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Melvin "Mel" Parker Award
The Maryland District of the Amateur Athletic Union is pleased to announce the establishment of an award recognizing the memory and many leadership contributions and coaching accomplishments of the late Mr. Melvin “Mel” Parker.
A long time coach of boys and girls basketball, Melvin “Mel” Parker contributed significantly to the advancement of amateur athletics in Maryland. This is attested by his 10 year tenure as President of the Maryland District of the Amateur Athletic Union and 10 years in leadership roles with the Peninsula Athletic League as basketball chairman and coach.
The Melvin “Mel” Parker Award will be given annually to the top male and female athlete who achieves a high standard of performance in AAU sanctioned district, regional, or national competition. The award will be presented to two individuals under the age of 18, in recognition of their commitment and achievement in their chosen sport. The athlete may participate in an individual or team sport. The honor was conceived as a way to focus attention on their participation in athletics, school and community activities, and qualities of leadership, character, and sportsmanship.
The first winners will be honored at the Annual Maryland AAU Outstanding Athletes, Coaches and Volunteers Awards Banquet. The MD/AAU Sports Awards Banquet Committee invites athletes, coaches, volunteers, and others to nominate applicants. The deadline for submitting applications is September 15th.
For additional information, download the Mel Parker Award Application Package (PDF), which includes Award Nomination information, Procedures & Applications, the Mel Parker story and more!
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