updated look! At the same time, the US Blizzcon site showed up with an error 404, stating that the site was not online. This could only mean that the same upgrade will soon be available to the US!

A Die-Hard Diablo Fan’s Scrutiny – Part 1: Reflection on Art

Posted by Nocturne on Nov 30 at 07:01 PM
Art direction has been the apex of Diablo-fan debate and it is only suitable that I address one of the continuing concerns of Diablo 3. This issue has been beaten to a pulp, dissected, re-dissected, buried, and resurrected amongst Blizzard and gaming communities across the internet, and I hope that this assessment...

A Die-Hard Diablo Fan’s Scrutiny - Introduction

Posted by Nocturne on Nov 7 at 11:09 PM
Yes, yours truly is and has been a Diablo fan since the word go. From being able to recite the runes of Diablo 2 as easily as the alphabet, to being able to name 90% of uniques before they’re identified – that’s the level of nerd I have achieved within the Diablo universe. I’ve gone through every game-breaking patch...

Experiencing Diablo 3

Posted by Nocturne on Aug 25 at 01:41 PM
While at Blizzcon I, too, was goo goo over the Diablo 3 gameplay demo and naturally ended up being the game I played most while at the convention. Not only that, but there was a chance for players to come across a hidden artifact that would award the finder with a signed piece of Diablo 3 concept art. If that isn't enough motivation...

The Guild at Blizzcon

Posted by Nocturne on Aug 22 at 04:28 AM
For those of you who do not know The Guild, you should know them. Earlier this month, one of their videos was posted on gamer-source. The particular youtube clip was a music video entitled "Do you want to date my avatar?" sung and performed by Felicia Day and co. The video in question...

125 Dollars for Skin Cancer

Posted by Nocturne on Aug 22 at 01:33 AM
So I'm blogging right now, recalling the very beginning of Blizzcon. For me, this was a 2 and a half hour experience in line. A line? For a convention? I thought that was interesting too...

Followers Stats Now on D3 Community

Posted by Nocturne on Nov 20 at 01:22 PM
Will you choose the Scoundrel , the Enchantress , or the Templar ?

Diablo 3 Beta Patch 6 is Live!

Posted by Nocturne on Nov 20 at 12:55 PM
Diabloe Beta Patch 6 is live!

The Beta Has Started!

Posted by Nocturne on Sep 7 at 01:05 AM
Well, for Friends and Family! There is one known stream that is currently up, check it out. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nomsayin

Leaks, Leaks, Everywhere

Posted by Nocturne on Sep 6 at 08:58 PM
Well, the Diablo 3 beta is quite literally around the corner. That said, the dataminers have been hard at work bringing to you some interesting bits of information. While we can assume that a lot of this information will be taken down in days to come, there are a lot of very spoiler-ific items to be seen with some of these leaked sites -...

Diablo 3 Auction House Information

Posted by Nocturne on Aug 29 at 12:20 AM
For all of those more interested about the Auction House and what that is all about, here is a basic overview that will hopefully address all of your questions.

I’ve been playing Diablo for a numerous amount of years and have always had a hard time finding a resource that provided me with what I was really looking for. When I found Diablo-Source I could really tell that this is a guide with a dedicated staff behind it and it’s clear that they take care of the visitor. Thanks you guys! – Claire, poker content editor.

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